A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 27

by Samantha Jacobey

  “Cody and Collin are also doing well,” Mark gave them an update. “They should be going home today or tomorrow, too.”

  Tori only half listened, lost in thought. It’s strange how the four friends were in the same car, in the same accident, but one of them paid a much higher price than the rest, having taken the brunt of the force. She washed his face, taking over in a mothering manner, which he allowed with a sheepish grin.

  “Anyways, just checking in. I’ll be back shortly,” the group’s manager made for the exit, not wanting to overstay his welcome.

  Shortly after, a nurse came in to give Brian a few directions. “Go ahead and move around, have a shower, and the doctor’ll be by to evaluate you afterwards.”

  Tori noticed the way her brother leered at the cute little blonde. He must be feeling at least somewhat better.

  After her departure, he climbed stiffly out of the bed. “Wow, this’s tougher than I thought it’d be.” He groaned uncontrollably when he put weight on his legs.

  “Easy, baby…” Tori reached to help him stand, “Take your time.”

  Leaning against her, he pushed himself upright to get his balance. Moving towards the small bathroom, she allowed him to do that part on his own. Waiting, she and Michael sat on the couch and talked about possible scenarios.

  “Maybe we could convince him to go home with us,” Michael spoke softly.

  Tori nodded her agreement, but she doubted that would happen. “If he won’t, you know I’m going to stay with him for a while. At least I plan to if he’ll let me,” her voice low with concern.

  Grasping to smooth a stray hair for her, he nodded, “You know he wanted to take you home with him, so I’m sure you won’t get any arguments from him.” He had surmised she would be holding on to her brother a lot tighter, at least for a while, and had no plans of making her feel badly about it.

  Relief crossed her face when Brian exited the tiny room, a wave of steam following him out. He moved gingerly, but all his limbs seemed to be working, and he looked much better with his hair clean and all the blood washed away from his visible skin. Sliding back into his bed, she could tell he was sore, and probably would be for several days. He had donned a pair of jeans, and his bare chest displayed a few cuts and bruises as well.

  While waiting for the doctor, Mark and Terry joined the group, ready to help make arrangements for getting him out of the hospital without being mobbed.

  Brian nodded when informed that a large group of people had begun to gather out front of the building, “Yeah, that’s no surprise.”

  It became obvious Michael wanted to handle the situation when he tossed out, “So, who’s going to set up the escape route?”

  The other men were quick to defer to his judgment. Exiting the room, he went to scout the path he wanted to take, leaving them to plan what would happen after they made it out of the room and into the car.

  Tori timidly made her suggestion, “I have a huge house in Texas. Out of the way, and perfect for a long recuperation.”

  Brian refused flat out, “Oh no, I have seen all of the Lone Star State that I care to for a while. I have a house in Florida, and that’s where I wanna go.” He knew he could rest in privacy there, and they could make their plans for the future more solidly when he had healed.

  She could tell he was taking the loss of his band mate rather hard, and knew the two of them were the closest of the four. They had met when Brian moved in with our grandparents, and had been best friends ever since, she recalled what he had shared. The other two members were his friends, but for not nearly as long, having formed the group for the purpose of making music, first and foremost, in high school.

  The doctor made his appearance while Michael was out, having the young man stand and go through a few evaluation procedures. “I think you’re good to go,” he finally conceded.

  “Will he be safe for flight?” Tori inquired.

  “Sure, he can fly. Just make sure the destination is somewhere he can rest. Give yourself a few weeks to recoup and check in with another physician when you get there.” He smiled, bringing much-needed relief into the cramped space.

  Mark left the small gathering to arrange for their private plane to be ready at the airport. Tori moved about, tossing what little he had there in the room into a plastic bag so they could depart once Michael had decided what the plan would be.

  The band’s manager had brought in a plain blue tee for Brian to wear, and she liked how it brought out the blue in her sibling's eyes, smiling slightly to reassure him. Noticing his difficulty in getting his stiff body to bend over, she helped her brother with his socks and shoes, overjoyed with the prospect of being able to take care of him. Amazing how often I end up playing nurse to people, she recalled, not the least bit upset about it at the moment.

  Again, Mark stopped in to provide updates, “Ok, Cody and Collin are also being released. Since Brian is headed to his place, they’ve decided to take a rest themselves, so they’re going to Nebraska. Each will be home with family and friends for a couple of weeks, and I then hope you guys can get together in New Jersey so we can decide what we should do with the band.”

  Brian nodded, “Yeah, we’re pretty broken right now. But it’ll keep until we’re healed, or at least on the way to healed before we decide anything.”

  Michael returned to the room while they were hashing things out, having secured a path down a staff elevator on the back side of the hospital and had a car waiting for Brian, Tori and himself.

  “We ready?” he inquired sharply, in full bodyguard mode.

  “Yeah,” Brian agreed as he bid his manager and friend farewell.

  Terry chimed in, “I’ll help you guys get downstairs, in case you have any problems.”

  “Appreciate it, man.” Michael grinned broadly, pleased with Tori’s friend.

  Wheeling him out, things went smoothly. Tori watched around them as they moved, feeling deeply protective of her only brother. Inside the elevator, she stood beside his chair and stroked his dark hair that matched her own, remembering how they had bristled at one another the last time they were in LA together. Odd how neither of us had noticed how much we look alike at the time.

  On the ground floor, the group made it out through the emergency entrance and climbed into a simple late model sedan. Smart thinking, Tori subconsciously praised her spouse. Few would be expecting to see him in an ordinary car with his flashy lifestyle. Making straight for the airport, they were met at the front by a group of security, who brought a second wheelchair in case he needed it.

  Upon seeing it, Brian tossed out casually, “Naw, I got this.”

  Giving him a dubious glare, Michael insisted, “Ok, walk. We can bring it along, just in case.”

  Three hundred yards later, Brian stopped the procession to take a seat in the empty device. Tori’s face grew strained as she gazed down at him, I wonder if he’s really ok; she knew all about the fronts some people put up to hide the truth from those around them.

  Making it to the plane’s loading area, the group climbed aboard and took three of the four front seats. Tori’s mouth hung slightly open at the opulence of the band’s existence. Sitting next to her brother, her husband in the seat directly facing her, she tried to relax.

  “I’m glad you’re here, sis,” Brian smiled at her, “Nice to be taken care of…” his voice trailed away before he finished the thought.

  Tori smiled without comment, knowing what he meant and well aware of how much being wanted for your assets could hurt.

  During the flight, the conversation seemed upbeat. Tori instinctively inquired about the details and security at the location they were headed towards. “It’s in Florida, right? I’ve been to Miami too many times to count,” she giggled a bit nervously. “We won’t have any problems there, I hope.”

  “Yeah, Ft. Lauderdale to be exact, and no, we won’t have any problems,” Michael explained. “This house is much smaller than the New Jersey estate, only being about seven-thousand squa
re feet, with almost two acres of land surrounding it. There’s a full-time gardener and housekeeper, but it’s located in a gated community, so there’s no security inside the property on a regular basis.”

  Nodding, Brian added, “We don’t take people to our private homes unless they’re part of the inside circle. It’s better that way… cleaner. There’s the community house in New Jersey for parties and such, but otherwise we use hotels.”

  It felt odd to her, being on the inside circle of her brother’s life, but she tried to unwind as the flight continued. Able to catch a small amount of sleep after the stressful last day and a half, Tori and Michael dozed off, leaving Brian to observe them while they slept.

  Staring down at her worn makeup, Brian could make out the edges of the scar that crossed her left eye. Thinking about the first time he saw it, he speculated if it bothered her. I wonder if it could be repaired or removed. He realized she probably wouldn’t care, she’s so tough. Of course, I’m sure a lot of that is an act. I bet she’s pretty tender on the inside, like Mike said.

  Glancing across at her husband, I wonder how these two hooked up. Neither of the Andersons had seen fit to share much of their history with him or the rest of the band. They’re pretty stuck on each other, though. He recalled his brother-in-law’s tantrum at the thought of her going to New Jersey, and at her own protective behavior towards her mate.

  He turned towards the window, recalling his first visit to their home, when he had tried to lure her into his world a little further. I didn’t get my way the first time.

  He knew she had said no, as Michael had said she would, but the path had become less certain. She said she wouldn’t come here, had no use for the lustrous and chaotic life of a rock star… or was it Michael who said that? Shaking his head, he couldn’t remember. Either way, fate has brought her into it, nonetheless. I’ll take what I can get, and if I play my cards right, I’ll get it all. The thought made him smile as he glanced at her features again while she dreamed.

  Arriving at MIA, the three were met by the typical limo and driven the thirty-five miles to the lakeside estate. Making it through the checkpoint at the main gate, they followed the divided road in, and Tori observed a long hedge down the center, palm trees on both sides, and the ground covered in grass and large sprouting shrubs. A beautiful place, the realization sank in how different her brother’s life had been from anything she had ever experienced.

  The car stopped in front of the dwelling, and Michael gathered the couple’s bags, carrying them up the wide cobblestone walk. Obviously, the gardener kept himself busy, as the yard was immaculate and Tori instantly felt at ease in the tropical location. Breathing deeply, she felt drawn in and eager to see the inside.

  The front door opened into an entry area filled with sunshine in the late afternoon. The entire west wall of the house had been made of glass, some standard and some cubes that allowed the light, but were only translucent. With the wide open design, Tori stood at the front entry for several minutes, allowing herself to take it all in.

  A formal type sitting area lay to the left, with a decorative fireplace and mantle halfway down the wall between the front door and the outer wall of glass. It contained a couch and several upholstered chairs with a shag rug on the honey colored hardwood floor that ran throughout the entire structure. The tables, both end and coffee, were glass topped, and stepping further in she could see a large white grand piano at the far end of the extensive room, with a mirror covering the entire far end wall next to it.

  Back at the front door, a staircase came right down to the entry area. Not solid, it gave the appearance that it floated on its supports made of thin metal bars. The steps made of slats of wood that matched the flooring of the house, it had no back, so one could peek through and see down the hallway that ran behind it.

  To the right of all of this stood an archway that led into the dining room, where a white table with another glass top stood with light wood and white colored chairs. The chandelier was beautiful, yet not as excessive as she had expected, and she noted with another decorative faux fireplace on the far wall.

  Moving through the house, Tori began to notice something interesting about her brother and his choice of design. His house may have been extravagant, but it also qualified as simplistic at the same time. He chose bright colors or white often, and the light wood of the fixtures and furniture that reminded her of pine could be found strewn throughout the warm and inviting decor.

  Brian smiled at her approval, thinking how different of a feel his place held from her dark choice of colors back in Texas. Taking the staircase that led up from the polished silvery kitchen, they were shown to the bedrooms. Each of the three on the water side of the house had a small patio and sitting area, with a private bath and walk in closet. The two on the back side were much simpler, only having a typical sleeping area with a shared bathroom between them, five bedrooms in all.

  The community had been built around a small private lake, and his house came with a private beach that extended about fifty feet in either direction from the large deck and swimming pool that could be seen from the bedrooms above. Peering out over the railing, Tori commented, “You know, I have never been swimming in a pool before. I grew up taking baths in the dirty waters of Brazil. I can hardly imagine it being any fun.”

  Hearing this, Michael vowed with a grin, “Well, we will be picking up suits and I will teach you about swimming in the civilized world.”

  Tori had to laugh at the thought, the smile easing the tension that had been hanging over the group since their departure from the hospital in LA. “Only if Brian joins us,” she insisted, not wanting to exclude their host.

  “Oh, you know that’s right,” he quickly agreed, “I never miss a chance to enjoy a swim.”

  Making their way down the final staircase that stood on the opposite end from the entrance, they found themselves in the play end of the house, where a barroom stood on the back side. This room had a red colored theme, complete with red felt on the immaculate pool table, and Tori voiced her appreciation, “You’re place is really nice, Danny.”

  The backside also held a studio, where instruments were set up; guitars, drums and the like. “Does the band come here often?” she felt confused, having thought this had been his private residence.

  “No, not really. I enjoy my time here playing all of them with varying degrees of skill. Practice makes perfect, you know.” He winked at her, giving her his best smile.

  Tori made her way over to the large set of drums, allowing her fingers to glide around the silver rims, listening while he explained, “Collin’s actually very good with them. Me, I just like to make a lot of noise.”

  She grinned mischievously at the thought of his banging away, and then at her trying them herself. It could be fun, even though I’ve never held a pair of the sticks before; I would love the challenge.

  “Who plays the piano?” she referred to the large instrument that occupied the living area in the front of the house.

  Brian shrugged, “Actually, everyone plays at it, but no one’s really brilliant at the monstrosity. It’s mostly there for decoration. We use the keyboard whenever we need the sound. Much more efficient and flexible,” he indicated the smaller device along the wall. She really loves music, he observed, more than she cares to admit, I think.

  Showing her to the glass side of the house, they found a gym, which gave her a stab of sadness, having given up half her workouts to regain her reproductive abilities. The final room, another play area, contained a ping pong table and white wicker furniture, with two large French doors, one set that led out onto the deck and pool area, and the other on the end of the house that gave way to tennis and basketball courts.

  By the end of the tour, she had to admit that his home was extraordinary. I can see why my humble little place in Texas didn’t hold the allure for him that his life did. Making their way out onto the patio, the breeze almost non-existent, she found the flat calm odd to her considering
the wind that had been almost constant in other places she had lived.

  At that point, Maria, the housekeeper, appeared and Brian directed her to stock the kitchen for their sabbatical. Taking to the stairs, they chose which room they would be staying in, Tori insisting on having the suite directly next to her brother. Smiling to himself, Brian lumbered into his bedroom to rest, closing the door behind him.

  Everyone Wants

  Left alone in their suite, she noted quietly, “This one room is almost as large as our entire first house,” with only slight exaggeration. Staring out the front glass again, “And this view is truly incredible.” Giving him a sideways glance, his eyes were on her, and she grinned.

  Smiling, he leaned against the window next to her, arm above his head, “Yeah, nice place. Even better with you here,” he teased as he gave his wife a hungry leer, ready to make her scream.

  Quick to respond, having gone without for far too many hours, Tori grabbed her husband roughly. She slid her left hand up to hold his neck and run her fingers through his sandy brown hair. Their lips coming together, they kissed one another coarsely, not the least concerned with the open expanse that allowed the evening sun to shine into their room as it sank into the lake.

  Pulling at his shirt, she lifted it over his head and ran her fingers through the hairs on his chest, teasing the ones that partially concealed her name. The tickle made her eager and she stepped away from him to remove her clothing. She smiled to herself, happy with his growing ability to throw tenderness aside once in a while and fuck her like mad.

  Michael hung back to enjoy the view, opening his jeans and dropping them out of the way. He loved watching her strip down, her slender form beautiful and her scars invisible in the fading light.

  He watched the curve of her hips, noticing she had rounded a bit since she wasn’t pushing herself so hard. He admired the way her muscular form had grown not quite as exaggerated, as small deposits of fat had naturally filled in some of the hollows, giving her a more curvy stature.


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