Hayden's Timbre

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Hayden's Timbre Page 22

by Thia Finn

  Ryan turned walking away. Peri went to him and wrapped her arms around him. I knew he felt the guilt from introducing her to our family, but it couldn’t be helped now.

  I looked at him. “Dude, it’s not your fault. At least we’ll find her.”

  “That’s not all. There were one more set of prints, a one, Ella Sullivan. Do any of you know her?”

  We all shook our heads.

  Who was this person in our home?

  Where was security?

  “This person is bad news, very bad news. She’s been in the pen for armed robbery, assault with the intent to kill, and several more crimes.”

  “Why would someone like that be out on the streets?” I asked the officer. “It makes no sense to me.

  “I agree, but with overcrowding and her getting out for time served during her trial phase, you never know these days who they will let loose for us to deal with again and again.” All he could do was shake his head.

  “So what now?” I needed to know where this would all end.

  “Now we can start checking around for these two. See if we can scare up any leads. In the meantime, you need to sit tight and let us do our jobs. Wait for the phone to ring. Would she know your number?”

  “Of course, she’d know my number. She’d know Peri’s number, too.”

  “Good, let’s pray if she can, she’ll use it.” The officer made his way to the door. “In the meantime, if you hear from her, call me first thing.” He handed me another of his cards and walked down the sidewalk. I guess he knew we probably had no clue where the first one was.

  “Thank you,” I called after him.

  Walking back in the family room, Ryan and Peri sat on the couch and Crew on the edge of the coffee table. I took a deep breath. We needed this talk. It had been a long time coming. As much as I tried to shield him from the information, it seemed determined to eventually surface.

  “Dad, tell me about my mother.” He didn’t miss a beat. “And why is Uncle Ryan so upset about it all? They won’t tell me anything.”

  “Son, I promise to tell you everything you want to know, but right now I need a minute to gather myself and think.”

  “I get it, Dad, I do. You’re upset, they’re upset, and I’m clueless. Have you lied to me all along about her?”

  “What? No. I’ve never lied about her. We’ve never talked about her because none of us want to remember the kind of woman she is or was. I’m not sure about her now. She’d never hurt someone when we knew her, but that was twelve years ago. She’s obviously changed a lot since we all knew her.”

  “Well, then at least tell me what I need to know.”

  “What would that be, son?” I didn’t want to get into this with him. Not now especially.

  “Like, why is Uncle Ryan upset that he brought her into this? Was she his girlfriend or something?”

  Well, shit. The kid was too perceptive.

  “Yes, she was his girlfriend, but they broke up.” I looked to Ryan and Peri for some signs of wisdom I prayed they might shoot my way but got nothing but blank stares.

  “Dad, please tell me you didn’t break them up.”

  “No, Crew, you know me better than that. I would never come between a friend and his girl.”

  “You say that, and yet, his ex is my mother? You need to tell me more, Dad.”

  Dammit all to hell. He seemed determined to force my hand on it.

  “Okay, dude. We promised never to lie to each other, and I’m not going to start now. Your Uncle Ryan broke up with Krissy and went on tour in Europe. While they toured, I lived in his apartment, and Krissy had to move in since she got kicked out of her apartment from a fight they had.”

  I glanced in Peri’s direction. This story dredged up information from long ago that needed to be left buried, but it couldn’t be helped now. All of it hurt people at the time and would only serve to reopen old wounds now.

  “Yeah, go on…” He seemed determined to hear it all and I only wanted to give him what he needed.

  “So while they were gone, Krissy and I ended up getting together.”

  “You mean having sex, right?”

  “Yes, son. We had sex, and the only good thing to come from it was you.” I smiled when I said it, but I knew he didn’t like the information.

  “You’re telling me I was an accident. Did you not use protection, Dad? They preach it all the time on TV. You’ve told Tuck and me when we get ready to have sex to always to use protection. So you don’t practice what you preach?” He got up and stomped around the room. I didn’t know if it came from anger or hurt or both.

  “Look, Crew.” Ryan knew I struggled to make this right, and now he wanted to chime in to tell the story. Thank God. “The honest answer is we all screwed this up. I left for Europe with things messed up here with Krissy. While we were over there, Peri and I finally gave in to what we knew all along was meant to be. Your dad had a bad situation thrown into his lap that he never wanted. Krissy lied and manipulated your dad at every turn. She’s famous for it. Yes, he was wrong to let things happen. What I did to him caused it but never doubt that he loved you. No, we loved you, from the moment you came into this world.

  “Your dad moved into the hospital room with Krissy to care for you. He fed you every bottle, changed every diaper, and rocked you when you cried. He brought you home with Peri and me, and the three of us learned to be parents to you before Tucker came along a few weeks later.”

  Crew looked at me. “Is that the truth, Dad?”

  “Yes, son, it is. I loved you from the moment you arrived. Hell, I probably loved you before that. But when I saw your little face, and you wrapped your stubby little fingers around mine, that knot formed, and you’ve had me tied there ever since.” I charged across the room where he stood and wrapped him up. I felt arms surround us and knew Peri and Ryan joined us. The love and comfort we got from family was overwhelming at times, and this was definitely one of them.

  “Okay, guys. You’re smothering me.” Being at the center of the crowd, Crew complained first. We all backed away and wiped away the emotions lingering on our face. “Besides, Pops, we got a girl to get back so what’re we gonna do?”

  “Absolutely right, dude. We need a plan.”

  Before we could move any further, the doorbell rang again. Nanny opened the door, and the color in my face must have resembled a freshly washed white sheet hanging in the sunlight.

  “What the hell, Krissy?” I couldn’t believe my eyes. She looked so old. What happened to her over the years? Her hair resembled dried black straw. I’d never seen her so skinny. Granted, she’d just had Crew when I last saw her, but she looked beautiful then. The woman took great care of herself, always had the best of everything. This person standing here now couldn’t be the same woman, and yet it was her.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t all the best of the Powell clan gathered together just to see me.” She waltzed around the room like she owned the place. Some things about her hadn’t changed.

  “Krissy,” I spoke calmly. I had no clue what she had planned. “Where is Timbre?” I knew she had something to do with this situation.

  “You mean that little skanky ho you’ve been parading around town with?”

  “Yeah, Krissy. Her name is Timbre.” That verified my question.

  “She’s gone. You’ll never have to worry about her again.” She started laughing and turned to the other woman who followed her in. “Will they, Ella? Oh, where are my manners? I haven’t introduced you to my dear friend, Ella. Ella, this is my ex-fiancé, Ryan Powell, and I assume this is his wife now, Peri.” She turned my way. “This is Ryan’s cousin and the father of my child, Hayden Devillier.”

  Krissy moved across the room to Crew. “And you must be my son.” She tried to hug him, but Crew backed away before she could touch him. “That’s okay, baby. We are going to have the rest of our lives to get to know each other. Isn’t that right, Hayden?”

  “What are you doing here, Krissy, and what did y
ou do to Timbre?” My first instinct said to grab her and shake the living shit out of her, but I knew better than to add to the chaos.

  “The little ho is gone, and that’s all you need to know. Seems she likes money and freedom more than she likes you, but that’s okay. I’m here now, and the three of us can be our own little family.” Her eyes shot over to the manly-looking woman. “If Ella stays, we’ll be a family of four. My baby will have a dad, mom, and aunt.”

  Crew spoke up. “I have an aunt already, and I don’t need a mom.”

  I looked a look at Crew and shook my head. He needed not to add to this situation.

  “You’ll see, son. We’ll have a great life, the four of us.” She tried to touch him again, but he moved and stood beside me. I stepped one foot around in front of him to protect him from whatever she or the giant might try.

  “Krissy,” I tried again. “You remember when you left the hospital? You signed away all your rights to Crew? You told me then you wanted nothing to do with him. I have the papers filed away with my attorney. He’s no longer yours to worry about.”

  “I’ve had a long time to think about those papers, Hayden. I even talked to my own lawyer. He told me that I had a lot of rights. I signed them when I suffered from post-partum, and they might not hold much water in court. So you see, you’re not the only one who can get his way, Hayden.”

  Ryan finally weighed in on it. “Look, Krissy, if it’s money you want to leave, we’ll help you out. You can get set up somewhere else and be happy. What you’re never going to do is take Hayden.”

  “Oh, I’m not going to take him. I’m going to move in with them. We’re going to be a real family. My son’s never had a mother, I checked. Hayden never married, so I’m here to make sure he has one forever.”

  “No Krissy, we aren’t. We’ll never live together. I have a girlfriend already.”

  She rounded on me with a crazy look in her eyes. “No. You. Don’t. Your little friend is gone, I tell you. Me and Ella made sure of it. She’s gone.”

  “What did you do to her, Krissy?” I grew more concerned with every word out of her mouth.

  “I didn’t do anything to her.” She looked at Ella, and the two started laughing. This situation looked bad. What if Ella did something so Krissy couldn’t claim it?

  When the laughing quieted, Krissy sat down on the couch. “Come here, son, and sit by me. I want to know all about you. How old are you now? Twelve, right?” She answered her own questions before patting the couch, but Crew didn’t move a muscle behind me.

  Krissy’s voice raised higher and louder, “I said come sit by me.”

  I put my arms down and back to hold him in place now behind my body. “No, you’re scaring him. He’s not coming over there. Leave him alone, Krissy. He doesn’t know you at all.” Something needed to happen to diffuse this scene. “Let him go to his room, and we can talk like adults.”

  “No, he’s not leaving my sight, ever again.” She looked back at her friend. Before anyone could move, the beastly woman pulled a gun out.

  Peri sucked in a breath, and Ryan shielded her behind him and spoke up. “There’s no need for a gun, Krissy. Tell her to put that away.” His commanding voice had force to it, but it did nothing to deter these two psycho women.

  “We brought the gun because we knew y’all would give us a hard time. Now, we hold all the cards and my card says I want to get to know my son, so tell him to come sit down beside me, Hayden.”

  I saw something move out of the corner of my eye behind the big lady. I knew Mason lurked around here somewhere and prayed he was preparing to make a move. He peeked around the corner so only I could see him. Thank God. He motioned for me to keep quiet. He didn’t have to ask me twice. Knowing he was going to intervene was good enough for me.

  “Now, son. I said come sit down.” She patted the seat once again.

  “How about if he sits with me on the chair? Give him a minute to get used to you, Krissy. This is all a surprise to him.”

  “You’ve never told him about me? Hayden, I’m so disappointed in you. A boy needs his mother. Please tell me that little tramp we got rid of hasn’t been playing mom to him.”

  “She’s not a tramp. She’s a great person, and I love her.” Crew just couldn’t keep himself from saying things to cause Krissy to grow angrier.

  “Is that so? Well listen to me, you little trouble maker. She’s gone. Do you hear me? You’ll never see her again.”

  Crew looked at me to verify the information. I didn’t want to cause Krissy to go off on him again.

  How could I shut him up?

  “Crew listen to what she’s saying. We need to believe her. Timbre isn’t here right now.” With me looking back, Krissy couldn’t see my face, so I winked at Crew. He needed to know I had a plan even though it wasn’t exactly true.

  “She’ll never be here again, I told you,” Krissy said again. “Bring him over and sit with him. I want him closer to look at him.”

  Crew and I moved to the chair at her end of the couch. I had him sit in the extra wide chair first so I could stay between the two as much as possible.

  “You look a lot like your dad.” She stared at him. “But you have my eyes.” She turned to Ella. “That’s good, huh? My eyes are beautiful.”

  She hadn’t lost all of her vanity, which might be useful to us.

  “You’re still a beautiful woman, Krissy. Where have you been all these years?” I wanted to keep her talking while Mason formed or executed a plan.

  “Don’t take over, Hayden. I’m asking the questions, here.” She motioned for Ella to step closer. When she perched on the end of the couch beside Krissy, she let the gun barrel drop toward the floor, but it still held the threat she intended.

  “See, Ella. He’s a beautiful child just like I was at his age. Of course, none of us knew each other that far back so you’ll all just have to believe me. My mom wanted me to model, but I never grew tall enough to impress those agencies.”

  A loud boom happened at the back door, and the room was rushed by several men in black clothes. It all happened so fast. I jumped on top of Crew, covering and wrapping all of his body I could. If there were bullets flying, I prayed it would hit me instead.

  It seemed like the scuffling went on for hours, but I knew it ended in minutes. When the smoke cleared, I raised my head to see Ella lying on the floor blood going everywhere. I laid back down over my son. I never wanted him to see the devastation caused by a bullet to a human body.

  He struggled to move, and I put my mouth next to his ear. “Stop, son. Be still a little longer, please.” His followed my directions without question.

  Ryan stood and threw the cover over her from the back of the couch. I didn’t know if the shot killed her or not, but draping her body long enough to get Crew out solved my dilemma. I stood up and pulled Crew with me trying my best to keep him facing away from the woman on the floor.

  The SWAT team already had Krissy in handcuffs, so all the threats were eliminated.

  “Don’t look back, Crew. You don’t need to see that.” He didn’t say anything, and I feared shock had set in. I took him to the kitchen and sat him at the breakfast table. I hoped the familiarity of the room would help ground him.

  I kneeled in front of him. “Dude, you okay?”

  He nodded his head. “Did they kill her, Dad?

  “I don’t know, but the police did what they had to do to protect the innocent people in the room. You know that, right?”

  Again he nodded his head. “Did they hurt her?”

  I knew he referred to Krissy. Living proof of his mother stood in the next room, and even if she would never be a mother to him, she would still always be the woman who gave birth to him. He knew she existed now. I’d never be able to keep that from him after this.

  “No, they didn’t hurt her, but she’ll go to jail for a long time now.” He needed never to see her again unless he chose to do so.

  The day seemed to never to end. By the time th
e police left with Krissy in the back of their car and Ella in an ambulance with a gunshot to the shoulder, exhaustion threatened to overtake all of us. I needed to find Timbre, though. Krissy never admitted to killing her. I wanted to believe she couldn’t do something so despicable, but she refused to give any information about Timbre.

  The detective came to the doorway where Ryan waited to let all of the men out. “I need to speak to Mr. Devillier.” Ryan moved aside to let him in.

  I’d come down the stairs from Crew’s room where he and Tucker played a video game. The mindless game kept him from thinking too much about the events of the day.

  “Yes sir, I’m here.”

  The older man pulled his phone out and read some information. “Timbre Simons is at the police station in Amarillo. She apparently called 911 when the bus stopped and told them a story about being kidnapped. The police picked her up for questioning, but she’s fine.”

  “I’ll go get her or put her on a plane now.”

  Ryan stepped up. “No need. We’ll send our plane for her.”

  The detective looked at us both. “She’ll need to come in and make a statement. I’m sure she’ll want to press charges against the two women who kidnapped her. We’ll need her testimony to help put them both away.”

  “Thank you. We’ll bring her home and have her there first thing.” Timbre would definitely be giving a statement. Hell, she needed to tell the whole story.

  I wanted to be on that plane but hated to leave Crew with anyone right then. I went up to check on him while Ryan shut the door on the chaos of our day.

  “Hey, dude. They know where Timbre is.”

  He jumped up from the oversized beanbag. “Where? Can we go get her now?”

  I never considered he would want to go for her, too. “Yeah, I guess we can. Let’s head to the hangar. They’re fueling up right now. It’ll be a short flight.”

  Peri and Nanny both sat in the room with the other Powell children. I thought Peri might be sleeping with her babies tonight or maybe several. Nanny managed to keep all of them in the room during the commotion downstairs, for which Ryan and Peri were so grateful.


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