Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance

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Jion_A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance Page 96

by Maia Starr

  I was trembling with fear. How could this be happening again? It was so unfair and so dumb that a Corillion warrior was accusing me of this.

  "Your leader Cultan stole me; he abducted me. I am no assassin! He took me from my life and was going to force me to marry a Corillion. He grabbed my leg when I was running away during the raid by the Earth army. I tripped and fell, and he was pulling on my leg. There was a blaster gun near me, so I grabbed it and shot him. He is the one at fault for his own death. If he would not have stolen me in the first place, maybe he would still be alive, if the Earth army would not have gotten to him anyway. He is the one that is at fault for his own death, not I. I was only acting in self-defense. Now get out before I kill you too,” I said with as much confidence as I could muster. I knew that I could not kill this Corillion warrior as I did not have a gun or any sort of weapon. I was in bed and practically naked, but I had to use my intelligence in hopes that I could outwit him.

  In the darkness, I saw his jaw flinch. Perhaps I was making sense to him. He walked toward the wall slowly and flipped on the light switch. He turned and looked at me. I grabbed the sheet and pulled it to my chin.

  I could see him clearly now. His thick, black eyebrows framed his dark brown eyes. His long black hair was stringy and down to his shoulders, his naked shoulders. There was black stubble on his face that made him look rugged and extremely menacing. He was in standard Corillion dress, with no shirt and a large belt around his waist with various weapons hanging off over skin-tight trousers that were thick, like wetsuit material, and left nothing to the imagination. His thick muscular thighs surrounded a bulge in his crotch. Calf high boots in black finished the warrior look.

  But the most Corillion thing of all was the metallic blue scales on his right shoulder that went all the way down the side of his body to his hip. This was the signature Corillion trait.

  He looked at me and grinned. He took slow steps towards me. His dagger was in his hand. I pulled my knees to my chest. I wasn't going with him. I was not going to go to the Corillion galaxy where I would be murdered for something that Cultan had brought upon himself. I jumped from the bed and ran in the other direction toward the door. In seconds, the Corillion warrior was upon me. That is the last thing that I remember.

  When I woke up, I was in a room the size of a closet. There was a thin bed, almost like a bench, with a mattress on it. There was water and a plate of food and I knew the look of the glassware and plates all too well. It was the same type that I saw at the secret base when I was being held captive. I stood up from the bed. I was still wearing my sheer nightgown that exposed my breasts. I was glad that I was wearing white panties at least, but I felt very vulnerable. There was a large door, and the walls were gray without windows. The dim light was flickering off and on. “What the hell?” I said to myself.

  I went to the door and pressed on the latch. To my surprise, it opened. I stepped out of the small room into a hallway that was long and narrow.

  “It can't be. It just can't be,” I said to myself as I walked down the hallway.

  I did not want to admit that I was on a Corillion spaceship. It was something that I had been fighting when I was at the secret base and now after all that I had been through, I still wound up here anyway. Oh, the irony. It was my escape from the secret base that made this Corillion warrior come to search for me. He was out for vengeance against me for taking his leader from him. I was not going to allow it to happen. I would take the entire ship down if I had to.

  I quietly padded down the hall. Suddenly, I saw a window. I ran to it and looked out. Now there was no denying it: I was in space. The blackness surrounded us, and I could not see anything that looked like Earth. I did not know how long I had been sleeping. I could have been out for days, or even an entire week. We were far from Earth now.

  I looked out at the wonder of space. I was in awe of it, and if this were under different circumstances, I would be enjoying it. But this was no adventure. I was in danger.

  I kept wandering the ship until I saw something that looked like a room with lots of systems and lights. I looked around and saw no one. I began to push many buttons and flip switches. I yanked wires out of the wall. I was trying to wreck anything that I could see and get my hands on. Then blasting sirens pierced the air and the lights blinked off and on. I smiled to myself. I had done it. I would rather crash or be stranded in space then go to the Corillion galaxy.

  "You!” the Corillion warrior growled at me. I ran in the other direction even though I knew there was nowhere to run to. He chased after me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. At that point, I saw one more Corillion warrior running down the hall.

  "Seto! See to the controls! The human has messed with the cooling system! Fix it!"

  "Yes, Viqer! Right away!”

  The warrior called him Viqer. I guessed that was his name, the warrior that had me thrown over his shoulder, shouting profanities at me. I punched his back with my fists and kicked him in the stomach with my feet. It only seemed to make him angrier. His manly warrior scent was all around me, and it was a heady fragrance.

  "Since you will not stay in your room like a good human, you give me no choice! I did not think to lock your room because there is no place for you to run. We are in deep space. But I should have known that you would cause chaos on the ship. You are trouble, human female!”

  "If you let me go home, I will not be any trouble!” I yelled back.

  He laughed at me. “That is impossible. I will just have to secure you. You will have no comfort here. That is of your own doing,” he said as he entered a cell. My eyes grew wide. There would be no privacy here. There was a small bed and a table, and beyond that, only bars. He threw me on the bed. My breathing grew rapid. Was he going to take me?

  "Do not move. I could snap your neck in a flash. Do not move, human female. Do not test me,” he said as he grabbed a chain linked to the wall. He grabbed a metal cuff and strapped it on to my wrist, then the other. Our faces were very close together, and he looked at my lips, as they were trembling. He grabbed my chin with his large hand and pressed a vigorous kiss against my lips. For a moment, I melted into that kiss. I was kissing an alien warrior, and it was turning me on.

  Then I remembered that this warrior was sent to kill me. He was sent to hunt me down and kill me, and he should not be kissing me. I bit his lip. He pulled back and his brows furrowed at me. Then he snarled; he seemed to like it.

  “Don't forget I have already killed one of you, and not just any one of you, but your leader, and I can do it again,” I sneered back at him. He growled and smiled at me. Then he moved down my body. My breath caught in my throat. What was he doing? His face went very close between my thighs, and he looked up at me with a big smile. Was he going to do what I thought he was going to do? And more so, why did I want him to?

  That was wrong, that was very wrong. I should hate him and yet all the hours that I spent fantasizing about being taken by a Corillion warrior had made me lose all rational thought. My desires were overtaking my mind. I wasn't thinking clearly.

  "I can see what you're thinking. You want me to taste you. It is obvious to me. I have been with your kind before,” Viqer said to me. My eyes grew wide, and I felt a flash of red on my cheeks.

  "But you are not going to get it. You do not deserve it,” he said as his face moved past my wet center going lower toward my knees. He grabbed my ankle firmly in his hand. Then he strapped a cuff around it. Then he grabbed my other foot in his hand. His hands were large and strong, and they dwarfed my feet. He strapped on the other cuff on my other ankle. Then he stood up and stared at me.

  "I can see your hard nipples through your dress. That is a sign that you want me. But you cannot have me. You are being punished for what you have done. Soon you will be in front of my leader, Titeq, and then soon I will kill you,” he growled at me and then he turned and closed the bars behind him and left.

  I let out a sigh. I couldn't handle it any longer. I
needed some release. If I did not get it, then I would be throwing myself at him when he returned. I moved my hand inside my panties and touched my clitoris. The chain rattled loudly. I moved my hand back-and-forth, all the while thinking about Viqer taking me. It was what I needed to think about, and in seconds, I was releasing. I moaned and wiggled on the bed. I laid back and enjoyed the pulsing that ran through me. I tried to catch my breath and placed my hands on my hard nipples, pretending it was Viqer's hands. I laid there knowing that it was very wrong that I was so turned on by him. It must be the danger and the adrenaline of it. That must be why I found it so thrilling.

  An hour later, the warrior that Viqer had referred to as Seto walked over to the bars carrying a tray. He slid it underneath the bars toward me. I stood up, and the chains rattled as I did so. Seto stopped and stared at me, and my breasts through my sheer gown.

  "You are Seto, right?” I asked moving toward him.

  "Yes, that is my name,” he said looking at me up-and-down.

  "Seto, how long before we get to our destination?” I asked with a humble smile trying to make friends.

  "A week. But we have a stop first,” he said as he turned away.

  "Wait! Where is the stop?” I asked.

  "Etora. The planet Etora," he said.

  "What is that?” I asked.

  "It is a trading outpost. Everything is bought and sold there, even female captives like yourself. It is full of criminals, and there are no laws,” he said, trying to scare me.

  I smiled and joked, “How much do you think I would go for?” I said in a seductive tone as I posed for him.

  "A lot. Especially the way that you are dressed and how you look,” he said, smiling as he took a step back toward me.

  "If you were thinking about stealing me away from Viqer and selling me on the market for yourself, I would not say a thing. It would be our secret. You could take the profit for yourself and run away on Etora. I would be someone else's problem,” I whispered to him.

  "No! That is treachery. I am a loyal warrior. Do not say such a thing ever again," he said angrily and stormed off.

  I smiled to myself. I had planted a seed in his head. He would be thinking about my plan. Before long, it would be something that he thought he could actually do. I would prefer to take my chances on this outlaw planet. In the process of being taken from the ship to be sold, I would have a chance to run away. After being sold to a new owner, then I would have another chance to run away. The point was I would not be stuck on a ship with nowhere to run. Perhaps there were even humans on this outlaw planet known as Etora. I hoped that this Seto would become greedy and go through with the plan. It was my only hope.

  Chapter 4


  I did not want to admit to myself that I wanted Saramina. Tasting her sweet lips and then her biting me in such a vicious way only made me want her more. Why shouldn't I? She was just going to go to waste anyway. She was on the verge of death; I might as well get some enjoyment out of my bounty. I had been sent to hunt her down and to capture her, why could I not enjoy the goods?

  She would not be my first. I already had a wife, a human female wife. She went by the name Bethany. But she did not please me. I was grateful to receive her as a wife when Cultan had awarded her to me for my strength in battle. The planet of Krillis was fortunate in that many of us warriors had human female mates. It was because Cultan took it upon himself to visit Earth and capture them in large amounts and send them to us. After the Corillion leaders received their mates, us high-ranking fighters were next in line.

  I was grateful to Bethany for extending my life cycle beyond the 21 years. But after several months of mating, she had not given me offspring. She was a very docile and boring female and was nothing like the feisty and violent Saramina that I liked. She was a match for me. I was a skilled warrior that spent a lot of time fighting, and Saramina was a fighter. She was smart. She was not submissive. She was not one to let fate rule her. When she was taken by Cultan, she killed him. When she was taken by myself, she created chaos on the ship trying to incapacitate it. She was a fighter. She was strong, and I liked it.

  So why should I not sample what I wanted? I would not get attached, I had not become attached to any human female, and that included my forever mate, Bethany. So I would not get attached to this one either; I would just have my fun. I had made up my mind; I was going to take her. She wanted it anyway; I could tell by the way she looked at me. When I kissed her, she kissed me back, if only for a few seconds before being hostile.

  But first, we were coming up on the planet Etora. So it would have to wait, being with Saramina. I needed my wits about me because Etora was a very dangerous place, and I liked danger. I could handle anything that this outlaw planet could throw at me. In truth, I enjoyed visiting the planet anytime that I could. It was not in the Corillion galaxy, but there were Corillion, there were humans, and there were various few other alien races on the planet all mixing and fighting and trading amongst each other. I liked that environment.

  "Approaching Etora,” Seto said as he radioed me.

  "Coming to the flight deck,” I responded, and I got up from my seat and made my way to the flight deck to land the ship. We landed just outside the city gates, a trading city known as Ceta.

  "I will be back. You stay here and guard the ship and guard the prisoner. It should not take long to get the freight. You should see me returning with several carts. Do not let anyone on the ship unless I am with them,” I said to Seto as I strapped on my blaster guns and knives onto my belt.

  "Yes, sir!” He saluted me.

  I left the ship in his hands, including my priceless prisoner. She wasn’t just a human female; she was a wanted human female, wanted for her crimes. Her crimes were great, and I could not let her get away.

  I went through the massive city gates into the west side of the city of Ceta. The west side was the most dangerous side, the weapons-trade side of the city. It was dangerous because if a fight broke out weapons were easily available to grab and fight with. And there was always a fight.

  "Parana, do you have my cargo?” I asked the Ankoorion alien. They had gills and lived half on water and half on land. But they could not be without water for more than a week. They came from a water planet. But they were also good traders of all kinds of goods.

  "I have it, Viqer. Tell your leader Titeq that these are the best blaster guns in the universe. They are well worth their price,” he responded.

  “I will be the judge of that. May I?” I asked, pointing to a crate.

  "Yes, you may try the merchandise,” Parana said as he opened the crate. I grabbed a blaster gun and charged it, cocking it several times. I looked to Parana who pointed out a suitable target for me. It was a wall with lights. I blasted the lights one after another easily. They were accurate. I placed the gun back in the crate.

  "These are suitable for our needs,” I said to him. Titeq had wanted to grow the arsenal of weapons on Krillis. He was preparing for retaliation from Earth. Stocking up on guns was part of it.

  "Here is the money,” I said, holding a few bags. He looked at it and snarled.

  "This is not enough. This was not the agreement with Titeq. Where is the rest?” he said as his men stood beside him.

  "Are you trying to swindle me? This is exactly the amount Titeq told me to pay you. This is the exact amount that he said you agreed on,” I growled at him.

  "No. It is not. He has either lied to you or lied to me. Either way, the deal is off. The guns stay here,” he said.

  "No. They are coming with me,” I said to him.

  "No. You are not taking them,” he said to me.

  "You are trying to get more money then these are worth. Take this money and give me the guns or you will have Titeq to answer to and an entire army from Krillis,” I said.

  He laughed. “That might be so in the future. But that is not so now. Now get your worthless face out of here, you stupid piece of shit,” he snarled at me.r />
  I had heard enough. Bam! I punched him in the face, and he went down on his back. I knew that it was not a wise thing to do, but he had pushed me too far. In seconds, two of his men were on top of me. We wrestled across the floor fighting. Boom! I punched one. Bam! I kicked the other as he flew away from me. It was enough to give me room to run. I ran, swerving around tables and aliens and humans in the marketplace.

  "Get him!” I heard Parana shout. He was pissed. I ran fast, jumping over items and dodging under carts back toward my ship. I was smiling the whole way. This was fun to me. I enjoyed a good fight, and I enjoyed getting the best of my enemies and out running them. He was trying to swindle Titeq, and I was not going to allow that to happen. Finally, I arrived at the ship. I turned back over to the marketplace to see the two men chasing me still. I opened the door and ran straight to the flight deck.

  "We got to get out of here! Go! Go!” I shouted as I ran into the pilot’s chair and started the engines. In seconds, I shot straight up into the atmosphere of the planet Etora. I was laughing the whole time. It was fun to me. Once out of the atmosphere and into the darkness of space, I slowed down and set the ship on autopilot. I radioed Seto.


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