Dirty Rotten Liar

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Dirty Rotten Liar Page 19

by Noire

  Selah caught herself and tried to regroup. She swallowed hard and blinked a few times, and then she crossed her arms over her titties and shrugged.

  “I don’t know how he got it. M-m-maybe he found it. I lost it a long time ago, and he must have found it.”

  Dy-Nasty busted out with a slow, suspicious grin. Like she was reading poor Selah’s ass like a book.

  “Uh-uh.” She shook her head and started crawling backward off the bed. “See, now. That there don’t even sound right, Mama Selah. Hold up and lemme see somethin’.”

  I sat up as Dy-Nasty climbed off the bed and snatched her purse off the floor. She dug around inside it and came out holding a business card.

  “Oooh,” she squealed as she grinned at the card. “Ruddman Energy, CEO! Ol’ boy is in the oil bizz too! Just like y’all!”

  She cut her eyes suspiciously at Selah. “I wonder do your huzzzband know you lost your big ol’ ring, and outta the blue this dude Ruddman found it for you? How about I show Daddy Viceroy my new rock and let’s see what he gots to say about it?”

  The look of horror that slid across Selah’s face felt like a needle piercing through my heart.

  “Uh-uh. C’mon now. Stop playing,” I jumped in and shook my head. I came out from under the blankets and got up on my knees, grilling that skanky slut real hard.

  “Give her back her ring, Dy-Nasty,” I ordered her coldly and I wasn’t fuckin’ around with her neither. “Don’t be coming in here in the middle of the night playin’ no stupid games. Give her back her goddamn ring.”

  “I ain’t giving her shit!”

  That heffa started backing up toward the door.

  “This is my damn ring!” she spit. Her hand was still behind her back as she wobbled drunkenly on her feet. “My friend gave it to me! Y’all ain’t getting shit, ’cause I don’t see no damn body’s name on this bad boy, and it ain’t on nobody’s damn finger but minez!”


  Selah was burning up on fire as she barked into the phone.

  “Do you know what you did, you sick son of a bitch?” she blasted on Rodney Ruddman. “That girl you picked up could be my daughter! My goddamn daughter!”

  Ruddman was cool as a winter breeze.

  “Your daughter? Well, how was I supposed to know that, Mrs. Dominion? I thought she was just a regular hooker. Besides, you’ve made your decision, so what does it matter anyway?”

  “What does it matter?” Selah gasped. “What does it matter? For all I know you’ve fucked me and my daughter, and you’re asking me what does it matter?”

  Rodney damn near chuckled. “Well if that girl is your daughter she sure can teach you a thing or two about how to suck—”

  “Shut up!” Selah shrieked. “You just shut your ugly frog-face the fuck up. Do you hear me?”

  “That’s enough, Mrs. Dominion,” Rodney said calmly. “Name-calling is so unnecessary, don’t you agree?”

  “Kiss my black ass!” Selah exploded from the trenches of her heart. “Your ugly ass can go eat a whole bag of wiggly dicks!”

  Selah slammed the phone down and gasped for breath as she paced the floor of her bedroom. She was mad as hell! At Ruddman and at Dy-Nasty too! And she was definitely done with both of their asses. Completely done.

  Rodney Ruddman could take his froggish ass straight to hell, and Dy-Nasty could get the fuck up out of her mansion! Oh hell, yeah. That girl had to get gone! She had to go. But not before Selah got her goddamn ring back!

  While Selah was busy blasting on Rodney Ruddman, Dy-Nasty had made herself a little phone call too.

  “You should see how they actin’, Ma! That damn Suge lied on me and tried to beat me outta a million dollars, and now Selah is tryna take my damn ring!”

  “Uh-uh!” Pat said. “They must think you stupid, baby girl! Now you really gotta gank ’em, Dy-Nasty! There’s more than one way to skin a damn snake! You know how we do. It’s time for you to trap they rich asses in a vicious cross-con!”

  “I know, Mama, but I’m down here by myself! How am I gonna do all that?”

  “Easy! You got that ring stashed someplace safe, right? So tell ’em you want two million this time! They didn’t wanna pay up to keep you quiet about Barron? Well Selah is they prissy-ass mama! They damn sure gonna hafta pay you to keep quiet about her hoe-ass shit!”

  “But we ain’t got that much time,” Dy-Nasty whined. “What am I supposed to do when them DNA results come back?”

  “Well your ass ain’t Sable so there ain’t a damn thing you can do! You just betta get that money and get up outta there before the results come in, that’s all!”

  “But how am I gonna do that? Barron said they should be here any day now!”

  Pat sighed. “Then you gotta make Mink drop her claim before the DNA results come back, stupid! Twist her arm up and make her tell them fools that you’re the real Sable!”

  “Mama! How in the hell am I gonna make her say that? Mink might be ugly, but that bitch is greedy too! She’s tryna get paid!”

  “Damn, Dy-Nasty! I know I taught you how to scheme harder than that! Just pretend you’re only getting a million, then tell the damn girl you’ll give her half a million if she drops her lil bullshit claim and lets you be Sable! That way, you get the cash and the inheritance money, and everything else the rest of them damn Dominions got too! Just try it. You heard what I said, right? Tell Mink you’re gonna squeeze Selah for a million, and promise to give her half. Watch how fast her broke ass jumps all over you!”

  Dy-Nasty pouted. “But I ain’t tryna share none of my two million dollars with no damn Mink!”

  “Girl please!” Pat growled into the phone. “Muthafuck Mink! We’s scammin’, remember? The only chick you gonna be sharing that money with is me!”

  “That bitch ain’t giving up that ring,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Well we just gone hafta jack her ass for it then!” Bunni declared.

  “Mama Selah shoulda just beat her ass and took it from her that night. Now that trick is either gonna pawn it for some chicken change, or stash it somewhere outta sight.”

  “Where in the hell you think she’s gonna hide it at?”

  “I’on’t know,” I shrugged. “I just hope like hell she don’t slide it next to that ugly piece of slum she be wearing on her hammertoe.”

  " On the real, I had felt bad for Mama Selah when Dy-Nasty ran up outta her suite with her precious jewels, but there was only so much that I could do. For one thing, I was a liar, okay? And a damn good one at that. And that’s why I knew Selah was lying her ass off about some random oil billionaire just happening to find her damn ring and then sliding that shit to Dy-Nasty!

  Naw, naw, hell to da naw! Rich Mama Dominion was gonna have to come a whole lot better than that if she wanted somebody to buy the load of shit she was selling ’cause it was sounding real wack from where I stood!

  And for another thing, on the low I was still kinda pissed with Selah! She had kicked me straight to the curb as soon as Dy-Nasty came on the scene, and I had to practically beg her ass for every little bit of time and attention I got. Selah had made it real hard for me to throw my con game down on her, and even though I didn’t like seeing Dy-Nasty twist my play-mama’s thong up in a knot, part of me felt like Selah prolly deserved that shit for clickin’ up with that rough-ridin’ chick over me!

  “We gonna have to catch Dy-Nasty out there at just the right time,” I told Bunni. “If we roll on her in her room then we can beat the shit outta that slick-ass scripper and get that ring back before she goes blabbing off at the mouth about it.”

  “Yeah, let’s do that.” Bunni nodded and started taking off her earrings while I went in the bathroom to get the big jar of Vaseline. “Let’s knock a hole in that bitch’s back so deep we can stuff her whole damn head up her ass!”

  We had stripped outta our finery and put our hair up and slapped Vaseline all over our faces and necks, but just as we were almost ready to creep down to Dy-Nasty’s suit
e and put in some fist work, somebody banged on my door.

  Me and Bunni stared at each other and frowned.

  “Who is it?” I snapped like I was back in the projects somewhere.

  “It’s Dy-Nasty!”

  I shot Bunni a look and she shot me one right back.

  “Open the damn door and let the stank bitch in, Mink! Damn!”

  Narrowing my eyes, I pranced my ass over to the door and flung it open wide.

  Dy-Nasty stood there with her hands on her hips and poppin’ hard on some pink Bazooka bubblegum. She had on a short skirt that didn’t even fit her right, and she was about to poke me in the eyeball with them nipples of hers that stuck outta her tank top like two pointy darts.

  “What?” I said, knowing I looked stupid as hell standing there with a bandana on my head and my face all greased up with Vaseline.

  “Where you going wit’ them fighting clothes on?” she said, giggling as she looked me up and down and peeped my sneakers and my battle gear. “Somewhere to get your ass kicked?”

  I twisted my lips. “What the hell you come down here for?”

  She chuckled as she banged her wide hips right past me and busted up in my room. “I came to talk, Mink. For real. I think it’s time for you and me to have us a real long talk.”

  “What y’all got to talk about?” Bunni jumped in.

  Dy-Nasty waved her off. “This here shit is between me and Mink. Your ass ain’t even family so you ain’t got nothing to do with it, okay?”

  “Oh, Bunni’s family,” I said real quick. “She’s family down to the bone, and blood is thicker than mud, baby! So whatever you brought your grimy ass down here to say you need to go ahead and spit it out while you still got all ya teeth!”

  “Naw, I ain’t sayin’ shit in front of her ass, Mink! Bunni gots to go!”

  I turned to my girl. “Gimme a quick minute, Bunni. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few.” As soon as Bunni switched her gangsta booty out the door I turned on Dy-Nasty and said, “You got five minutes, trick. Four-fifty-nine now, and I’m counting!”

  Dy-Nasty grinned. “All right. You ain’t gotta get so shitty but since you put it like that then . . . handle this. You know that rich dude I met the other night, right? The one who slid me that bad-ass ring?”

  “That’s Mama Selah’s ring!”

  “Uh-huh,” Dy-Nasty nodded and agreed, “it sure is, ’cause Mama Selah’s been fuckin’ him!” She smirked. “She been fuckin’ that ugly beast for a real long time, and that’s how he got her ring!”

  “What the hell is you talkin’ about?” I bucked hard on her even though what she was saying was some damn sure juicy-ass news! I couldn’t even see Mama Selah getting her illegal swerve on, but hey, ya never knew what a horny bitch in heat might do!

  “You heard me.” Dy-Nasty shrugged. “That lil mush-faced nigga is her boo. And I can see why too. He’s real fucked up in the grill but he got a monster dick and he can lick a mean cat.”

  I wanted to close my eyes and plug up my ears!

  “You’s a lying-ass dog, Dy-Nasty! And even if Mama Selah was fuckin’ out on the sly that ain’t none of your damn bizzness!”

  “Oh”—she gave me a slick lil smile like my noise wasn’t getting her pressed out in the least—“it ain’t none of my bizzness. You sho’ right about that. But I got a feeling Daddy Viceroy would love to hear all about it, and if Mama Selah wants her goddamn ring back, then some damn body better change my name to Sable quick fast, ’cause I’ma need me a cool mil if y’all expect me to sit on that.”

  “Y’all? How the hell you figure, y’all?”

  Dy-Nasty put her hands on her hips and huffed. “It must be pretty fucked up to be ugly and slow at the same damn time, Mink! The reason I’m telling you is because I’m willing to split the loot with you, okay? Five hunnerd large each. Fifty-fifty. Right down the middle.”

  My lip mighta curled up in disgust but my eyes damn sure got big.

  “Oh, you tryna gank Mama Selah big-time, huh? Even though she might just be your Mama?”

  Dy-Nasty grinned. “Damn right! You might love her ass but I sure as hell don’t!”

  “Yeah, so what kinda stupid shit I gotta do to get that type of cash?”

  “Nothing much,” she said and shrugged all innocently. “You just gotta tell everybody that you really ain’t Sable. And that I am.”

  I stared her down. “For half a mil? I’on’t know about that, Dy-Nasty. Lemme think about it for a minute.”

  She nodded and switched her big booty outta my room.

  “You think about it, Mink,” she said slickly. “You go right ahead and do that.”

  Selah’s forehead was full of worry lines as she thought about how she had practically begged Dy-Nasty to give her back her diamond ring. She had even offered to buy Dy-Nasty a ring for herself that was just as nice. But noooo. The young girl had refused to un-ass her property. In fact, she had threatened to tell Viceroy exactly who she’d gotten the ring from if Selah even thought about trying to take it away from her.

  The threat on it’s own was bad enough, but Selah knew she had stepped in some real stink dog shit when Dy-Nasty came to her room and told her she wanted to make a little deal.

  “I know how bad you want your ring back, Mama Selah,” the girl had said sweetly. “So here’s what I think I can do for you. If you tell Mink to kill all that noise about being Sable and just get her ass on up outta here and go back to New York, then we won’t even need them DNA test results and you can just tell everybody that I’m Sable and make me a permanent member of the family. Bet?”

  Selah had frowned and shook her head.

  “I can’t do that,” she tried to explain gently. “Mink has a right to her claim, and I can’t make her drop it. Only the DNA results can prove which one of you is really Sable, dear, and they aren’t back yet.”

  “Oh well!” Dy-Nasty went in hard as she put her hands on her hips and smirked. “I’ma hafta collect two million dollars if you want your little ring back, then!”

  Selah had been stunned. “Two million dollars? Are you serious?”

  “Damn straight,” Dy-Nasty said, nodding. “Matter fact, I’ma need two million dollars and I’ma need you to tell everybody that I’m Sable. I don’t give a damn what them DNA tests come back saying! If you want me to keep my mouth closed and give you back your damn ring, then that’s what you gonna hafta do!”

  Selah had stared deeply into the girl’s cold, bottomless eyes.

  “Could you really do something so foul to me, Dy-Nasty? Could you treat me this way even though you know there’s a chance that I could be your mother?”

  “Uh-huh!” Dy-Nasty bucked out her eyes and the truth was right there bold as day for Selah to see. “I sure the hell could!”

  Selah had just stood there and stared at the girl. She had stared at Dy-Nasty Jenkins real long and real damn hard. And then she had walked that little bitch over to the door, pushed her trifling ass out, and picked up the phone to call the one person she knew could clean up a stankin’ pile of shit like this with deadly discretion and lethal finesse.

  She called Suge.

  Bunni stared at me like I had a tampon up my nose.

  “Five hundred grand? You went and told that bitch to kiss your ass over five hundred grand? Trick! You musta bumped your head and scrambled your damn brains,” she said, flouncing past me in a black g-string with her naked titties just a’ jiggling. She bent over and mooned the shit outta me as she rubbed scented lotion all over her feet, calves, and legs.

  “Girl you know damn well you ain’t Sable! And soon as them damn DNA test come back ere’body else is gonna know it too! Shoooot.” Bunni stood back up and put her hand on her naked hip. “You better hop ya ass on that half a mil like a crab on a coochie hair, Mink. ’Cause once them test results come back you won’t be getting shit.”

  “Nah, Bunni.” I shook my head as she grilled me with mad heat. “I don’t believe Dy-Nasty and I don’t trust her skank
ass neither! That chick is foul, boo. I can’t just let her do Mama Selah like that and get away with it!”

  Bunni broke. “These ain’t your people, Mink! You must be forgetting why we brought our black asses down here in the first damn place,” she turned around and busted on me over her shoulder. “Remember, we came to rob these fools! Not to rescue they asses!”

  “I’on’t care.” I folded my arms and doubled down. “It ain’t just about what we came here to do no more, Bunni! I’m not about to just sit here and let Dy-Nasty fuck Mama Selah up like that!”

  “Mama Selah?” Bunni screeched. “C’mon, now, homey! Be for real! Just the other day you was around here whining and bitching about how Selah be all the time treating Dy-Nasty better than she treats you! Make up ya damn mind, girl. You been slippin’ for a minute now, ya know. Sliding right off ya game! I want my rowdy con-mami Mink LaRue back! Matter fact, you need to call that bitch Tasha Pierce and get her up in here real quick!”

  Bunni stomped past lookin’ at me like I was some kinda body snatcher who had come up outta a moon pod.

  “I don’t know who the hail you is, over here occupying my best friend’s brain, but your shit is way too watery to be the gaming-ass Mink LaRue I know!”

  I just stood there fumin’. Bunni could talk that yang if she wanted to, but it still wasn’t gonna stop me from doing what I had to do. She had one thing right, though. I wasn’t Tasha Pierce no more, and I wasn’t the same trifling Mink LaRue that had bust up in this joint on the Fourth of July! And I wasn’t about to let Dy-Nasty shit all over Mama Selah neither, so for once in my life I was gonna have to buck up and tell the goddamn truth!

  “You makin’ a mistake,” Bunni warned me as she rubbed her left titty and grilled me with the evil eye. “You’s about to make a real big mistake, Mizz LaRue. I can feel it. Word.”

  I shrugged like whatever. Bunni had a radar built into her titty, and most of the time she was right on point with her shit.


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