Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance

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Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance Page 59

by Maia Starr

  “In celebration, let's feast tonight! Let's have a bonfire! Let's celebrate and not be living in fear the way that we have been. It is no way to live. We deserve at least one night of happiness to pretend like Earth was before the cyborgs. Let's eat!” I shouted and clapped my hands together.

  Everyone cheered. I looked at Razook. People were patting him on the back in thanks. I was so proud. He looked at me and smiled.

  We feasted that night, and I told of the brave adventure and how Rai had saved my life over and over. Everyone was eager to listen. This was good. These stories would be spread far and wide. That meant that people would learn that they were there to help us and that was important.

  Chapter 15

  General Rai Razook

  I was extremely happy for my love, Hannah. Her face lit up when she saw her sister. She was so incredibly happy, and I was astounded to see just how much they look alike. They were mirror images.

  I was also impressed by Hannah and the way she handled the crowd. When she stood up on the chair to give a speech, I knew that she was the perfect person that could help spread the virus, when the time came. She had a way about her. She was confident, and people looked to her. I loved watching her. I never wanted to part with her, and I hoped that I wouldn't have to.

  There was a grand feast that night. The people were very gracious for what we had brought, and it was a good feeling to be wanted. This compound was more like Haven Brook.

  Hannah and I walked along the bay. It was beautiful. We held hands. She looked at me with a smile.

  “What? What does that look mean?” I asked.

  “You got me home,” she said.

  “Yes, I did. I told you that I would keep my word,” I said.

  “That is true. But at the time I did not know if you spoke the truth. I didn't know you at all. I was afraid that I would never come back here again. But you did follow through on your promise. That is why I look at you with pride right now,” I said.

  “And that is why I look at you with love,” I said.

  She stopped walking. “Love? But you hardly know me,” she said.

  “And yet I cannot stop this feeling of love that I feel for you,” I said.

  “I feel the same way. It started small. But it has grown. It has grown into love. I love you too, Rai,” she said.

  “I am very glad to hear it,” I said pulling her into my arms. I kissed her. I wanted to ravage her right there on the bank. But we were in public.

  “Besides, I know I hardly know you, but your DNA is inside my body,” I said playfully between kissing her.

  She laughed out loud. “That is true. I need to get used to that. It is still astounding to me.”

  “What is astounding to me is how good you taste,” I said as I kissed her again. I put my hands on her back and gently rubbed her up and down. It felt good to touch her back now that she was healed. We kissed deeply, getting lost in each other. At that moment there was no one else around except the two of us. Until there was.

  “Excuse me,” a voice said. But we ignored it.

  “Excuse me!” the voice shouted again. I was annoyed that I was being interrupted from kissing my love.

  “What?” I said turning to see a soldier: one of the captain’s soldiers.

  “The captain is requesting a meeting with you. He is inside his ship,” the soldier said.

  I groaned in frustration. “Tell the captain I will be there soon.”

  The soldier saluted me and walked away.

  “That is bad timing,” Hannah said.

  “Yes, it is. My cock is hard,” I said.

  “Well, that should be an interesting meeting,” she laughed.

  “It is not funny. I need it to go away,” I said.

  “Then I should go away. I am going to go find my sister. Maybe you should stand here until you are ready to go to the meeting,” she said as she gave me a quick kiss.

  Then she walked away from me. I watched her walk; it was not helping with my situation. Watching her ass only turned me on more. I had to turn away from her and look at the water. A few minutes later, I was ready.

  I walked into the captain’s ship and into his conference room.

  "You wanted to see me?” I asked.

  “Yes, sit down,” he said. He closed the door, and we sat at the table.

  “I thought we should talk about the situation we are in. Do some planning. Better to get it over with,” he said.

  “I am listening,” he said.

  “First of all, tell me what you ran into out there in this region.”

  “We ran into a hostile human colony. It was the colony that we had gone to after we found the one to the south deserted and could not find one in the region. We came up north. But when we arrived, they began to shoot at us. We did not shoot back. We got out of there as fast as we could. But we were displaced, and that is when I came across Hannah. She was a captive of the cyborgs, and I rescued her. So there were cyborgs in the vicinity as well. I counted about thirty that had Hannah.”

  "Yes, I know of which hostile human colony you speak of. We have also had some interaction with them. I think the cyborgs of thirty count were also ones that we came across. Any more?” he asked.

  “Yes, it was strange. Where are you picked us up. Where are my ship was right there was a cyborg that was cut in half. It did not have legs, but it was crawling across the ground of the forest. It came into the clearing. It took me several shots to take it out. We didn't bother to check the area because I did not want to put Hannah in harm’s way. So we took camp up in the trees. You came across us about an hour later,” I said.

  “That is very interesting. We will send out a scout tomorrow to see if it was a stray or if there is a group of cyborgs in that area. It is important that we know which directions we could be attacked from,” he said.

  “I will send a scout with your army,” I said.

  “Good. We can use the extra resources,” he said. “I am sure that you have plans to make a report about all that you saw and happened, but we were also put it in our report, so we have the resources on our fully as well,” he said.

  “Yes, I will get to the reports,” I said.

  “Now about this human colony. I have been here for a while, and they had very poor defenses. It is not like what we saw at Haven Brook,” he said.

  “Yes, I have noticed that. Maybe we should make it like Haven Brook,” I said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We are a vast army now, my army and yours; we could build a better fence. We can even electrify it,” I said.

  “That is a good idea,” he said.

  “We have the soldiers and engineers for it. I think we could do it,” I said.

  “Then it is settled. We will work together to make this colony more secure, and we will send out scouts to find out exactly the number of cyborgs that we are dealing with,” he said.

  “I agree to those terms,” I said. He stood up and put out his hand. I grabbed his forearm, and he grabbed mine in the way that the Veruka shook on an agreement.

  “Now, if that is all, I would very much like to get back to Hannah,” I said.

  “I understand the feeling. I am going to get back to Helen,” he said.

  We both smiled. We both knew. We were both in love with sisters.

  I walked back out onto the lawn and found Hannah talking to her sister.

  “Would you like to join me in the feast?” she asked me.

  “Yes, I would,” I said. She grabbed my hand and then lead me over to a table. We sat and ate and had a good time.

  “I have good news for you,” I said.

  “You do? What is it?”

  “I spoke with the captain, and we have agreed that my army will stay here at Willow Springs. We are going to help build a better fence and defenses.”

  “That is great news. I am so happy,” she said.

  “I am too. I am glad that you were happy as well,” I said.

  “Then we will n
eed a place to live. There are some houses that are abandoned just outside the fence,” she said.

  “Then we shall go find one. We will make it our own. When the fence is built, then we will incorporate it as well,” I said.

  “That is a good idea! In fact, there are several houses out there right close to this one. We need more space. If a fence is going to be built anyway, it should go around those houses so that we have more of a compound,” she said.

  I looked at her impressed. “Are you sure that you are not a leader of humans?” I asked.

  “Why do you say that?” she said.

  “Because the way your mind works is like a leader,” I said.

  “I didn't realize that,” she said.

  “I will speak to the captain about these extra houses and see if it is negotiable in the agreement,” I said.

  “Speaking of agreements… didn't we have an agreement?” she said.

  “Yes, we did, but it has changed, hasn't it?” I said.

  “Well, you did to get me home,” she said.

  “And you did have sex with me; you saved my life from the plague,” I said.

  “Then I guess the contract is complete,” she said.

  “Yes, it is. Consider your contract with me complete and successful,” I said officially.

  She laughed and then kissed me on the cheek. We ate and celebrated. It was the beginning of a long journey with this human female that I adored. I loved her with all my heart, and I did not want to part with her. I would give everything for her. I was bonded to her, and I could feel it deep within me. I was in love with the human female Hannah Maven.


  The Veruka army that Rai was in charge of was allowed to stay at Willow Springs. This was good. With his army and the captain’s army, there were a lot of hands to defend the estate as well as to build a massive electrified fence. There were enough supplies to feed both the army and the humans. Everything was turning out so well. Before we knew it, a year had gone by. I was happy to be with my sister. She had a weredragon lover, and so did I. It was funny how things had turned out. I had listened to her adventure when she went to look for me. She listened to my adventure. We were both astounded by what had happened.

  But after a year, I knew that Rai needed to go on his mission. Finally one day, he brought it up.

  “Hannah, you know that the king sent me out here for a reason,” he said.

  “Yes, I do. You are to spread the virus to as many human colonies as you can,” I said.

  “Yes, and I did not plan to stay at Willow Springs this long. But it got away from me, time,” he said caressing my cheek.

  “I know. I want all human colonies on Earth to have the virus as well,” I said.

  “Then will you come with me?” he asked.

  “Come with you?” I asked.

  “Yes, it is time that my army leaves this colony and we go in search of another one. The virus will not spread if we do not get out there and take it to as many colonies as we can,” he said.

  “You want me to leave Willow Springs, and my sister, when?” I asked.

  “In a few days. We are going to go north to a place called Vermont. We have heard there are human colonies there,” he said.

  “That is not too far. Especially in your extremely fast ships,” I said.

  “Yes, but we will need a human to come with us to speak to the human colony,” he said looking at me.

  “I will be that human.”

  “You will?” he said with a big smile.

  “Yes, I will. This mission is important to me as well. I want to help spread the virus to take down those bastards. I want to help in any way. But I also want to be with you,” I said.

  “You know that I feel the same way. I have told you time and again that I love you. I only want to be with you. I do not want to be away from you. But I would not want to do anything to make you unhappy, like taking you away from your sister,” he said.

  “I can always visit my sister. This is more important. This is fighting the fight against the machines. I have to put myself aside and do what is right for the Earth,” I said.

  “I am glad that you feel that way. Then together we shall help save the Earth,” he said.

  “Together we will bring down the machines,” I said giving him a big kiss.

  And so we left for Vermont. I was the contact for the humans. I went to a human colony and explained everything. It took a little convincing, but eventually, the colony accepted the Veruka.

  We showed them the virus. We took down three keddle within a year. After that, we went to another colony, and another. But we weren't the only ones. The king made sure that there were others spreading the virus. It was spreading, and it was spreading fast.

  It took ten years to defeat the machines. But it finally happened. We had defeated them with the help of our alien friends, the Veruka.

  We took the Earth back. But now it wasn't just humans that were living on our beautiful planet. We now lived together with the Veruka. We needed them, and they needed us. We learned to co-exist, and every human on Earth knew that we owed our victory against the machines to the Veruka.

  I owed everything to my love, my alien weredragon, General Rai Razook.

  The End

  Corillion Mates BOX SET(1-6)

  By Maia Starr

  BOOK 1: Duron-Corillion Mates

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  "We are under attack!” I shouted into the intercom of the research space station that I had lived on for over a year. “I repeat, we are under attack!”

  Boom! I was thrown across the experiment station room as the space station violently shook. I didn't know if this was because it had been bombed or had been rammed, but either one was very terrifying.

  Sirens blared into the air and red and blue lights flashed off and on in the chaos. I could only think of one thing. “They found us” I said out loud to myself.

  By they, I meant the alien warrior race known as the Corillion. Earth had been at war with this warrior race for the last ten years, and yet we knew nothing about them other than the fact that they were physically dominant to the human male species. They were taller, at almost 8 feet tall, stronger, had blue scales on various parts of their body, and they were ruthless, brutal fighters.

  Male humans did not stand a chance against them in hand to hand combat, and our technology was not as advanced as theirs, but this didn't stop us from trying to figure out a way to stop them from what they had been doing: abducting human females.

  "To the escape pods! Now!” the captain of the space station shouted over the intercom. My eyes grew wide as I realized just how far away I was from the escape pods. I was on the complete opposite side of the space station. I would never make it.

  "I'm on my way!” I shouted as I grabbed onto the counter to press the intercom. A few other voices of the crew joined in confirming they were headed to the escape pods. There were only fifteen other people on the space station, including myself in that number. I and one other woman were the only females. The rest of the crew was men. The space station was still violently shaking, and I had to hold on from one counter to a table and onto the walls in order to stand up and try to make my way out of the experiment room and into the hallway.

  Boom! I was knocked off my feet again. It seemed all but impossible to make it to the escape pods. I cursed that I had fallen asleep during my experiment. If I had not, I would have been in my sleep bunk, which was located very close to the escape pods. If that had been the case, then my entire life would have turned out differently, but I couldn’t have known it then.

  "They have locked onto us!” I heard Lieutenant Marksman shout over the intercom.

  "No,” I said out loud to myself. I felt so alone and so terrified of being in this part of the space station all by myself. We were doomed. Once an enemy ship locked on to a vessel, there was no escape. The ship that locked on had complete control with manual o
verride of the space station. They would lock onto the airlock and board us easily. It was all over. We were in no shape to defend ourselves. The space station was a research vessel, not a military one. We were not equipped to fight for ourselves, and we were very, very, far from Earth. No one would be coming to our aid. Even if they were warned, they would never get here in time.


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