A Submissive's Gift

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A Submissive's Gift Page 12

by Maggie Ryan

  As the day drew to a close, Craig and Barbara stood at the door as everyone again expressed congratulations on their engagement and praised Barbara for her Oscar worthy performance.

  "I can just imagine the stories of how their parents got engaged we'll be telling all our grandchildren," Helen said, as she hugged her eldest daughter.

  "I gotta say, this family will never lack for entertainment," Ben laughed, as he engulfed Barbara in his arms. "I am so happy for you, darling. You are an incredible woman and deserve to be incredibly happy."

  "I am," Barbara said, giving him a kiss before stepping back into Craig's arms. "I've never been so happy in my life."

  "And, it's only just begun," Craig promised, bending to press his lips against hers.

  That night, he caused his fiancée to break into goose bumps when he arranged her over his prone body, her freshly waxed pussy above his mouth. "Shall we see who enjoys their cream the most?" he asked, his voice husky as his cock jerked with the swipe of her tongue against the slit that was glistening with his obvious need. "I should spank you for that, you little cheat," he teased, her quick giggle delightful to hear as his large hands ran across the globes of her ass, giving each cheek a swat, causing her to moan and press her sex down towards where she knew his magical tongue waited.

  "Sorry, Daddy," she said softly, one hand moving to cup his testicles, gently massaging them as her other hand began to stroke up and down his long length. "I'm just eager to show you how thankful I am that you are my daddy and my fiancé." His reply was to give a deep moan and push his hips up as he pulled her glistening sex towards his mouth.

  Giggles and teasing were forgotten as each concentrated on bringing the most pleasure possible to their partner. Every time Craig slipped his broad tongue between the slick inner lips of Barbara's pussy, she gave a soft moan, suckling just a bit harder on his cock, making sure every inch of his shaft was worshipped by her tongue. Repeated apologies after regular spankings had given her practice in perfecting her skills at taking the entire length of his impressive cock down her throat. As she felt his testicles begin to swell, she felt her own end approaching. Her deep moan of satisfaction turned into a strangled cry of ecstasy as she felt her lover's fingers thrust into her rectum as his teeth claimed the entirety of her swollen clit. She flooded his mouth a moment before she accepted each spurt of his release, the true gift being that each had been more intent on giving pleasure to the other than on receiving their own. Craig eventually moved her to lie in his arms, his lips on hers, as they both gave their silent thanks to God for allowing them to find the one that made them feel whole.

  Chapter 10

  The sight of the beautiful woman, her body gently swaying as the swing moved beneath her, was a vision that Logan tucked into his mind in order to ensure it was never forgotten. He stood silently, taking in the fact that his fiancée had accomplished what few ever believed she could.

  He had walked up the long drive after closing the heavy black iron gates that had been erected at the entrance to Haven. The last of the trucks had pulled out of the drive, after being emptied of its load of furniture. Standing at the bottom of the steps that led to the newly refurbished veranda, Logan admired the woman seated on one of the many white porch swings meant to hold a couple. She was stunning, despite the fact that her jeans were dirty and had a new rip in one knee, her t-shirt never again to be the pristine white it had been that morning. Her head rested against the back of the swing. Her hair had been pulled back into a high ponytail, but several ink-blank strands had escaped to curl about her face. Spots of dirt colored her cheeks instead of any manufacturer's blusher, and Logan thought he had never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.

  This woman had placed the last vase on a table, instructed Logan where to pound the last nail into a wall to hold a picture, and had done everything necessary to turn what had been a rundown, ramshackle, forgotten house into the pristine, welcoming hotel that stood before him. Even he, who had never doubted that Elizabeth would fulfill her lifelong dream, had to admit that the final product far surpassed his expectations. Along with Nancy, Elizabeth had proved they were not only designers, they were truly artists. From the moment their car pulled into the drive bordered by beautiful flowerbeds, clients would understand that nothing had been overlooked to ensure that the time spent behind the black iron gates would provide treasured memories for anyone lucky enough to have found the Haven that had been painstakingly put together for their comfort.

  Opening her eyes, Elizabeth's glance fell on Logan. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that he was simply standing there, staring at her.

  "Hi," she said softly, her lips curving into a smile that that he could not help but return. He slowly took the steps and walked across the freshly stained planks towards her. Stooping to first sweep her into his arms, he settled on the swing, cradling her on his lap.

  "Hi, yourself," he said, before dropping a kiss onto the top of her head. "You've done an amazing job, Elizabeth."

  "Can you believe it's over?" she asked, her hand moving to lie against his face, her fingers trailing down his cheek. The feel of the stubble along his cheek and jaw gave proof to the fact that it had been an incredibly long day. This man, the man she had given her heart and soul to, was the one who had made it possible for her to face every challenge the past year had presented.

  "It's only just begun," Logan murmured, turning his cheek in order to press his lips against the palm of her hand. "You have done the impossible. Your dream is now visible for all to see—to share. I could not be prouder of you. You are an amazing woman and deserve only the very best. Thank you for allowing me to be part of—of everything. It's been an incredible adventure."

  Elizabeth felt every word he spoke sink into her very being. There was no need for her to voice her thanks to him, no reason she needed to remind him that she could never have done it without his unwavering support and encouragement.

  They both knew the roller-coaster ride of the renovation process had included many ups and downs, as well as twists and turns they had not expected. They both understood that there had been times when it seemed impossible that the end would finally come. Not needing to say anything about the process, she spoke of one of the benefits of that process instead.

  "I'm surprised we haven't been besieged yet." She watched his eyes, seeing a flash of something just before he turned his head to look off into the twilight. He was the strongest man she knew, but it seemed that his very strength was holding him captive. He was making the right moves, speaking the right words, and yet something was wrong. As if to prove her thoughts were misguided, his eyes returned to hers, his eyebrow quirked.

  "I've been making all sorts of promises in return for the right name to be pulled tonight. I know you refuse to rig the drawing but…" His voice trailed off, but his arms tightened around her, pulling her against him as if needing to know she was still there.

  Elizabeth laid her head against his chest. "Logan, I don't need to win the drawing. I just need you."

  His eyes closed briefly, his heart wanting to assure her that he was hers. "Perhaps we should postpone. Perhaps everyone is too tired to do the test justice, and we can—"

  "Not on your life, big brother. We've been waiting for this night for months. I can't help it if you are getting old. Or, are you just crotchety because you've yet to persuade Liz to rig the drawing?"

  Logan groaned as the door to Haven opened and their friends spilled out onto the porch. Ariel giggled as she plopped herself down on the swing next to her brother. "Fates are quite fickle, you know—especially when I'm betting that every one of us has been making the same sorts of promises that you have. Heck, I've promised to keep my curiosity to myself if only I see my name drawn."

  Laughter and loud harrumphs met her comment, causing her to cross her arms across her chest and stick her tongue out at her friends, before breaking into giggles. "Okay, okay, I can understand your response, but I really would try."

  "I suggest we stop all these promises that we all know are barely concealed lies, before some little lady's butt has to pay the price," Garrett said, pulling his fiancée up from the swing and giving the seat of her dusty jeans a swat. He ignored her protest, drawing her to his side and dropping a kiss on the top of her head. "Even though we've all worked our fingers to the bone, it's been at least fifteen minutes since I've had to move a piece of furniture 'just a few inches to the right'. Given that opportunity to rest, I guarantee that I'm positive I'm up to the challenge of the test should your curiosity need sacrificing."

  Jason grinned as Nancy put her hands on her hips. "Furniture positioning is an exact science, I'll have you know."

  "I beg to differ," Garrett countered, bending his head from side to side and rolling his shoulders, as if needing to work out the kinks from his physical exertions. "I think you just like seeing men lugging huge pieces of furniture around and listening to your orders."

  Nancy's giggle spoke of the accuracy of his words, but no one truly held her responsible for their sore muscles. All had enjoyed every moment of finally arranging the very items that would bring life to the beautiful rooms that Ryan and Julie had given the hotel.

  The couples had spent the entire weekend unloading trucks, unpacking boxes, and making continual comments about the fact that it would all be worth it for the prize awaiting the last picture being hung, and the final pillow plumped on one of the beds in the eighteen rooms now waiting for their first customers. By implicit agreement, the four couples had promised not to jump ahead of the game to try out any of the rooms, though it took every ounce of their strength to keep from sneaking in only a few kisses and not falling into the wonderfully comfortable beds.

  It had been the plan from the moment they all walked up the dirty, rickety stairs of the house, that when Haven was done, a drawing would determine which lucky couple got to closet themselves behind the closed doors of one of the suites and then initiate the activity that would test the soundproofing that the hotel promised. Now that the time had come, it was natural that they all seemed just a little reluctant to discover who would be walking up the stairs in triumph, knowing the rest would be left to walk about the beautiful new hotel to try to ascertain any noises escaping the lucky room.

  "Okay, everyone has given their last promise, so perhaps it's time to end this agony," Jason suggested, accepting the bowl Craig had brought from the kitchen. Slips of paper were passed out and names printed, with a final prayer, before being dropped into the bowl.

  "Oh, we never decided who gets to do the drawing," Nancy said, as Jason shook the bowl. "I propose Elizabeth has the honors, since Haven would never have come to life without her dream."

  "Heck, no," Ariel argued, stepping forward and lifting her hand. "Despite Logan's swearing he'd be fair, I would not put it past him to have rigged the drawing. Knowing my dear brother, he's probably promised his fiancée a spanking if she doesn't go along with his evil plans." She ignored the roll of Logan's eyes as she snapped her fingers, indicating that Jason was to lower the bowl so that she could draw out the lucky winner. Breath was held as they all watched her fingers dip into the bowl, swirling the slips around until finally selecting one. Drawing it out, she turned to face her friends and family.

  "For God's sake, read it," Logan growled, as his baby sister drew out the moment in the way he should have known to expect.

  "Don't be so hasty." Ariel grinned, her smile mischievous as she slowly waved the folded piece of paper. "Aren't you the one who insists anticipation is almost as good as the actual event?"

  Elizabeth couldn't stifle the quick giggle that Ariel's words caused, remembering the many times that Logan had teased her for so long that she was practically a puddle of Jello, begging him to finish the spanking, let her climax, or any of a dozen things. He was definitely the man who enjoyed stringing out the pleasure he was capable of delivering.

  "Garrett, if your fiancée doesn't stop dawdling, I swear I'm going to spank her myself," Logan warned, causing Ariel to squeal and jump back as he reached for her hand.

  "Okay, geeze, you're no fun," she pouted, as she opened the piece of paper and silently read the printed name. "No!" she protested, turning and running into the hotel. Logan stared after his sister in shock.

  "Hey, get back here, Ariel," he demanded. By the time he'd stood up, placing Elizabeth onto her feet, the others had followed the fleeing girl. "What the hell? She's the one who drew the name—she can't accuse me of cheating." Elizabeth shook her head, her hand clasped in his as he practically dragged her across the porch. Ready to do battle, Logan's mouth was already open when he suddenly drew to a complete stop at the sight before him.

  "Congratulations!" The word was chorused by all those that had gathered behind the beautiful round table that would normally hold a tall vase of flowers to welcome guests. Instead of flowers, wrapped gifts were piled onto the surface, six smiling faces testament to the fact that the drawing had indeed been rigged.

  "There was never a contest," Garrett explained, his grin wide as he enjoyed the fact that their plan had actually rendered Logan speechless. "Elizabeth and you have always been the winners. No one deserves the prize more than you two."

  Elizabeth had tears in her eyes even as her cheeks flushed with the realization of what her friends had planned. Every ounce of fatigue fled her body as it began to tingle in anticipation of what Garrett's words meant. "What a remarkable gift," she said, her fingers tightening their grip on Logan's hand.

  "I don't know what to say," Logan said, the generosity of their friends momentarily allowing him to forget his pain. He felt his body beginning to quicken, the memory of the evening when Elizabeth had found her voice crystal clear in his mind. With that memory came the almost crushing doubt that he was the one who truly deserved to hear it again. His eyes closed briefly as he mentally pushed the negative thoughts away. No matter what, he owed this to Elizabeth—he owed her so very much.

  "Just open your presents," Ariel suggested, picking up a box and holding it out to her brother. She might be a drama queen, but she was well aware that her brother seemed to be struggling—though he would rather die than admit it. "Logan, I never doubted your integrity, I swear." She squealed as Logan ignored the box, lifting her off her feet and squeezing her hard.

  "Thanks, Squirt," he said, kissing her soundly. "I'll let that lie pass because I know you helped rig the drawing." Setting her down, he took the box and passed it to Elizabeth.

  By the time the boxes were all opened, the theme of the test was without question. A bottle of bubble bath, a wooden handled bath brush, and a large loofah told the story that the bathroom was not to be ignored in the testing process. A skimpy, very thin and extremely sexy midnight blue gown was just waiting to be worn by the beautiful co-owner of Haven, and of course, to be removed by her handsome, sexy Dom, who just happened to be her co-owner.

  Elizabeth felt her skin begin to tingle as Logan ran his fingers through the multiple strands of a new flogger. Looking up, she gave Nancy a smile, acknowledging the choice of the implement that her friend had pretended to want to purchase for herself during the visit to Harry's. The soft strands would caress Liz's skin with every stroke while driving her to the point of begging for Logan to take her with a far firmer touch.

  Picking up the last item, she gave Logan a puzzled look. "What's this?"

  Chuckling, Jason provided the answer. "It's a recorder. Hell, we all know that Ariel was serious about the whole anticipation comment. It's enough that you two are going to have all the fun—you can't expect us to hang around for hours, can you? We'll give you some time as we check different areas, but then you two are on your own. You can check the tape at your leisure."

  Logan wrapped his arm around Elizabeth, truly touched by the thoughtfulness of his friends and family. Before he could speak his thanks, Garrett made a point of looking at his watch.

  "And, buddy, your time starts now, so I suggest you get busy!" Laughter followed the
couple as they realized that thanks didn't need to be verbalized. Gathering up their gifts, they grinned at each other as they headed for the stairs. "Don't forget to turn on the recorder and put it outside your door!" Garrett yelled above the laughter. True to their plan, the six spread out around the hotel, each listening to see if any sounds could be heard once the door to the chosen room was slammed shut. When several minutes passed without a sound, they all gathered at the entrance again, grinning with the success of Elizabeth's determination to provide absolute privacy to her clients. Locking the door behind them, the couples sauntered along the path that led around the lake to where five cabins had been built in record time, each praying that their rigging of the drawing had the results they all wished.


  Logan smiled after placing the recorder on the floor and pushing the record button. He gave her a sexy look, his eyebrow quirking as he opened the door to one of the suites on the second floor. "Shall we?" he asked, bowing low and sweeping his hand to the opening, ushering her inside to claim their prize.

  Elizabeth returned his smile, but her heart was pounding far more than the knowledge that they were going to make love warranted. She remained silent, flinching only a bit as Logan purposely slammed the door closed, informing those below that the test had officially begun. Watching as he took their gifts from her arms to toss them onto the beautifully made bed, she took a deep breath, ready to use her voice in a way he would certainly not be expecting. After accepting his kiss when he drew her into his arms, she placed her hands against his chest, pushing away when his lips parted from hers. The flash of pain and doubt in the depths of his eyes tore at her soul. She had seen that look ever since the night of the costume party. Though they had made love dozens of times since then, something had been missing. Elizabeth hadn't worried at first, but when she continued to feel that he was pulling away from her after the conclusion of their case, she had to fight not to give up hope. She felt something vital between them disappearing. It was like a large vessel, that had been full of warm water, was evaporating a drop at a time. Fearing what would happen when the last drop disappeared, she knew it was up to her to fill it again. Standing before him now, she was determined to wipe the haunted look that he tried to hide from her out of his eyes forever.


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