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Model for the Mob: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance

Page 12

by Flora Ferrari

  I throw my head back and scream, no longer capable of feeling self-conscious.

  All the closeness we’ve shared has obliterated any silly notions of not expressing myself.

  Luca has made me realize how sexy I can be.

  I embrace it in this moment, bouncing against him and singing out my lust.

  “Fuck, your pussy is tight when you come.”

  “Yes,” I scream, when another orgasm erupts in my belly, squeezing a tight ball of heavenly want.

  Everything burns, every inch of me set alight with the glory of this moment.

  When the orgasm passes my lower half feels tired and content, I shift my hips as I lean in to take my man’s lips.

  He meets me in the middle and we kiss frantically, our lips and our teeth scraping together in a mess of longing and want. He drives deeper, his enflamed helm touching parts of me I never knew existed before Luca.

  But that’s nothing new.

  Physically and emotionally, he’s opened me up to a whole new world.

  I let out a shivering choked noise when another orgasm flares from the end of his cock, the flames spreading and licking me up from the inside, scorching me.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Yes,” he growls. “Together—do it… together.”

  I clasp his face in my hands, staring into his eyes as they become hazy and glassy, like the beast inside of him has completely taken over. His muscles stand taut against his skin, everything straining with the onset of his – of our – release.

  “Together,” I moan. “Together, together…”

  He roars and I scream as our releases come in unison, both of us floating on a raft of pure euphoria, devouring each other with our eyes as our bodies send out the last moments of pulsating pleasure.

  His cock pumps inside of me, as though I can feel his seed shooting into me and into my womb, nestling warmly there as we clasp tighter onto each other.

  He collapses atop me, his rock hard body pressed up against mine, flattening my breasts against him and making my nipples tingle invitingly.

  He slides aside and I roll over, placing my cheek against his chest, feeling his heartbeat thunder against my cheek and through my body. I squeeze onto his side and hug as close to him as I can get.

  We lie like that for a long time, joined together, as his heartbeat gets quieter and calmer against my ear.

  A smile spreads across my cheeks, joy dancing through my body and lighting up my soul.

  We did it, my womb sings.

  I can’t believe I was worried about this.

  It was the most magical thing that’s ever happened to me.

  I finally look up to find Luca staring down at me, his face hard, his lips hard, his eyes hard.

  A moment of anxiety writhes through me, twisting, but then I beat it back with an internal roar. I won’t let myself sink into these anxious holes anymore. I won’t so willingly interpret everything as a sign of danger, not now, not after what we just did.

  “Did I disappoint?” I ask, with what I hope is a playful smile.

  He smirks. “You know you didn’t fucking disappoint. That was incredible, Lucy. That was more than incredible. You’re everything I ever dreamed of and more. I can’t believe you were a virgin.”

  “Really?” I whisper, elation dancing through me.

  “Really,” he says firmly. “It’s like our bodies knew what to do. They were anticipating each other every step of the way. That was… heaven. I know how that sounds. I know it’s cheesy as fuck. But I can’t phrase it any another way.”

  “I agree,” I say. “I always thought I’d be fumbling for what to do, but it all came so naturally.”

  He smooths his hand down my body, clasping my hip before sliding around to my belly. He keeps his hand there, a warm presence against my skin.

  “Do you think it’s too early to tell?” he asks.

  “If I’m pregnant?”

  “What else?”

  I giggle, nodding. “Uh, yeah, I think it may be just a little bit.”

  “That’s crazy,” he says. “Because I’m sure I can feel our child growing inside of you. I’m sure I can feel your body’s hunger to give us a family. Does that make me crazy?”

  “Maybe,” I say, with another giggle. I can’t stop laughing. I’ve never felt joy so compelling, so certain. “But if you are, maybe I’m a little bit crazy too. I can feel something inside of me, something new. Maybe it’s our child.”

  “Our future,” he growls, with a fierce nod. “I just know it is. I can’t believe I found you. I’m the luckiest man alive.”

  “I’m the luckiest woman alive,” I say, laying my forearms against his chest and leaning in for a kiss. “Imagine if you weren’t there that night to protect me.”

  “I don’t want to think about a life without you in it,” he counters. “I never thought I could be an emotional man. I used to look down on men who expressed their feelings. But now I see how wrong I was. A life without love, without you, Lucy… it’s not a life worth living.”

  I love you, I almost scream. He just said it.

  A life without love…

  It seems like the perfect place for one of us to say it, but then he kisses my forehead and lets his head fall back, and the moment has passed. I rest my cheek against his chest again, reminding myself not to push too much too fast.

  We’re together. We’re safe. We’ve just had the most amazing sex of my life.

  Fine, I have literally nothing to compare it to, but the way those orgasms slammed into me one after the other was like something out of a wild fantasy.

  And I think he might be right.

  As crazy as it sounds, there’s a flickering in my belly, a stirring I can’t quite explain. It’s like my womb is sending me messages through my body, quivering full of intention, telling me this is it, the moment our lives change forever.

  “I’m so glad we met,” I murmur, with tears of happiness streaming down my cheeks.

  “Me too,” he says softly, and I can hear the sleepiness in his voice.

  He’s started the day by saving my life, he spent the bulk of it saving the city, and now we’ve hopefully made our first child. That would make anybody sleepy, even my hulking Mafia beast.

  I smile and close my eyes, enjoying the simple gift of being so close to him.



  “That’s exactly my point,” Lucy says, giggling as she waves her hands. “Luca was all, Oh, Toto’s a sleepy lazy-ass dog. He never likes to run around. But every time I’m with him, the little rascal never stops.”

  I chuckle my chest swarming with joy at the simple sight of my family sitting around the table together. It’s a glorious sunny morning, and we’re taking our breakfast on the balcony.

  Toto sprints around the garden below us, leaping in the air to snap at butterflies and insects and sometimes at things only he can see, maybe things in the little terror’s imagination. He runs to our end of the garden and barks up at us, wagging his tail happily.

  “That’s right, little man,” Aunt Maria calls down. “We’re talking about you.”

  I lean back, exchanging a look with Aldo. He grins up at me, looking like the teenage boy he was when we started on this road together.

  My body is still aching from what Lucy and I did last night, the amazing sex followed by the nap and then – when we both woke at midnight – more incredible mind-blowing sex. The second time she sat atop me, clasping my hands as she rocked back and forth.

  “Am I doing it right?” she moaned.

  I could hardly get my words out, she was moving so perfectly, but I managed to growl a yes.

  She’s wearing a flowing summer dress this morning, with little flowers dotted all over it, made of the sort of light fabric that hugs onto her body and outlines it gloriously. Her dark hair falls to her shoulders in shiny waves, dancing in the sunlight. Her smile is wide and her eyes are bright.

  She’s so confident, so sassy, so
fiery beneath her shield of shyness.

  Drawing more confidence out of her is going to be one of the greatest pleasures of my life, I know…

  Well, if I don’t think about her perfect breasts and her round spank-me ass and that heavenly place between her legs.

  “Luca?” Maria says, turning to me with a laugh. She’s wearing a big hat and heart-shaped glasses.


  She giggles, rolling her eyes. “See, Lucy? I told you he was too busy thinking about how lucky he is to be listening. I asked if you’re going to get a dog now that you’re settling down.”

  I smirk and reach over to Lucy, giving her hand a squeeze. “That depends if my lady can handle the responsibility of another little Toto running around, causing havoc. I’ve gotta say, Lucy, you really bring out the worst in him.”

  I make my tone light and she giggles, rolling her eyes and then throwing me a mock-glare that gets my blood pumping.

  An hour… an hour until our lives change forever.

  Or an hour until I humiliate myself and set us back, making it so she finds it awkward being around me.

  Phantom words whisper in my mind.

  I know we said there wasn’t such a thing as too fast, but I didn’t think you were talking about this.

  “I’m so relieved this is all over.” Maria sighs, picking up her coffee cup. “The city’s safe, Franco’s far away, there’s less crime on the streets than ever before… Ottavio is in charge, which means there won’t be any gang wars. The docks are in check. You’ve done well, boys.”

  Aldo grins and I nod.

  “We do our best,” Aldo says. “I’m just looking forward to when Luca runs for mayor. That’s going to be one hell of a show.”

  “Hey, he could do it,” Lucy says, rushing to my defense.

  Aldo holds his hands up. “I know he could. I feel sorry for whatever bastard stands opposite him on the debate stand.”

  Lucy smiles at me radiantly, as though all the sunlight is contained within her lovable face.

  Everything about her is lovable, right down to the way she brushes her dress down. Every gesture, every tiny moment with her stamps the word love on my soul.

  There are two things I never thought would concern me.

  Love and souls.

  Now I believe in both and I can’t live without either.

  I glance at my watch.

  One hour until the helicopter lands.

  I’ve faced down armies and moguls and gun barrels, but I’ve never felt nerves swirl in my stomach like this before.

  “I can’t believe you did this.” Lucy’s excitement is evident in her voice, loud in the headset.

  I sit opposite her in the back of the helicopter, the perfect spot to take in her delighted expression.

  “Where are we going?”

  I grin across at her, feeling like I can truly smile for the first time in my life. I’ve never felt like this before, with so much contentment emanating from me. Like I can simply be in every moment instead of constantly looking for the next thing.

  I’ll still conquer this city.

  But I’ll always make sure to value these in-between moments when it’s just me and my woman and the whole world seems a million miles away.

  “That’d ruin the surprise,” I tell her. “Are you ready?”

  She bites her lip, glancing at the lawn to the edge of the helicopter. She erupted into joyful giggles when it landed on the lawn. I told them to land out here instead of on the helipad to make more of a dramatic effect.

  I want today to be as memorable for my woman as possible.

  “I think so,” she says. “I’ve never even been in a plane before, let alone a helicopter.”

  “You better get used to being in the sky,” I say.


  “For your work. You’ll be traveling all over the place when you’re the world’s most successful plus-size fashion designer.”

  Her cheeks glow, the flush spreading down her neck and disappearing into her summer dress. She asked me if she should change when I told her we were going up in the chopper, and I told her no damn way. She looks perfect in the summer dress, every part of her passion-red, her body on display for me.

  And for me alone.

  I watched the pilots attentively as we got strapped into our seats, waiting for any sign they were taking too much interest in getting her into her seat. I wonder if the protective jealous predator in me will ever calm down, but I know it won’t.

  I don’t think Lucy would have it any other way either.

  “Come on. Don’t say crazy stuff.”

  “It’s not crazy,” I growl. “It’s a fact. Come on. Show me your brave face. It’s time to fly.”

  “My brave face?” She scrunches her features up, grinning at me. “Something like this?”

  I chuckle at how adorable she looks, playful and carefree, something I never could’ve imagined when she was forced to walk down that runway.

  “If that’s the face you make when you’re feeling brave, go for it.”

  I flip the switch on my headset, turning to the pilot’s channel. “We’re ready. Take us up, gentleman.”

  I switch back to our private channel and smile across at my woman as she grips onto her harness with tight fists, staring across at me and letting out a surprised yelp when the chopper’s blades start thundering.

  They were coasting before, but now they ramp up to full power, the noise making it difficult to hear Lucy even in the headset.

  “Whoah,” she cries when the helicopter lifts off, my stomach dropping slightly even after having been in helicopters dozens of times for work.

  “I’m scared to look,” she says as we soar higher and higher.

  “Look at me then,” I say, letting my eyes move over her tempting body and then out the doorway, at the estate and the countryside growing smaller beneath us.

  We head toward the city, surging through the air, the helicopter rumbling powerfully beneath us. The reverberations make Lucy shake in her seat. I have to grit my teeth together to stop from tearing off my harness and leaping across at her.

  Her breasts bounce alluringly, tempting me with each shift in the helicopter’s trajectory.

  The city twinkles brightly as we approach, the skyscrapers glinting with what seems like a million shining lights. I know it’s the sunlight bouncing off the glass, but it looks brighter, more meaningful… like our future calling to us, getting brighter the closer we get.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asks, her voice calmer now, her fists not so tight on the harness.

  “You’d laugh if I told you.”

  “I highly doubt that.”

  “Okay.” I shrug. “I was thinking the city is glittering like our future. Like it’s calling to us.”

  She smiles widely, tears glistening in her eyes. “That’s so romantic.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised,” I banter. “This cold-as-stone mafia boss has got some romance in him.”

  “I know,” she says passionately. “I hope I never stop being surprised though. I love how you can show those parts of yourself to me…”

  She trails off, flinching, and it takes me a moment to realize it’s the word love that’s making her question herself.


  The word has hovered between us for what feels like weeks, even if it’s only been days, an unsaid declaration that desperately needs to be brought out into the open.

  Well, that’s what this helicopter ride is for.

  I spend the short journey drinking in the sight of my woman. After a few minutes she builds up the courage to peep out the window, and then immediately snaps her head back against the headrest, laughing.

  “Nah uh, that’s ridiculous. I’ll be brave on the way back, I promise.”

  “I like you scared,” I smirk, my lust rising like the surging helicopter. “It makes me want to protect you even more than I already do.”

  Finally, we begin the descent to the skyscrap
er’s helipad.

  Lucy closes her eyes the whole way down, fighting the feeling of inertia. It gives me ample time to study her, to cement this moment in my memory. I know we’ll laugh about this in the years to come, the helicopter ride that started the first great epoch of our life.

  Once we’ve come to a complete stop and the helicopter’s blades have stopped chugging, I unstrap myself and reach over and grab Lucy’s straps.

  My hand grazes her breast and I focus hard on her harness, willing myself to savor the love of this moment and not let myself maul her in a lust-fueled explosion.

  I jump down from the helicopter and then offer her my hand.

  She takes it, trembling slightly.

  I grin.

  “Come here.”

  I reach up and scoop her into my arms, cradling her to my chest. She laughs intoxicatingly and cuddles close to me, the same way she did on the garden path when I carried her out to our date… the same way she will when I carry her across the threshold.

  “I’ll never get used to this,” she whispers, resting her cheek against my chest as I carry her away from the helipad, toward the private elevator at the edge of the roof.

  I put her down and she claws onto my hand, smiling up at me for a moment.

  “Are you going to tell me yet?”


  I wrap my arms around her during the elevator ride down. It’s only a couple of floors and then the doors open onto a wide open office space, currently empty except for the rose petal path that leads to an elegant table and chairs in the center of the room.

  The floor to ceiling windows let in big swathes of sunlight, making the whole room glitter invitingly.

  “What is this place?” she asks, as she walks into the room. She looks down at the rose petals and then over at the table. “Luca, what’s going on?”

  I can hear the fear-tinged hope in her voice, like part of her knows why I’ve brought her here but another part is too full of fear to accept it.

  I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her body, resting my chin on her head.

  “These are your offices if you want them,” I tell her. “I’ve bought the space especially for your business, but I can find somewhere else if you don’t like it. I wanted it to be a surprise.”


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