A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 5

by Samantha Jacobey

  Inspecting the new mark closely, he saw that it held Michael’s name etched in the shadowy edges; not glaringly obvious, but noticeable when you faced her, looking at the spot. A knowing smirk crossed his lips as he considered the man from the diner. Yeah, it’s time to give her what she really needs.

  He kissed her deeply, loving the way she responded to him. His fingers explored the soft curves of her body, and he ran his palms coarsely over her flesh. Allowing her own hands to move over his and help him undress, she enjoyed the contour of his muscles and the desire they stirred within her. I want this, she persuaded herself; I want this badly.

  Getting on her knees, she took to the job of pleasing him without hesitation. Her lip soon tingled, and she chewed it without thinking, growing eager and driven by desire. Pulling her up, their kisses pressed their mouths together almost painfully, the taste of him awakening the old feelings she had hoped she had forgotten.

  Turning her away from him, he pushed her across the small round table, pressing her husband’s name into the grain of the wood. He brushed her hair off to the side so he could enjoy the full line of her back, running his hand the length of her spine. She relaxed into his demanding movements, and he determined her level of wetness before sliding himself easily inside of her warm hollow. Teasing her soft folds with short strokes, his fingers stretched her with the gel.

  He presumed he had been the last man to take her that way, part of him wanted to be gentle, but at the moment, his thoughts were becoming lost, clouded by raw need. Once she could take two fingers easily, he shifted his position and pressed his way inside. She moaned loudly beneath him, grasping the edge, unwilling to complain. She focused completely on maintaining her façade.

  Feeling her tense with the action, Enrique leaned over her naked back, his nipples touching her bare skin through the hair on his chest. You’re mine now…my bitch… and you can forget about everything else. She excited him beyond words, and he had to focus not to lose himself too quickly.

  Forgetting the things they had talked about, he continued to work her. Need driving him, he slammed against her, moving deeper within her fervently as he pulled her hair, wanting to hurt her, just to see if she would scream for him. God, it’s been so long.

  Grasping at her flesh, he felt her tremble beneath him. She really loves this, his thoughts swirled, and she’s mine! Fuck that bastard, and Brett. When this is over, I’m gonna keep her. I swear to God, I’m gonna keep her. Lacing her fingers with his own, he whispered roughly, “You’re so dirty, my baby girl,” breathing heavier and pushing harder against her.

  Filling her fully, he pressed her against the table, waiting for the urge to pass so he could continue. Lying still, he recalled all the times he had been with her, loving the way she always accepted him, compliant if not zealous. Feeling the need subside, he took forceful movements once again, and she began to moan more deeply. His right hand squeezed her fingers, his left sliding smoothly up and down her supple skin and enjoying the firmness of her toned body.

  Holding himself off a second time, he felt the urge to drive her even harder, and she began to make louder grunts along with her deep groans, her left hand still gripping the edge of the table. He clutched the skin along her ribs, squeezing it tightly as his thoughts ran wild. He could hear himself smacking against her wet folds of skin, thinking how his roughness excited her, her noises the stuff of thrilled exhilaration. So nasty, baby girl… such a filthy little bitch. God, I love that about you.

  Squeezing and pushing, beyond holding any longer, he released with loud gasps and a few jerky thrusts. Leaning over to rest against her, his chest heaving, sweat dripped from him to mingle with hers, and he knew he had become lost in fucking her; his drug, the root of his addiction.

  My God, we could do this every day; I have to keep her… I have to find a way. Nuzzling the back of her ear, he whispered to her, his hand tugging on large sections of her long dark hair. She panted heavily beneath him, clenching her jaw and releasing it repeatedly.

  Holding his position until finally forced out of her, he stroked her damp skin. Allowing himself to slide out, he pulled her up with her arms, and they stood together for several minutes. He reached around to stroke the line of her front, then curled his arms around her from behind in a tight embrace, allowing his hands to say what she did not want to hear. I need you, baby girl; I need you so fucking bad.

  When they parted, he noticed the streaks of blood, visible in the low light. She assured him it couldn’t be helped, and then kissed him deeply. Her skin on fire and longing for more, her enthusiasm had not been completely unfounded. Leading him to the bathroom, they stepped into the tiled cubicle together, and she washed him. The touch of her hands and cajoling of her fingers revived him quickly.

  Pushing to turn her, he pinned her to the wall with her chest and belly pressed against the flat surface as he made his way inside her once more. Most of the gel washed away, it stung her as he moved, despite her inebriated state. She breathed deeply, willing herself to accept him. She could feel her warm folds ache, and he slid his hand around her hip to cup her mound of flesh. Applying pressure, he used it to gain leverage as she pushed back against him.

  She forced her palm flat against the wall to hold herself steady, and he drove into her almost angrily as the spray of water splashed across their nakedness. She emitted louder noises beneath the cascade, demanding that he continue, “God, don’t stop, baby… for the love of God, don’t make me beg…”

  After several minutes, he felt the waves of ecstasy overtake him and he surged against her once more, exhaling deeply as he clutched her wet naked skin. My God, she’s so good at this, he breathed against the back of her head.

  Noting she still wobbled somewhat from the liquor, he made sure they were both clean, and wrapped her in a towel after exiting the steamy stall. Moving back into the room, they stretched out on the bed, and she lay on her belly, her mind clouded by the drink, still feeling restless in the haze.

  Enrique ran his hands across her smooth skin until sleep fell over her. Holding her in the darkness, he confessed in a whisper, “I love you, baby girl,” keenly aware she had never spoken those words to him.

  It made him feel odd that she hadn’t, and he considered the possibility that she was really playing him, and had been since he met her. It’s so hard to tell. He had known her a long time, and seen her play this game too many times, with too many men. She makes lying look so easy. Lost in thought, he too drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning, she awoke to the feel of fingers prying their way inside her; Enrique preparing his favorite hiding place for another round. She relaxed into the motion, and he took her without question or comment. Still groggy, Tori felt the conflict inside her chest, as she yielded to his desire.

  She appeared hungry for the encounter, the sensation thrilling to her, and she breathed deeply as she accepted him. Pulling up on her hips, he straddled her to change his angle, making it different from what she had been accustomed. Gripping the blankets tightly, she relaxed, eager to be his nasty girl.

  You like this… you want this, she told herself repeatedly while breathing heavily through an open mouth, not quite sure if it were a command, or an admission. Satisfied, they showered again, and he caressed and squeezed her bare flesh, claiming her as his own.

  Dressed, they made their way out to find lunch, where he continued to touch her at will. Finding an open air café, Enrique felt transfixed by her in the warm glow of the sun. He placed his chair only a few inches away from hers, to kiss and pet her continually, loving the feel of her long dark strands as he pulled them gently through relaxed fingers, and grinning broadly all the while. He leaned his forehead against her from time to time, waiting for their food and languishing in their familiarity as he cooed in her ear.

  She had applied the makeup that covered her scar, and he became aware how other men around them noticed her. No wonder Eddie marked her; traveling with her like this would attract way too muc
h attention. He was already growing possessive of his new toy, having wanted her for more years than he cared to admit. He could not wait to get her back to their room so that he could satisfy himself again, grinning at her lustily while they ate in comfortable silence.

  Seated next to him, Tori appeared much harder to read, being more practiced at hiding her emotions. Watching everything that moved around her, she did not look happy or sad. She stared out of her pale blue eyes, wearing her typical stoic expression. No smile, no frown, completely blank and indecipherable as to any inner thought or sentiment.

  Seeing this, Enrique missed how happy she had been in LA. She had never said that she loved him, but he had always assumed that she did, at least back then. Now, he wasn’t so sure. Reaching over, he dropped his arm across her shoulders and stroked her firmly, longing to hold her and sway to the sound of a jukebox as he had done in the tiny bar the first time she had been his. Leaning into the crook of his arm, she emitted a small sigh, which only left more questions in his troubled mind.

  Walking back to the room a few minutes later, she allowed him to hold her hand, a stab of guilt panging her briefly as she considered that she wasn’t playing fair, by permitting the acts of intimacy. You’re one cold hearted bitch, she admitted to herself in disgust. These things are beyond what’s necessary to get the job done. They also will undoubtedly stir feelings in him that would be better left at rest. Stealing a sideways glance, she briefly compared herself to Eli, and his deceitful ways, before she pushed the thoughts aside and refocused on her current project.

  But, I do like having his strength to surround me; it comforts me. She could at least admit that to herself, having learned it was ok to need things from other people. She knew she would not be alone in her endeavors with him by her side. Selfish as her actions were, she could not bring herself to push him away. I own this, she reminded herself, and I own him, she recognized with an inward smile. If he gets hurt, it’ll be a small price in the end.

  Reaching their destination, they made their way inside for another session of dirty sex. She had rationalized their lustful acts, thus far, as necessary to the task at hand, and felt compelled to take her new-found strength even further. This time, she instructed Enrique to sit in one of the chairs and she placed herself on top of him, taking him into her soft folds, and driving herself against him while he prepared her.

  When ready, she took him into the new position as she had done in the tiny bar in LA the last time they were together. The action electrified her, with her solely in control; it felt like old times, and she smiled as she focused on what she did to him, pushing the reasons why out of her mind.

  Enrique could see the hunger in her eyes, her own need unmasked. Cold sober, she had not bothered to take any more of the Silver that sat on the counter, and she stared into his eyes as she took him. This left the man no doubt that she was, in fact, enjoying their activities. She really loves this, he deduced, I dunno why she pretends that she doesn’t, hiding her needs and desires, torturing herself that way.

  After they were satiated, Tori slipped into the bathroom for a long and private cleansing under the steaming torrent. She stood beneath the warm flow, allowing it to pelt the top of her head, as she thought about the things she had already done. Of course, there would be more to come, even darker acts, as the job would require her most depraved self to be unleashed. She refused to think of what she did as right or wrong. It’s too late for that. You’ll do what must be done, not seeing any other choice.

  Allowing her fingers to glide across her breasts and then down to her delicate lumps of flesh, she noted they had become swollen from their vigorous activities. Touching herself, the mere thought of this excited her, and she could feel herself already becoming torn between the two men and the different ways that they thrilled her. Leaning against the wall, she stood with the water flowing over her, her mind blank, too tired to consider her situation any further.

  Outside, Enrique opened his phone, ready to make the call that would set things in motion. He would’ve loved to spend an entire week with her, just having sex, but he knew there were other lives at stake. Besides, he could not be greedy with what wasn’t really his, even if he hoped to claim her in the end.

  “This better be good,” Brett answered the call gruffly, “We’ve left you be, what the fuck ‘re you botherin’ us for?”

  Enrique smoothed his hair, “Yeah, well, I’m only calling ‘cause Tori asked me to. She wants to meet up with you guys. I think she misses her old life.”

  Brett laughed heartily; “Got my message did she?”

  Enrique feigned ignorance, “I dunno any details. Only that I gave her my number an’ told her to calls me if she ever needed me. She called, and this’s what she needed.” He paused for effect then continued as persuasively as he could muster, “She really wants a position in the group. She’s ready to work for us, right? We should alls let bygones be bygones. I’m ready, an’ I think she’s ready too. If you’ll haves us.”

  Brett seemed to consider the offer carefully before he replied, “Take ‘er to the camp in Ohio. We’ll meet ya there tomorrow night.” Flipping the device shut, Enrique listened to the water through the door, contemplating the girl who stood beneath the shower.

  Their plan daring, their position would be precarious. He would have to hold his tongue, and he knew they would test her loyalty well before they accepted her into the group. This is gonna hurt… for both of us, he thought as he entered the bathroom to join her in the thick fog of the tiny room.

  Hidden Places

  They had only been at the house two days when Michael received a small brown envelope in the mail. Using his pocket knife, he cut the end open and allowed the object to slide out onto his open palm, deeply saddened to discover it held her ring.

  Finding the small slip of paper hidden inside, he read her brief note several times, then placed it in his wallet to stare at in private. He placed the ring back in the grey felt bag, back into his pocket to carry with him like he used to before he had given it to her.

  After its arrival, he slept little and worried a lot, struggling not to think about what she was doing or who she was with. I know she sent it back to me for a reason; whether to hide that she’s mine… or to ease her conscience at what she must do.

  But she had asked him to keep it for her, and that gave him hope that she would come back to him when she could. Besides, he had other things to worry about, and more pressing matters to keep him occupied, as the caretaker of the four men who needed protecting.

  The next morning, Michael had decided to allow Brian to play Tori’s guitar, and informed him as they ate in the tiny kitchen. Her brother appeared eager, having missed his own and the release that music brought him.

  Michael smiled at the familiar sound, and noticed how similarly they moved when they held it, but his tone wasn’t quite the same as hers. I bet it’s only ‘cause I love her that makes her better. After a bit more deliberation, he made his way down the narrow hall to retrieve her spiral of songs from the place she kept her special books.

  Sliding the top drawer of her dresser out, he only glanced briefly at the other contents, scowling at the small book of German fairy tales. He had read the message penned inside it once before, and it only made him angry to think about it. He wrote it that way on purpose, not saying he loved her, but giving her enough to keep her hoping. Sorry bastard. He wished his wife would discard it, but at the same time, he understood why she couldn’t.

  “Here,” he made the offer in a curt, subdued tone, having returned to the living room, notebook of thoughts, memories and dreams in hand.

  “What’s this?” Brian snapped as he stared up at him, still not fully in control of his feelings at the situation.

  “It’s Tori’s music. Her book of songs. Maybe it’ll help the two of you bridge the twenty years you’ve been apart.”

  “You seem pretty confident.” Brian mocked him, grasping the frayed pages, “I mean, we ain’t even
got the results of your little test back. What if I’m not who you think I am?” he studied the other man keenly, not wanting to invade the girl’s private thoughts too hastily.

  With a deep sigh, Michael avoided his gaze by staring out the front window of their living room and watching her tree sway in the hot afternoon sun. “I heard your story before. The one about the day your parents died. She told me about the car that burned. ‘Like a house burns,’ she said. And she knew about the diner. I can’t see her having made it up.” He shook his head, still avoiding his glare, “You don’t have to look if you don’t want to. Wait for the results.”

  His shoulders drooped while heading out to the garage, Michael went to piddle with the bike he had started tearing down. It felt odd, working on motorcycles without his wife to watch over him. I love her so much. What am I gonna do if she don’t make it back? Quickly pushing the thoughts from his mind, he refused to wander down that path. She’s coming back, he repeated, refusing to see it any other way.

  The rest of the small group of men fell about the town, doing their best to entertain themselves by hanging out at the café or in the garage. Chuck and Cody both had bike experience and liked to play around with Tori’s tools, but Michael noticed right away their hands were not nearly as practiced as hers had been. He allowed them to handle her favorite things with a clenched jaw as she would probably have preferred that they didn’t.

  Right away, the group convinced him to buy a television and they sat for hours staring at the device, watching movies they picked up at a store in the next town. They also had discovered the local pub, and enjoyed going there in the evenings to drink. They seemed to be accepting their confinement in relative discomfort, keeping as many of their old habits as they were able.


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