Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance

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Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance Page 86

by Maia Starr

  "I am Edgar Williams, your father’s research assistant. He sent me to fetch you and take you to the facility,” he said.

  "Oh, my father is not with you?”

  "No, he is very busy in the lab today. He is working on a very big project, as you will see," he said as he stopped in his tracks and stared at me like a deer in the headlights and said, “Or perhaps not. Dang, I do not know if I am supposed to say anything about that. Don't tell your father. Come, the car is this way.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him as I followed the fidgety nerd to the car. I wondered what this fumbling assistant was talking about. What was the big project that my father was working on that I was not supposed to know about? The whole purpose of me coming here was to learn my father's research and write about my experience for my thesis. So what could my father possibly be hiding that he would not want me to know about?

  I sat in the car, eager to see the lab and learn more about this mystery. The car pulled away from the station and the very small town. It almost looked like it was abandoned, except for a few buildings: a general store, a small diner, and a few other commercial buildings that did not have signs on them. Soon we were deep in the woods on a winding, narrow road. The pine trees were very tall, like buildings. It was very dense. After an hour, I noticed that we were going up in elevation. This was good. This meant that we were going up the mountain, and closer to the facility.

  "Edgar, how much longer?” I asked him.

  "About half an hour, then we will see the gates,” he said.

  "Gates?” I asked.

  He snorted out and laughed, “Yes. Gates. A research facility like this needs a lot of security.”

  "To keep things out? We are so far out in the middle of nowhere, who would be around to try to get in?” I asked.

  "Oh, Miss Maxwell. You will learn that corporations pay top dollar for spies to break into facilities like this to steal research. But keeping things out is not the only thing that the gates do; they also keep things in.”

  I looked at him completely confused and in shock. What the hell could they be keeping there? A tiger? My confusion and shock were only doubled when we finally pulled up in front of the massive gates. There was a fifteen-foot tall chain-link fence that went on for miles. We pulled up in front of giant wooden doors. I thought it looked like a drawbridge door from a medieval castle. Two armed guards came forward.

  "Is this her?” the guard asked in a stern tone.

  "It is,” Edgar replied. The guard held up a photo of me. He looked at it and looked at my face and then said, “One moment.”

  He walked away into the guard booth and called someone on the phone. The second guard came over and said, “Miss, if you could look into the camera please.”

  I turned to my right outside the passenger window to see a camera moving and focusing on my face. I stared at it in complete confusion. I could hear the guard in the booth mumbling something. Then he hung up and came over to the car. “She has been cleared. Proceed forward.”

  "Thank you,” Edgar said. The giant doors rumbled open slowly. I was expecting King Kong to roar out of the doors. There was nothing boring about this facility, I thought to myself. What would Amy think of this? This was much more exciting than I was expecting it to be.

  Edgar drove forward past the doors. What I saw ahead of me was not that astonishing. The facility looked like any other research facility, almost like a modern college campus. There were many buildings; I think ten in all. Small roads wound through the grounds, and there were a few electric golf carts parked in front of each building, along with bicycles. I was a bit disappointed. With the massive gates, I expected something extraordinary.

  "I will take you first to the cottage apartments. You are in Bungalow 64 in the back of the property,” Edgar said as he drove around toward the side of the facility heading toward the back.

  "Bungalow? I have my own bungalow? I thought I would be staying with my father,” I said confused.

  "No, your father set it up so that you have your own bungalow. I think he takes his work home with him and does not like to be bothered,” Edgar said.

  "Oh, okay. I guess," I said, wondering if I would see my father at all. I kind of liked the idea of living under the same roof as him, since I had not done so since I was very little. But I guessed that was not going to happen now. I knew I should be grateful for the privacy.

  "Here it is. Here is your key. Your father has instructed me to return to you in exactly one hour so that you may get settled. Then I will take you to his office. How does that sound, Miss Maxwell?”

  "Thank you, Edgar. Where can I get something to eat?"

  "In the commissary, but I don't think you will have time for that. But you will find that the refrigerator in your room has already been stocked. Perhaps you can find something in there that satisfies you before dinner.”

  "Yes, thank you. That should do just fine." I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it over to the door with the number 64 on it. I unlocked it and went inside. The small studio bungalow pleasantly surprised me. It had everything that I could need. There was a small kitchenette with a dorm-size half refrigerator. A bed, seating area, and desk occupied the main room. The bathroom was big enough and even had a full tub. “Not bad,” I said, plopping my suitcase on the bed and opening it up.

  I had enough time to unpack, snack on something, and freshen up before meeting up with my father in his office. I put my clothes away in a dresser and in the small closet and then made myself a sandwich and ate an apple. It was the perfect light snack to hit the spot. I washed my face and reapplied some makeup, but not a lot. I kept it very minimal. My father did not like me to wear a lot of makeup and didn't think that any scientist that was serious would wear it anyway. I pulled my long brown hair into a high ponytail on top of my head. I brushed on a tiny bit of clear mascara around my blue eyes and left my lips bare. I changed into a blue, form-fitting sweater and blue jeans with boots that came up to my calves. It was cold in the Virginia mountains, even in spring. I pulled on a light coat and scarf and was ready just in time as Edgar knocked at my door.

  "Your father is ready to see you. But first he has asked me to drive you around the entire facility to point out the buildings that you will be using,” he said.

  "Great. I'm ready,” I said, locking the door behind me. Edgar had traded in the black BMW that he had picked me up in for a golf cart. I hopped on and he drove to the building directly in front of the bungalows.

  “In here is a community center of sorts; there is a gym with an indoor pool. There is also a library and lounge. On the other side of the building is an outdoor patio and coffee cart. It's a great place to sit outside and read or hang out,” he said.

  "Sounds perfect. I do drink a lot of coffee,” I said, checking out the building before he drove away toward the center of the facility where he showed me the commissary for all of our meals, and which buildings were for research. Then he stopped the golf cart in front of the building that was labeled security.

  "Security? Why are we here? Is this where my father's office is?” I asked him.

  "No, you will need to get a picture ID badge in order to have access to the buildings.”

  "Oh, yes, of course. Why didn't I think of that?” I said.

  A few moments later, I was standing in front of a camera getting my photo taken, just like getting a drivers license. They printed my photo onto a card with a clip. “You must wear this at all times,” the security guard said to me.

  "Thank you,” I said, clipping it onto my jacket.

  Edgar looked at his watch and then said, “All right. It is time. Your father should be in his office now. Let's go give him a visit.”

  "Perfect. I can't wait to see him,” I said as we hopped back on the golf cart and then headed toward the tallest building of the research facility. It was all glass, and I bet the views of the surrounding woods and mountains were pretty.

  "Why don't you go ahead and try your badge?" Edgar said as w
e walked up to the sliding doors. I pulled my badge off my jacket and swiped it on the keypad. It beeped, and the light turned green, and the door slid open.

  "Perfect; it works,” Edgar said as he walked inside. “This way. Your father is on the top floor." He walked towards the elevator and we stepped in as he pressed floor 10. I started to get really nervous. My father was a stranger to me, and seeing him once a year was our normal routine.

  Moments later we were standing in front of a door, and Edgar knocked on it, “It's Edgar! I'm here with your daughter!”

  "Come in, come in," I heard my father say.

  He was on the phone. He was talking loudly, but he gave me a quick wave. Then he nodded at Edgar as though allowing him to leave. My father walked back-and-forth in his room talking on the phone. I did not know who he was talking to, but he said, “I have to be allowed to do what I need to do. The government should not be involved in this. If they want answers, then they will have to let me use my own tactics for getting them. I have to go now.” Then he hung up the phone.

  I could see the gorgeous view from the glass that covered an entire side of his office. There were woods all around us. It was very beautiful.

  "Trish,” he said as he gave me a brief hug. “It is good to see you, daughter,” he said.

  "You too, father, as always. Thank you for letting me come. It will be very important for my thesis."

  "Yes, daughter, about your thesis. We must go over the rules and regulations,” he said, sitting behind his desk in a very formal manner.

  "Rules? Regulations?” I said, sitting in the chair in front of his desk as though I was interviewing for a job.

  "Yes, I allowed you to come here because it is a facility that will give you a lot of clout when you are searching for a job. The fact that your thesis is centered on this facility will impress many research universities and give you an advantage over other applicants. But there are certain things that you may not cover in your thesis because of privacy regulations. The reason you have never visited me here, daughter, is because it is a very classified research facility. Therefore your thesis must be about the facility itself, and not the actual work going on here.”

  "I don't understand? The whole reason I came was to write about your research, not the buildings,” I said, getting annoyed.

  "Well, you have misunderstood. When you grow up, you will see that certain research can't just be put out into the world in a reckless manner,” he said sternly.

  "Grow up? I'm 25,” I said to him.

  "And yet not old enough to understand what I speak of. I will have no more argument about it. I will show you which labs you may observe to your heart's content. You may come and go when you please, just like a real scientist. Come with me,” he said as he stood up and headed toward the door. I followed with a sigh of annoyance.

  "Yes, father,” I said.

  "This entire building is only offices. We are going next-door to the main research building, Building 8," he said, getting into the elevator.

  Soon we were walking into the building. My father stepped into the elevator, and I followed. “Floors seven through ten are off-limits to you, especially floor ten. But floors two through six you have access to. There are many different labs with different experiments going on in biology and microbiology. You will feel at home here. All the scientists have been informed of your presence, and they are open to answering any questions that you may have, but keep it general. Do not ask specific questions about their projects. You may ask questions like, how do they schedule their time in the labs? Why did they come work for this facility? Things like that. Is that understood?”

  "Yes, father," I said, completely annoyed by the fact that he was not allowing me to do more. What was the point in coming at all? But I didn't know then that the 10th floor held my answer.

  Chapter 2


  I had to go. I didn't have a choice; my entire planet depended on it. Sure, it was a very small planet, but there were over 500 Corillion warriors living on it, and they all depended on me: the leader of the planet.

  So when Cultan contacted me from Earth to let me know that he needed my help and in return would grant me 25 human females, I couldn't refuse. Cultan was stuck on Earth. He had captured 50 breeding human females to take back to his planet Krillis. But his aircraft had suffered irreparable damage, and he was stuck, hiding from the enemy of Earth. We were at war with Earth, if they found him, they would kill him and his warriors, and the 50 human female captives would be a loss.

  I was in my 21-year cycle, and if I did not find a human female to breed with soon, then I would be dying in a few months, so his offer to give my tribe of Glomerorum 25 human females was too much of a good offer to pass up. So I made a very bold choice: I would go to Earth with a cargo ship that could carry Cultan, his warriors, and the 50 human females.

  We were one of the few Corillion tribes that had such an advanced aircraft. Even though it was a massive cargo ship with great speed, it had a protective shield that made it look invisible in the Earth’s sky. It was the perfect ship for the job. So I took the opportunity and left Glomer with a copilot to Earth.

  But then it all went wrong. The battle was short. The Earthlings caught us as soon as we entered the atmosphere. It was almost as if they were expecting us. My ship went down into a vast ocean the humans called the Atlantic. My copilot and I ejected from the ship only to be taken prisoner by the Earthlings. It was a disaster.

  That was how I found myself in this terrible prison. It was unlike any prison cell that I had ever seen in the world of the Corillion. I had spent three months in captivity, strapped to a table. There was a team of torturers that did experiments on me. When I refused to cooperate or to answer their questions, they would give me a bolt of electricity that was extremely painful. It was the worst torture that I had ever experienced. The humans were cruel. I should have fought to the death in the battle instead of allowing myself to be captured. It was a mistake that I had been paying for over the last three months.

  The prison did not have windows, as can be expected. But there was something that I did not expect; there were all kinds of gadgets, electrical devices, and surgical tools. I knew that I was not in any ordinary prison on Earth. I had been put into a prison where the humans were studying the Corillion race.

  "Tell us more about this 22-year cycle,” the man that the others referred to as Dr. Maxwell asked me while he held a tablet in his hand.

  "Fuck off,” I said as I spat at him.

  He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, dark blue eyes. He had brown hair, and he was very tall for a human, almost 6 feet and 5 inches. He was very thin and willowy and always wore a white coat. He wiped the spit off him. He looked at another man and nodded his head. I knew exactly what that meant.

  "Agh!" I shouted as a large volt of electricity rocked through my body. I shook and convulsed on the table that I was strapped to. Finally, the shock subsided.

  "Now will you answer the question? Tell me more about this 22-year cycle. Is it true that a Corillion warrior will die off if he does not mate with a human female?"

  I glared at him, but said nothing. They were going to kill me anyway. Why should I answer any of the questions? I would die before I betrayed the Corillion warriors by giving these humans any information they could use against us in the war. Loyalty was everything to the Corillion, and I would not be disloyal.

  "Where in the Corillion galaxy are you from, Jedrian? Why did you come to Earth?” the human asked.

  "I came to Earth to find you and kill you,” I said to him angrily. It was a lie of course, but it made me feel good to see the fear in his eyes.

  "That is all for now,” he finally said to the other man. Put him under. We will begin surgical testing in 45 minutes,” he said.

  "Surgical? You better not cut me open! I will kill you!” I shouted as I struggled to get free on the table. But it was no use. A clear mask was put over my f
ace; it was the last thing that I remembered before going to sleep.

  When I woke up, there was a large gauze wrapping on my right shoulder. The fuckers. They had sliced open my shoulder and removed a few of my scales. I could feel it. I moaned in anger, but also at the loss of my scales that meant so much to us Corillion warriors. It was our identity. It was everything to us. They had stolen that from me, and I could never forgive them for that. I would have my vengeance. I did not know how it would happen, but I knew that it was coming. I could feel it in the air.

  Cultan was nearby. He was still hidden at the secret Corillion hideout deep in these mountains. I and my copilot had been captured before we reached Cultan, so their identities and whereabouts were still safe. My copilot had been killed in front of my eyes when he resisted capture; now it was only me. All I had to do was somehow escape from this prison. Then I could make my way to the secret Corillion hide out. I had memorized its location before leaving Glomer.


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