A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 29

by Samantha Jacobey

  Fingering her wet folds, he considered how putting on the display had excited her. Pushing his finger roughly into the pucker of her rear end, she seemed startled by his action, and he grinned that she still had those secret desires to be naughty, which he refused to quell for her.

  Dropping his trunks to the floor, he pushed his engorged hardness into her, grasping her hips as he pounded her with a deep, demanding motion, anger still seething inside.

  Relishing in his aggressive fucking, she became even noisier than usual, and he paused when the time came to allow the urge to pass, again tickling her wrinkled skin with his thumb and allowing it to drive her panting into quick yelps of desire.

  Ready to move within her again, he grasped the flesh of her ribs and hips, squeezing more firmly than he needed to, driven by the urge to punish her nasty thoughts and behavior.

  Their bodies thrust together so forcefully, she almost sounded in pain, but he didn’t relinquish until he had fully added his own juices to hers, pulling her hair as he did so. Standing behind her, he ran his hand across the small of her back and the roundness of her rear end, clenching his jaw while resisting the urge to leave a handprint on her thigh the way he had seen Red do so long ago.

  He trusted she would never willingly be with another man, but the fact that she enjoyed their attention bothered him, and he refused to be tender with her. Instead, he pushed her forward to remove himself and went to wash the smell of her off before dinner.

  Abruptly left in the room alone, Tori felt somewhat confused by his behavior. What the fuck? You mean that’s it? Allowing herself to stretch out on the bed, she listened to the water and considered the man who stood beneath the spray. He’s so odd sometimes, not like the men of her past who were so easy to read. Eddie had always enjoyed the fact that other men noticed her. Only if she took an interest in them would there be any trouble.

  Not Michael, apparently. He seems pretty pissed off that they were watching me. And he fools around with me, knowing what I want and need, but keeping it from me as if it were some kind of game, torturing me in his own way.

  Her thoughts began to boil as she compared the men from her past with her current lover, placing Enrique in between the two extremes. He didn’t seem at all bothered to share, and he sure as hell proved he could be tender and thrilling by the end.

  Hearing the sound come to an end, she stood and went in to have her own private turn in the shower, her body still on fire, as he had not bothered to satisfy her. Angered by his actions, she did little to hide her disgust when she sauntered into the spacious room.

  He picked up on her vibe rather quickly. Running the towel over his soaked skin, he rocked his jaw side to side. “You know, I have to say I was really disappointed.” He kept his tone even, wanting to make his point clear without escalating the situation.

  “Oh yeah? Me too,” she let the words hang for a moment, not looking up and missing his surprised expression before he squashed it.

  “You too? What the fuck did I do? You were the one prancing about, strutting around like a damn stripper in that skimpy little suit of yours.” Shit, I didn’t wanna have a fight. So far he had done a pretty good job of avoiding them since he had been with her, but not today.

  Tori chewed the inside of her cheek, still staring at the sink in front of her, “I’ll prance around however I like. You didn’t seem too concerned about how I looked when I was buying it!” Her head snapped up to glare at him, eyes flashing blue fire.

  “Of course not, I expected you to have some dignity, not flounce around like a harlot!”

  Jaw dropped, she rolled her tongue, counting to ten, “You got some nerve, Michael Anderson, and I got news for you – you don’t own me, and I will prance, flounce, bounce and strut however the fuck I feel like. Now, get the hell out so I can have a shower.” She raised her chin in defiance, her lip quivering as her anger overshadowed her fear.

  “Gladly,” her mate stormed out of the room, clutching his towel around him.

  Beneath the cascade, Tori stared down at her trembling digits. She didn’t like to let herself reach that point, where pure rage controlled her. This isn’t good, baby girl. You know better than letting your anger win. And yelling at him isn’t going to solve anything.

  Mildly calmer, she exited the bathroom a short time later, to find her mate standing in his jeans, muscled back exposed as he glared out across the water, hands clenched behind him.

  “I’m sorry,” he spoke before she had a chance to say anything, not daring to look at her.

  “For what?” she asked bluntly, her words curt, her anger still on simmer.

  He turned enough to smile at her, his hands bouncing lightly. “I’m still a real asshole some of the time,” he countered in a playful tone. “This is a hard place for us, love, and I can’t wait to take you home.”

  Curious, she slithered closer to him, still wrapped in her bath sheet, “Hard how? I don’t get it. They were just looking. Men always look. That’s how they are.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed with a nod, exhaling loudly, “And I know that I don’t own you. That’s something I treasure about you very deeply… your independence.” He looked her up and down, God she’s beautiful. What do I expect her to do, hide inside all day? “Please forgive me. I’ll try really hard not to do that again.”

  “Do what again?” she queried, suspecting he felt guilty about the way he had manhandled her, pulling her hair and putting things in places he normally avoided.

  Nodding, he confirmed her suspicions, “I know you like it rough, but I was outta line. I don’t like to treat you that way. I’d rather not touch you at all than do things that hurt you.”

  Tori grinned, “You know I’m gonna break you of that, sooner or later.”

  Spying her tiny smile, he smirked with a shake of his head. “Come on, love,” he reached out and tugged on her arm, guiding her over to the bed so he could finish her. Bad girl or not, she’s mine, and I’m gonna take care of her, the very best that I can.

  Removing her towel and burying his face where her legs came together, he released a deep sigh, we’re gonna be late for dinner, not that he really cared.

  Rest and Regroup

  Having his wife ogled by strangers would only be the beginning of Michael’s problems; issues that would test their relationship more than he cared to think about. On the second day after their arrival, Brian had begun to feel much more comfortable, able to get around to an extent, and ready to get back to normal.

  After a nice brunch, the trio made their way into the studio, Brian and Tori, drawn by the lure of their shared passion for music and the need to pour their souls into an instrument. With no shortage of variety in the house, she practically bounced around the room, looking them over, before making her choice of which one to try first.

  Taking a seat in a straight-backed chair, legs extended out front and arms crossing his chest, Michael could do little to hide his sullen disposition. His wife wanted to explore the new thrills that her brother’s collection could afford her, and it took all his effort not to actually scowl at the process and keep his negative commentary to himself.

  “Ok, hun, so tell me about these. How do I do this?” she held Brian’s sticks and tried to sit on the little stool more comfortably as her husband observed her. Obviously excited, it pained him that he could not share in her joy of the discovery.

  “Well, you hold them,” Brian patiently slid her hands down towards the backs, “Now, relax your grip… You’re choking it… Here, let me show you.” He pulled the thin shaft of wood out of her hand and demonstrated. “See? Nice and gentle, almost like it’s just lying in your hand.”

  “Like this?” Tori held up the other half of the set, trying to imitate her sibling.

  “Yeah, sort of. You just gotta practice. You’ll get the hang of it. Now, allow the stick to bounce, so you’re not stabbing at the top.” He laughed at her efforts and she smiled in return, happy in the new activity they were able to share.
r />   Michael could feel the jealousy pulling his stomach into knots. I hope to God he gets better quick. He found himself giggling through his displeasure as her arms flailed about and her tongue stuck out slightly, damn, she’s so cute at this. I think we need to get her some more instruments when we get home. Maybe pull the ones out of storage and set them up some place.

  “I think I should start with something simpler,” she admitted a short time later, realizing it took a lot of coordination to pull off the drums. “I guess I’m not perfect after all!” She smiled broadly, her mood unshakable.

  “Yeah well, these are tough, and it’s your first try. Maybe later I’ll show you something else, like the piano,” Brian’s voice had grown tired.

  “Oh my God, how selfish of me! You’re probably ready for a break,” she noted the general slump of his body and grasped that he needed to rest. “Let’s go change and spend the rest of the day relaxing by the pool.”

  Glancing over at her husband as she made the suggestion, she had been happy he had at least come into the room, but wasn’t pleased with the pout that he wore. Of course, the pool will put him in an even worse mood, and she contemplated what the result of that could bring later. She almost relished the idea of what he would do to her when they were alone if it did. I kinda like it when he fucks angry, and she smiled at the thought of it.

  Having changed and taken up positions out on the deck, Michael noticed the neighbors were observing them as they had the first afternoon. Relaxing into the chaise, he gave himself a pep-talk. I’m not gonna fall for this. She’s a grown woman, and I trust her, and it’s ok if they look.

  True to her word, Tori managed to strike all sorts of creative and provocative poses, giving him ample opportunities to work on his possessive thoughts and attitude. Seeing the men watching her activities excited her, and she briefly toyed with the idea of asking her brother to invite them over, before pushing the thought aside. Better to keep them at a distance, I guess. Too much temptation, really, and I don’t want actual trouble.

  The rest of the day passed without incident, and Michael looked her in the eye when he made love to her that evening. Their evening ritual left him feeling exhausted as he reminded himself the entire time to lessen his grip and be gentle with his love. He did not want to give in to those base desires. He would rather not touch her than do that, and he believed in the end that he had been able to do so.

  Tori, however, seemed displeased with his performance, thinking that her show would have pushed him into the rough handling he had given her the day before, or at least she had hoped that it would. Well, it appears I should’ve invited them over after all; maybe that would encourage him to man up a little in the sack. She clawed at his back for good measure, hating the feeling that he wasn’t giving her what she wanted.

  Turning her back on him when he had finished with her, Tori stared out the window and watched the water dancing in the distance. Why does he always have to be so nice? He seemed almost dull with the excitement of her brother’s world around her. Drifting off to sleep, she couldn’t help the feeling that they weren’t such a perfect match after all, even if he thinks we are.

  The next morning, Tori jumped up early and headed down to burn off her excess energy in the gym, surprised that her husband followed quickly behind. Pushing themselves harder than normal, the couple showered separately afterwards and passed on their morning sex, much to the girl’s relief. Thank God, I hate getting all worked up just to be let down.

  Dressed in their new summer attire, the couple made their way down to breakfast with hardly a word. Glancing at his downturned features, Tori tried not to let her mate’s moodiness affect her; they only had a short time left with her brother, after all, and she wanted to make the best of it.

  Finding Brian already at the table, the housekeeper busy preparing a meal, Tori bent over to give him an affectionate hug and peck on the cheek. Her arms reaching around to hold him from behind, she cooed next to his ear, “So, what instrument are we going to try today?” her voice lilting lightly from her lips.

  Brian grinned as he patted the backs of her hands that lay across his chest, “Actually, I hoped we could play guitars today. I thought I might teach you the new album.”

  Tori grinned, eager to please her older brother in his time of recovery.

  Michael, on the other hand, was livid. Biting his tongue, he could hear his blood pulsing in his ears. He’s still conniving, trying to find a way to keep her here. My warning didn’t mean shit to him. Glaring at the other man, their eyes met briefly, and he could see the sneer as the two of them carried on their silent battle over the girl. This ain’t over, asshole.

  Taking a few deep breaths, Michael slid into his seat and played nice, “That sounds like fun. I guess I’ll find something to do around here. Maybe go down and hang out by the lake. In case anyone cares to join me.” He cut his eyes over at his wife to see what her reaction would be, then feeling a stab of disappointment that she didn’t appear to have even heard the comment.

  Brother and sister chatted eagerly during the meal, and Michael continued to do his best to be civil. As soon as he had finished, he rose without comment, wiping his face and dropping his napkin on his plate before he made his way out through the game room, onto the deck and down to the beach. Opting not to go upstairs and retrieve the small tube of UV protection, he dropped onto the sand in a partially sheltered spot, and glanced down at his white legs that were typically covered in denim.

  Well, this is a fine place to be. This is supposed to be paradise. Nothing to do here that’s even remotely fun for me, though. Chuckling to himself, he realized exactly how the guys must have felt, stuck at his place for almost seven weeks. Stretching out on the cool sand, arms behind his head, he drifted off to sleep.

  Moving to the studio after the meal, the siblings took no note of the missing member of their party, eager to break out their guitars and have some fun. Showing her the music he had written, Brian seemed a little putout that she could not effectively read it. However, as soon as he played the songs for her, she took over and made what sounded good somehow even better.

  Awakening from his nap, Michael discovered that he had been asleep for hours, and the sun had moved far across the sky, and shone down on his bare appendages. Feeling the burn as he ran his hand across them, he cursed under his breath. Moving stiffly, he made his way into the kitchen, where Maria smiled as she produced a bottle of aloe vera gel to soothe his battered flesh.

  After applying the sticky lotion, he took the bottle and quietly made his way down the hall to discover what his wife and brother-in-law were currently up to. Peeking into the studio, he could see Tori with a guitar in her hands, and Brian on a bass, the two of them fantastic side by side.

  Pursing his lips, Michael bitterly suspected that Brian intended to make the shift, putting Collin on the drums that he had fancied for so long. Then, he can take over on the bass, permanently. All he has to do is convince the other two guys to accept her, and I lose.

  Internally, Michael knew he wanted to keep her from joining her older brother in his chaotic and lavish lifestyle. At the same time, he wondered why fate seemed to be pushing her in that direction, by throwing her and her brother together again and allowing him to lure her into his life, bit by bit. I knew this was a bad idea, he tormented himself, but what the hell am I gonna do about it? Of course, he knew the answer; wait and see.

  Gingerly making his way up the stairs, he left the pair to their magic, feeling a bit forlorn as he stretched out on the bed that the couple shared. Staring at the ceiling, he allowed his mind to wander over the time that they had been together. He had been lying there, the room engulfed in darkness as the sun had set, until Tori burst in looking for him.

  “Michael!?!” she called, her voice dripping with panic, and awakening him with a start. Turning, she caught sight of him in his awkward position, trying to block out the sudden burst of light that had flooded the room when she flicked on the switch.
“Oh my God! There you are! What the hell are you doing up here? Are you sick?”

  “Yeah, sort of. I fell asleep down on the beach, and I got burned,” he indicated his lobster red legs in disgust.

  Frozen, Tori stood staring at him, her mind whirling between laughter and tears, guilt eating away at her gut. I didn’t even notice he was gone. All day. Not until we sat down for dinner and he wasn’t there. Seeing him in obvious pain shouldn’t have been funny, but somehow, she found herself having to stifle the urge to laugh, only half succeeding.

  “Why the hell were you sleeping on the beach?” her open palm indicated his injured limbs. “Obviously, you should have known better.”

  Glowering at her from his half reclined position, Michael felt as if he’d been slapped. Are you fucking kidding me? All the fawning she does over other people and this is what I get? “I’m fine!” he snapped. “It’s not like I need you to take care of me or anything. Go eat your dinner and fuck around with your brother some more.” Rising, he shuffled into the bathroom, trying to hide his agony while closing the door with a heavy slam.

  “Fine! I will!” she shouted through the closed portal, slamming the outer exit to punctuate her words.

  Stomping down the stairs, Tori could feel the color rising to flush her face in anger. Flopping down in her seat in the kitchen, she allowed a loud burst of air to escape her clenched jaw. Son of a bitch. I can’t believe he let himself get burnt and then gets all pissy with me about it.

  Mouth open slightly, Brian asked in a quiet tone, “Everything ok?” He had heard the door demonstrations and suspected that it wasn’t.

  “Yeah, it’s fine,” Tori lied flatly, then seeing her brother’s expression, it occurred to her that it had been pointless to do so. Drawing another cleansing breath, she worked to calm herself. “Michael didn’t use any sunblock and let himself get burned today, so he probably won’t be joining us. Maybe we should send Maria up with a tray for his dinner.”


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