Rockstar Daddy (Wilder Rock #1)

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Rockstar Daddy (Wilder Rock #1) Page 7

by Taryn Quinn

  Swallowing hard, I tugged on the towel and squeezed my eyes tight like a damn kid. If I didn’t see her, if I just explored her with my hands, maybe I could hold onto a shred of my sanity.

  Her flesh was so soft. Almost like satin. I stroked my fingers down her throat and over her heart, stopping to feel the crazy beat. She was scared too. Overwhelmed.

  It wasn’t just me.

  She rolled her hips impatiently against mine and I cupped one of her breasts, eager to touch every part of her. To learn every inch. Her nipples were harder than diamonds and one flick of my thumb had her arching.

  “Legs open,” I demanded, and she dropped one foot to the floor, giving me all the room I needed.

  I stroked one breast then the other, testing the touches that drew the biggest response. What made her shiver and buck and drag her nails up the back of my neck.

  “You won’t have to pull my face to your pussy, Red.” I had to open my eyes. Just for a second. I was losing it without knowing what she looked like at every step. “I’m trying like fuck not to dive on it like a damn starving man.”

  She whimpered, tossing her head back and forth on the arm of the sofa.

  I clamped my hand over her slit and squeezed.

  “Yes. God, yes.” She dropped her head back over the side, baring her neck to me. I couldn’t stop myself from grazing her pale skin with my teeth, dragging them upward to make her delicate flesh pink. Her eyes flew open, her gaze latching on mine as I slipped a finger into the inferno between her legs she’d kept from me all night.

  Like a goddamn fire. So fucking wet. I couldn’t believe she could be that ready so fast. Just from a couple of kisses and a few fumbling touches.

  “He didn’t take care of you, did he? Fucking bastard.”

  She stared at me silently, watching me as I moved down her body. I didn’t need an answer. I had it already, just seeing the dampness waiting for me on the swollen lips of her pussy beneath her trim strip of dark curls.

  Time for the thirsty man to take a drink.

  Flattening my hand on her lower belly, I closed my mouth over her. She fisted her fingers in my hair, tugging on me from the first lick. Motionless? Like hell. She was like a live wire beneath me, spreading her thighs before I even had to ask. Splitting them wide open so that every part of her was on display.

  I rubbed my thumb over her stiff clit, so slowly that she ground her teeth together. Now I was watching her face. I had to see every response as I discovered her limits and shoved her over them.

  Speeding up my thumb made her tug harder. Slowing it down earned me the joy of seeing her raise her shoulders from the couch, thrusting her perfect breasts high. Her ruby nipples were like cherries meant for my mouth. I sucked one while I slipped even lower, using my thumb to wedge inside her entrance. Inching in as she gasped and moaned, gyrating her hips helplessly in her urgency to make me go faster.

  I didn’t. I slid a finger inside her to go with my thumb, my gaze on her eyes as her pupils blew wide.

  “So goddamn tight. Squeeze my fingers.”

  She did, her throat moving as another moan escaped. The sound seemed to surprise her so I scissored my fingers, stretching her methodically.

  I wanted more of her sounds. I wanted them all.

  “You’re going to strangle my cock,” I said against her breast, pressing deeper into her snug channel. “How many orgasms can you give me first?”

  “I can’t,” she whispered, shaking her head.

  I withdrew my soaked fingers and pressed them against her mouth. “Suck.”

  Hesitantly, she drew the tips between her teeth. Moaning softly as I pushed them inside.

  “That’s what you’ve given me so far. Gimme more.”

  I moved back down her body and yanked her leg over my shoulder. And this time I didn’t go slow, or ease her in.

  Or me for that matter.

  Sliding in two fingers, I sealed my mouth around her clit and sucked. The thigh against my ear shook and she bowed off the couch, chasing my erotic kisses as I slipped back then sank in again for more. I flicked my tongue between my drenched knuckles, fingerfucking her pussy with everything I had, half crazed to swallow her down. She was close. Her heart throbbing against my lips, her cries thin and high. The roar in my ears drowning out everything but her. Already I was tuned to her, and the need she couldn’t hold back a second longer.

  But I could.

  At the last second, I shifted and bit her inner thigh. She groaned as I flattened my hand over her quaking pussy, offering enough pressure to keep her revved but not enough to go over.

  “Mean,” she said, all wounded eyes and pouty lips.

  Somehow I laughed through the constriction about to turn my dick inside out. She was worth it.

  When her sobbing breaths started to slow, I lowered my head again. I aimed straight for her clit, licking it with short, fast strokes. I slid two fingers inside without hesitation. She was so slick and tight, so ready to come on my hand.

  I flexed my hips, driving my aching cock into the cushions. Wasn’t enough. When she spasmed against my tongue and her walls quivered around my fingers, I drew her clit between my teeth. I didn’t stop sucking through her cries and the frantic throb of her heart against my lips. She yanked at my hair as she flooded my mouth, and I’d never tasted anything sweeter.

  Mine. The word wasn’t just a passing thought now, but a primal rhythm in my blood.

  Gently, I set down her leg and moved up her body to frame her face with hands that shook. I met her mouth with my own, slicking my tongue against hers. Wanting her to taste what I had. Sharing it with her while she coiled her limp arms around my neck and hung on.

  “Thank you,” she breathed once we finally separated.

  I lifted a brow.

  “I was taught to always say thanks when I received a gift. I’m pretty sure that’s the best one I ever got. Like…by far.”

  “Jesus.” I turned my face into her hair and laughed. “You’re something else.”

  “You too.” She skimmed her hand down my back and wiggled her fingers under my waistband. “Can I see your ass now? I bet it’s fantastic.” She slid her hand lower under the silky fabric and purred like a damn cat as she dug her nails into my flesh. “Oh yes. Fantastic. So tight.”

  “I think that was my line,” I muttered, my ears heating.

  She slid her hand around to the front and cupped my cock, her fingers stretching and not coming close to meeting. Just like her lips.

  “Holy crap. Should I say thanks again now or later?”

  I shoved her shoulder as she giggled and drew me back again for another kiss. A sweet, sloppy one this time, punctuated by more giggles as I traced my fingers up and down her sides. “I have to go outside,” I said between kisses.

  “No, you don’t. It might not fit the first time, but we can keep trying.”

  My only response was a growl, which made her giggle again.

  “Condom,” I reminded her.


  “Yeah, oh.”

  She nudged my face back and twirled a finger around her nipple, batting her eyelashes. Because I knew exactly what she meant, I pinched her hip.

  “Did I say I thought you were innocent?”

  “Yes. I kind of am, in terms of sheer variety of experience. But I read dirty books, so that makes up for a lot.”

  I grunted and pulled her curious hand out of my boxers. If I didn’t get up and go now, I’d never be able to.

  “Wait here. Don’t get dressed.”

  She braced her head on her hand and yanked the throw over her breasts. “Nah, those snow pants are restrictive. Why do you think I sat around in a towel all night?”

  “To torture me?”

  Her lips curved. “Maybe a little. But I tortured myself more. It’s freezing in here.” Her eyes twinkled. “Luckily the fire and the beer kept me from frostbite. And now…other things.”

  “The other things weren’t on my agenda for tonight, but y
ou can be persuasive when you want to be.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Are you still in here? Go already.”

  “Going. Need to grab my pants from the other room. Cold out there, ya know.”

  “Here. Save yourself a trip.” She unwound the throw from around herself and tossed it to me before tugging up the towel to cover her breasts and between her legs. “Are you sure the temperature won’t hurt it?”

  I shrugged, deliberately misunderstanding her. “Cold doesn’t break dicks. A prolonged case of blue balls might cause me some harm though.”

  “Smarty pants. I mean the condom. Let me look on my phone—hey, I don’t have my phone.” She patted her hip. “Oh God, it’s been out there in the freezing car all night. It’s probably broken, and I never called my parents to let them know I wouldn’t be home tonight after all.” She rubbed her forehead as if it ached. “They probably think I’m at Ken’s but—”

  “Who the hell is Ken?”

  “You’re growling again.”

  I crossed my arms and waited.

  “Ken is my best friend. Kendra,” she added with extra emphasis on the second syllable. “Why do you care? It’s not like you intend to call me tomorrow, Mr. I Live in LA and Hobnob with Musicians.”

  I did more than ‘hobnob’ with them, but she didn’t need to know that. “I’m not a call tomorrow kind of guy.”

  “Good.” She jerked a shoulder and the towel slipped, revealing the mouth-watering curve of her breast. “I don’t want that. I’ve decided I’m going to be a one-night stand kind of girl. I’ve spent enough months whining about Derek.”

  My sore, still not completely deflated dick—thanks to the glimpse I’d gotten of her breast—really wasn’t interested in her relationship issues. But I felt bad for her, and she was a nice girl.

  Way too nice for the likes of me, so what the fuck was I doing with her?

  I scratched the back of my neck. “So, ahh, how long has it been? Since you guys ended.”

  “Two months since we first called it quits. But we weren’t sleeping together at the very end. He was always too tired from working so hard. Truth was he was banging the stripper.” She sighed and shifted halfway into a sitting position, somehow missing the fact that both of her nipples were now peeking above the towel and waving hello.

  And my eager cock was saluting right back.

  “That’s unfortunate.”

  “Not so much. You have a better ass.” She grinned at me, and I was frigging dazzled. Like lights blinding me, can’t see due to the damn spots in my vision type of shit.

  Fuck me.

  Time to get outside so we could finish what we’d started. Then I could move on and accept the reality of what this was. Excellent sex with a hot as hell, cute girl who was a little crazy and a lot fun and different from any of the women I’d been with in a long time.


  She flushed and bit her lip. “Think I might’ve left them in the car. I panicked when I went off the road.”

  This chick, man.

  “I’ll be right back.” I tossed her the blanket. If she thought I was going out in a damn near blizzard in just that and my boxers, she was nuts. “Keep warm for me.”

  “Oh, I’m warm. Running hot right now.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Can you grab my phone too? It’s in my purse. Just bring the whole thing in. Please and thank you.”

  “Uh-huh. Anything else?”

  “I wouldn’t mind some chocolate. PMS is a bitch.”

  Ignoring her, I headed to the front door and grabbed the sweats and hoodie I’d thrown on a peg. I tended to strip down the moment I came in the door.

  Once I’d pulled them back on, I stuffed my feet into my boots and grabbed my coat. And opened my door to a world of white.

  Fucking hell. Her pussy was the only one in the universe worth dealing with that.

  “Be careful,” she called, her words sucked away by me closing the door.

  I stomped my way through drifts that were way higher than they’d been even hours ago. By morning, we’d need to dig our way out of here.

  Maybe we could just stay in and fuck all weekend. Scavenge for whatever was left in the cupboards and discover a few new positions.

  With one condom? Not likely.

  A crazy part of me almost didn’t care. I’d never gone bareback before, but she was making me do things tonight that made no sense. I was already so out of my comfort zone with her. Next we’d be cuddling in the afterglow or some shit, and I wasn’t even sure I’d mind.

  I’d just blame it on the cold currently singeing my eyeballs and focus on getting that treasured piece of latex and back the hell inside.

  Trudging through the snow, I made my way to her car, still tilted precariously in the ditch. I tipped my head back and stared at the cloudy sky. A night like this should’ve been prime weather for Beth to make some good money. Maybe she had more work than she could handle and that was why she wasn’t answering the phone. Or calling me back, all these hours later.

  Tomorrow I’d get over there as soon as I could shovel my way out of here. I’d give Maggie a ride home and we’d figure out how to get her car towed. Either through Beth or AAA or some other place.

  Then I’d get on with having the rest of my relaxing solo weekend before I had to get my ass back to LA in time for the promotional tour for the single. That song release would mark the day my life officially became insane, possibly for good.

  If I was lucky, even if living in a fishbowl no longer sounded nearly as incredible as I’d once believed.

  I skidded down the side of the ditch and yanked on her car door handle. It took a few tries due to the damage and the cold—amazing how it was harder when I didn’t have her nearby to show off for—but I finally pried the door open.

  Getting inside wouldn’t be nearly as easy.

  Angling my body, I twisted and wedged inside, fumbling across the seat for the fluffy thing I figured had to be her purse. It looked like a chia pet made from pink fur. What the hell?

  Halfway back out, I spotted a tinfoil-wrapped lump on the floor that had to be her friend’s loaf of bread. I snagged that too and bumped my elbow against the bulging glove compartment, attempting to close it, but the contents spilled out everywhere. I could barely make out most of them in the watery moonlight through the windshield. Mostly maps and papers and girl crap it looked like. Hairbrush and tampons and inexplicable female items. I dug through the stuff just in case she’d shoved chocolate in there too for emergencies—which was not a pussy thing to do since I was hoping to get laid—and was about to give up when a miraculous piece of foil practically jumped into my hand.

  She kept her condoms in the glove compartment? Damn, girl.

  My mind filled with images of her rolling around in the cramped backseat with the Smiley dude and I nearly crushed the foil in my fist. Nope, that wouldn’t do.

  Picturing me rolling around with her in the back, however, worked just fine. Okay, her rolling and bouncing, and me shoving her pale thighs wide before I slid deep into her slick pink pussy—

  “Fuck.” I pushed my wrist against my twitching cock through my sweats. Just thinking about nailing her had me practically creaming in my damn pants.

  You really think you’ll have burned that out of your system by tomorrow? Good luck, brother.

  I pocketed the condom and tried to pick up as much of the mess on the floor as I could. Impatience was riding me hard, so I pushed things into the glove compartment haphazardly and slammed the door closed. Then I backed out of the car and shut the door.

  Shit, her keys.

  Fighting the wind, I retrieved them through brute force and extreme desire for sex. And okay, so I wanted to do a nice thing. Turnbull was beyond safe, especially on a night like this, but the keys shouldn’t be left outside any longer. Being trusting was one thing. Unsafe another.

  Isn’t that why she’s sleeping with you? Because she’s way too trusting and sweet?

sp; Not going there again.

  I slitted my eyes against the driving snow and trudged back to the house, clutching her ridiculous purse and her beloved loaf of bread as if they were priceless.

  My stomach grumbled as I hunched my shoulders against the howling wind. I was going to enjoy eating that freaking bread almost as much as I’d loved eating her pussy.

  Almost. Nothing could compare with that salty sweet perfection.

  My cock leaped against the soft material of my sweats and I nearly groaned. I wanted to go down on her again. I’d have to get her off that way one more time before I finally pounded her deep.

  So fucking deep.

  I clomped across the small stoop, trying to dislodge the snow attached to my boots and slipping inside to soak my sweats and my feet. A hot shower sounded excellent, with my sexy little car wrecker for company. I wouldn’t mind washing her back.

  Or her front.

  Pushing my shoulder against the door, I muscled it open. I juggled purse and bread and checked my pocket to make sure that important piece of foil was still safe and sound. Oh, and her keys. Perfect.

  I set down what I’d retrieved and shrugged out of my coat, hanging it and my hoodie on the peg. I kicked off my sodden boots and shed my sweats—and boxers too.

  The time for being subtle had passed, as evidenced by the major wood I was sporting as I carted her purse and bread into the living room.

  Fussy pink purse, check, old lady’s borrowed bread, check. Keys and rubber of glory, check.

  Massive cold-proof boner, double check.

  “Sorry, no chocolate, unless it’s in this crazy thing.” I held up her purse by the handle and glanced at the couch.

  She was sound asleep.

  My chest tightened and my dick wilted, pretty much in succession. Then I smiled, because it matched the rest of the night.

  I’d never forget it, that was for damn sure. Or her.

  I set down her stuff and went to crouch beside the sofa, intending to adjust her blanket. She’d said she was cold, and she was half uncovered.

  She rolled over, her arm dangling, thick lashes fluttering. “Kellan.”


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