Blood Stained Lives (The Blood Stained Saga Book 1)

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Blood Stained Lives (The Blood Stained Saga Book 1) Page 14

by Ronald Griffin

  Chapter Twelve

  Months pass by, and Namon has trained very hard and has partied just as hard with his new friends. He is now a very formidable fighter in both wolf and human forms, but he still has a long way to go before he is ready to take on Cyrus. Every day, he thinks of how much he wants to put an end to him once and for all. He and Sierra have become very close almost inseparable. She is the closest one of them to his age, so he relates with her the easiest. Brice is always teasing the two of them, asking when the wedding is, and Namon always gets uncomfortable, blushing every time that he is asked that. Kieran has taken more interest in Sierra since she started hanging out with Namon, and that did cause a slight bit of tension between the two of them. Kaya and Eric seem to be closer these days even though they still have a small argument here and there. Oz pretty much tries to stay close to Namon, but when he isn't able to, he likes to visit Brice to pester him for extra food.

  Today, they are getting everything ready for a very special event. The weather is very bright and beautiful, so of course, as always, they are preparing to celebrate outside. It is Namon's eighteenth birthday, and everyone is getting ready for a massive feast massive even by their standards. Brice preps the grill while Kaya is in their trailer baking an enormous cake. Eric brings out stacks of paper plates and cups so he won't have to wash dishes again. It seems like he has been losing more bets with Kaya. Namon sits in his room with Oz, thinking.

  “I'm eighteen now, Oz. This is my first birthday I have celebrated without her. She hasn't talked to me in months, I wonder if she has somehow managed to move on.”

  Oz comforts him and tries to offer some puff corn. He shakes his head no, and stands, looking out of the window. He sees everyone is making such a big fuss over him and he feels happy about it. Katrina did do something for his birthday every year, but this was different, he has friends now, and that makes him happy. He gets out of bed, and dresses in a pair of khakis and a white undershirt. He puts on a pair of black sneakers, and a short sleeve black, button up shirt, but leaves it unbuttoned.

  “I just wish I could hear her voice or see her again. I keep having these nightmares about the night that she died. The dreams are so real; I wake up smelling the smoke from the fire.”

  “Happy birthday son.”

  He turns to see her sitting on the bed. It's obvious to him that it's just her spirit because she is completely white and transparent. She is wearing the same clothes that she wore on the night that she died; only their color is gone.

  “I'm sorry that I haven't spoken in so long, but you needed time to grieve, and focus on your training. That would have been easier without my presence being known. I probably shouldn't appear to you now, but I just couldn't miss your birthday.”

  Namon looks down at the floor.

  “What's wrong?” she asks.

  “I just miss you. This is all very hard to deal with alone. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about what happened, and I feel like I should have been faster. I should have been able to save you.”

  “Namon, don't ever question what happened. If it didn't happen then, it would have happened another time. You needed to get out into the world and experience life. You needed to learn to fight, and you couldn't accomplish that with me shielding you from the world. I love you so much that I would have held back when trying to train you so that I wouldn't hurt you, and I wouldn't have wanted you exposed to this life. Neither of us had a choice in this, and I am truly sorry that you are the only one left. You are not alone, though. Look around you. All of these people care about you and will protect you. They can be the family I couldn't be, and they can offer you more experience than I could.”

  His head starts hurting, taking in everything she has said. No matter how hard she tries to comfort him with her words, he still feels like he should have been able to do more. He couldn't save his mother and father, and he couldn't save her. What if something happened with the pack and he couldn't save them as well? He is so afraid to open up and feel love for them for fear that his love would condemn them all.

  “So I have noticed that you have been slowly making a home for yourself here.”

  “Yeah, everyone is great. Even Kieran on occasion,” he says with an obvious sarcasm to his voice.

  “So what's the story there? I can tell there is one, so let me hear it.”

  “Well, I have been spending a lot of time with Sierra, and I think he likes her. He is always staring at us, and in the fighting exercises he is more aggressive than I think is necessary.”

  “How do you feel about this girl?” she asks.

  “Well I care a lot about her. I feel as if she could be my best friend.”

  “You better be careful with her, son,” she warns.

  “Why is that?”

  “I have seen the two of you together, and the way she looks at you. That is why Kieran acts the way he does; it's because he is jealous. She cares more for you than you are prepared for, son, and you need to find a way to break it to her that she can't be more to you than a friend. If you say it now, the pain will be more bearable.”

  “What if I did wind up caring more for her, though?”

  “Son, there is something else about her. You are the last White Wolf, as you know, and if there is any hope for more White Wolves, you need to be able to have children. Skin Walker women cannot give you children, son. The baby wouldn't make it full term because skin walkers have to phase at least once a month, and the children do not survive the phasing while in the mother’s womb.”

  Great, Namon thought. More pressure on me, as if I didn't have enough.

  “Well, I need to go. Happy birthday, and remember what I said,” she says while fading away.

  He turns to face the window again with tears in his eyes. He stands there, wishing he didn't have this destiny and all these responsibilities that weigh him down.

  Inside the new Wilmington manor, previously known as Central City Park, Aluana unpacks her final bag, grinning from ear to ear. Not only is Cyrus keeping his promise of letting her come and go as she pleases, but he has also provided her with a car of her own: a silver Porsche Boxter S. Once she has put everything away, she grabs the keys, and jingles them to hear them clang together, making the sound of freedom. She runs through the mansion to the garage, and climbs into her shiny silver car. After the bay doors open, she drives out to begin her own tour of Macon. The sun shines brightly when she presses the, button that lets the top down, so she puts on her sunglasses. She visits some of the historic spots in down town Macon, and some of the more colorful scenery of the public parks, especially Washington Park. She parks on the side of the road and quietly walks around the park, watching as someone is having a wedding. She pauses a moment, envious of the happy bride, and imagined the possibility of her own wedding in this park.

  “Wow, this place is beautiful,” she says before returning to her car.

  She leaves the park and drives down the road, turning onto Riverside Drive when she reaches it. One of the guards had mentioned that her wife blows most of his paycheck shopping at the mall on the north side of Riverside. She figures she can do some shopping as a way to celebrate. After fifteen minutes of driving, she nears the outdoor mall, and the first thing she notices when she pulls into the main entrance is the Barnes and Noble bookstore. She can't remember the last time she has actually been in a bookstore; she has had to do all her shopping online. So she pulls into the bookstore's parking lot and walks in after parking her car.

  A big smile spreads across her face, and she closes her eyes to take in the peaceful quiet of the store. She can smell many smells and enjoys every single one of them, from the coffee and pastries being prepared at the in store coffee shop to the smell of paper. After opening her eyes, she walks around the store and checks out each aisle one by one, especially the sale areas, even though money isn't an issue, sometimes the best things are found in the sale section. What really draws her attention, though, is the stationary section.
She notices several notebooks for song writing, and many different styles of journals. When she turns to walk around a shelf, she doesn't notice the woman standing there and accidentally bumps into her, making the blonde woman drop her books, and journals she was holding.

  “I am so sorry,” she says.

  She bends down to help her pick her books up, and notices that she has a few plain looking journals and a book on dating.

  “It's alright; I probably shouldn't have been carrying so much without a basket anyway.”

  “Sorry, if this is too personal to ask, but is that book for you?” Aluana asks.

  The blonde girl blushes, making the answer to the question obvious.

  “Yeah, there is this guy I sort of have a crush on and I am not quite sure how to handle it. I probably shouldn't even try because I already know that he isn't right for me. He has this,” she pauses for a moment before continuing, “life ahead of him that I couldn't be a part of, and be with him too. I'm here shopping for his birthday, actually.”

  Aluana listens to the girl, and can see the pain in her eyes when she says that she can't be a part of this boy's future like that. The idea makes her sad knowing that there are so many people in the world incapable of finding love, and being able to keep it when they do.

  “Well just so you know you don't need this book. You are very beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have someone like you, especially when they are as sweet as you appear to be.”

  Aluana takes note of the journals she has in her hand, and taps the journal that has the black leather binding to it.

  “I would go with this one,” she suggests with a smile.

  “Thank you. My name is Sierra, by the way,” she says while returning Aluana's smile as she walks away to put the rest of the journals back. I really hope that Namon likes this journal. He is always reading his mother's so maybe he will enjoy having one to write in of his own.

  She looks at the dating book, realizing that it was silly for her to consider buying this book and decides to put it back as well. Maybe being myself won't be so bad of an idea. She makes her purchase and leaves.

  Back in Jones County, Namon finally gets out of bed and decides it's time to be social. He gets out of the trailer and joins everyone outside. It is his birthday, after all. He sees Kieran first by himself over at his own trailer, so he decides to try and fix whatever their situation is. Namon has always been the peaceful type that wants to fix situations.

  “Hey Kieran, what are you up to?” he asks.

  “Not much.”

  “I was wondering if maybe I have done something to offend you or anything. We don't really talk that much, you know.”

  Kieran looks at him as if considering the idea of telling him exactly what the problem is.

  “Well, actually, I have a problem with you and Sierra. I have been waiting for a long time to build up the nerve to ask her out, and then here you come with all your flashy abilities. It's always 'Namon this' and 'Namon that.' That is all she ever talks about the few times that she is around me when you're busy!”

  “I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to step in on you guys, if that’s what you think. I'm only interested in her as a friend.”

  “Yeah, well you better tell her that because I can tell by the way she looks at you that she loves you.”

  Hearing him say that hit Namon hard in the gut as if he had been punched. How could he be so naive and not notice how she was acting toward him? Maybe he knew, but he just didn't want to acknowledge it.

  “She is going to be hurt, so you better be as gentle as possible,” Kieran says before walking away.

  A deep feeling of dread falls upon Namon as he realizes that he is going to be the cause of someone being hurt. As much hurt and pain as he has been through, he has never wanted to do that to anyone, especially if they are someone that he cares about. His heart sinks even more seeing Sierra pull up. He walks over to Brice as she walks inside her trailer. Her eyes are locked onto him the whole way, and she smiles at him.

  “What’s happening bro? Happy birthday,” Brice asks.

  “Wait a minute. Did you just say that normally? I mean, without a funny accent?” Namon questions, head snapping in Brice’s direction.

  Then he notices that he isn't wearing one of his tacky Hawaiian shirts. Instead, he is wearing a T-shirt that has a picture of a car on it with a caption saying. “Your wife is my other ride.”

  “And you have changed your taste in shirts too, I see.”

  “Yeah, I go through moods every now and then. Be glad you weren't around when I thought I was from Scotland.”

  “Now that is a scary thought. Please tell me you didn't wear a kilt for three months?” he pleaded.

  “Naw, what are you, crazy? It was five, and let me tell you, two of those months were very breezy.”

  A mental image of the wind blowing up a kilt to expose Brice’s lip tattoo is burned into his mind and he shudders at the thought.

  “That's not right. Subject change now! Um, so Brice, do you know how to let a girl down gently when you're not interested in her?” Namon asks.

  Brice looks at him, knowing what's going on. He saw Kieran having words with him earlier, and walk away.

  “You can always use the 'I'm gay' approach,” Brice says with a smile.

  Namon gives him that 'please tell me you're not serious’ look.

  “Don't tell me. You did that too?”

  Brice nods, “Yep, and wore a pink shirt that said 'Cowboys', butts drive me crazy' for about three months.”

  Namon smacks himself in the forehead with the palm of his hand, wishing he didn't ask.

  “Thanks for the advice anyway though Brice.”

  Namon sees Eric, and decides to ask him.

  “Eric, can I ask you for some advice?”

  “Sure, you can come to me for anything.”

  “How do you turn down a girl without hurting her feelings?”

  Eric pats him on the shoulder.

  “I'm sorry, my boy, there is no way possible to do that. When it comes to matters of the heart, women are always hyper sensitive,” Eric says.

  Suddenly a soda can hits Eric upside the head. He rubs the sore spot after letting out a curse. He looks behind him and sees Kaya standing there with another can of soda ready to throw.

  “I heard that,” she says.

  Eric turns back around, and mouths the words, “Told you.”

  “Just say what you feel from the heart and be sensitive about it. Take her feelings into consideration,” Eric says.

  Namon nods, “Thanks.”

  “You're always welcome. Oh, and Namon, try not to worry too much. She is a very strong girl. She may act like she doesn't like you for a while, but that will only be temporary. We are a family, so she will come around eventually,” he says with a grin.

  Kaya walks up and hugs him from behind, and kisses him on the cheek.

  “He's right. I've come back to this one several times over,” she says with a smile.

  “Happy birthday from both of us in case I forgot to say so earlier.”

  Namon looks at the two of them together and sees the love that they share for one another. He wonders to himself if his own parents acted that way. All he knows is what he reads from his mom's journal.

  He hears a door close and when he looks over to see Sierra is walk out wearing a black skirt with a red shirt, and red heels. Namon suddenly becomes very nervous as she approaches, holding a gift wrapped in blue paper. She hands it to him with a big smile.

  “Happy birthday,” she says while leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

  Kaya takes the gift away from him, and walks over to the table with the cake and other gifts.

  “Gifts are for after the cake, Sierra, you know that.”

  Namon hadn't realized until then that the table even had a cake and presents on it. It was all set up special for his big day. Brice rings the dinner bell signaling that it is time to eat. Everyone sits around the table to eat, an
d Namon stares at the huge pig set on the table with an apple in its mouth. Namon looks over at Brice raising an eyebrow curiously.

  “So, I had to throw in one last Hawaiian thing,” he says with a big grin, and pointing at the limbo pole set up.

  They say grace and eat. Once everyone has finished eating they all sing happy birthday to him. Even Kieran was enjoying the festivities. They all enjoy the cake as well, and Brice cuts a huge slice of cake and gives a karate yell, “Wu tan,” right before slamming it into Namon’s face. Everyone laughs as he cleans his face off. With the cake and dinner out of the way, they prepare to give him his gifts, starting with Eric and Kaya. Kaya hands him a small box with a tiny bow on it. He opens it to find a key.

  “So what does this unlock?” he asks.

  They point to the trailer they live in.

  “As of tomorrow, it's all yours. We have a new one coming for us at the lot up front.”

  “Wow, thank you so much. I just don't know what to say.”

  “Don't mention it. It's a pack tradition. Every pack member receives their own place on their eighteenth birthday. We all spend so much time together that we all need our alone time now and then.”

  “So this means I'm officially in the pack?”

  They both nod, a big smile forms on his face at the news. Second up is Brice. He hands him a box that is small, but not as small as the box with the key. Namon opens it to see a set of brass knuckles. Namon grips each one into his hands and punches into the air with them. Then he looks at the knuckles. One says pack, and the other one says life.

  “Pack life? I appreciate them man. Thanks, Brice.”

  Brice nods, “Yep, you about that life.”

  Namon is surprised when Kieran brings a gift over. It is in a long thin box. Namon opens it and is very surprised at what is in there. He pulls out a sword and sheath from within the box. On the hilt of the sword, there is a wolf head.

  “Wow, thank you. It's beautiful, but I don't know how to use it.”

  “Don't worry. You will learn tomorrow,” he says with a sly grin as he looks over at Sierra and then back to Namon.


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