Bad Boy: You Are Not Alone

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Bad Boy: You Are Not Alone Page 13

by Kelli Walker

  “Is this what… a sub does? Just… let’s go and let’s the dom do all the work? Make all the choices? Command the bedroom?”

  “Yes,” he said. “What do you think?”

  “Honestly? I need to think about it. I’m floored you have this side to you, and while I’m very turned on right now I’m also…”


  “I’m never fucking scared, Kev. Let’s get that straight. I’m just… not informed.”

  “Fair enough,” he said. “But here’s what I need you to understand: you don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do. In the end, the sub has the control. I assume you read about safe words?”

  “Yep,” I said.

  “The sub can throw it at any time. In the lifestyle or in the bedroom. But, just because I have this side of me does not mean you are, in any way, required to fulfill it. As a dom, I want to make sure you’re happy, and if you’re doing something you don’t want to do and aren’t happy, then I’m not happy.”

  “So, you want to make your sub happy. As a dom,” I said.


  “Well, there’s that, I guess,” I said.

  “Wanna get out of here and order a pizza?” he asked.

  “Oh, god. You know the way to my heart.”

  “Alright. Get on out and dry off, then put on something comfortable and come on downstairs. I’ll go order your favorite, and we can sit and watch some television.”

  I got out of the tub and did exactly what he asked. I toweled down and put on my comfiest pajamas I’d brought with me. My mind was turning with all the things he’d told me about: the handcuffs, the waxes, the tying me down. I never wouldn’t put Kevin in that kind of category until that party that night, and now I wasn’t sure of Kevin at all.

  But instead of it being scary, it was exhilarating.

  I bounded down the stairs just as he hung up the phone with our favorite pizza place and I ran for the couch. I dove over the edge, giggling and shifting around, before a blanket descended upon me and Kevin sat down next to me.

  “Could I point something out really quickly?” he asked.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I just gave you a string of commands before we got out of the tub. Get dried off, get dressed in comfy clothes, and come down to sit on the couch. Did any of that seem overbearing to you?”

  I felt my face fall a bit before my eyes fluttered over to his. He was studying my reaction intently and with great purpose, and something inside of me slowly came to life at the realization that I’d just obeyed him.

  And I didn’t feel impeded upon.

  “No,” I said.

  “Good. Now, what do you wanna watch?” he asked.

  Chapter 20


  I sat with what he told me for a couple of days, but I was still curious. Work was taking over my mind, but when I was at Kevin’s I couldn’t help but be curious. Did he really want to do this with me? Did he keep those toys he mentioned in his home? Were they in his room? Or maybe in a separate part of the house?

  I felt like Beauty in the castle of the Beast, walking around in unknown territory trying to navigate my way around.

  I got back from another meeting and it was well past dinnertime. Kevin had cooked and left me a plate of food in the oven, so I took it out and started to eat. My mind was fried and my body was sore, but I knew I could rest because now it was time for Maddie to take over. We couldn’t go any further until she analyzed more paperwork, made notes, and drew some conclusions based on what I found in the senator’s interviews, so I had at least two days where I could relax.

  Changing into my pajamas, I wondered where Kevin was. Usually he was there to greet me whenever I got back, but while his car was here I had no idea where he was. I walked down the hallway to his room and saw the light was in, so I slid the door open and peaked in.

  “I hear you, Tina,” he said. He was sitting on his bed with his reading glasses crooked down his nose, reading a book. He looked so peaceful and relaxed, and a part of me was jealous that it was that easy for him to do it. He took one look at me and set his book down, knowing exactly what was running through my head.

  “That bad, huh?” he asked.

  “It’s in Maddie’s hands now, for the time being,” I said, sighing.

  “Come here,” he said. He removed his glasses and set his book aside before he pat the bed beside him. Was this one of those things? Where he gave me a command and he expected me to obey?

  But, it wasn’t a bad thing. He just wanted me beside him. And, that’s where I was going anyway. So… was I really obeying someone?

  “Yes,” he said. “This is what you think it is.”

  “Stop doing that,” I said.

  “I’ve always been able to read you, Tina. You’re not as impervious as you think.”

  “Yeah yeah yeah,” I said. I walked toward the bed and climbed in beside him and before I knew it he had his arm slipped around me. I was still very confused and I knew he could tell, but I had no words to express why I was still confused.

  I just… was.

  “Go on. Ask,” he said.

  “I don’t know what to ask. I’m just… still confused.”

  “Shocked?” he asked.

  “Nah. That’s worn off.”

  “What does your confusion stem around?” he asked.

  “Just… why, I guess. I don’t know. I know you’re not bossing me around, so it totally wrecks my view of what I thought a dom did, but the things you do to exert your dominant side are things I don’t mind doing. So I’m just…”

  “Confused,” he said.


  “I think it’s just because we trust each other so much. We’ve known each other for so long and watched each other grow into who we are now, so it makes sense we’d be as comfortable as we are with predicting each other’s moves. You do it to me all the time, whether you realize it or not.”

  “I know, but I guess it’s not the same now,” I said.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because I don’t do it to exert dominance.”

  “But you do it because you care?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I said.

  “Well, why does me being dominant remove the idea that I care? I predict your moves and tell you to do what you might like because I know you will. Why does me being a dom remove that facet?”

  He slipped his arm around me and I laid my head onto his shoulder. It was an honest question, and one I didn’t have an answer to yet. I didn’t know why him suddenly admitting to this facet of his personality removed the fact he cared. I didn’t know why I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that being dominant didn’t mean being domineering.

  But I knew I couldn’t give him what he wanted until I figured it out.

  “I guess I’m still stuck on my personal definition of ‘dom’ versus how you’re defining it,” I said. “I mean, I don’t mind all the things you do, like patting the bed and taking baths and giving me your car for the day. Aren’t you like, supposed to be making me do things I don’t wanna do? Or things you solely wanna do?”

  “What makes you think I don’t solely wanna do those activities, too? I want to hold you. I want to take baths with you. I want to slather you with prizes like taking my car and surprising you with a lunch you don’t have to worry about,” he said.

  “I don’t know. I guess, I sort of thought being a dominant went along with inflicting pain?”

  “With certain people, yes,” he said, “being a dominant is about inflicting pain. But, that’s not how I live my lifestyle. My dominant side is a more… subtle dominance with much stronger points in the bedroom.”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “Like… I might tell you to strip down and get on all fours on the bed for me.”

  “Okay,” I said. “What else?”

  I turned my gaze toward Kevin and he was staring at me with the intensity of the fiery sun. His eyes darkened and a stor
my look rolled over his gaze and I felt the ground beneath my feet shift with need.

  “You… you want me to do it?” I asked.

  But all he did was continue to stare.

  I slipped off the bed and wiggled out of my pajamas, feeling the heat between my legs already pick up. His eyes were devouring me, like the hungry Beast he was waiting for his Beauty to unfold herself for him, and I found a fluttering anticipation swell deep within the pit of my stomach.

  I climbed onto the bed on all fours before I looked back at him, watching him watch me while he cock grew hard beneath his boxers. I suddenly had this urge to ask him what to do next, but he beat me to the punch when he slid off the side of the bed and rounded around behind me.

  “You look beautiful like that, Tina,” he said. I wiggled my ass for him just to be cute, but his hand came down and cracked against my ass, causing me to yelp.


  “I never asked you to move,” he said.

  The pain wafted through my body and still my core began to heat up. I felt his hand run up my spine, shivering my back with every inch his caressed. His hand got to my hair and he slowly wound his fingers within it, and I could feel my head tilting upward before my eyes connected with his.

  “Then, I might ask you to open wide,” he said.

  I parted my lips and opened my mouth, knowing exactly what was coming. His hand clenched down into my hair while his other hand shoved down into his boxers. He pulled his thick dick out, pulsing with need and raging with lust, and he painted his precum on my lips before he slid his tip between my teeth.

  “Suck me down, Tina,” he said hotly.

  I thrust my head forward and took his dick to the back of my throat. I hummed in pleasure as his precum dripped down my chin, falling to the bed as his hips slowly began to thrust in and out from between my lips. I fluttered my gaze up at him only to catch his predatory stare, and his free hand came around to cup my cheek lovingly while his dick assaulted my mouth.

  “God, I love your mouth,” he said with a groan.

  His pace picked up and I could feel him growing wider and wider. He bulged against my teeth and my jaw was quivering with exhaustion, but the beads of sweat rolling down his face and the ecstasy painted on his features fueled a fire within my gut I didn’t want to put out. My body rocked with every thrust he gave my mouth and my nose would ruffle his trimmed curls every time he shoved himself down the back of my throat.

  I realized I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Usually, I was in charge. I was in charge of how fast he got to thrust and how long it went before he got to come. I was in charge of how deep I took him into me. But, this time was different. All I had to do was sit on all fours and watch him reach his end with me as a means to an end, and I knew the second his hips began to stutter that he was close to that end.

  I suddenly wrapped my hands around his legs and dug my fingertips into his tight little ass. I pulled him as deep as I could get him before he shot his thick streams down my throat, swallowing him whole as his hand fell from my hair. His head lobbed back and his legs shook, threatening to spill out from underneath him as I gobbled him down. Never had I been so eager than I was right now to take what he had to give me, but when his hips sank to the bed my mouth followed his dick all the way down until he was lying on his back.

  Then, and only then, did I finally release him with a pop.

  He panted for air while I laid my head down onto his stomach, and all at once I felt his fingers running themselves through my hair. I closed my eyes and felt a wave of emotion crash over my body, causing me to tremble as I held him close to me.

  “Come here,” he said. I felt his arms snake underneath mine and pull me up to his face. He threaded himself around me while I continued to shake, his legs useless in the process while he still recuperated from his ground-shattering orgasm.

  “I’m sorry,” I said breathlessly.

  “Why are you apologizing?” he said.

  “I don’t know, honestly.” He kept running his fingers through my hair and I just kept shaking in his arms, blinking back tears I still didn’t understand before everything slowly subsided.

  “Look at me,” he said. I panned my gaze up to his and studied the sweet relaxation behind his eyes. His smile was easy and his face was familiar. His body was warm and pulled taut against mine. He was this foundation while the entity of my body was rocked by something I couldn’t explain, and he dipped his lips into mine and gave me a sweet kiss before I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

  “You know… my dominant side in the bedroom is just a bit like that.”

  “Oh, shut up,” I said. I playfully swatted at his chest and he clamped his hand down around mine, then he brought it to his lips to kiss. His eyes were bright with happiness and anticipation, and it was in that very moment I realized how important this was to him. This side of him wasn’t just something he did for fun, it was an innate part of him he had left unfulfilled to stay by my side. It was a part of him he had concealed and neglected since the vacation just so we could try to make things work inland with whatever it was we were doing, and in that very moment a realization hit me that shook me to my very core.

  “Remember the promise we made to each other on the plane?” I asked.

  “I do,” he said.

  “Remember how we told each other that, no matter what, if one of us needed something the other would try their hardest to be there?”

  “I remember.”

  “Do you remember who initiated that promise?” I asked.

  He ran his thumb over my cheek before he pulled my head from the crook of his neck. His eyes danced between mine, slowly reading the thoughts zooming around in my mind before he nodded slowly.

  “How hypocritical of me would it be if I knew about this side of you and refused to let you indulge it?” I asked.

  “This isn’t something you indulge, Tina. It’s a part of you. This is a facet of my personality, not a snack I eat every once in awhile.”

  “Well, you said it yourself that you see some of those repressed sub qualities or whatever in me, right?” I asked.

  “I do,” he said.

  “Well, coupled with the fact that I actually liked what just took place, maybe it’s time I-- I don’t know-- gave into the idea for a little while.”

  I saw his eyes light up before they settled back to the Kevin I knew. The statement I just made roused a side of him I knew he wanted to explore, but I didn’t realize just how much until he crashed his lips to mine and thrust his tongue deep inside of me. I threaded my arms around his neck and rolled him over until he was on top of me, his lips making mine swell with his pressure before he finally pulled back.

  “Teach me, Kev,” I said with a whisper. “Teach me how to do this with you.”

  Chapter 21


  Waking up the next morning, I pulled Tina’s sleeping body closer to mine. Her light snores brought a smile to my lips while I looked at her, peaceful and comfortable wrapped within my arms. Last night had been just a taste of what I wanted to give her-- what I wanted to do with her-- and the way her body trembled with emotion afterward brought an odd sort of smile to my face.

  I didn’t shock me that her sub drops were stronger than most. After all, Tina was a very emotionally-repressed individual. The way she had been raised was devous, at best, but at its worst it had been manipulative and wrathful. Her mother had been a cold-hearted woman who kept ramming ‘basic truths’ down her throat, like the fact that women were supposed to take care of a home and that her college education was pointless. Her mother always told her that taking care of her father was the best thing she ever did and that she would be lucky to find half the man to take care of that her father was.

  Her father was the one that encouraged her to go to college. Her father was the one that set up his own successful law firm, so it was her father she leaned on when school got tough. Every time she called her mother it was ‘I told you so’, o
r ‘are you finding a man at least while you’re there?’, or ‘I’ve got a date set up Wednesday evening and you need to be home for it.’

  Her mother was emotionally-removed from every situation and always felt her agenda was the best agenda, and she took after her mother more than she realized.

  She grew her business like her father, yes, but her unwavering need to be right in every circumstance was what garnered her the audience she had. Her intense research and her late nights were all attributed to the cold, removed woman she had grown into, and her incessant need to be right about herself as well as everyone around her was the byproduct of being raised by her mother.

  She had made herself emotionally cold in order to deal with her mother, but in the process she became a professional at emotionally compartmentalizing almost to the point of being a sociopath. It had taken years of knowing her for her to finally bust out of that shell whenever she was around me, but I knew this lifestyle was going to be difficult for her.

  She told me last night that she didn’t understand why this was so hard for her to wrap her mind around, but I knew. It was hard because she saw her mother as a dominant person, and the way her mother dominated was by being emotionally unavailable and domineering. So, when I told her I was a ‘dom’, she pictured me as her mother.

  And that was the farthest thing from what I was.

  My body shivered with delight when she told me to teach her. It wasn’t just an opportunity for me to train the sub of my dreams, it was a way for me to shift the mental outlook of a woman I’d come to respect. Tina Lively was powerful, important, and priceless in the world of politics, but when she was with me she was a tired, aching, needy woman who wanted to rest in the arms of someone she cared about.

  But, I knew the exact approach I was going to take with her. She seemed all too eager about the components of the bedroom, so I would start by pushing her boundaries in something she’d already proved to me that she enjoyed.


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