Bad Boy: You Are Not Alone

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Bad Boy: You Are Not Alone Page 10

by Kelli Walker

  “Not gonna lie, you two were gettin’ it,” I said.

  “Spencer! You told me I wasn’t being that loud!” Madeline shrieked.

  “But I like your sounds! You could’ve been as loud as you wanted to be and it still wouldn’t of been enough!”

  “I feel ya on that one!” Kev shouted.

  “Jesus,” I groaned.

  “Yeah. You sure you’re not pregnant, Tina? That’s a hell of a lot of semen stuffed into your body,” Brit quipped.

  “Christ, could you be any more vulgar? No, I’m not fucking pregnant. Pills and shit, yo.”

  “I think Kev wouldn’t mind anyhow if you didn’t get pregnant, would ya, Kev?” Spencer asked.

  “Let’s not travel down that road just yet,” Kev smirked. But, I could also see a blush rise to his cheeks, and that told me that he was at least considering the idea.

  “Let’s all hold the baby train until at least one of us is married, alright?”

  “Oh, so if Brit and I got married, you two would pump out kids?” Brady quipped.

  “You know what I mean,” I groaned.

  “Don’t let’em get to ya,” Kevin whispered in my ear. “They’re just trying to start shit.”

  “I could try to start shit,” I smirked. I ran my hand down the inside of his thigh and felt his leg jump underneath my touch. His eyes darkened for an instant, and when I felt his dick twitch and come to life I seriously considered venturing back to the small bedroom the private jet had in the back.

  But then, the pilot came on with the safety announcements, and I ripped my hand back and the moment was gone.

  Kevin leaned in and kissed my head, and I could feel his grip tighten around me. The plane launched itself into the air and we left the island behind us, and when we had fully left the country of Italy behind us I felt Kevin pull away.

  “Everything alright?” I asked as I sat up.

  “Oh, yeah. Everything’s fine. It’s just… vacation’s over and all. Back to reality.”

  I could tell everyone had zoned into our conversation, and a part of me felt sad. Sad that the vacation was over, but also sad that Kevin felt he had to go back to business as usual with someone he had just sexed up for an entire weekend. And I had to be honest, I didn’t know what the next four months were gonna bring before our next vacation, but I knew that I didn’t want to sit by Kevin for the next 10 hours and not touch him.

  So, I took his arm and put it back around me, and then settled my head onto his strong, broad chest.

  “I’m kind of tired. Do you mind if I take a nap?” I yawned.

  And when Kevin bent down and gave me a kiss, I could feel his smile against my skin.

  “Sleep well, Tee.”

  Part II

  Chapter 15


  “Brady! What the hell!?”

  I looked over from the bar and Brady was climbing up a fucking pole. He had security trying to jump and grab him and the woman dancing in the cage he was trying to get to was giggling profusely at him. Spencer and Madeline were apparently nasty ass freaks in the bed, and they invited us to this bar that had closed its doors for the night.

  Why is it open, you ask? Well, it’s because there’s a fucking sex party going on and it was invitation only.

  “Brady, be careful!” Brit cried out. He wiggled himself between the bars of the cage and was suddenly in there with this strange woman, and he started grinding on her white boy style while she twirled her hips. She was wearing this leather dominatrix outfit with insanely high heels, and her platinum blonde hair contrasted starkly with both her outfit and her ruby red lips.

  “You’re so fucking sexy!” he yelled at her. He yelled it so loud we could all fucking hear him, and we were at the bar.

  “Git it, Brady!” Spencer yelled. Him and Madeline were feeling each other up on the floor. She had worn this skimpy little number and Spencer wore pants that literally had an easy-access button installed instead of a regular zipper, and there were a few times where he had bent her over on the dance floor and I wasn’t too sure he wasn’t having sex with her. I knew, at one point, she had her hand shoved down his pants while he was dancing around, I just wasn’t sure if either of them were orgasming into their clothes and just leaving it there or not.

  “This is really not my thing,” Kevin yelled in my ear.

  “No fucking joke!” I yelled back.

  “Grab her tits, Brady!” Brit called out to him. She was underneath them watching Brady grind on this woman, and security was freaking the fuck out. Brady started giving the woman sloppy kisses that she totally went for, but I knew we were bound to be kicked out soon.

  “Come on,” Kevin said into my ear, “I’ve got an idea.”

  He dragged me back through a couple of corridors before we dumped out into a hallway. Sounds of people having flagrant sex wafted from behind the doors that lined both sides of the hallway, and when we came to a door that was open we slipped inside.

  “Much quieter in here,” he said.

  “I’m not sitting on that bed,” I said, pointing to the mattress. I bet if I ran a blacklight over that thing it would glow as hot as the sun, and the thought of sitting on it made me puke.

  “Don’t worry, there’s a chair over there, too.”

  “You’re so sick,” I chided him. He was eyeing me with this predatory stare that I’d become used to since we decided to do-- well, whatever it was we were doing. I downed his drink and threw it in the corner, and when he walked past me he threw open a closet door I didn’t even realize was behind me.

  “We are not having sex in here,” I said. “You hear me?”

  “Loud and clear,” Kevin said. I could practically hear the grin on his face, but when I turned around to see what was in the closet all I saw was him wheel out this X-looking device.

  “Know what this is?” he asked.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s called a St. Andrew’s Cross.”

  “So, it’s a religious piece of work in the middle of a sex house. Great,” I said with a sigh.

  “Wanna try it out?”

  “Hell no,” I said.

  “If I begged you, would that help?”

  His eyes darkened and I suddenly felt weak in my knees. I never could resist it when he begged me to do something, and while I trusted him I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

  “Please, Tina,” he said hotly.

  “Okay, but only for a few minutes,” I said.

  I stood in front of the frame and Kevin began strapping me to it. By the time he was done I was restrained in this spread eagle position and I could feel the cool air of the room wafting up the insides of my legs.

  “Now, if I know you well enough…” he trailed off. I felt his hand slide up the inside of my thigh while his eyes held him, and when his fingertips got to my shaved, bare pussy, he let out a small little groan that shook me to my core.

  “You always know exactly what I need,” he said with a groan.

  “Kevin…?” I asked lightly.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “With my life,” I said without hesitation.

  “Then trust me now. I would never put you in danger, nor would I ever put you anywhere that I felt was dirty or grungy. Never.”

  I looked deep into his eyes and all at once I felt the pads of his fingers part my folds. His lips were so close to mine that I could feel his breath pulsating on my lips. His fingers made perfect work of my swollen little nub, and when my body finally started to relax into him I could feel my essence dripping out into the palm of his hand.

  “How does this feel?” he whispered.

  “I-... I want-... more,” I said breathlessly. “Please.”

  I watched him dip out of sight before I felt the hem of my dress rising, and before I knew it his tongue was lapping up my slit. He was drinking down my juices and sucking my clit between his lips, and as desperately as I wanted to thrust down onto his face, I couldn’t move. I strugg
led against the restraints while he teased the entrance of my pussy with his fingers. This was torture, and yet it was all too delightful, and my head was spinning when he finally breached my entrance and slid two fingers inside of me.

  “Just like that. Please. Please, Kevin,” I breathed. “God, fuck!”

  He hummed into my core and I felt myself begin to tremble. His tongue flicked my bud just like he knew I wanted and my body began to burn with the electric pleasure wafting through my system, but then he did something I didn’t expect him to do.

  He teased my asshole with the tip of his pinky.

  “Kevin…?” I asked.

  “Trust me,” he murmured into my clit. I felt him slowly pop that tight little hole of mine, and when he slid his fingers up and crooked them in my body I felt a sensation I had never felt before. Electricity surged through my clit and my body tensed and pulled at the restraints, and when I couldn’t hold myself back anymore I began to cry out.

  “Yes! Kevin… just like that. Oh, god! Like that. Please. Please. Please. Please.”

  I could feel him smiling into my wet pussy and I knew he would tease me about it later, but right now I didn’t care. I felt so full of him, and those were just his fingers, and when his tongue flattened out along my clit my body couldn’t take anymore. It flung me over a dark cliff and I was headed for the warmest of waters. My juices dripped onto his face and I heard him swallowing me down, and when he rode out my orgasm he slowly slid his fingers from me.

  I felt him pet my ass before giving my pussy a little kiss, then he rose back up to meet my face and captured my lips in a long, sweet kiss.

  “How do you feel?” he whispered.

  “Oh, god,” I said breathlessly.

  “I told you that you’d be alright. When I’m around, you’ll always be alright.”

  “Fuck me, Kevin,” I breathed.

  “When we get home,” he said with a smirk.

  He unchained me from the cross and I fell into his arms. My body was limp and weak, and he took me over to sit on the chair while he massaged my limbs. I teetered side to side and that’s when I saw him reach for a mini-fridge I didn’t even know was in the room, and when a bottle of water surfaced in front of me I couldn’t get it open quick enough.

  “Here. Let me help,” Kevin said. He opened the bottle and held it to my lips, and I braced my body against his before I gulped it down. I was experiencing things I’d never felt before after an orgasm and I felt this sudden need to be close to Kevin. The water trickled down my neck while his hand massaged my back.

  “God, that was good,” I said.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Kevin said with a smile.

  “How did you know what that was? And how did you know that it was there? And how did you know how to use it!?” I fired off question after question, but all Kevin did was hold me to his body. I was still trembling, even though I didn’t understand why, and soon I felt tears brewing behind my eyes.

  “What the hell is happening to me?” I asked.

  “I’ll explain it all later, alright?” he cooed into my ear. “Right now, just rest. Let me know when you need more water.”

  “Water, please.”

  We stayed in that room until I finished the bottle of water and then I figured it was time for us to leave. When we exited the room we caught a glimpse of a clock on the wall, and I had to do a double take before I realized it was, in fact, 2 AM.

  “Jesus Christ. We gotta get going. We’re gonna be dead tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, you and Maddie got a big day.”

  “Shit yeah we do,” I said.

  We walked out just in time, because when we looked up at the cage that Brady was in we saw him puke on the girl inside. Her look of amusement turned to one of disgust, and she shoved him off her and against the bars.

  “Ooooh, party foul!” Brit yelled at him.

  “We gotta get him outta there!” Madeline yelled.

  “Brady! You good, man!?” Spencer called out.

  Security finally figured out how to lower the cage and they ripped Brady out before escorting the lady to clean herself up. I couldn’t help but laugh at the entire situation, and Kevin wasn’t too far behind me in that reaction. We watched while Brady struggled against the bouncer for the party, and when he was being dragged towards the door everyone followed behind him.

  “I think that’s our cue,” Kevin said.

  “Good. Because I’m exhausted.” I felt Kevin brush a lock of my hair behind my ear, and when I looked up at him something was… different. There was a look in his eye I’d never seen before, which was saying something because I’d known him the better part of two decades.

  “You owe me answers, buddy,” I said as I playfully pointed up at him.

  “Later,” he murmured. “Right now, we gotta get Brady home.

  He was right, but I wanted answers. I wanted to know where the hell that thing came from, how he knew what it was, and how he knew how to use it. I don’t know what type of emotional bullshit I experienced after that orgasm, but Kevin somehow knew exactly what to do. In the time we dated in college and the time we’d experienced together since our wild vacation, I’d never felt anything close to the intensity I felt during that orgasm.

  And I hadn’t experienced anything closely relating to the type of connection I felt I had with him after the fact.

  “You know this doesn’t change anything, right?” I asked him. He opened the car door for me and I slid inside, but he bent down and kissed my nose before he looked into my eyes and smiled.

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it.”

  Chapter 16


  “Why can’t politicians just keep their nose clean and out of other people’s lives?” Madeline asked.

  “Don’t wish that kind of blasphemy. We’d be out of a job if they did,” I said.

  “But, I mean… seriously. The senator was caught doing blow of a prostitutes fake tits and now he wants us to spin a story that’ll make the public feel bad for him!?”

  “Welcome to why I charge so much,” I said, giggling. “It’s outlandish, but it’s not the worst I’ve ever tackled.”

  “What was the worst?” she asked.

  “Weiner. The jackass wouldn’t stop talking to the media long enough to do what I do best.”

  “Jesus, so you weren’t telling him to go on the air and look stupid? That’s what happened, the entire country just thought he looked stupid.”

  “Nope, not my doing. But, I still got paid. Power of contracts, I tell ya.”

  “Nice,” she said.

  Madeline had been an exponential help ever since I’d hired her. I passed off the reading of mounds of paperwork to her and I dealt with the multiple television screens while I dove into the senator’s interviews. There were newspaper clippings and quotes he gave dating all the way back to when he was still a lowly city mayor, and with Madeline on my team I now had the ability to go back that far without setting us back for time. Her speed reading skills were phenomenal, and I got her one of those talk-to-text applications and headsets for her laptop, so she just talked to herself as she went along.

  Not all too different from how she led her life now.

  Maddie and Spencer had grown close since they started dating. Their chance meeting that devolved into an unnecessary amount of drama ended with her flying back with us from our vacation. Her and Spencer had been inseparable ever since, though I know she didn’t see him nearly as much as she wanted to. She had this libido unlike any woman I’d ever seen, which meant she was a perfect match for the rail thin horny goat we all called Spencer.

  “You and Spencer still going strong?” I asked.

  “Yep! Especially after that party. Speaking of, is Brady alright?”

  “Eh, he slept it off. He always does. We recounted how he threw up on the cage girl dancing above the floor and he didn’t believe us.”


  “Yeah, so Brit busted out the p
ictures she took of it,” I said with a smirk.

  “No, way! God-... she would. If those two weren’t complete idiots when it came to commitment, they’d be perfect for each other,” Maddie said.

  “Well, they dated in college and it worked just fine. But, you know-- senior year shit happened and we all got serious about shit at the last minute. Brit only graduated by the skin of her teeth. You’d never think by her grades that she’d ever succeed in retail, much less real estate.”

  “Well, anyway. Yes, Spencer and I are good. I just wish we saw each other more,” she said.

  “Oh, I can only imagine.”

  “I’m sure you can! You and Kevin fly back and forth to see each other a great deal. I wish I had that kind of freedom with Spencer.”

  “You askin’ for time off?” I asked playfully.

  “No no no, nothing like that. Spencer just gets busy. He dives into work and writing and publishing and sometimes doesn't come up for air for days.”

  “Have you talked to him about it?” I asked.

  “Nah. I don’t wanna upset him. He’s a good man, and I don’t wanna lose him.”

  “But that’s also not the way to handle a relationship. You should be equals, which means your emotions and opinions should be valid to him. Just like his are to you,” I said.

  “I know, I know,” she said. “I just… I’m worried. I’ve never liked a guy like I like him, and I don’t wanna screw it up like I always do.”

  “How do you screw it up?” I asked.

  At this point, we had abandoned all work. It meant we’d be in for a very late night with lots of coffee and fast food to keep going, but it seemed like she had a lot on her mind.

  And honestly? I did, too, after that damn party.

  “I just always end up sticking my foot in my mouth. Having my head in the clouds is nice for writing, but not always nice for making relationships work and stuff.”

  “Again, have you told Spencer any of this?” I asked.


  “And I say again, you should.”

  “Do you talk to Kevin about this kind of thing?” she asked.


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