A New Life Series - Finisher Set

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A New Life Series - Finisher Set Page 63

by Samantha Jacobey

  “Yeah, he knows.”

  “And I guess that means they all know, huh,” he waved a hand slightly at the rest of their hostages. “Filthy cunt,” he cursed her, “I don’t think I’m taking your little bargain. I’m gonna kill you, an’ I’m gonna kill all your little friends. And I’m even gonna let ‘em watch all of us fuck you before we do.”

  Tori’s gaze fixed on the man, her peripheral caught the movement of reflected light through the front glass.

  “Is that so,” she fidgeted with her gun, moving her feet slightly to work her way into the room. Her left arm remained stiff; pistol pointed at his face. The Spiders were spread about the area; the remaining eight all accounted for. “You know,” she changed tactics, “I really hope you have your affairs in order.”

  He began to laugh, “Why, you think you stand a chance? Or are you gonna pull the ol’ ‘I may not get you all, but I’m gonna get you’ routine.”

  “Nope,” she replied crisply, then nodded slightly, “I’m gonna get you all,” she breathed with confidence. She shifted a few more inches, close enough to Michael she could reach him if she wanted. Able to see down his back, his hands did not appear to be bound. Her eyes back on Robert, he glared at her, and she could make out Brett moving in the reflection of the glass in the foyer.

  “I don’t think you are,” their attacker whispered loudly, swinging into action, shooting his hand up towards her weapon.

  Anticipating his move, she lifted the gun, pivoting around the room and firing three shots, catching three of the Spiders cleanly before dropping it into her husband’s hands. Continuing her spin, she caught the group’s leader in the jaw with a leaping kick and they both fell to the floor.

  At the sound of the shots, Enrique and Brett charged into the room, taking out the remainder of the Spiders with Michael getting one of his own while Tori flicked her blade open in mid-swing, plunging it into the leaders belly and cutting him across the middle.

  Sinking to the floor, his innards spilling into his hands, he gasped loudly, choking in agony. Kicking him in the face, she stood, watching while he rolled over, clawing at the floor as if he could crawl away. Her hand covered in blood; Tori looked down at her trembling digits, turning to take in the rest of the crowded room, and calling loudly, “Anyone hurt?”

  Brett had begun moving through and cut everyone free.

  Not getting any responses, Tori grasped at her husband, running her fingers over his face where he’d been beaten, “How are you, love?”

  “I’m fine,” he pulled her against him, pressing his forehead against the side of her head. Looking over at her brother, she twisted free, moving to inspect him.

  “Danny?” her voice barely audible, her hands bloodied his shirt as she anxiously stroked him, shaking as they raked over his chest and torso.

  “I’m good,” he replied, turning himself to check on Lindsey, who threw her arms around his waist, clinging to him and sobbing.

  Casting a quick gaze around the group, her eyes lit upon Eli, who calmly walked towards the door, phone in hand. Checking in with Godfry, more than likely. “Sit still guys,” she commanded, “The police will be here any minute.” Finding her mate, she sufficed herself to grip him, and wait for the Feds.

  Enrique moved up behind her to create a Tori sandwich between them, “Good work, baby girl,” he cooed into her hair, his hands on her hips.

  “You two aren’t fighting over me again, are you?” she teased.

  “No,” Enrique whispered so that only the three of them could hear, his hand sliding around to her belly, “But I don’t cares if you’re carryin’ his kid, you’re old man’s gonna have to share.”

  Let it Ring

  Tori could feel the eyes of everyone in the room upon them. Of course, I killed half a dozen men in front of them so that could be why they’re staring. Laying her blood stained fingers over Enrique’s, she matched his tone, keeping her words private as well, “We don’t know that I’m pregnant, baby. Only a theory at this point.”

  “He’s still gonna share,” he breathed across her ear. “I’ve come too far to give up on you.”

  Lifting her chin, her eyes locked on the brown orbs of her mate, her stomach did a somersault when he used a whisper as well, “You treat her with respect, Enrique. That’s all that I ask.”

  The man behind her tightened his grip for a moment, then released her, “You love her your way, and I’ll love her mine. My kinda respect.”

  Moving so she could see them both, she smiled, “Please don’t fight over me, guys. I don’t think I could ever really choose between you.” Pulling herself away, she headed towards the door, hoping to find out when the Feds would arrive.

  To her surprise, there were cars already in the driveway, and James Godfry climbed out of one of them. “Holy shit,” she muttered, taking a few wide strides to get to him, “What the hell are you doing here?” Seeing Eli on the steps, she quickly deduced that he had told his boss their plan before it had been carried out.

  “Don’t be angry,” Jim interrupted her thoughts, “He did it for you.”

  “Did what for me?” she cut her eyes over at him, “Put our plan in jeopardy by sharing it with you?”

  “I’m not the enemy, Tori. I’ll admit, I’ve made some poor choices; but I always did what I thought was right.”

  “Wow, that sounds awfully familiar. Did you and Eli practice that line together?” she fumed.

  Drawing a deep breath, he refused to be drawn into a debate with her. “Let’s move inside.” At the front of the room, he made an announcement, “I need everyone who took part in the violence to come with me. The rest of you will be interviewed separately.” Enrique, Brett and Michael all stepped forward, her husband reaching and catching her hand to entwine their fingers.

  “Follow me please,” Jim turned and led them down the hall, stopping in the kitchen, “Well, this will do. If you want to wash yourself in the sink, you may do so,” he offered, his eyes dropping to the girl’s hands. “I’m sure that blood isn’t comfortable.”

  “No, it isn’t,” she quickly agreed, moving to give them a scrubbing.

  “Have a seat, fellas,” he addressed the men, indicating the large square table. “I wanted to commend you all on a job well done,” he began when she had joined them.

  “What makes you think we did a good job?” Brett demanded. “Those men’re dead. Lawmen typically frown on that sort o’ thing.”

  “Yes, they do,” Jim agreed. “But I have been after those men, as well as the ones that employed them, for the better part of a decade.” His gaze shifted over to the girl, “You’ve done a right fine job, Tori. You should be proud of yourself.”

  “Forgive me if I don’t agree,” she countered softly.

  “And that is what makes you special,” the agent grinned. “I’m going to reinstate Mason and Eli. They will be heading up the task force that will be attacking the Ramirez brothers in a few days.”

  Tori stared at him, her jaw dropping wide. “We are going after them, like you wanted us to,” she tossed out loudly. “You can’t take this away from us. Let us finish this!”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that, not in your condition,” he stated flatly.

  “My condition?” her voice grew shrill. Her eyes darting between Enrique and her husband, “Everyone is assuming they know what’s going on, but we don’t know that for sure. I haven’t been tested or been to the doctor. This could be something else entirely!”

  “Eli told me you’d be upset,” Jim tried to console her. “And I want you to know, he isn’t doing this to hurt you. He’s doing it because he cares.”

  “Bullshit,” she spat angrily, “Let us finish this shit, so we know that we are safe. So we know that it’s done. So we can get on with our lives and put this behind us.” Her heart stopped, aware they could be arrested for their actions, “Or are you sending us to prison?”

  “Prison? No,” he shook his head. “You will all be given clemency for your contributi
on to this case. Go back to Texas. All of you. Get some rest, and we’ll let you know when it’s over.”

  Standing, the agent’s chubby legs made for the door, leaving the four of them seated at the table. Enrique stared at Michael, wondering if the other man had meant what he said, and if he would get a turn with her at last. Shifting to the girl, he folded his hands on the table before him, “It’s getting late. I think we needs to get some sleep, and decides what we’re gonna do in the morning.”

  “Agreed,” Michael could see him staring at her. Reaching over, he squeezed her arm, “Brett and I’ll take care of whatever needs to be handled with the Feds and the bodies. You go get some rest.”

  Brett’s eyes popped open with surprise, but he stood along with sandy-haired man, following him out into the hall. Unable to resist, he demanded quietly, “You’re jus’ gonna hand her over to ‘im?”

  “No,” Michael paused, leaning on the wall so they could talk. “I’ve known for a while that they have… feelings… for each other. I wouldn’t dare ask her to choose between us. I’m not sure that I would win that kind of fight, even if she chose me.” He looked over at the older man, hoping he understood.

  “Wow,” Brett laughed. “So you’re jus’ gonna share. That’s awesome! When do I get my turn?” The taller man spun around, laying his arm across his chest and shoving him against the wall.

  “This isn’t a game, Brett. If you don’t like how things are, look the other way! And keep your mouth shut while you’re at it,” he released him, glaring into his green eyes. “If she were to choose you, that would be up to her. I’m trying to keep an open mind, and hold on to what I have – end of story.”

  Turning his back, Michael moved down the hall, eager to end the awkward conversation and do something productive.

  Brett ran his fingers tensely around his lips, glancing back at the kitchen door, and then slowly followed behind.

  Seated in the kitchen, Enrique had watched them leave, an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. “Is he toying with us?”

  “No,” she leaned on her hand, staring at him across the wide table. “He told me on New Year’s Eve that he didn’t care if we were together.”

  Enrique sneered, “Really. And you didn’t come running straight to me?”

  She laughed, her head making it all the way to the flat surface, “I’ve been trying really hard to do what’s right.”

  “You means to conform,” he stood up, moving around to pull on her chair. “Come on, baby girl; you’re exhausted.”

  Rising, she complied with his request, in no condition to argue, “What’s wrong with being like everyone else? What’s so bad about wanting a normal life?”

  “Nothing, I guess,” he slid his arm around her, guiding her to the stairs, “Only, who decides what’s normal?” She climbed the steps beside him, not bothering to respond. When they reached the top, he stopped her, “You’re not gonna argue with me about that?”

  “I know where you’re going with it,” she sighed, “And there isn’t any argument for it. People have been debating about who gets the say since time began. For every Anti- there’s a Pro-. Neither side is right.”

  “Exactly,” he leaned forward, closing his eyes and brushing his lips against hers.

  Tori’s breath caught in her lungs, her hands on his chest, holding him where he stood. Nuzzling him with her nose, she could feel the thrill of the moment before she became aware that they were not alone on the floor. At the far end of the hall, they were removing the body from her and Michael’s bedroom.

  “Let’s gos to mine,” Enrique suggested, turning her by her elbow and guiding her down the hall. “I don’t wanna sleep in his bed anyways.”

  “Oh, you think we’re going to spend the night together?” she peeked at him with a small grin, which he ignored for the time being.

  Inside the room, he closed the door behind them, his heart pounded. Moving up behind her, his body matched hers, standing only close enough to tease. “I don’t think we should get too dirty,” he kept his tone low, “I don’t want to hurt you, or anything,” his voice trailed away, refusing to mention her ‘condition’ again, or imply that she was fragile.

  “You’ve changed a lot, Enrique,” she turned, maintaining their closeness. “You’re not the same man who pinned me to the wall in the halfway house,” she giggled at the memory, “And scared the shit out of me when he did.”

  His fingers toying with a curl of ebony hair, he agreed, “No, I’m really not. That man was self-absorbed. He didn’t love you. He never loved or cared about anyone, maybe not even himself.”

  “You said that you did,” she challenged.

  “Wells, yeah, I did. I said it to lots of girls, ‘cause those words are like magic.” He grinned, his pride getting the better of him for a moment. “I wanted to get to you, baby girl; to get you to gos with me so’s I could give you to Brett and get my place back. I didn’t care about you, or what would happen to you when I did.”

  She stared at him, her heart heavy, “It was a lie.”

  “Yeah, it was a lie,” he ran his hand around her waist, massaging her back, “Right up to the last night we were together before I skipped out. That was when I realized the person I had been lying to, was myself. I did love you, and I’ve been trying to convince you of that ever since.”

  “Well, just so you know, it wasn’t those words that convinced me,” she leaned her forehead against his, her breathing slowing to almost nothing. “I liked that you said there was an us, and I have never forgotten that feeling. The way that you made me feel special. But in the end, that’s not what made me believe.”

  His face brushed against hers, his fingers toying with her hair behind her back, “What convinced you, baby girl? How did you sees the truth?”

  She nuzzled his stubble coated jaw, “You gave me away.”

  His body went stiff, completely taken by surprise, “What’s that?”

  Her hands made their way to his chest; she unbuttoned his over shirt, her fingers finding the cotton below, “You told me you were there. You said you thought we were a couple, but I don’t believe that.” She squinted at him, “You left me with him because it was better for me. You wanted me to have a better life. A normal one.”

  He clasped her hands inside of his, “That’s not why I did it,” he denied.

  “Ok, then why did you?”

  His brown orbs drilled into to her, and she waited for his response. Finally, he caved, “Is it always gonna be like this?”

  “Like what?” she cajoled.

  “I’ve never had a girl I couldn’t lies to,” he licked his lips, “Who could sees through me and knew the truth that was in my heart. How do you do that?”

  She smiled hard, causing her eyes to squint, “I told you, remember? I get vibes from people. They tell me what I need to know.”

  “I knew it,” he breathed, leaning his face next to hers, “You are a witch.” He lips suctioned lightly against hers, moving, searching and tasting.

  She parted hers, deepening the kiss, putting her hands back on his chest and pushing his shirt away, allowing it to fall to the floor.

  Sliding her fingers up to his shoulders, she fondled the seams of the tank undershirt that he wore, recalling the day that she had helped him pick out the clothes, and tracing the line of his muscles. “You do something to me,” she whispered, keeping her face close to his, “I love Michael, Enrique; I need you to know that.” She flicked her eyes open to stare into his, “But there’s a part of me that doesn’t belong to him. It belongs to you.”

  Pushing her mouth forward, she kissed him forcefully, her fingers pulling at the rest of his clothing to undress him. Sliding out of her jeans and tee, she trembled at the feel of his hands on her flesh, his digits unclasping her bra and sliding it down her arms, dropping it on the floor.

  Her nipples were drawn up tight when he touched them, not as pink as he thought they had been. Pushing her towards the bed, he breathed, “We need a word, a
safe word they call it. Something you can use to let me know when I’ve gone too far, and I need to stop.”

  “I don’t need a safe word, Enrique,” she smiled, biting at his neck, thrilled by the sweet salt of his flesh. “I trust you, baby. Do what you want with me, and leave me breathless.”

  Her words were like fire, scorching his mind and soul. Pulling at her panties, he couldn’t wait any longer, “I’m gonna hurt you, baby girl. I’m gonna pull your hair and slap your ass, and make you beg me to do it again.”

  Her moan loud when he pushed himself inside her, the folds of flesh had become drenched from their foreplay. “Do it baby, as hard as you like.”

  He lifted her leg, “Oh, trusts me, it’s mine, and I’m gonna make sure you know it.” He thrust against her, the pain exhilarating, causing her to cry out in small chirps that only encouraged him. After a few minutes, he pushed himself in, holding still until he could move again.

  Withdrawing from her, he flipped her onto her belly, pulling her up onto her knees so that he could stand behind her. Pushing himself back into her roughly, the round pucker above her folds teased him, and he slid his thumb across it, causing it to squirm.

  “Man, if I had some gel…”

  “I thought we weren’t going nasty,” she called to him between pants, aware that she really wanted to feel him inside her.

  Gathering her juices onto his thumb, he pushed it through the folds of skin, “My GOD, baby girl, you’re killing me.” Gathering more, he switched to his longer digits, “I’ll use my fingers untils we can get some.”

  She pushed back hard against him, her mind lost in the desire to be stretched and filled, his body slapping against her mercilessly. Grasping at her breasts, she stopped their bouncing, aware that it was uncomfortable, but not enough to ask him to stop.

  Reaching out, he grabbed her hair, pulling on it in a large wad. Her fingers squeezing the bedding, she began to cry out loudly, her voice sharp. His fingers found her mound of flesh and pressed it hard against her pubic bone, sending her over the edge, trembling and screaming as he finished himself inside her.


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