Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance

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Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance Page 24

by Maia Starr

  “We found Candris, and it is much worse than we thought. He was not only leading the opposition, but he was doing more than that,” Cylo said.

  “What was he doing?” I asked.

  “He was creating a mating program of sorts with Draqua. He was crossing them with other alien species to see what happened,” Cylo said.

  “What? That is insane. How long was he doing this?” Jix asked.

  “Years, judging by the fully grown Draqua we encountered that were mixed with Aeriwana,” Cylo said.

  “Aeriwana! What?” Jix said.

  “Yes, keep your voice down. There is a big problem. The Draqua we encountered mixed with Aeriwana had my powers of persuasion,” Cylo said.

  “Mind control?” I asked.

  “Yes, exactly, only this one used it on Baca,” Cylo said.

  “Holy shit,” Jix said.

  “Exactly,” Cylo said.

  “So what now?” Jix asked.

  “We have to keep an eye on it. These Draqua are too dangerous to be around. One was able to make Baca turn on me with a few words.”

  “What? Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yes, I am fine, and Baca is fine. We got away and killed that Draqua but I am sure there are more like it. We did not stick around to find out.”

  “Anything else?” Jix asked.

  “Yes. These Draqua could not shift. They looked like us, but they could not shift to full dragon or hybrid,” I said.

  “That hardly makes them Draqua,” Jix said. “Where’s the dragon?”

  “I know, but they look like us, which means they could walk among us. So keep an eye out for anyone that you have never seen shift,” Cylo said. “Until then we will have to figure out another way to deal with these Draqua from Tiok. For now, Candris is no more, and that should be plenty for now.

  It was a heavy talk, and I had to admit that it had me very scared. The deep space politics was full of backstabbing and opportunists just like on Earth, but here there was magic, and it made it so much more dangerous. We tried to put the haunting notion of mind controlling Draqua that were out to kill us out of our minds as much as we could. We could not go living in fear forever. So we went on with our daily lives, and my new life as queen.

  Months later, it was as if the battle never happened. The Draqua began to trust each other again, and they were a lively village. But I think what also gave them hope was the birth of a new generation of royalty.

  “I am more happier than I ever thought I could be now that our son Teavin has been born,” Cylo said to me.

  “I am too. I am so happy, and he makes me happy every day,” I said.

  “And what about me? Do I not make you happy?” he asked.

  “Yes, you do,” I said.

  Cylo hugged me and kissed me. I was filled with happiness and hope. Now that I had our son, I was able to figure out a time to go back to Earth for a week. This was to keep my father from starting another search party. It was something that was needed, and it was one of the perks of being queen. But what was the best perk of all was the fact that I got to rearrange the household.

  Yes, that’s right, I kicked the harem out. Michelle and Sarah. I kicked them out of the palace almost immediately upon getting married. Baca found a new home for them with the warriors, and I was told the women were very happy. I did not care what they did as long as they were not in the palace and were away from me and Cylo. He just laughed the first time I asked him what kind of power I had as queen because he knew what I was going to do with that power.

  But even though we had endured some hardship, I knew that I did not regret any of it. I had asked for an adventure, and I got the adventure of a lifetime. It was the best thing that could have ever happened to me, being abducted by an alien that happened to be a dragon shifter. My life was never the same after that moment, and I was no longer the daughter of President Reeves; I was the queen of Kelon.

  The ominous presence of the opposition was still out there and would need to be faced again, but that would come in time. We did not want to live in fear of it and let it tear the planet of Kelon apart. For now, my husband kept an eye on it, and I kept an eye on our son. One day he would be dealing with the problems of the Draqua. It was something that every royal house of Draqua would face, but none were quite like what I went through and loved.

  The End

  Evlon-Zenkian Warriors

  (Zenkian Warriors)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  I had it all. Not to mention that I was the most skilled Zenkian soldier of the Waysaw Army. I was the star soldier of the Waysaw soldiers in our war games as well as on the real battlefield. I was second in command to Leader Rangellis, and everyone knew it.

  “Evlon, you looked very skilled on the war game field,” a scantily clad Zenkian woman said as she sat on my lap in the tavern.

  “I know. I am the best,” I grinned at her.

  She gasped. “You are an arrogant Zenkian, aren’t you?”

  “I have reason to be, Zenkian female.” I looked down at my crotch.

  “Oh, is that so?” she smiled. She ran her hand down my broad chest, over my abs, and onto my rigid cock. Her green eyes grew wide with shock.

  “I see, soldier. You do have a very grand reason to be cocky,” she said.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “So, when will I get to see this reason for being so cocky? I want to see your skills, soldier,” she said.

  I looked at her. She was all right for a Zenkian, but my tastes lay elsewhere.

  “No, you’re not a human. I only want human females,” I said. I pushed her off of me.

  “How dare you! I am just as good as a human. Learn to respect your own kind!” she said before stomping off.

  I laughed. The tavern was loud this time of night and was in complete debauchery. It was what I liked. There were Zenkian females engaged in pleasing Zenkian males in the dark corners, and human female slaves were kept upstairs. Those were coveted and expensive. It was what we did as the Zenkians of the Waysaw region of our planet Anvin. We took from Earth. We took their resources and their women. We were not like the Grantsion Zenkians from the Grantsion Mountains on Anvin. They were trying to make peace with the humans. They were foolish and soft to do so. No, if we wanted something in Waysaw, we would take it.

  “What was she angry about, Evlon?” said another Zenkian female. I turned to see her at my side, trying to seduce me. They were crawling all over me at all times; tonight was no different.

  “I don’t know, and frankly I don’t care,” I said.

  “You are Evlon, the victor of the war games, aren’t you?” she asked as if she didn’t already know.

  “Yes, I am,” I said proudly.

  “I am called Hemina.”

  “Well, Hemina, what is it that you want from me?” I asked.

  “Evlon, I think you already know the answer to that question,” she said taking a drink from glowing yellow beverage, a liquid drug.

  “Yes, I do know, Hemina. You want me to take you to my home and fuck you. That is what you want, isn’t it?” I said looking at her up and down.

  Her green eyes grew wide with excitement. “I guess that’s one way to put it.”

  “You are wasting your time with me, Hemina. You are not my type. You’re are not a human,” I said. “That is the only taste I have lately.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and got up from the bench. I didn’t care. I didn’t care what any of them thought of me.

  “See anything you like tonight, Evlon?” Tormunt sat next to me. He was a soldier that worked alongside me often. I trusted him with my life. We were like brothers even though there was no blood relation.

  “Not so far but I have not been upstairs yet. That is where I know I will find what I want,” I said.

  He laughed. “Yes, you want a human. I don’t blame you. After I first had one, it is hard to see the Zenkian females the same way. Though it is hard to speak with t
he humans. They are so different.”

  “I never said anything about talking to them,” I said, grabbing my drink off the table and gulping down a drink.

  He laughed again. “Right, not your style. But you will see, Evlon, in time. One day you will want a mate to share your life, and it will not be a human. It will be a Zenkian. The humans are just contraband and for fun.”

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “Right. I am calling it a night. Heading home. We practice for the war games tomorrow, remember?” he said.

  “You are going home alone? Why alone? Any one of these Zenkians would be happy to go with you and fulfill your night. Shit, take as many as four with you; they won’t mind.”

  “But I do. I need my rest tonight. I will see you at the war game practice,” he said.

  All this talk of orgies and human females had me ready to go. I swallowed my drink and headed upstairs. I was ready to indulge. I picked out a human with yellow hair and showed her what I could do.

  The next day, Leader Rangellis called me into his offices.

  “Evlon, as you know, these upcoming war games are more important than last years’,” he said.

  “Yes, I am aware, Leader Rangellis. I will not let you down,” I said.

  “I know that you will not. But there is something that might throw us off. The humans are sending an envoy from the alien relations agency on Earth. The envoy wants to speak with us about a possible peace treaty.”

  I laughed. “They cannot be serious. Why would we speak peace with them? We are stronger than they are. We could take Earth at any moment if we wanted to. We will in time take over the entire planet.”

  “Yes, that is true. We only take their resources right now, and slaves, but we must not forget that they want a war with us, to stop us once and for all. We want that war too, but in time. We do not want the humans to destroy Earth in the process of this war. We need the planet pristine and unharmed.”

  “Yes, that is true,” I said.

  “You, Evlon, are my second in command, and although you are preparing in practice for these war games, I want you to entertain this envoy,” Rangellis said.

  “Me? What do you mean by this?” I asked.

  “I want you to be the one to speak with their leader about the peace talks, but not right away. I want you to delay it as long as possible so that they don’t discover what I really have planned for them,” he said.

  “And what do you have planned?” I asked arching a brow.

  “You will find out in time as well. For now, I just want you to keep this leader occupied. Show this leader around Waysaw or the games, just anything about Zenkian life in order to occupy their time. If they bring up talk of the peace treaty, just say it will be talked of in a few days.”

  “I understand, Leader,” I said saluting him.

  “Good, whatever it takes to keep them occupied. But we will not be making peace with them or Earth.”

  Chapter 2


  I took my work at the alien relations agency very seriously. I had made my way up the ladder and had worked hard to get where I was. I had made it the position of President of the Communications Department and I was excited about it. They placed a lot of trust in me, and I was bound by that honor. I would do anything to get this mission right.

  I was an intelligent woman with a background in the medical field. It was this background that led me to alien communications, even though it seems like that is a strange climb. You see, I had studied medicine and human anatomy, but when the aliens first became known to us five years prior, I began to study their anatomy too. Once I began to study their anatomy, that quickly led me to studying their brain, and the brain then led to behavior. After that, the way they communicate was my next area of study. So, I became a leader in the science of these Zenkian aliens. That was how I became president of the alien relations agency communication department.

  Then, something amazing happened. After many raids by these alien Zenkian soldiers, the humans finally had enough. We could not fight them because they were twice our size and they were far more advanced in military terms. So, the humans of Earth began to talk about how we could possibly strike a peace accord with these Zenkians. They wanted to conquer Earth for our resources and enslave us. We, of course, did not want that to happen. So we would try to strike a treaty to share our resources with them if they agreed to stop raiding us and fighting us. This was the plan, and I was the one that was going to deliver this plan to them.

  So amazingly I went from President of Alien Relations Communications to an astronaut. We set out from space and headed to the Zenkian planet of Anvin where we were expected by the Waysaw Zenkians.

  Upon arriving on the planet of Anvin with my team of four, to speak peace with the invaders known as the Zenkians, we were all very nervous.

  “Miranda, there it is,” Brad said to me. He was the pilot of our small ship. We were dropping down into the city of Waysaw.

  “Yes, that is it. That is where we land,” I said looking at my instructions that were sent to us from the Zenkians. We were landing on a giant X, like a helicopter pad. There were Zenkians waving us in.

  As far as we knew, there were two sects of Zenkians. The Waysaw Zenkians from the region of Waysaw were thieves, and they had red skin. They constantly invaded Earth, stealing resources and women. The other sect of Zenkian was the group known as the Grantsions who were from the Grantsion mountains on Anvin. The Waysaw Zenkians called the Grantsions the rebels, though we weren’t really sure why on Earth. We were still learning about these alien invaders after five years of them invading us.

  “I will never get used to seeing them in person,” Trevor said. He was part of my team and my assistant.

  “No, neither will I. Look at their red skin. It’s so unusual,” I said looking at the Zenkian warriors guiding our ship’s landing. They wore military-style black uniforms but their quarter sleeves left their forearms exposed. You would see their toned arms and smooth red skin. It was as red as an apple. Other than that, they looked fairly human, except for their extremely tall nine-foot heights and exceptionally strong bodies.

  “I heard the Grantsion Zenkians are blue-skinned,” Captain James said. He was the Captain of the ship and knew a lot about space.

  “I’ve never seen one in person,” I said. “Only in photos and video.”

  “All right. Landing successful; permission to turn off the engine?” Brad said.

  “Permission granted. Are you ready for this, Miranda? President?” he said looking at me.

  “Yes and no. But we don’t have a choice. We have to get out there. If we don’t, they will think this ship is a bomb or something,” I said moving toward the door.

  “Um, and they have normal air like on Earth, right?” Trevor asked.

  “I believe so. That is why they want Earth, because it is like Anvin,” I said looking out the windshield.

  Outside I could see a vast city. There were very tall skyscrapers. Flying cars sped around the bustling place. In the far distance, I could see grey mountains. It was very beautiful. The sky was blue with clouds, and I could see trees and plants dotting the cityscape.

  “It does look a lot like Earth,” Captain James said.

  “It is uncanny. I can’t believe that we are really here,” I said.

  “I still have a bad feeling about this. Is it too late to change our minds?” Brad asked.

  “Yes, it is,” I said. We all looked at each other. This was the moment of the unknown. We were about to be the first space mission to set foot on an alien planet. This was not your standard everyday occurrence. I was very excited about it. I had been completely fascinated by these Zenkian aliens ever since I first learned they existed. Some could even say that it was an unhealthy obsession.

  “Well, are we going to do this or not?” I anxiously said as I moved to the door.

  “Right, open the door, Brad!” Captain James said.

  The door of the ship slowly opened. A
rush of fresh air hit me. I inhaled a big breath. “I think it is good. Actually, it might be the cleanest air I have ever breathed in,” I said to my team. Yes, they were my team. Captain James was in charge of the flight, but I was in charge of the mission. I was a president, after all.

  “Let’s do this then,” Captain James said.

  I gathered all my courage and stepped outside onto the ramp of the ship. I looked around in the bright sunlight. Then I walked down the ship ramp onto the ground where we landed. There were three Zenkians, one looked like an official in a long red robe that almost matched his skin, and the other two were soldiers. They were armed with blaster guns in their holsters and shields and swords.


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