Dirty Rotten Liar

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Dirty Rotten Liar Page 9

by Noire

  I nodded. Dane’s ass had been sweatin’ that trust fund cheese damn near harder than me. And then I got a bright idea.

  “Yo, your brother’s a damn lawyer, ain’t he?” I giggled. “Hire his crooked ass to go to bat for you.”

  Dane looked at me like I had a big hairy nut sack dangling from my chin.

  “I already told you, girl. B is my boy, but something ain’t right with that dude, yo. And that’s word. Ain’t no way in hell I’ma put my dick up on the chopping block if Bump is walking around with a butcher knife in his hands. Besides, he would never get his hands dirty with this type of nasty shit. I know my brother. He wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.”

  “That’s because he’s a fuckin’ hater,” I muttered, sipping my beer as I thought about how Barron had been dissin’ me from my very first day at the mansion. “And I wouldn’t trust his ass neither if I was you. He didn’t know shit about me when I got here. He didn’t hafta go at my throat like that and try to turn everybody in the whole damn family against me.”

  For some reason Dane thought that mess was real damn funny.

  “Oh hell yeah he did, Mink!” He bust out laughing. “Bump did exactly what the fuck he was supposed to do when you showed up, baby! He went at your throat because you went after the family jewels! Pops left Barron standing guard in front of the vault! What the hell did you think he was gonna do when you showed up telling everybody you was Sable? Open up the safe and dish you off a couple of gold bars?”

  Dane laughed again, then reached over and yanked on my big toe. “Rich people don’t stay rich by just handing their money over to strangers, Mink. They fight like dogs in the street to keep every dime they’ve got. That’s just the way it goes.”

  Dane drained his shot glass, and then he sparked up another fat blunt. He scrunched his face up as the smoke swirled around his eyes. Taking a real deep drag, he sucked on that shit like he had a vacuum cleaner stuck down in his throat, and then he let the smoke out real slow and sighed.

  I felt sorry for my play brother. He looked shook in the face, like no matter how much shit he smoked up and drank up he couldn’t get high enough to wipe all his problems outta his head.

  “Man, y’all,” he said, putting his blunt down and shaking his head, “if them fuckin’ deans kick me outta school and Pop finds out about it . . . shit is gonna get real raggedy around here.”

  “Hmph,” Bunni said. She had been steady getting lifted while she listened to me and Dane go back and forth at the mouth, and when I glanced over at her I saw something shifty glinting in her beady little eyes.

  “See there,” she sneered, “Pappa-Doo done woke up and threw salt in everybody’s game! If you ask me, Ol’ Mister Oil-Jackin’ Dominion might need to lay back down and take his ass another nap!”


  The next day while Selah took the rest of the family down to Houston to visit Viceroy, Barron drove over to the Ducane manor and got ready to face the music. He had come up with a half-assed plan to cut Pilar off at the knees, but he knew it wasn’t gonna be easy because his cousin wasn’t the type of gold digger to throw her shovel down without a fight.

  Barron knew better than to lay the bad news on her while they were somewhere in public where she could show out, but he didn’t want her wilding out and getting stupid on him up in the Dominion mansion where Selah might find out either.

  His game plan was to drop the heat bomb on her when they were someplace where she could scream and holler and get as nasty as she wanted to get, and then after she called him a long string of dirty muthafuckas and cursed him out real good, he could dip out and bounce.

  So, Barron swung by the Ducane manor the next morning when he was sure his uncle Digger had already left for work. He surprised the hell out of Pilar when he rang the doorbell and stood there waiting with one hand hidden behind his back.

  “Barron!” she said, frowning a little bit as she opened the door still wearing her nightgown. Every strand of her hair was wrapped around her head going in the same direction, and she looked even sexier and younger without all her usual makeup.

  “Oh my God!” She grinned and tried to hide behind the door. “What are you doing here so early in the morning, baby?” She peeked past him and glanced toward his car parked in the driveway. “Are you by yourself? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” Barron said quietly. “Sorry I just dropped by like this, but everything is cool. I just needed to talk to you for a few minutes, that’s all.”

  Pilar touched her hair and then stepped back to let him in as she looked him up and down with excitement in her eyes. “Well why didn’t you call me first? I would’ve gotten myself together and put on something sexy real quick.”

  Barron shrugged with his hand still hidden behind his back. “I was on my way to a meeting,” he lied, “but I wanted to swing by because I’ve got something to give you.”

  Pilar tried to peep around his body to see what he was hiding, and he frowned when she shrieked in pure delight and pranced through the kitchen grinning like crazy.

  Barron felt like he had a brick in his gut as he followed her sexy, swaying frame into the stylish living room.

  Pilar perched on the edge of a plush sofa and arranged the hem of her short champagne-colored satin gown around her toned thighs. Smoothing her hair nervously, she swung her bare feet around on the sofa and then giggled with excitement as she looked up at him and waited like a kid on Christmas morning.

  Barron walked over and stood in front of her. Digging deep for some swag, he pulled himself up firm and tall.

  “Oh shit!” Pilar giggled again, hunching her shoulders and grinning just like a little kid. “It’s about to happen!” she shrieked. “It’s really about to happen!”

  Barron coughed and cleared his throat, and Pilar reached out and slapped him on his muscular thigh.

  “Boy! You should have called me so I could have put on some clothes first! I can’t believe you got me sitting here half-dressed for something like this!” She swallowed hard and locked her eyes on his. “Okay, what do you have for me, B? Huh? What’s that you’re hiding behind your back?”

  “Um, P, you know how much I care about you,” Barron started. He made his voice go real deep as he stared down into her gray eyes. Slowly, he brought his hand from behind his back and held out a small paisley-printed envelope. It contained a copy of the private entrance key she had given him so he could creep in on her whenever he got ready.

  “But me and you are gonna have to chill for a minute, Pilar. Daddy’s up and he’s about to get back on top of things, and I need a little space so I can get my head together.”

  “W-w-what?” she said, eyeing the envelope as the smile fell off her pretty face. “What are you talking about, B?” She shook her head. “You’re bullshitting, right? This must be a joke. You’re bullshitting.”

  Barron didn’t crack a smile and his gaze remained strong and steady as he slowly shook his head. “Nah. I’m not bullshitting, Pilar. I’m dead serious, baby. But this ain’t on you, okay? It’s on me. There’s a lot going on with the family right now, and my pops ain’t in no condition to handle the kind of shit we’ve been doing.”

  Pilar frowned. “The kind of shit we’ve been doing? You mean our relationship? Are you talking about me and you being together and having sex?”

  Barron nodded.

  Pilar leaped to her feet like somebody shot a cannon up her ass. “Well then you better tell your goddamn daddy that me and you been doing all the nasty, dirty shit your black ass wanted to do!”

  Barron nodded again but he never broke his gaze. He gave her one of them dude looks that said, This is the part where you’re supposed to call me a selfish muthafucka. Go right ahead. I deserve that shit.

  “So what?” Pilar got up in his face like she was daring him to confirm his words. “You’re tossing me to the trash, is that it? Oh, I get it.” She smirked, looking him up and down like he wasn’t about shit. “Your fully grown black ass
is scared your daddy might find out you been having fun eating my pussy and yank you off his money tit, huh?”

  Barron frowned. Just a little.

  “I’m not scared of nothing, Pilar. I just think we’re going in the wrong direction, that’s all. C’mon, now. I was in a real bad spot when Pops got hurt and you knew that. And then I went through all that drama with Carla, and then I jumped right into this lil thing with you. I never had a chance,” Barron told her truthfully, “to really think shit through and get my head straight, ya know?”

  He sighed and looked down at her with affection in his eyes. “You’re a beautiful sistah, Pilar, and I love you.” He let his voice drop low. “But you deserve way more than this, and I just don’t think I’m the right man for you.”

  Barron couldn’t understand all the filthy shit that came flying outta Pilar’s mouth because it was a mixture of jumbled-up gutter shrieks and low-down curses, almost like she was speaking in tongues. A couple of phrases came through pretty clear though like, You bitch-ass pussy, you! and You stubby-dicked bastard! and You non-fucking weak-ass bitch!

  Barron nodded, cool with it. This was the part where he was supposed to say he was sorry and break for the door, and he had just turned away to make his move when Pilar landed on his back. Clinging to him like a pissed off little monkey, she screamed and sank her teeth down deep into the soft part of his neck and took a chunk outta his ass.

  “What the fuck?” Barron yelped like a bitch. He whirled around and shook her off, then clutched both hands to his bleeding neck.

  Pilar slid off his back and hit the floor hard. She jumped up quick as shit, then she snatched a figurine from the end table and hurled that baby at him like it was a fastball flying across home plate.

  “Pilar!” he hollered and ducked as the figurine flew harmlessly over his head. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

  “No, what the fuck is wrong with you!” she screeched. “You trying to play some fuckin’ body?” She snatched up another figurine and hurled that shit.

  Instinct made Barron duck and turn away, but the marble figurine caught him and busted him right upside his head, and a trickle of blood slid down his temple and darkened the collar of his cream-colored Stuart Hughes dress shirt.

  “Yeah, you dirty bastard!” Pilar twisted up her face and hollered when she saw his blood. She was breathing hard and her plump breasts were jiggling under her gown. “That’s what you get, muthafucka! You lucky I didn’t knock your lying-ass teeth down your fuckin’ throat!”

  Barron touched two fingers to the side of his face and stared at all the blood on his hands, and then he ducked again as Pilar cursed and let a glass ashtray fly at his head.

  “Stop fuckin’ trippin’!” he hollered over his shoulder as he ran toward the door. “This shit is over, dammit, so just stop trippin’!”

  “Trippin’?” Pilar raged in the doorway with her erect nipples poking through her see-through gown as Barron hauled ass back to his car. “You ain’t seen trippin’, you weak-ass, no balls, son of a bitch, you! You fucked over the wrong chick, Barron Dominion! Believe me, muthafucka! You ain’t seen nothing yet!”


  Pilar was not the one to fuck with, and she damn sure wasn’t going down without a fight. The sun was barely up and it was early as hell, but she was already feening like a bird who was on a secret mission to trap a worm.

  Her glossed-up lips were pinched tight as she drove through the large gates that guarded the entrance to the Dominion Estate. The grounds were quiet and she knew the family was still knocked out and slobbering in their high-class luxury beds.

  The Dominion posse was planning to jet down to Houston to visit Viceroy later in the morning, and Pilar was hoping to sneak into Barron’s room before he woke up so she could work a little corrective mojo on his ass.

  She had packed a sex kit the night before that was designed to spice things up and blow his mind. She had brought along a nice bottle of wine, a couple of real kinky toys, a dominatrix whip, some spiked handcuffs, and lots of edible strawberry foam. She had even loaded some videos of their raunchiest sex play onto her iPad so they could watch themselves getting it on.

  Pilar glanced in the rearview mirror and nodded at her perfect reflection in satisfaction. That fool wouldn’t be able to resist her. She was on her game and clocking in at a dime from head to toe. She looked sweet and suckably sexy, and she was butt-naked under her hot-pink Chanel skirt and sleeveless silk top. The only part of her ensemble that was missing was the massive diamond engagement ring that she should have been flossing on her finger by now.

  Glancing down at her naked ring finger, Pilar pinched her lips even tighter as she got ready to sneak between the sheets of the man she planned to marry.

  As she nosed her sleek whip up to the front door of the mansion, Durant stepped out from under the awning and walked around to the driver’s side and opened her door. Dude looked sleepy and surprised to see her so early in the morning, but Pilar just flashed him a smile, then slid out from behind the steering wheel and shimmied across the pavement looking and smelling like the most succulent piece of eye-candy that had ever stepped foot on Dominion soil.

  She kept her fake smile plastered to her face as she carried her bag of toys inside the quiet mansion and headed toward the stairs, but deep inside she was smirking like a mutha. Barron must have been out of his damn mind when he rolled up at her crib trying to dump her! As bad as she had pussy-whipped his ass in and out of the sheets? There was no way in hell that fool had gotten enough of the sweet gushy she was packing, and Pilar was stepping up in the joint today to hit him with a little reminder of what he was gonna be missing!

  She was still mad at herself behind that crazy little scream-scene she had caused at her house. It had been ugly as hell and dumb as hell too. But Barron had shocked the shit out of her when he blasted her with that breakup line. He had caught her straight off-guard. Her heart had been pounding with delicious excitement as she anticipated the brilliant diamond he was about to whip out on her. She had been so ready for him to get down on his knees and finally ask her to be his damn wife, but instead of making a romantic proposal that fool had used some tired-ass fraternity line to quit her and give her back her house key!

  And that’s where Pilar had fucked up. The last thing she should have done was gone ballistic on a keeper like Bump. She had played herself out of position and lost her damn head, but she was back on her game now and she knew what she had to do.

  She had to get up in that mansion and wipe some coochie juice on Barron that was so damn hot and sweet it totally blew his mind. She had to put her thump-nasty thang down on her cousin and show him that couldn’t no other woman on the face of the earth make his dick jerk and his toes curl the way she did.

  Pilar had to get up in Barron’s suite and go to work.

  Barron had been up ever since the crack of dawn, and no matter how much he yanked on his meat and stroked his nuts, he couldn’t cum and he couldn’t go back to sleep either.

  That fool Gutta had took his money and then jerked him around. Instead of floating with the fishes at the bottom of a river, Mink had come back to the mansion and her sweet hips, that fat ass, and those plump, juicy knockers she had on her still drove him wild. No matter how much Barron thought he despised her ass, the girl was stacked like a mutha and there was no denying the fact that he wanted to fuck the shit out of her.

  It was a terrible thing the way that grimy chick stayed on his mind and kept his dick on brick. She mighta disgusted the ego in him, but she turned the dog in him right the fuck on.

  And that’s why he got up out of his bed and slipped his five-thousand-dollar Stefano Ricci pure silk and cashmere bathrobe over his red silk boxer shorts, and then headed back down to her room again.

  Barron moved like a cat-burglar as he crept down the stairs and turned the corner on the second floor. The mansion was cemetery-quiet and a chill from the cooling system was in the air.

  He t
iptoed like an overgrown ballerina as he passed several guest rooms on his way to the suite Mink and Bunni shared. He stood outside of Mink’s door and listened to the sound of silence booming all around him.

  Convinced that she was still sleeping, Barron slowly twisted the doorknob and then pushed slightly. He opened the door in a two-inch crack and peered inside at the fine body that was sprawled on the bed and twisted up in the luxury sheets.

  The sun was just beginning to peek through the blinds, and it took a minute for his eyes to adjust. But when they did, Barron felt like he had hit the damn jackpot.

  Mink was stretched out face-down on the bed wearing a leopard-print sleeveless tank top and a pair of matching bikini panties. It looked like she had an ugly pair of white cotton drawers tied over her hair, and her comforter had been kicked down to the floor.

  Barron damn near drooled as his eyes ran over her luscious hunk of ass. It exploded upward from her back like the hump of a question mark, and one side of her panties were hiked up and stuck in her crack.

  Oh hell yeah, Barron breathed thickly as his lustful gaze roamed her toned legs and down to her slim ankles. His big black dick was so hard it had jumped straight through the pee hole of his boxers and stuck out in front of him like an iron rod.

  It jerked when he gripped it in his palm, and he massaged Mink’s ass with his eyeballs as he pictured himself licking the thick cheeks of her booty and inserting his tongue deep in her sweet hole.

  Barron eye-fucked the hell out of her as he stroked his dick and clenched his ass cheeks tight. He pretended he was rubbing his swollen head in the valley between her big titties, then down over her slim back, and then of course he plunged his meat deeply inside the split between her thighs.

  Deep in his heart Barron had been dying to fuck Mink for the longest, and even though he couldn’t stand her ass, he went ahead and squeezed his wood as he licked her pussy out from the back until his mouth was actually watering from her juices.


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