Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance

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Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance Page 30

by Maia Starr

  So, I was very grateful for the distraction of work this morning. I walked into Leader Rangellis’ chambers.

  “Leader Rangellis. I have just received the report from the scouts that I sent out. So far there is nothing unusual on the rebel side. There is no gathering of their armies. I will keep you informed if something comes to light. But I think the report may have just been a rumor,” I said to him.

  “Good, that is good news. Now that we have investigated that and are staying on top of it, we can now see to the humans again. Deliver the message I gave you before; that has not changed. Tell them we will be meeting in five days’ time to open the talk of peace. In those five days, I shall be ready for them,” he said.

  “Yes, Leader. I will deliver the message as soon as they have awakened.”

  “These lazy humans. They do not get up with the sunrise. That is why they are not as advanced as us.”

  “Though I have to say that my injury on my leg is fully healed. I do think they are advanced in medicine, more than we give them credit for,” I replied.

  “That is good to know. We might have to push the war games back by several months because of this rebel threat. Having a war game where all of us are gathered is a good target for them. We have been talking about postponing it. This will be good for you. You will have more time to heal and to practice. Now go, Evlon. See to your duties and then to the lazy humans. Restock the food and water in their dwellings and make some appointments for them to be escorted around the city to see some of our structures that we are proud of. But nothing too secretive. Only the surface things. Remember, one of them will be returning to Earth with this information. We do not want to give them information that will make us vulnerable.”

  “They can see the shores of the ocean. I can show them the view from a very tall building to see how high we are able to build. Will that do?”

  “Yes, both of those things will do nicely. Do not take them to see our water structures or our crops. These are things that the humans could use later to target us if they ever decided to invade. Keep it simple,” he said.

  “I understand,” I saluted him and left.

  I went about my duties for the morning. I ordered more food and water be taken to the dwellings of the humans. The leader was giving me more and more small bits of information about what was going to happen to the humans. About what was going to be their fate. I wondered which human he would pick to go back to Earth. It seemed to me that it would be the pilot that I injured. It would make sense considering the pilot would pilot a ship. But a part of me thought he would send Miranda.

  When I thought about it, it made me feel very angry. I did not want him to send her. I wanted to claim her. I wanted her to be my human slave to do whatever I asked. I wanted to bring her down a peg and to make her obey me. At least then she could not reject me the way she had been; it had been driving me crazy.

  After I was done with my morning responsibilities, I headed back to my own home. I went into the tower and to my dwelling. I went inside and took a quick shower just to cool off from the thoughts of Miranda. I changed uniforms. Then I went to the communication wall.

  “Yes, Evlon, sir,” the soldier guarding the human dwelling greeted me.

  “Inform the humans I will be getting them in an hour. They will be going with me on a tour of some of the city. Tell them I also have a message from the leader. I will be there in an hour,” I told him.

  “Yes, sir,” he ended the communication.

  Then I opened communication to a few of the areas around the city to inform them I would be bringing the humans. I also informed them to hide the human slaves that were in those establishments. These humans were not ready to see that. Though they knew that we stole humans as well as their resources from Earth, it was Rangellis' request that it not be evident to these particular humans, at least not yet. It was all part of his devious plan.

  An hour later, I was walking into the human dwelling.

  “Greetings, humans,” I grinned. I looked particularly at Miranda. She narrowed her eyes at me. She did not want me giving her attention. She looked at Brad. I wondered if he had ever told her that he saw us.

  “What is going on, Evlon? We have had enough. When am I going to speak to the leaders?” she said.

  “That is the message I bring you. Leader Rangellis has set a date for you to do just that. He informed me that I should tell you that you will begin your talks with the leaders in five days.”

  They all seemed to sigh relief and congratulate each other.

  “That is very good news. Finally, it is going to happen. This has been a very long wait, but worth it if we can at least open the door to talking about a peace treaty,” Miranda said to the team. They all agreed.

  “Yes, good work. But in the meantime, I thought you and the team would like to get out and see some things. You cannot be cooped up in here all day.”

  “That sounds great! I am getting cabin fever in here. The views are amazing, but it can get very boring after a while. I am anxious to see your city and planet,” Trevor said.

  “We are ready when you are,” Captain James said.

  “Follow me,” I walked out, and they followed me.

  A few minutes later, we piled into a very long speeder. I was going to drive them around for a quick tour before stopping at the ocean.

  I drove them around the city, telling them various information, but nothing too revealing. Nothing that would give them the upper hand in an attack by humans. They were very interested and intrigued by everything that I showed them. Then I finally landed the speeder on the white shore outside of the city. The blue ocean sparkled in the midday sun.

  “This is a beach, a lot like what you have on Earth. But this water is not salty. It is fresh water. Please walk around and take a look,” I opened the doors. They piled out. They scattered along the shore picking up rocks and shells and looking at them. I followed Miranda as she ventured away from the group.

  “I cannot stop thinking about you,” I whispered to her.

  She looked around to see where her team was. I could tell she was growing nervous.

  “Evlon, don't. Not now. I don't want to hear it. There can be nothing between us. Don't you understand that? I will be leaving back to Earth after these talks. I must complete my mission. I can never be with you. You are the enemy,” she whispered back.

  “What if that was not the case? What if we were not enemies and the circumstances were different? Just pretend that is what it is like for now and answer. Do you want to be with me? Do you think about me?”

  She was quiet for a long time. I could already tell in her brown eyes as they watered over a bit that she did. That she was conflicted. This was good. I already knew that she wanted me; it was obvious every time I kissed her, and she would give in.

  “Maybe,” she replied not wanting to give me a real answer.

  “Then come to me tonight. It will be our last time together. You will have your talks in a few days, and then you will leave back to Earth. Indulge in one last time.”

  “No, I cannot.”

  “I will send for you after the sun goes down. You have the option of refusing. But at least I think of it until then,” I said.

  “Miranda! Come look at this! It is amazing!” one of her team shouted at her.

  “I will be right there!” Then she walked off to be with her team and look at the marvels of my planet.

  Later that night, I sent for her. She came.

  “I am glad that you are giving into your desires,” I said as I led her into my place.

  “I should not be. But I cannot help it any longer. I have no control over it,” she said.

  “Then let go,” I said getting behind her and unzipping the space suit down her back. Her soft, pale skin was decadent to me. I kissed her shoulders and pushed the space suit down to the floor. She stepped out of it and her shoes. Now she stood naked in front of me. I stepped back away from her.

  “What are you doing?”
she asked.

  “I want to look at you,” I said circling around her. “You are the sexiest female I have ever seen, Zenkian or human,” I said.

  “Have you been with many human females?” she asked.

  “Yes, many,” I said. Her smile turned into a frown. “Do not be sad about it. I have learned many things,” I said.

  “You have? Like what?” she asked.

  “Like this,” I said as I knelt down in front of her. I plunged my face between her thighs. She moaned loudly as I kissed her wet center. I picked up her leg and put it on my shoulder. Then I put my hands on her bottom and picked her up. Her other leg went onto my other shoulder. I was carrying her on my shoulders in reverse. She moaned as I licked her and carried her. I pinned her against the wall.

  “Oh god, Evlon,” she moaned.

  I licked her up and down, and my hands massaged her bottom. I moved my tongue inside of her and then out again. She moaned again as she pushed her hands into my hair. She was squirming as I flicked my tongue over her clitoris.

  “Oh god. I am going to cum,” she moaned. But I did not stop. I kept moving my tongue. Then she tensed. Her fingers twisted through my hair and I tasted her juices flowing out of her. I groaned as I tasted her. “Mmm, I have been wanting to taste you for a long time,” I said.

  “Oh, Oh, I can’t…I’m so sensitive,” she whispered as I slowly licked her. Then I moved her down my body. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to my bed. I put her down on her feet. I turned her around so that her back was facing my chest.

  “What are you doing, Evlon?” she asked.

  “Bend over,” I said. “Spread your legs.”

  “Yes, Zenkian. As you say,” she said. She bent over and spread her legs open. I pushed my fingers into her wet center. “You are wet. You are ready for my hard cock. Do you want it?” I asked.

  “Yes, I want it badly,” she said.

  “Beg me for it,” I said.

  “Please, please put your hard cock inside of me. I want it. I want it badly,” she said.

  “Mmm, I like the sound of that.”

  I placed the tip of my cock inside of her. I placed my hands on her hips. Then I pulled her back toward me with one big move. She gasped. “Oh!”

  I groaned as my cock was enveloped by her warmth. “Damn you feel so good human female,” I said.

  “So do you, Zenkian alien,” she moaned. I moved my hands from her hips up to her breasts and cupped them in my hands. She moaned again. Now I was ready. I moved back and forth, pulling out of her and sliding back in. I sucked in a sharp breath of air. She was groaning as she twisted the fabric of the bed into her hands. I moved faster and harder. I pounded my body against hers until I could hear our skin slapping together. I liked seeing her pale skin against my red skin. It was exotic. I watched her ass wiggle as I slammed against her. She groaned, and I moved my hand from her breast to her clit. I massaged it with my finger.

  “Oh fuck! I am going to cum!” she said. I moved my finger faster and moved my cock faster.

  Then she exploded and buried her head in the bed in front of her.

  “No, I am not done with you yet,” I said. I pulled out of her. I picked her up and laid her on the bed. I covered her mouth with mine as I climbed between her thighs. I kissed her as though I was starving for her kisses. I licked down her body and sucked on her nipple, then the other. Her fingers moved through my hair. Then I pushed my cock inside of her again.

  “Mmm, fuck,” I moaned as I felt the sensation of entering her all over again. It was a sensation I was going to feel several more times before the night was through.

  Then I moved faster and faster. I was taller than she was. I was far over her, and her head was pressed into my chest as I fucked her. Then I felt the tension building inside of me. Her hands moved up and down my back, and those skillful hands reminded me of the massages she had given me. Then I couldn’t hold on any longer.

  “I’m going to fucking cum, Miranda,” I said. Then I tensed and shouted as I released inside of her. I moved my cock in and out of her slower as I did so. Then I had to stop. But I wasn’t done with her. This was just the opening course of the night.

  Chapter 14


  I was having a harder time dealing with Evlon then I thought possible. He was very persistent, and every time he tried to kiss me, I would melt into his arms as though the fact that we were enemies did not matter. I was growing more and more attached to him as the days went by. He seemed to be less and less arrogant with me. He was changing. It was less about lust and more about a desperation for my attention. I could not put my finger on why he was doing this. But it was very obvious to me. It seemed like he was beginning to care for me. That thought startled me. I was glad that today it had been five days since he gave us the message from Leader Rangellis.

  Now we were sitting in our dwelling, waiting to be summoned to the meeting. Everyone was on edge.

  “I don't understand what is going on here on this planet and in this city. Have you seen one human slave? Where are all the humans that they have taken from Earth?” Captain James asked as he walked back and forth in the room.

  “No, I have not seen one human at all besides us since we have been here. Though we have been kept prisoner in this room. But where are the humans? What do you think they do with them? Are they in a mine somewhere digging out gold?” Trevor asked.

  “If they wanted us to see the human slaves, they would show us. I don't doubt that we will eventually see them,” Brad said. He had grown more and more suspicious of the alien enemy than the rest of us after his injury. I did not know if he had seen me with Evlon that day in the wargame complex when we were kissing. If he had, he did not tell me anything about it. Maybe he was waiting until we got back to Earth to rat me out. Either way, he was keeping it to himself, and it only added to my anxiety.

  I walked back and forth in the room going over the speech I had practiced in my head for almost a year. I was the one that was going to try to persuade the alien enemy to speak to Earth about negotiating a peace treaty. I was not here to strike up that treaty, only to convince them that there should be one. I was very nervous as I went over my notes. I could do this. I had to remember.

  I was only anxious because I was being a hypocrite. They were the enemy, yet I had slept with one of them twice already. I had no self-control when it came to the alien Evlon. Now I wondered if the leaders knew.

  Why wouldn't they? They could have orchestrated the whole seduction as far as I knew. These aliens were not to be trusted. Yet Leader Rangellis had been drilling it into our heads that it was important for us to establish trust between us before we even spoke about peace. I guess he felt we had established that trust by now because today would be the day that I would speak to them.

  “They are ready for you,” Evlon entered our dwellings.

  “Thank God. We are ready,” I followed him out.

  A few moments later, we were standing in front of Leader Rangellis as well as two other official-looking Zenkians. But they were not alone on the platform. There were three human females with chains around their necks. I clenched my fist as I saw them. They were in a bad way.

  My team did not stay silent about it.

  “What is this? Let them go!” James shouted as soon as we walked in.

  “James, calm yourself. We know they have human slaves. They are trying to entice you to act irrationally. Keep it to yourself,” I whispered to him. I could see my team clenching their fists and restraining their anger. We stood in front of the platform. This was going to be a mess.

  They began speaking before I could. I would have my chance, or so I thought.

  “Thank you for coming to our planet of Anvin,” Leader Rangellis said.

  “Thank you for allowing us to come here in order to talk about peace,” I replied.

  “Yes, peace. Thank you for giving us the time we needed to think it over. After careful consideration, we have decided that we wil
l not be opening any sort of talks of peace,” Leader Rangellis said.

  “But I have not said what I came to say. You cannot make a decision without hearing us out. We came all this way in order to discuss. We have discussed nothing,” I panicked.

  “This is not what we planned when we contacted you and asked to come. We have done nothing but been kept in a dwelling and shown around your city. Now let us do our work,” James said.

  “It is not what you planned, but it is what we planned. You see, when you contacted us asking to come here to talk peace, we laughed about that. We have no interest in peace with the humans that live on the planet that we will soon conquer. There is no point in it. But there was good reason to have you come here. You are very useful to us,” Leader Rangellis said.


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