Promise You

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Promise You Page 17

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Thanks for letting me know.” I nod slowly, surprised by his admission.

  We look over the contract together, and Peyton explains how it will all work. I’m buzzing with excitement as I begin to process what this means. By the time we’re done I’m unable to contain my excitement.

  After I finish up with Peyton, I look for Jason to thank him. My life is changing in big ways, and tonight I plan to celebrate with my lady.


  I open the door to my apartment, kicking off my shoes at the entrance. The sonogram in my purse has been on my mind all day. The sound of my baby’s heartbeat has been on repeat as I kept replaying what it felt like to see that tiny bean on the screen. The tiny thing is growing inside of me. My hand lands on my belly.

  That experience is inexplicable. I’ve never felt anything as emotional and extraordinary before. It’s an unparalleled sense that washed over me and stayed inside of me all day. Seeing the sonogram made this pregnancy real, tangible.

  I switch on the light in the living room, drop my purse on the couch, and make my way into my bedroom. My eyes drop to my bed where I see the apron Dex gave me lying on the comforter and a note.

  Meet me in the kitchen wearing this.

  I smile and pick up the apron. Kitchen? I was so focused on getting to my room, I didn’t notice anyone was here. I hold up the apron and smirk. Once I’m ready, I walk out to the kitchen, still barefoot, in search of the man that owns my heart.

  “I believe someone is waiting for me,” I say when I see him standing in the kitchen, facing the sink.

  Dex slowly turns around, a growing smile showcasing his dimples before an eyebrow raises. “Well, well, well…” he trails off, making his way to me.

  I bite down my laugh as I stare at him with his silly apron. When my eyes meet his, there’s a gleam to them.

  “I wasn’t expecting this.” His finger trails down my bare shoulder, tracing the line of my bra. “I approve, though.” He winks.

  “Well, if you bought me an apron with a woman’s half-naked body on it, it’s only right that I wear it the way the design is intended.”

  “Like I said, I very much approve.” His arm wraps around my waist, and swiftly pulls me to him. “Hi.” His lips touch mine, softly.

  “Hi,” I say against his lips. “What are you doing here?” I finally make way to finding out what’s going on.

  “I thought we’d cook. Although, I have a feeling you had a different idea.” His hand moves down to cup the part of my butt that my navy blue hipsters don’t cover.

  “Hmmm… We should cook,” I whisper in his ear.

  “First, I have something for you.” His hand sneaks to the front and lands on my stomach. I raise my eyebrows, and he turns to grab a gift bag on the counter.

  I take it when he hands it and remove the tissue paper. I reach into the bag and pull out a white onesie. When I unfold it, I read: Fueled by country music and milk. I look at Dex, his eyes smiling, and grin.

  “This is adorable.” I stare at the onesie. The ‘i’ in music is a guitar, and the ‘i’ in milk is a baby bottle. Mixed fonts of script and block lettering make up the wording. “It’s our baby’s first anything.” We haven’t bought anything seeing as we received the confirmation of my pregnancy today.

  “I love it.” I lean in and kiss Dex. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I saw it when I left my meeting with Peyton and had to buy it. You should’ve seen me shopping, trying to figure out the size,” he chuckles.

  “Hot dad alert,” I tease.

  “Oh yeah?” He takes the bag and onesie from my hand at the same time that he pulls me flush to him. “I’m gonna show you how hot this dad actually is.” His mouth molds with mine, my skin tingling as his tongue dances with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding on as I get lost in the kiss.

  Dex breaks away, smirking. “I really did plan to cook.” He drops a final kiss on my lips.

  “What did you have in mind?” I take a step back, looking for a clue around the kitchen.

  “First, we have something to celebrate.” He opens the fridge and brings out a pitcher with a pretty pink drink. When my eyebrows rise, he says, “It’s a mocktail.” My heart flutters at the gesture.

  “What are we celebrating?” I lean back on the counter, my hands gripping it.

  “To start with, you because I’m damn lucky to have you in my life. Then, our baby.” His smile melts my heart. “Lastly,” he pauses, building the anticipation. I widen my eyes, waiting. “I received great news today. Nashville Records is signing me.”

  “What? Oh my God!” I jump up and down and hug him. Dex laughs and places the pitcher on the counter to wrap his arms around me. “Congrats! I’m so proud of you, Dex.” I lean back to look him in the eyes.

  “Thanks, babe.” He kisses my forehead. “I’m really happy, and I couldn’t think of anyone better to celebrate with.”

  “Let’s toast.” I grab two glasses and serve us his mocktail creation. “To my very talented boyfriend. You deserve this so much, and I can’t wait for the rest of the world to see what a great musician you are.” I smile, tapping my glass to his, my eyes watering.

  “We’re starting a new adventure.” He squeezes my hand.

  I sip the fruity, bubbly drink and sigh. “This is delicious.”

  “I’m glad you like it. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stick to boring foods and drinks.”

  I smile, knowing I’m blessed to have him in my life—initial hesitation and all. I’m thankful Dex never gave up on me and on a chance for us to give a relationship a try. He knew from the beginning we could have something special and I doubted him. He’s proved me wrong time and again.

  He brings out the ingredients to make pizza. “I thought we could make a different kind of pizza with pesto as the base.”

  “That sounds delicious,” my mouth waters. The snack I had at work has disappeared, and my stomach growls.

  I roll out the dough he bought in the grocery store as he chops tomatoes. As I pass by him to grab the pesto, his fingers caress my exposed back. I shiver but continue with my task, spreading pesto on the dough.

  Once I have a layer of the sauce, Dex hands me the cheese, our fingers brushing. Every touch we share as we prepare the pizza together is subtle, but it provokes my desire for him.

  As Dex places the tomato slices over the cheese, I angle my body toward him, taking in the strings of muscle on his forearms and the tattoos that adorn his arms. I watch him place the pizza in the heated oven with a raised eyebrow.

  “What happened?” He asks when he turns around to face me.

  “You’re sexy,” I smile, leaning against the counter. “I love watching you get lost in your cooking.”

  “Really?” He inches his way to me. “We do have some time to kill while the pizza cooks.” He presses something on his phone and music begins to play. “Naughty girl, I was thinking we could dance.” He reads my mind.

  My head falls back as a laugh escapes me. Dex grabs my hand and pulls me to him, his other hand wrapping around my waist.

  “I was thinking this was going in another direction.” I move my free hand around his neck, keeping my body close to his as he sways us to the slow beat.

  “I know,” he winks. “Later,” he promises with a kiss to my neck. “You’re driving me crazy in that apron and underwear. My beautiful darlin’.”

  “Then it’s serving its purpose.” I wiggle my body against his, and he groans.

  “Baby…” his voice trails off. “I’m trying to be romantic here, cooking dinner together, giving you our baby’s first onesie, and you’re seducing me.”

  “All of those things make me want you more,” I whisper in his ear.

  We continue to dance without missing a beat. Dex takes a step back, spinning me around, and pulling me back to him. I wrap both of my arms around his neck and hold him. His arms around my waist make me feel safe and cherished. Dex holding me to him,
doing all these sweet things, makes me fall in love with him even more.

  “I can’t wait to hold our baby.” Never mind, that comment makes me fall deeper in love.

  I look into his eyes. “Me either.” He bends his head down to kiss me. “I love you,” I declare.

  “Love you, too. Always and forever.” His green eyes shine.

  The song comes to an end, and before we break away, a new one begins. Dex’s arms hold me tightly to him as he leads us around the kitchen.

  “Move in with me,” he states.

  My eyes find his, no teasing in them as he waits for my response. “Really?”

  “Yes. I want to live with you. I want to experience every moment of this pregnancy and create a life with you. I want to be there for you.” His thumb swipes a tear from my face and then his hand cradles my cheek. “What do you say? Want to build a life with me?”

  I pull my lips between my teeth as more tears fall. “Yes,” I breathe out. “Of course I do.”

  His lips crash onto mine, tongue sweeping against mine. My fingers grip the shirt on his back as I feel Dex’s love pour into me. Ready for this step with him, I allow him to sweep me away into a life I had decided years ago I would never want. A life I had rejected. He proved to me I deserve to be someone’s priority. More importantly, he showed me what it feels like to be wanted.

  Seven months later


  Exhausted, I lean my head back on the pillow and catch my breath. My eyes flutter closed as I will my heart to slow its pace. Giving birth is no joke, y’all. And that tiny baby took her sweet time coming out into the world. Thirty-seven hours to be exact.

  I’m hungry, emotional, and wondering why the hell I’m still not holding my baby girl.

  Before I get a chance to ask, I hear, “I ain’t ever gonna let you go. Your momma can fight me all she wants, but you’re daddy’s little girl.” I hear more whispering from Dex between tears and frustration from not seeing her with my own two eyes.

  “Dex Monroe, give me my baby,” I demand.

  He comes around the bed, dimples framing his megawatt smile. “She’s beautiful, just like her momma.”

  “Don’t sweet talk me right now, I’m super emotional, and I want to hold her.” I take a deep breath.

  “Meet your momma, Emery.” He hands our baby to me, kissing my forehead once I’m holding her. Dex leans into my side, half-sitting on the bed, and caresses my hair as I stare at the perfect human laying on me. She’s perfect. Light brown hair, perfect brows, a tiny nose, and pink lips. I just want to squeeze her. Not literally, obviously.

  “Hi, baby girl. I’m your momma. I’ve been dying to meet you, hold you. I love you so much.” I talk to our girl, whispering promises of always protecting and caring for her as tears stroll down my face.

  With Dex’s soft humming and his fingers gently running through my hair, I reluctantly close my eyes.

  “Sleep, babe,” Dex whispers and takes our baby so I can rest. I groan, wanting to hold her forever, but know the nurses need to take her.

  A few minutes later, Dex is back by my side asking how I feel. When I reassure him I’m okay, and we’re alone in the room, I ask him to lie down with me.

  “Can’t we get in trouble?” Dex’s eyes move to the door.

  “I don’t care. It’s not like I’m sick or fifteen and living with my parents.” I scoot over, making some space for him.

  “You’re really okay?” he asks again as he sneaks into the uncomfortable hospital bed.

  “More than. I’m starving though.”

  “You want food.” He’s about to jump out, and I laugh.

  “No. Stay with me.” I lean my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

  “I’m so amazed by you,” he tells me, his arm behind my head, cradling my body.

  “Why?” I yawn.

  “You just pushed a human out of your… you know.” I giggle and look up at him.

  “You’re lucky I love you. That was painful as hell.” Did I mention my body rejected the epidural? Yup, all natural. I should’ve gone with the midwife and bathtub delivery like I wanted.

  “I am lucky. Thank you. God, you gave me a beautiful baby. I had no idea what it would be like, but as soon as I held her, it was like every fear washed away and amplified at the same time. She’s so tiny and delicate. I want to protect her from the world.” Dex’s words vibrate through his chest, soothing me. “Are you crying?” He stops caressing my arm and looks down at me.

  I wipe my face with my hand and laugh. “I’m sorry. I got your shirt wet.”

  “Reese, I don’t care about that. What’s going on?” He tenses a bit as he stares down at me.

  “I’m just so happy. Ugh. God, I’m a mess. I probably look like one, too.” I sniff.

  “You look beautiful.” He kisses the crown of my head. “Have I told you how in love I am with you?”

  “Yes, but you can say it as many times as you want.” I smile, wrapping an arm around his body.

  I was reluctant to start a relationship with Dex, for no other reason than fear. Fear from my past experiences, his growing music career, what I thought was inevitable heartbreak. He’s shown me every day since before I gave him my heart that there’s no one else for him. I wish I’d believed that as much as he had early on. We took our time getting here, did things a little backwards, but I’ve never been more happy in my life.

  “The answer to your question is yes.” I cringe as I move to scoot up in the bed so I can face him. His eyebrows furrow, moving his head until it dawns on him.

  “Seriously?” He sits up quickly, and his green eyes widen.

  I nod, biting down my smile. “I’m sorry. I was hormonal, emotional, a total bitch. But yes, of course, I want to marry you.” Dex proposed a week ago. I turned him down, accusing him of only asking because I was pregnant with his child, and he felt he needed to propose before the baby was born. I yelled, cried, slammed the bedroom door in his face. His patience is out of this world. He waited until I calmed down, brewing tea for when I was ready to talk to him.

  I still turned him down. His candles burning around our apartment and his eyes sad despite the false smile on his face. He said he’d do anything to make me happy, but I was so caught up in the pregnancy and when this baby would decide to make her appearance into the world. She was already three days late.

  Seeing him today, holding our baby, hearing him speak to her, and lying in this hospital bed with him, I know I want to spend my life with him. I had no doubt in my mind. I doubted the timing. Because I’m stubborn.

  “I love you so damn much,” he grabs my face and kisses me. Not a soft peck. A full-blown kiss. His lips greedily take mine, his tongue demanding entrance into my mouth, his teeth biting my lower lip and pulling slightly before releasing me.

  We hear a throat being cleared and look to the door. “Bad timing?” Jason and Cassidy Rae are standing at the entrance of our room, eyebrows raised. “Probably a good thing we came in before Mom and Dad, huh?” The humor is his voice makes me feel less embarrassed by being caught making out with Dex on the bed.

  “We’re getting married!” Dex jumps off the bed to greet them.

  “Congrats!” Cassidy Rae calls out. “Now, where’s my niece?”

  “I’m fine, thanks for asking,” I deadpan.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ve been there twice. I know how it goes. Where’s the baby?” She looks around the room.

  I laugh at her excitement and explain she’s with the nurses. Jason laughs, putting his arm around his wife, and says, “Do you want another one? You’re way too excited.”

  Her head snaps in his direction. “Slow down. We have our hands full.”

  “We could go for the boy,” he winks, and I groan.

  “Please stop.” I cover my face with my hands. “Where are my nieces?”

  “We left them with Caz’s dad,” Jason explains.

  “Rae is dying to meet her new cousin. She’s ready to babysit,” Cassidy R
ae giggles.

  Our families are in and out the rest of the day, visiting us and fighting over who will be Emery’s most loved member until Dex finally kicks them out so I can rest. He’s holding our girl, sitting on the side of our bed, singing to her. My eyes blink closed, listening to his voice. This is heaven. Nothing else beats this. Our family. Our very own family.

  I doze off to the sound of my love singing to our daughter with a content sigh. I never knew love like this until I held Emery for the first time. I never thought having a family would make me feel so complete. A soft smile adorns my face as I drift off to sleep, excited to live the rest of my days with these two by my side.

  Thank you for reading Promise You. Read on for a sneak peek of Knox’s story, Write You A Love Song, book one in the Everton Series (coming fall 2019). Sneak Peek

  As I walk out of the shop, my phone rings. I fish it out of my purse, struggling with the gifts I’m carrying and ignoring the curious looks from people walking past me. I huff and look at my phone, furrowing my eyebrows.

  “Geema?” I see my grandmother's face practically pressed against the screen of my phone when I answer and laugh. “Are you video calling me?”

  “Yes, your cousin taught me.”

  “How is Andrew?” I ask.

  “Oh good. He has his first girlfriend. You know, middle school love,” she shares family news.

  “Okay, Geema, can you move the phone a little away from your face so I can see more than your eyes and nose?” I reach my car and pop the trunk, placing my belongings in there before settling in the driver side to talk to my grandmother, turning on the heat to full blast.

  “How’s that? You look beautiful, sweetheart,” my grandma’s eyes brighten.

  “Thanks, and that’s much better. Now I can see your entire face. How are you?” I sigh as the comfort of talking to her sweeps over me.


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