A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 22

by Samantha Jacobey

  He stared at her a moment, “It just means your first menstruation,” he wafted the air absently. He pinched his lip, “Do you work out?” His question seemed out of place with the prior conversation.

  “I work out every day - ” she cut her reply short when his jaw dropped slightly.

  “And when did you begin this routine?” he sounded even more cryptic.

  “Since I was about five,” she continued to cooperate half-heartedly.

  A long “Ahh,” escaped him as he made the connection, “I get it.”

  “Get dressed,” he directed, “And I’ll meet you in my office in a few minutes to discuss your case.” Turning to the girl, they exited the small room, with him giving her instructions as they walked.

  Putting on her panties, Tori felt an odd, nervous excitement, knowing she would finally have the truth about her condition and her chances of ever carrying Michael’s child. She had never allowed herself to dream or even hope that she would, but physically being there, she had to admit, the thought of doing so left her breathless.

  Sliding her jacket on while leaving the cramped room, she pulled her hair free, and the girl outside directed her to another chamber at the end of the hall. Inside, the doctor’s wide desk was strewn with papers. Taking one of the chairs across from it, she noticed the large diplomas hanging on the wall, proclaiming Donald Lazenby had graduated with honors.

  Almost as soon as she sat down, the doctor came in, giving her a warm smile and shaking her hand for a proper introduction. A friendly sort, Tori briefly compared him to Dr. Carlisle, who had spent many hours with her at the mental hospital before she had been released.

  “There is a doctor that I saw, more in a mental health capacity, who might have some useful information for you,” she began quietly.

  “That won’t be necessary,” he waved his hand, “I have what I need really; I was only curious how long your history had been documented. You will be an interesting case, I think,” he smiled as he spoke to her.

  “I believe you may have scar tissue, inside your uterus.” Holding out a palm towards the ceiling, he poked the open hand with a finger from the other, “Asherman’s Syndrome it’s called, but it’s something that can be fixed. However, I’m more concerned about your late onset of menses, and it may be related to your heavy exercise. This leads to other problems that can be dangerous for you. We need to do more tests to be sure everything is ok. After that, we can talk about the repairs to your reproductive organs.”

  Taking a brief pause to lean back in his chair, his tone dropped as he continued, “My receptionist tells me you are a cash patient. I want to warn you before you make any decisions, that everything will need to be paid up front, and it can be expensive. Also, you will need about two weeks of recovery time if and when we are able to do your procedure, as we will be placing a balloon inside while your body heals.”

  Tori looked down at the desk, “Anything else I should know?” She asked the question absently, knowing she would have to do a bit of soul-searching before she took the next step. She felt a little deflated, as the path ahead would not be as easy as she had hoped it would be.

  “I can give you some pamphlets, or you can look it up online.” He reached over, handing her a folded brochure after writing a small note along the side. “Right now, I’m sending you over to have a bone density scan, and I also want to have some blood drawn for testing. Have you eaten anything this morning?”

  “No, I got up to come straight over,” she explained, “So I didn’t have time.”

  “That’s fortunate,” he agreed, “We can do a fasting blood work up.”

  Tori didn’t really see any of it as fortunate, but she didn’t bother to argue, taking the slip of paper from him for the tests. “How will I get the results?”

  “My receptionist will make an appointment for next week.” Rising, he showed her into the hallway. Leading her around the corner, he dropped her off at the lab, where they drew her blood.

  Ready to exit the building, Tori stopped to check out and inquired how much everything he had spoken of would cost. At hearing the sum, she felt a bit shocked at the price tag. Albeit, we do have a large amount of money in the bank, but this will be quite a chunk, and not something we can spend without some consideration.

  Paying the bill in cash, she then set an appointment for her results. Leaving the office, she walked the three blocks to the testing facility for the bone density scan, allowing herself to prepare for more prodding. By the time she had finished, she felt exhausted and desperately wanted to go home.

  Driving the short distance, Tori’s head swam. How am I going to approach the subject? She felt the need to talk to her husband about everything that had transpired that day. But, I should wait until Brian goes home. I don’t really want to involve him. This is something Michael and I will have to decide.

  Pulling up next to the shop, she tossed the pamphlet and paperwork into the glove box. Putting on a smile, she made her way inside to have lunch with her family, saving what needed to be said for another day.

  Brotherly Love

  Michael had awoken later than normal that morning and made his way out to discover the note his wife had left on the kitchen table. Assuming she was off to talk to someone about a bike, he wadded up the small piece of paper and tossed it in the trash. Nice, her brother and I get to have a little heart to heart in private. He had been meaning to speak to him for a few days, and wasn’t about to miss the opportunity.

  Setting about making coffee and brunch, he took great pains to bang around noisily. After several minutes, he had begun to think he would actually have to beat on the walls to rouse him. Fortunately, the scruffy headed guitar player sauntered in and plunked down in a chair.

  “What the hell you makin’ all that racket for?” Brian gave the man a disgusted grimace, “Can’t you let people get their sleep?”

  Michael sneered to himself before he modulated his tone into something on the side of friendly, “Nearly time for lunch, ya’ know?” He cut his eyes over at the blue orbs that watched him, eager to get on with their talk before his wife showed up and interrupted them.

  Brian tossed his head back, raising his chin to challenge him, “If you say so. Where’s sis?”

  “Ah, she had some business to handle. Be back in a bit, so I wanted to have lunch ready for her. Nice surprise for her,” his mood lightened a little at the thought of taking care of her needs.

  Brian watched the back of the older man as he moved, catching the rise in his tone when he spoke about the girl. The man obviously loved her, and he almost felt guilty about his plans. “You know, I really appreciate the way you look after her and all.”

  Michael snorted a laugh, “Well, thanks, I think; but I don’t do it for you.” He turned, setting Brian’s meal in front of him before he made Tori’s plate to place in the oven. “I do it because I care about her. And actually, that’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”

  Brian speared his green beans warily, the hairs on the back of his neck beginning to bristle, “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah,” Michael paused for effect, taking his seat with a plate of his own a few minutes later. “See, Tori is really special to me.” Noticing the expression on Brian’s face grow dark, he soothed quickly, “And I know you care about her too, don’t get me wrong, but she’s a lot more fragile than she lets on. She wants us to believe that everything’s fine, but really, she needs… you know…” he shrugged, “Special care.”

  Brian grunted, grinding his teeth for a moment between bites, “How do you figure? She seems pretty self-sufficient to me.”

  Michael added a dab of ketchup to his plate, taking his time to get to the point. “Yeah, she does, but a lot of that’s an act. She doesn’t want people to worry about her. Or for her. That’s why it’s up to us to do what’s right by her.” He cut his eyes over at the younger man, “That’s why I want you to stop suggesting she go to New York with you.”

  Brian felt as if
he’d been slapped, stopping in mid-chew to allow his jaw to hang open briefly, “Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”

  “No, I’m not kidding you. She has no business there, and you damn well know it.” Michael’s voice began gaining in volume but remained controlled. “You guys are party out the ass, and she don’t need that shit!” He slapped the table with an open palm to emphasize his point.

  Brian chewed hastily with his half open mouth, swallowing the bite so he could continue, “And what makes you think you’re the one who knows what’s best for her? I’m her brother after all – flesh an’ blood.”

  Giving him a cold stare, brown eyes on fire, “Because she’s my wife. She chose me and I her. And you’ll do what I ask you to do, or you can pack your shit right the fuck now.”

  Michael’s voice still loud, it remained flat calm and Brian could feel his blood run cold, the subtle threat clear. “And if I don’t?”

  Michael continued picking at his plate, taking a few more bites, and allowing the question to hang in the air. Eventually, he took a sip of his coffee, pushing his plate back to rest his elbows on the table. “If you don’t, you won’t like how things work out. I know you want to have a relationship with her, and I can agree to that. In fact, I’m all for that. But it’s gonna be on my terms.”

  Leaning back slightly in his chair, he ran his tongue over his teeth, clearing out any leftover debris from his meal. “She’ll do what I ask her to do, and if I suggest it’s time for you to go, she won’t argue with that.”

  Brian’s eyes narrowed, knowing he was on the short end of the stick. “Alright, I promise I won’t say anything else about it. But if she wants to go, you’re making a mistake by stopping her. Just ‘cause you’re scared.”

  “Scared? I’m not scared of anything!”

  “Sure you are!” he flung a hand at him, “Scared of why she chose you. Scared of letting her be who she really is. Scared she might fail – ”

  Michael threw up a palm to cut him off, “I said, I’m not scared. Alright? So you can save your breath. I am, however, concerned. As I said, she needs taken care of. At least for a while. She doesn’t know much about the world we live in, and you didn’t see where she came from. The things they did to her.”

  “Yeah, I know, like the other day, that story she told. Said her childhood was beautiful,” Brian recalled with an annoyed glare.

  “No. She said the place was beautiful. Her childhood was lonely. And as soon as she was old enough, they took to abusing her, just as I said they did. What the hell do you think she did with the Scorpions?” he glowered at his brother in law. “You think she caught up to them and said, ‘Pretty please, don’t hurt my brother?’ Fuck no. She killed ‘em, man. They’re dead. All of them.”

  “She told you that?” Brian’s features twisted in angry disbelief.

  “No, she didn’t. She didn’t have to. I know how and why they trained her. I was Special Forces, remember? I know about the dark side of the world we live in, and I watched what they did to her with my own eyes. Trust me, the truth is an ugly thing.”

  He stabbed the table with his index finger to drive his point home, “Maybe in a few years, yeah, she can go visit you and play around with you and your friends. But right now, she needs to put down some roots. Solid roots to keep her from going back to that life.”

  The front door opened, causing Brian a small jolt of panic. Michael recovered instantly, standing to greet his bride with a wide smile, “There you are!”

  The musician stared at him, surprised at how quickly his tone had changed at the sight of the girl. Pulling out a chair for her, her husband guided her into the seat, “I kept your plate warm for you.”

  Tori smiled slightly, happy to see her two men sharing a meal and one another’s company, even in her absence. “Thanks, I’m glad you guys didn’t wait on me. Wasn’t sure how long I would be.”

  “So, did you get it?” his voice cheerful, he pulled the dish out and placed it in front of her.

  “Get what?” she stared at him, caught off guard, and confused to think he might have guessed her whereabouts.

  “The bike?” he supplied. “Sorry, I assumed from your note you had gone off to check out something special.”

  A wide grin spread across her features as she thought of the words something special. Glancing down at his lips, then back up to his clear brown orbs, she replied calmly, “No, not yet, but I made an offer. We’ll have to wait and see how it turns out.”

  Ashes to Ashes

  Feeling the need to supervise the siblings, Michael stayed close to home the next morning. The trio busily worked in the garage, when a black Crown Victoria pulled up in front of the shop. Seeing the shiny hubcaps, they stopped and stared out through the roll-up door. Holding her breath, Tori waited to see who would step out of the car and why.

  The engine cut-off, and a tall, thin man exited the vehicle. Relieved it had not been Eli Founder, Tori made her way over to greet Warren La Buff and welcome him to her home, again. He didn’t smile as they made their way into the small house in the back.

  Taking his previous seat on the couch, La Buff paused before he began, and Tori became afraid he might be there to arrest her. Much to her relief, he appeared angry and started in a bitter tone, “Well, once again, you have escaped the justice you deserve,” while opening the large brown packet and withdrawing a thin stack of papers from it.

  Holding the first document out to her, he waited for her to read over the form, and Michael fell in beside her to see it as well. Skimming down quickly, Tori could not believe the words. “Is this for real?” she inquired in an airy, high-pitched voice.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” he stated in his typical condescending manner.

  Tori reread the letter again, scarcely able to contain her relief. Basically, it had been addressed to her, thanking her for her recent assistance in the investigation code-named XXXXXXXXXXX. She laughed at seeing the case name crossed out in such a bizarre manner. However, I’m sure the file is still open, so I understand why it was done. I don’t really care, as long as they leave me out of it!

  Further on, it stated that she had been absolved of all activities in connection to the case. Her heart began to pound, knowing they had simply let her go, for the second time. Trying not to get her hopes up, she recalled the way Jim had tried to send her after The Organization. I hope this isn’t just a ploy to try and make that happen.

  “So, what did they do about all the bodies?” she put the question to him anxiously, then gave her husband and brother a sideways look. Fuck me, I forgot they didn’t know what actually happened while I was away. Neither of them reacted, and she concluded they might have surmised how she had handled the situation.

  La Buff only continued his angry glare for a few moments, and then snapped, “The situation was contained. That is all you need to know.”

  Tori nodded perceptively, satisfied with that response. Seeing that the letter had been officially signed similar to the way her first had been, she knew that it would be legitimate, only for a moment wondering what it would cost her.

  Warren looked down at the two papers remaining in his hands as if he were trying to decide which one should be presented next. Making up his mind, he handed her a sheet containing a stamped seal at the bottom. Her eyes making it to the top, it read RECORD OF BIRTH in large bold lettering.

  Tori squealed in delight at seeing the page. Her full name, Victoria Nichole Peters, and date of birth, May twenty-first were prominent in the upper portion. The words began to shake as her fingers trembled; I am no longer Tori Farrell, in any way. She had been using Anderson since she and Michael were married, but this was different, and she knew it.

  The form contained the names of both her parents, and she caught a tear as it slipped from her misty blue orb before it could roll down her cheek. Gazing at Brian, she felt more connected to him, seeing these things in writing, and she anxiously waited to see the last item he had for her.

  Having seen the
official record, Brian nodded, “I’m curious if Robert Frost had anything to do with this. He’s my attorney. We were trying to have your emancipation nullified.” Pointing at her birth certificate, he reassured her, “Don’t worry, he’s a good lawyer. He’ll do what he can to see that it gets taken care of properly.”

  Warren La Buff scowled at the younger man as he handed her the last document; an official court manuscript for a closed session, similar to the one they had held before she left LA. At first, Tori could feel the anger; sons of bitches, they convened the committee without me, but it ebbed as she comprehended what it actually said and what they had done.

  Covering her mouth with her left hand, she read the last paragraph aloud:

  “By the State of California, the Emancipation of Tori Farrell is hereby nullified. In light of said birth certificate presented on this date, it is accepted that the identity of Victoria Nichole Peters has been verified by DNA analysis and comparison with known sibling, Daniel Brian Peters. She is acknowledged to be alive and well, living under said assumed identity, with an exact age of 25 years, 2 months and 24 days as of the date of this declaration.”

  The document had been signed by Special Agent James Godfry, Judge William Carlton, and witnessed by Robert Frost, Attorney at Law.

  Hearing the words, Michael and Brian began shouting, while Warren La Buff gave the girl an ice cold stare. He didn’t say anything and he didn’t have to; this wasn’t over if he had his way and Tori hoped he wouldn’t.

  Standing, La Buff bid them farewell in a gruff tone and marched back to his awaiting ebony chariot. As soon as he had pulled back out on the main highway, he opened his phone, selected a number from the short list and made the call.

  A moment later, a male voice picked up on the other end, “Yeah?”

  “It’s done,” La Buff stated.

  The voice in the distance emitted a small laugh, “That’s good,” he boasted.


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