Reye's Gold (Indigo)

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Reye's Gold (Indigo) Page 2

by Robinson, Ruthie

  “Thanks,” Reye said, smiling into the twinkling eyes of the flight attendant, a silent understanding forming between them, making them co-conspirators in their appreciation of him. Reye looked back to find his eyes on her, a small smile on his lips. She unbuckled her seat belt and stood. Her sleepiness disappeared rapidly, replaced by a surge in energy. Men were such great motivators.

  Deciding to leave her backpack in the overhead compartment since she wasn’t moving far, she walked down the aisle toward him. He moved over to the empty seat by the window, leaving the aisle seat open for her. Reye sat down and settled back. The seats in the first-class section were larger than in the general class, so there was some distance between them. After a moment she turned to him. “Thanks for pulling me along through the airport and for letting me use your back as a stop,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. You did a great job keeping up.” It was quiet for a second between them. “So you live in Austin or are you just visiting?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  She turned a little to look into his eyes, subtly scooting closer to him. She was now in full-blown get-toknow-you mode.

  “It’s home, I was born and raised there, I’m in my last year of school at the university,” she said, answering his question, distracted a little by seeing his face up close. Who knew eyes could be that blue? And these were graced with long, black, girl-length lashes.

  “We have something in common, then. I’m in my last year of law school at the university.”

  “Yeah?” she said. “That’s impressive. What were you doing in Dallas?”

  “It’s home. How about you?”

  “I spent the week babysitting my brother’s three children in Ft. Worth, great aunt that I am.” Just the thought of her nieces and nephews reminded her that she was tired. She yawned and moved her hand to cover her mouth. “Excuse me. I’m really tired. I love my nieces and nephew, but they wore me out this week.”

  “You could sleep on the way back.”

  “And miss this wonderful conversation,?” she said playfully, batting her eyelashes at him like some damsel from an old-school movie. He laughed.

  “Law school, huh? What kind of law?”

  “Nothing flashy, just wills and estates, trust planning. I’m the fourth-generation Stuart, my last name. Law is the Stuart family’s business. After I’m done with school and pass the bar exam, I’ll join my dad in the family firm.”

  “I see,” she said. “So do you really like the law, or is this the path of least resistance?” He gave her a contemplative look.

  “I like the law, really. I’ll admit, though, my exposure to other areas may be limited, but it’s what I grew up with, what I’m familiar with. I grew up learning how to argue. I argued with my dad on just about anything, from sports to politics. We both loved it. Some boys connect with their dad over sports, me it was Article III, section 4 of the Texas Probate Code.”

  “So you’re a nerd, huh?”

  Surprised, he grinned, and chuckled quietly. No one had ever called him that before.

  “Yeah, a nerd I guess.”

  “Well, you don’t look like any nerd I know. You must play sports, too, right?” She looked him over again, not hiding her attraction.

  He watched her give him a scorching once-over again, charmed in spite of himself. “Yes, I did, and still do. Pick a sport and I’ve probably played it.”

  “So, you’re an athletic, good-looking nerd?” she said, drawing out the compliment. “I bet your parents are really proud.”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “Are you their only kid?”

  “Yep, the only kid,” he said as he slid over a little further to her, until his shoulder bumped hers and his thigh touched hers. “Enough about me. What’s your field of study?”

  “Education. I’m going to be a teacher.”

  “Why teaching?”

  “I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think I want to make a difference to students like me. That makes me sound noble, don’t you think?”

  “Only if you mean it. What does ‘like you’ mean?”

  “I always had to work really hard to get good grades even with the help of tutors, so I always felt like the odd person out in school. I’d like to try to help kids like me, who struggle, or maybe not, we’ll see. Teaching started out as mostly my mother’s idea, and, absent any other burning desire, I went along. My family would disown me if I didn’t get some type of college degree. So anyways, here I am, one year away from finishing.” She paused, silent for a few seconds. “Okay, no more serious stuff, what’s your favorite sport?”

  “Futbal,” he said, pronouncing it the way that only true soccer people did.

  “What’s your favorite team?”

  “The United States or internationally?”


  “D.C. United, Liverpool, and, during the World Cup, I pull for Germany,” he said.

  “You traitor,” she scoffed, jabbing him in the arm with her finger. “I like your choices, except I always pull for the home team during the World Cup.”

  “So you know soccer?”

  “A little. What kinds of movies do you like?”

  “Nothing mushy, so that eliminates the chick flicks,” he said, grinning at her.

  “What, you don’t like happily ever after?” She cupped her hands together and placed them under her chin, once again batting her eyelashes at him.

  He laughed some more, thoroughly entertained. “I’m an action guy,” he said, throwing a little of his sexy charm her way, his eyes fixed firmly on hers, con veying a totally different meaning. Sex was now woven into a 150-watt smile now aimed full force at her.

  “You’re dangerous, you know that, especially with that smile of yours,” she said and laughed. “An action guy, huh?” She nudged him in the ribs with her elbow, as she chuckled some more.

  He laughed, too.

  “Okay, how about music? Who are your favorite artists?”

  “Maybe you should be the lawyer,” he said, but he answered her question. “I like Coldplay, Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy . . . You?”

  “I like all kinds. The ones you mentioned, but a favorite is Stevie Wonder. My dad played him to death at my house growing up, so I’ve learned to love him, too. Great lyrics. I’m in love at the moment with John Mayer’s music, another guy with great lyrics. You may think this is weird, but I love to turn off all of the lights at home at night and listen to him in the dark.” She watched him for a reaction but didn’t get one. “Told you, weird,” she said after a moment.

  He studied her face for a second, taking in the humor and passion he saw there. “Not too weird, I could go for sitting in the dark listening to music with you.”

  “Yeah?” she said slowly, gazing into his eyes.

  “Yeah,” he answered back, returning her gaze, eyes slightly lowered, a sinful smile on his lips, sex personified.

  “You really are dangerous,” she said softly, no longer joking.

  It surprised both of them to hear the pilot announce that they would be landing in ten minutes. Time had passed quicker than they’d expected. He’d felt a pull toward her, sexual for sure, but maybe more, but that could be due to the unexpectedness of meeting her. He’d enjoyed himself, though.

  “Well, I guess, this is where we part company,” Reye said, unbuckling her seatbelt and standing. The pilot had just given the passengers the okay to move about, and now people were filing into the aisle in anticipation of the doors opening. It was time to leave, yet they both lingered. Reye could feel him at her back, standing close behind her as they waited. Not close enough that he touched her, but enough to make her nerves tingle.

  “Do you have any luggage?” he asked, his lips not far from her ear.

  “Yes,” she said, turning to him. Her face was close to his now, loving the way he looked up close, feeling warm all over.

  “I do, too. I’ll walk with you to the luggage terminal.”

  “Okay,” she said, tryi
ng to clear her head.

  Like school kids in line for lunch, they exited the airplane, stopping to let Reye grab her bag from the overhead compartment, Stephen still at her back. They followed the signs that led to the luggage area. Both were quiet on the walk over, aware of each other now. Reye spotted her bag as it rolled out of the chute, and soon after Stephen located and grabbed his duffel. They walked to the airport’s exit, both moving through the sliding doors into the sunshine outside. It was good to be back home, Reye thought. Stephen moved out of the doorway, grabbing her hand to pull her along with him. He let go and turned to her.

  “Do you need a ride from the airport?”

  “No, I’m parked in the garage.”

  “Me, too. You mind if I walk you out? I couldn’t forgive myself if I saw your picture on the news later and you’d been kidnapped and mutilated.” His face grave, his hand placed over his heart as he pretended to be serious.

  “Sure, we wouldn’t want that on your conscience,” she said and smiled. Crossing the sidewalk, they made their way to the parking garage, and within five minutes, they’d reached Stephen’s car.

  “This is mine,” he said as he stopped alongside a shiny blue BMW sports coupe.

  “Pretty,” Reye said to him as she internally added ‘really rich’ to his list of attributes.

  “It was an undergraduate graduation gift from my parents.” Pleasure reflected in his gaze as he looked over the car.

  “Nice gift,” she said. “I am just over there,” she added, pointing to an older red truck parked about ten cars over. “No need to walk me, you can see me get to my truck from here.” She turned to face him. “So I guess this is finally where we part. It was really nice talking to you. Maybe I’ll see you around campus or on another flight.”

  He sat now, leaning casually against the trunk of his car, legs outstretched, crossed at the ankles, watching her, his duffel at his feet on the ground. She smiled and he returned it with a slow one of his own. What the hell, Reye thought. “Hand me your phone,” she said. If he seemed surprised by the request, he didn’t show it, as he dug into his pocket and handed it to her.

  “Call me if you want to get together, to talk, or whatever,” she said, proceeding to program her name and number into his cell. Stephen laughed and accepted the phone back from her when she was done.

  “Thanks,” he said and his look turned somewhat more serious. “I enjoyed meeting and riding back with you, too.”

  Taking another chance that she was reading more than casual interest from him, Reye returned his look and stepped in closer to him, her legs straddling his, which were still stretched out in front of him. She could smell his fragrance, feel his breath, and her eyes shifted away from his and moved to his mouth. He watched her move in to capture his lips in a kiss that was a soft, tentative touching. Captivated again by her boldness, he waited to see what she’d do next. As she pulled back, his teeth captured her lower lip and held it for a second. Her eyes snapped open and met his, which were dancing. He smiled, and then they both laughed.

  “See you around, Stephen Stuart,” she said, still chuckling while she walked to her truck.

  “See you around, Reye.” He continued to lean on his car as he watched her walk away. Nice body, he thought again. Nice legs that led up to a small firm backside. Her hips tapered up to a small waist. He remembered how she’d felt when she rammed into his back. Nice breasts, he added. She didn’t look back.

  * * *

  Stephen arrived home from the airport in under an hour. He parked in his garage and entered his apartment. Leaving his duffel at the door, he headed to the refrigerator, grabbed a beer, and walked over to the couch, parking his body in front of the TV. School started on Monday, and he planned to spend the rest of this, his last free day, sitting on his couch, feet propped up. Flipping through the channels, he settled in to watch a soccer game.

  After law school, his focus would shift to taking and passing the bar exam, followed by joining the family’s law practice. This semester would be the last of his freedom with women, away from the watchful eyes of his parents. Dallas was large in size, but small in its social circles. At home, he’d already started to fend off women looking to get married. Coupled with his mother and her exacting daughter-in-law standards, he knew it would be a battle to stay sane and single. So far, though, he’d never been captured by the desire to settle down with anyone for any extended period of time, and he wasn’t looking to start.

  He still managed to keep in touch with Beth, an old high school girlfriend, who was more his parents’ choice than his. Their families were good friends who had spent a lot of time together growing up and would be overjoyed by their joining. He’d see. In the meantime, he wanted to enjoy his remaining bachelorhood.

  Stephen thought back to this morning, Reye and the plane ride home. She’d been funny, sexy, and entertaining, but under the surface, his radar recognized someone who would require work and maybe a commitment. He was so not going there, doing that. So kiss or no, he probably wouldn’t call her.

  Chapter 2

  It was a clear, sultry fall day in Austin, and there had been enough rain this year to make the fields green, soft, and firm. Soccer fields and tracks were like second homes to Reye. She’d practiced and played on both most of her life, enrolling in her first soccer academy at age six. Standing here looking out over the fields reserved for intramural games, she grew nostalgic. The academy had introduced her to the basics skills and strategy of the game and she’d perfected them by playing with her brothers and later on select teams in and around the Austin area. Soccer had filled in the spaces schoolwork hadn’t covered during the academic school year, keeping her busy after school and on weekends. Track had taken over her summers. Her mom had made sure she’d been kept busy and free of boys—an idle mind and all that.

  She was a good player, quick and fast, but not interested in playing college ball. Actually she’d been more than a little burned out by the constant practices, games, and tournaments. Playing soccer could be rewarding, but it was also hell on the body, and, as her mother loved to say, “It don’t pay the rent.” Her parents wanted her to get an education, first, no distractions. They were old school that way. So college soccer had been discouraged.

  These days she just played for fun on her brother’s team, “The Graduates.” Her brother Sam founded the team, which competed against other teams of graduates within the university recreational system. Sports were big at the university, especially football, but for those athletes that were good, but not great, or who wanted to pursue school full-time the university offered the chance to get involved in sports via the intramural system.

  As intramural systems went, this was one of the oldest and largest among US colleges. The intramurals had different levels of play, A, B, and C, with A being the most skilled. A team’s composition could be all female, male, or co-ed, as The Graduates were. The winners of each level received a t-shirt, placement of their team’s picture on the intramural website, but, most importantly, bragging rights. Sam had petitioned for Reye, an undergraduate, to join his team, which consisted of eight men and four women.

  Sam had been both drill sergeant and coach at practice today. Their team placed second in the playoffs in Division A last year and he wanted to win it all this year, driving the team nuts with his demands. They were currently tied for first with another team, The Wizards, which they would encounter soon. All of the teams met and played each other twice, and the best record won the division.

  Reye remained behind after practice to perfect her shot, specifically her aim, and stood now kicking the ball into the goal. Sam walked over to stand in as goalie. He considered spending this time with Reye as fulfillment of one of his big brother duties. You know, check in with little sister, answer questions, provide guidance and wisdom to her youth. They were one year apart, so Reye found his behavior hysterical when it wasn’t annoying.

  “What’s up baby girl? How’s school?” Sam said as he caught
the ball from Reye’s kick, rolling it back to her.

  “I’m still here,” she answered, kicking again. “What about you, still resolving the world’s problems?”

  “You know me, no problem too big or too small.” He caught the ball and held it. “You need to visit your parents,” he said. “You haven’t been in a while.”

  “Yeah, I know, and I will. I haven’t been in a mom mood lately.” Sam liked to pretend that their parents belonged to her solely; that way he could also pretend that they weren’t related. He’d started this pretending in high school, and it was now a long-standing joke between them. Reye, however, did tend to avoid her mother, visiting when she knew her dad would be around, to act as a buffer.

  She loved her mother, but she was a pusher. She pushed them to play sports; for the boys it was football, baseball, soccer, and track, and for her, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and track. She pushed them all to be the best in academics, a worthy goal for parents born with talented children. It worked for her brothers as they met and exceeded their mother’s expectations. She was the ugly duckling in the sea of swans, excelling at sports only. Reye stood in front of the ball Sam had rolled to her. “I met a guy coming home from Dallas about a week and a half ago. We were both running late and he helped me make the flight. I gave him my number, but he hasn’t called,” she said.

  “I bet you put the old bum rush on him,” he said, holding his hands up in front of his face to block the ball Reye had just kicked at him. “You do realize that some guys like to pursue the female,” he added.

  “Whatever, Sam. You know I don’t play by any rulebook. It’s too much trouble, and the rules don’t make sense to me anyway. Why isn’t being me enough? Why do women have to pretend to get a man? What’s wrong with going for what you want, if you’ve determined what that is? And anyways, life is short.” Sam watched her and waited until she stopped ranting. He rolled the ball back to her.


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