A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 41

by Samantha Jacobey

  Catching a glimpse of the spandex legs jogging down the snowy walk, Hunt crushed his cigarette against the wall behind him, protecting the glow from being exposed behind the tree. Stepping out when she reached the towering Pine, he spoke sharply, “Tori!” grasping her waist and spinning her into the alcove, back against the wall, perfectly pinned.

  The girl stifled the urge to scream, seeing the long coat as he gripped her, her mind racing. “You a Fed?” she stammered, unarmed and aware of her distinct disadvantage.

  “Yeah,” he breathed, air frosting with excitement. “I’m Mason. Mason Hunt. We don’t have time to talk here, but we need to.” She pushed herself away from the wall, standing toe to toe with him as he spoke.

  “Oh, we need to,” Tori’s eyes dropped to take in the tall frame, her gaze only staring at his chin at straight ahead, “And what if I refuse?” She noticed the pained grimace that crossed his features in the dim light.

  “You can’t refuse, baby girl… your life may depend on this.”

  Her jaw dropped at his words, the tenderness unmistakable. Pushing him away from her, she straightened herself, prepared for battle, “Ok, who the fuck are you – really!?!”

  Reaching into his pocket, “We don’t have time for this.” He handed her a slip of paper, “This is a biker hangout. Come dressed the part, and I’ll explain everything to you. Midnight.” Releasing her, he turned and walked straight across the street and down the path that wound behind the next residence, leaving her staring after him.

  Wadding the page and gripping it tightly, Tori jogged easily to the gate and let herself in, cutting her run short with the clang of the metal entrance behind her. Inside the kitchen, she lay the ball on the counter to set up the coffee pot, her fingers trembling as they stiffly complied. Damn. And here I thought having Brett and Enrique show up two days ago was bad enough. Fresh Feds wanting to meet with me only adds to the situation.

  Exhaling a deep sigh, she watched as the muddy water began to collect in the pot. Mason Hunt. I don’t know him. Never heard his name, either. Her mind turned the brief conversation repeatedly. He called me baby girl. Oh my God, I don’t believe this shit. Setting a mug on the counter, she reached for the note.

  Opening the crinkled letter, her eyes perused the perfectly scripted letters:

  I realize you don’t know me, but I’m going to ask you to trust me. I can’t say much here, in case this falls into the wrong hands. Meet me at the Red Devil’s Bar at the time that I indicated. I think you know it, so dress to blend in. I’ll be in the corner at the smaller bar, right-hand side. See you there.

  Tori’s mind raced. Yeah, I know the place; indeed a biker bar, a dark place that she had been to several times with the Dragons. Filled with guys who think they’re tough, and the kind of girls who have a thing for bad boys. Her mind briefly recalled the women that Eddie or Red had chosen out of the joint, and the places they had dumped their bodies afterwards.

  Giving off a small shudder to clear her thoughts, she reached for the steaming brew. Pouring the cup and replacing the carafe, she wondered if she would actually attempt to meet with the stranger. Moving to the window and staring out into the yard, the first light of dawn beginning to glisten across the snow, she contemplated that she didn’t really have a choice.

  How am I going to pull it off, though? She didn’t really want to involve anyone else in the house if she could help it. I’ll have to sneak out. Or come up with an excuse to be out. She quickly concluded that would be a bad option, as giving any indication that she wanted to go anywhere would have the others wanting to tag along or at least follow her. I could sneak out; Michael showed me all the security here, and I know how to get around it.

  So, I need a plan. And an outfit. Continuing to gulp the hot liquid, she made a list of things that would be required. I think I need a skirt. God, I hate those things. But if I want to fit in… yeah, I need a skirt. And some leggings and a pair of those ginormous earrings.

  Her mind quickly leapt to the gifts from Christmas. Smiling to herself, she realized she already had everything she would need piled in her closet. And here I thought I would never use any of that shit.

  Placing her empty cup in the sink and grabbing the note, she made her way upstairs to shower and dress for the day. She would have to decide how she would ditch the group of men and make it out of the house before the time came. Jesus, can’t I just for a little bit have a normal life?

  Tori leaned against the bar, holding her face in her hands. Everything in place, she carefully laid down the final portion of her plan. From there, she would run upstairs, taking her bag and leaving via the window, where a cab would be waiting for her down the street. The cab would take her to the motel, where she would change before and after the meet.

  A few minutes later, Michael’s concerned eyes followed his wife as she exited the lounge. She was complaining about a headache all damn day. The girl had insisted she didn’t need anything before she said her goodnights, but it wasn’t even 10:00 pm yet, so her going to bed this early didn’t sit well with her mate. We’ve pretty much fallen into the routine of the house, so this is damn sure early. Maybe I should check on her in a bit.

  Unable to sit still, he only half listened to the jokes and banter of the other men while he wandered around the room. Hearing his name, he turned to find Enrique holding up a pool cue. “What?” he inquired absently.

  “You’re up, man,” the other replied.

  “Oh, umm,” he glanced at the door, lost in the idea of caring for his bride. Heaving a deep sigh, he knew she wouldn’t like being pestered, especially since she wasn’t feeling well. “Sure.” He reached for the rack to set up the next game. It’s ok. She’s upstairs, she’s alone, and you can give her some room, he chided himself for his overly protective thoughts. Relax and enjoy the evening, he instructed himself, allowing the laughter to draw him in.

  The Lion’s Den

  Mason Hunt shifted on his stool inside the Red Devil’s Bar. Lifting his glass, he touched it to his lips, watching himself in the mirror across from him. I need to work this out… see Tori’s caught up in this mess, with the FBI pulling on one side, her life on the other. And out in the background, we have The Organization, which is doing their own thing… but what is their own thing?

  Swirling the golden liquid, his thoughts wandered. Fifteen more minutes. After that, I’m going to bail. I sure thought she’d show. Lifting the glass, he took a small sip. Of course, she doesn’t really know what’s going on, so why would she trust some crazy Fed who shows up out of the blue and demands an audience? He knew she was in danger, either way.

  The Organization is short two groups that used to handle a large portion of their business as far as keeping things running smoothly, and they’re not happy about it. Eventually, they’re going to get to her; it’s only a matter of time. Glaring at the reflection again, he saw her outline, a set of long dark curls, making her way up behind him. Turning slightly, enough to take in her tall frame, his eyes trailed up the long legs covered in fishnet that hid the scars beneath.

  Reaching the fitted leather that barely covered her nether regions, he licked his lip; gaze continuing up, across the flat belly that displayed a cute little stud in her navel, beneath the half shirt that stretched across her rounded assets. Lips, eyes, hair, oh my God, she’s gorgeous!

  “Close your mouth,” Tori instructed, sliding onto the seat next to him.

  “What?” he spluttered.

  Smiling, she leaned closer to him, running her hand firmly across his shoulder, “Your mouth is hanging open, love. You need to close it.” Giving him a closer inspection, her eyes roved up and down over his complete uniform, growing confident no one around them would suspect him of being a Fed. Her fingers reaching the nape of his neck, she gave his dark curls a twirl with her fingers. “You want to tell me why we’re here, and not in a coffee shop or something?”

  Clamping his jaw shut tightly, he stole a glance about him and changed the conver
sation to Russian, “This is a safe place.”

  Tori barked a laugh, taking his cue and using the foreign tongue, “Safe? Take a look around. This place is anything but safe.” Their eyes meeting, he knew what she meant.

  “Ok, it’s safer. No one will be looking for us here. Were you followed?”

  She held her expression, curious who would be following her and why. “No, I wasn’t. But I can’t stay long. Eventually, the party will end, and I will be missed. They think I went to bed sick, so eventually someone will go to check on me.”

  “We better make this quick, then,” he agreed, and raised his left hand to place it on her hip, his thumb caressing the bare skin of her waist to continue her illusion that they were a couple. “I guess you’re wondering why I’ve asked you to meet me here.”

  “The thought did cross my mind.” She watched as he raised the glass, tilting it, but his Adam’s apple didn’t move. Interesting. “You’re not actually drinking that.”

  “No,” he confessed calmly, “Better to keep my wits about me. No one knows I’m here, and if we avoid trouble, it’ll stay that way.” He gave her a weak smile, “You’re very observant. And I have to admit, you did well. That outfit is… fabulous.”

  Tori glanced down at her chest, only half hidden by her jacket. “Yeah, most of this was given to me at Christmas. Didn’t think I would actually ever wear any of it.” Her face still tilted down; she cut her eyes up at him, “So, what’s up?”

  “You’re in danger; that’s what’s up. And there isn’t anyone that can help you.” His gaze rested on her pretty pink lips, man no wonder Eli fucked up. “I’m here to warn you, and to make you an offer of sorts, off the record. Officially, we’ve been told to stay out if it.”

  “We?” she raised an eyebrow, aware that his fingers were massaging the flesh along her waist.

  “I have a small group of agents with me. We’re watching you. Waiting to see what happens.” He took another tiny sip of his drink.

  Tori removed her hand from him, facing the bar squarely, his palm sliding around to her back as she moved. Leaning closer, so that her shoulder pressed against him, her voice dropped, “You know, I don’t really trust you guys, and never have. What makes you think I’m going to start now?”

  “Because you don’t really have a choice. Look, I know that you’re gathering men. And you may think it’s wise, and that it gives you some protection. It doesn’t.” He blinked at her, “It’s time to come in. Jim says he offered you a spot with us. Why didn’t you take it?”

  “A spot? Is that what that was?” her tone grew a bit high, the shock evident. Pulling her voice down, “No, hun. He didn’t offer me anything. He asked me to go after The Organization. To move against them, take them out.”

  His mind raced, there it is again. Inconsistency where Jim is concerned. “Ok, well then, I’m offering. Join us. You’re fantastic from what I’ve seen.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” her eyes narrowed, she watched his tongue slide around his lips.

  “It means I have a lot of respect for you.” Pulling his hand away from her, he ran it through his dark hair. “Ok, enough. We don’t have time to play cat and mouse.” He flicked his gaze over at her, aware that being too honest could cost him in the end. Fuck that, I’m going to have to trust someone in this mess at some point, and my gut is telling me it needs to be her; he wrangled with himself for a moment, then took the plunge.

  “I told you who I am. I didn’t tell you why I’m on this case.” Tori bristled but allowed him to continue. “About a year ago, I got a call – No, wait, I need to go further back. Well, not yet.” He wiped his palm on his jeans, “I’m here because Terral Huffman asked me to look into some things. He and my father were good friends, way back when, and I’ve known him my whole life.”

  “When he called me last year, he told me that Jim Godfry was up to something. Now, Jim has always been a ‘by the book’ kind of guy, but the last few years, there have been rumors. Cases that he’s overseeing suddenly coming to a close, and not the way we want them to.” He shifted to look her in the eye, “And Terry didn’t like some of the things that were being done to you.”

  “He knew? That they were falsifying my records?” Tori bit the words, anger flashing in her shiny blue orbs, while she struggled to keep her voice under control.

  “I don’t think he knew any details,” he shook his head to reassure her, “But what he did know put him on edge. Especially after he got to know you. I think that’s why he called me, and I started snooping around.” His mind flashed the video surveillance footage from the hospital, “I saw the film of you at Mercy… you in the gym, you in the courtyard. Suffice it to say, I got a feel for who you are.”

  Her jaw dropped slightly before she could clench it, “Me in the gym?”

  “Yeah, that little gym there in the hospital. You went in every morning, spending an hour pushing yourself beyond belief. And turning your back on that mirror that covered the wall, like you couldn’t bear to look at yourself. Plus, all those hours you spent out in the garden, just sitting and thinking.” He smiled, “I figure you must have had a lot on your mind.”

  Tori nodded, “Yeah, I did.” Shifting to have a glance around, she could feel her patience growing thin. “So they were spying on me.”

  “Not exactly. Those were security videos from the public areas. Not in your room or anything like that. Anyways, I started snooping around, checking into the facts from what I could get my hands on, which wasn’t much. Jim had the case classified, for national security, which meant most everything requires clearance. It also meant that he was notified that I was doing so.”

  He chewed the inside of his cheek, aware that he didn’t want to show her all of his cards. “I was finally able to push my way onto the team, and I guess you can tell, I don’t trust any of them either.”

  Tori cracked a wide smile, “Yeah, you’re looking pretty unofficial here and in that getup. Why would you go to such lengths, I’m wondering?”

  “Because in the end, I don’t really know who we can trust, any more than you do. So how about it? Make it official and join us?”

  “Not a chance,” Tori reached over, grasping his glass and downing the shot that had been tempting her since she took her place beside him.

  “I figured as much,” he shook his head slightly. “Then make me a promise. Watch your back. The Organization is going to make a move against you; I’m pretty confident of that.”

  “What makes you think so? They don’t know who I am, or where to find me. How and why would they come?” she defended herself once again, recalling that Brett had said practically the same thing Christmas Day.

  “Oh, you are so naïve,” his lips drew into a thin line. “They will; you mark my words. I can’t say how or when, but I assure you, it will happen. Watch your back, baby girl.”

  Tori’s eyes snapped to his, aware that he had called her by her nickname previously as well. “Sure. Anything else?”

  He cracked a slow, wide grin, ready to let her go, their good-bye kiss at hand. Rising, he stood next to her, the few inches in height he held on her negated by the heels of her boots. His eyes swimming, he slid his arm around her, roughly pulling her against him, nuzzling her slightly with his nose before he covered her mouth with his own.

  Tori’s hand shot up to his chest, holding pressure against him as if to push him away. Her heart pounding out of control, she became aware that his fingers had found the bottom edge of her skirt on the back side, and were sliding along the folded flesh beneath it. Pulling her mouth free, she punched his chest with her palm, and he breathed, “Run, now, make it look good as you go.”

  Freeing herself, she realized this was all part of the show, and he had given her an out, so that she could leave in a huff, and none would be the wiser as to the nature of their visit. “You son of a bitch!” She cursed him loudly, her fist making contact once more before she spun on her heel and marched towards the exit, pulling her leather cov
er back into place as she moved through the crowd.

  Secret Lives

  Reaching the cool night air, Tori fought to hold the rush of adrenaline in check. It had been months since anyone besides Michael had touched her so intimately; sorry bastard, she cursed the agent under her breath. She felt angry at him for putting his hands on her, but even more so at herself, aware that his simple caress had instantly sent her body into overdrive, and she could feel the wetness forming between her bare thighs.

  Waving down a cab, she fell into the back seat, struggling with the desire he had kindled so easily within her. You’re such a slut; she berated herself. You just met the guy, and you’re already aching to take him into a back room… her mind danced around the memory of the little bar in LA where she and Enrique had first had their fling. Swallowing hard as she stared out the window, she knew she was in trouble.

  The car pulled up at the little motel, and she quickly exited the cab, shoving an extra fifty into the old man’s hand, “Keep the change. Wait for me, and I’ll double it.” Her heels clicking as she moved, she slammed the door harder than she intended, making it into the bathroom as her clothes fell to the floor.

  Inside the shower, she washed the makeup from her face and the sticky ooze from between her legs. Oh my God, why do I react that way? Jesus Christ, this shit is getting old! Cutting off the flow, she stepped out and hurriedly dried herself. Re-covering her body with her normal attire, she shoved the disguise into her pack and exited the room, leaving the door key on the dresser.

  Taking her place inside the taxi, surprised he had actually waited, she gave him the address for the house, and flicked a crisp one-hundred dollar bill at him. “Thanks for waiting.”

  “No problem,” he grinned knowingly as he pinched the bill between two fingers, accustomed to the rich women of the area and their late night exploits. “I’ll have you home in no time.”

  Tori leaned back in the seat, her pulse dropping to a more normal level. Her dark thoughts pulled her countenance into a twisted frown, her mind going over her brief conversation with Special Agent Mason Hunt. I knew Jim couldn’t be trusted. I wonder if he’ll sick The Organization on me, since I refused to do what he asked. The thought scared her a little, and pissed her off even more.


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