Scene of the Crime: Black Creek

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Scene of the Crime: Black Creek Page 14

by Carla Cassidy

  Ed parked the car in front of the motel office and then turned and gave her a rueful smile. “I have a feeling your partner won’t want that.”

  “It doesn’t matter what he wants. We need to do whatever is necessary to catch this person.” While she appreciated everyone’s concern for her, this was her job, and the job was all she had in her life.

  Ed shrugged. “At this point I imagine I won’t be calling the shots. I’m sure somebody will contact you sometime tomorrow to let you know the plan.” He got out of the car and headed into the office.

  He was back quickly with the key to the same room where she and Mick had stayed the night before. She would have preferred a different room, one that held no memories of the night they’d shared in each other’s arms.

  “Thank you, Sheriff,” Cassie said as she got out of his car. She pulled her bags from the backseat and then unlocked the motel room door and turned back to wave at Ed.

  He pulled away as she stepped into the room and closed and locked the door behind her. The silence of the room should have calmed her, but it didn’t. She dropped her suitcases on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed, the same bed where she and Mick had made love.

  She didn’t want to think about that, nor did she want to think about the conversation they’d shared in the bathroom earlier that day.

  She got up off the bed, went into the bathroom and quickly lined up her toiletries on the bathroom counter then changed into her nightgown. The bedside clock read nearly two, and even though she got into the bed, she had a feeling it would take her a very long time to go back to sleep.

  She squeezed her eyes tightly closed. He’d asked her out on a date. He wanted to see if they could actually maintain a real romantic relationship when this was all over.

  Crazy, her brain exclaimed, and yet her heart was less certain. There had been a part of her that had wanted to fall into the softness of his eyes. There was a part of her that knew he was right about holding so tight to control and order would eventually make her a lonely old woman. She hated to admit to herself that she was already a lonely young woman.

  She must have fallen asleep, for when she opened her eyes again sunshine streamed in through the window and the clock on the nightstand read just after nine. She couldn’t remember a time she’d slept so late.

  Her first impulse was to jump out of bed, to get something accomplished, and then she remembered there was nothing for her to do. She remained in the bed and her thoughts instantly went to Mick and what they’d shared in this very bed.

  There was no question that they were sexually compatible. She felt complete and whole when she was in his arms, and that scared her.

  She hadn’t expected Mick to be the man he was…a loving brother, a great shopper, a fun companion and a good and decent man.

  She decided a long time ago to live alone, to be alone because it was the easiest way to completely control her world. There were no surprises, nothing to fear.

  Rolling over she hugged the pillow next to her, surprised to realize that control wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be.

  * * *

  MICK, ALL THE FBI AGENTS and Lambert’s team were all crowded into a small conference room. The room was overly warm, the air tense as Mick explained to them his new take on the murders that had occurred.

  “This means everything we thought we knew about the murders is probably wrong,” Mick said.

  “But from what you’ve told us has happened to you and Cassie since you two have been here, it’s obvious the killer wants her,” Agent Jacob Tyler said. He grabbed one of the doughnuts provided by Sheriff Lambert out of the box in the center of the long table.

  “So, wouldn’t the easiest way to catch this creep be to put Cassie back out there?” Deputy Ralph Gaines asked.

  “That’s not going to happen,” Mick replied, his stomach churning at the very thought. “I have no intention of putting Agent Miller into the line of fire. This situation is too volatile.”

  “Then how are we supposed to solve these cases?” Deputy Alex Perry asked, his frustration evident in his tone of voice.

  “We all need to go back to the beginning,” Mick replied. “We begin the new investigation focusing solely on women. We talk to every blonde woman in town, find out if anyone has hassled them, start a list of men who have had bad experiences with blonde-haired women.”

  “Hell,” Alex Perry exclaimed. “I think probably each and every one of us here could put our name on that list.”

  All the men laughed and when they quieted Mick continued, “The man we’re looking for is probably between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five. We don’t know yet what triggered him to suddenly start killing, but my guess is that our perp suffered some sort of trauma or dramatic event in the last year or so.”

  “So, you don’t think this has anything to do with the mayor’s attempt to change the name of the town?” Lambert asked. The sheriff’s middle-of-the-night sojourn to Cobb’s Corners showed this morning in the exhaustion that tugged his features downward.

  Mick hesitated a moment and then shook his head. “No, my gut instinct tells me this is much more personal than that. However, we all need to keep all theories of the crimes in play.”

  The meeting lasted until afternoon and finally broke up with everyone being assigned a specific task. As the rest of the agents and deputies dispersed, Mick caught up with Sheriff Lambert before he disappeared into his office.

  “Sorry about having to get you up in the middle of the night,” Mick said.

  “Not a problem. To tell you the truth, I haven’t been sleeping that well since the first murder occurred,” Ed replied.

  “I have a slightly uncomfortable question to ask you,” Mick said.

  Ed motioned him into his office and closed the door behind him. “What’s up?”

  “I noticed there is an adult shop in town.”

  “There is,” Ed replied slowly.

  “It came to me last night after you left with Cassie.” Mick shoved his hands into his pockets and gave the sheriff a wry smile. “It might be a stupid idea, but I was thinking maybe there was a way to pull Cassie back into the Sweetheart Suites without actually having her there.”

  Ed frowned. “What in the heck are you talking about?”

  “A life-size blowup doll with blond hair that can be put on the love seat in front of the window of our suite.”

  Lambert’s brown eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “I suppose it could work.”

  “The killer has taken a couple of shots at her before. She’d be a perfect target in that window. But I can’t waltz into that store and buy one. I can’t be sure that the killer isn’t following me to get to Cassie.”

  “Understood. I have a lady friend who can take care of the purchase and arrange for one of the store employees to deliver it to your door. Nobody should get suspicious of the newlywed couple ordering a few toys to enhance their honeymoon pleasure.”

  Mick nodded in relief. “Great, I’ll prop her on the love seat this evening and then I’ll sneak out the bathroom window and watch what happens.”

  “You want extra men on this?” Ed asked.

  “No, the fewer people skulking around the area, the better the odds that our guy will make a move,” Mick replied.

  “I’ll get your new wife to you within the hour,” Ed said.

  With the arrangements made, Mick left the building and stepped out into the hot, humid afternoon. Instantly his thoughts flew to Cassie. He hadn’t called her before the meeting, knowing that it had been a late night for them all. But now he needed to hear her voice, to assure himself that she had fared okay alone in the Cobb’s Corners Motel room.

  He waited until he got back to their suite and then sank down on the bed and called her cell phone.

  She answered on the first ring. “I was wondering when you were going to call and let me know what’s going on,” she said, stress evident in her tone of voice.

  “First things first,” he replied.
“How are you doing?”

  There was a long pause. “I’m okay, I guess, although bored out of my mind.”

  “I’m sure it took you a few minutes to set up your stuff in the bathroom. Toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, hairbrush, gel and spray and finally your bottle of perfume. Always in that exact order, right?

  “Are you making fun of me?” she asked crossly.

  He laughed. “On the contrary, I’m letting you know that I pay close attention. I’ll also have you know that I folded my own clothes this morning and made up the bed. I don’t like the sight of an unmade bed.”

  There was a pause and then she finally replied, “Is there a reason you’re sharing this with me?”

  “I guess I just wanted you to know that an old dog can learn new tricks.” He stifled a sigh. What he wanted to tell her was that if they both learned to compromise just a little bit they could share a world.

  But he’d already flung his heart out to her and she’d pretty well stomped on it. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake again.

  “I suppose you’d rather me tell you that there’s a potential that you’ll be shot in the back of the head tonight.” He explained the plan he’d devised and the high points of the meeting.

  “Just don’t get too cozy with your new bride,” she said teasingly. “People will talk.”

  He laughed. “I like my women a little less plastic.” He pressed his phone closer to his ear, wishing she was here beside him right now. “If my plan works then there’s a possibility this whole case will be wrapped up tonight and tomorrow night you will be sleeping in your own bed.”

  “And not a minute too soon,” she replied. “Mick, I just want you to know that I’ve enjoyed working with you.”

  He held his breath, hoping there would be more to follow. But there wasn’t. “Back at you,” he replied with a forced lightness.

  “You’ll keep me informed how things go tonight?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  Geez, how had he become such a lovesick fool in such a short period of time? After hanging up with her, he paced the room, thinking about her.

  She’d come at him out of nowhere, with a tragic past and a strength of spirit that stole his breath away. The lyrics to an old song blossomed in his head. He’d rather live in her world than live without her in his. Unfortunately she was in total control of what she wanted in her life, and he wasn’t what she wanted.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He opened it to see a young man wearing the Newlywed Night Shop for Adults T-shirt, a bad case of acne and a smirk. “Your order,” he said as he held out a large plastic bag.

  “Thanks.” Mick took the bag, gave him a tip and slammed his door, half-embarrassed that the kid knew what was in the bag. He could only imagine what he was envisioning the doll having to do with a newlywed couple’s nightlife. This case was taking him to places he’d certainly never been before.

  It took him nearly an hour to pump up his new, slightly obscene companion. She had wide blue eyes and the requisite blond hair and Mick knew he’d have to anchor her down to a sitting position for this to work.

  Once Plastic Cassie was ready for action, he stashed her in the bathroom until it was time for her to go to work later that night. With the rest of the afternoon stretching out before him, he decided to head down the street to the coffee shop and shoot the breeze with Joe. Who knew what tidbits of information he might be able to pick up there.

  Unfortunately Joe wasn’t working and a teenage boy was behind the counter. Mick ordered a tall cup of coffee and a couple of doughnuts and then left the shop.

  On the way back to the suite he stopped in the Chinese restaurant and ordered sweet-and-sour chicken to go. Dinner and dessert, he thought as he made his way back to the cottage, and hopefully before the night was over…a dead doll in the window.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cassie spent most of her weekends home alone if she wasn’t working a case and yet she’d never felt as lonely as she did now. She’d spent most of the day watching television and trying to keep thoughts of Mick out of her mind. But he was like an echo in her brain that refused to quiet, a haunting refrain of a song that wouldn’t be forgotten.

  He wanted a relationship with her when this was all over. He’d made it quite clear that he wanted them to explore something more than this assignment, something far more personal.

  The idea both excited her and scared her half to death and she couldn’t seem to get it out of her head. Even though she knew Mick didn’t adhere to schedules, that life with him would always be filled with surprises and unexpected delays, there was a tiny part inside her that thought she’d be willing to put up with that to be with him, a part of her that wanted more from him.

  The sex had been amazing, but just as exciting was the way he could make her laugh, how safe she felt in his presence, the kind of safety and security she’d never in her life experienced before.

  Was it just a mirage? A vision of her own desperate need to have somebody she could depend on, somebody who would never let her drown in a pool or force her to run in the middle of the night from the place she called home?

  She didn’t want just anyone, her heart knew she wanted Mick. But her past, her fear, was greater than her want and he was right, that was a damn shame.

  She had walked next door to the fast-food place at about four, for the first time seeing Bob Hastings behind her. She had no idea where he’d parked his car, didn’t know what hidey-hole he’d found to keep an eye on her, but she thought his presence was an unnecessary precaution.

  She was confident that the perp didn’t know she was here in Cobb’s Corners, that he would believe she was still with Mick at the Sweetheart Suites in Black Creek.

  She ate in silence, the familiar silence of her life, and missed Mick’s teasing comments, the sparkle of his eyes as he sat across from her at the table. She was shocked to realize the silence, the peace and calm, no longer felt as comfortable as it once had.

  As darkness began to fall outside a knot of anxiety began to tighten in her chest. Would the perp take the bait? He’d shot at her before in the brightness of daylight. Would he take a head shot of “her” seated in the window of the suite, lit perfectly by the lights in the room?

  Hopefully if somebody did shoot at the dummy doll, Mick would be nearby to grab the man and get him under arrest. Mick was right, it could all go down tonight and she could be back in her own bed, in her own apartment by tomorrow night. The thought should bring with it an enormous sense of relief, but it also brought a tinge of regret.

  What might have been had she not endured the childhood she’d been handed? What might have been if she wasn’t so afraid to reach out for something new, for something different than the way she’d lived her life as an adult?

  She checked her watch. Just after seven. There was still about an hour and a half before complete nightfall and the killer probably wouldn’t make a move until the whole town was sleeping.

  Even though it was early, she changed into her nightgown and got settled comfortably in bed. She tuned the television to an old sitcom rerun with the volume set low. It was going to be a long night.

  She nearly jumped out of her skin as her cell beeped to let her know somebody had texted her. WHAT R U WEARNG? It was from Mick and she couldn’t help the smile that curved her lips and warmed her heart. He could be positively incorrigible.

  NOTHG, she texted back.

  Her phone rang immediately. “What do you mean, nothing?” Mick asked, his voice warm and slightly wicked.

  “You asked, I told you.”

  “You’re telling me tall tales, Cassie Miller. If I know you, you’ve got that nightgown on and are in bed covered up to your neck.”

  She smiled into the phone, pleased that he had called. “Actually, you’re absolutely right,” she agreed. “And what are you doing right now?”

  “Waiting. There’s nothing worse than waiting for evil to show up.” The charm s
lipped from his voice. “I just hope this works, because we’ve got nothing on this guy and no other plans that might catch him.”

  Cassie sat up and pulled her knees up to her chest. “He’s got to be ready to explode, Mick. If what we believe is true, then he’s made three attempts on my life and has failed. He’s got to be out of his mind with crazy, obsessive need.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on,” Mick replied. “Let’s just hope he falls for the dummy in the window.”

  “I want you to call me if anything happens, no matter what time it is,” she said. “I’d like to know the time of my alter ego’s demise.”

  “Let’s just hope it does happen tonight. Otherwise we have to figure out a new plan for tomorrow.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” she replied.

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “Well, I should let you go. I just wanted to hear your voice before the night truly began.”

  “I’m glad you called, Mick. Be safe tonight. Don’t try to be a hero if things get too dangerous.”

  “Don’t worry, my ego and self-love are way too great for that,” he replied lightly.

  “I’m serious, Mick. No heroics.” Her heartbeat quickened at the thought of anything bad happening to him. Just because she was afraid to invite him into her life long-term didn’t mean she wanted anything to happen to him.

  “Promise,” he said.

  There was a moment of awkward silence.

  “Cassie,” he finally said. “I hope someday you find a man who you’ll allow to get in, a man who can bring you happiness, give you the family you never had. I want that for you, Cassie.”

  A small embarrassed laugh escaped her, a laugh that to her horror ended on an unexpected sob. “Keep me posted, Mick,” she said, and then clicked off.

  Tears spilled from her eyes and she swiped at them, not understanding why she was crying. She’d known that Mick McCane was trouble the very first time she’d laid eyes on him. She knew he’d wreak havoc in her life. She’d just never expected to fall in love with him.


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