Rain Glade

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Rain Glade Page 3

by Carroll, John H.

  He took her by the arms. “I only kill what’s necessary for food and survival. I thank the Gods for providing for my parents and me. Please believe that I have never enjoyed killing anything living.”

  “I believe you.” Rain rested her forehead on his shoulder for a moment and then smiled at him. He smiled back and took her hand again.

  They made their way through the tunnel. Leaves blocked the light, making it nearly as dark as night without moons. Just when Rain was wondering if the darkness would ever end, they came into a glade.

  Both of them gasped in amazement. The creek flowed from a rise on the other side, its sparkling water tumbling merrily down rocks. Soft, green grass bordered the creek along with flowers unlike any Rain had ever seen. Magnificent trees bordered the glade, their enormous trunks covered in verdant moss. The uppermost branches were lost to sight, allowing only a small circle of evening sunlight in. Birds and squirrels played among the branches, while flop-eared bunnies hopped away from the intruders.

  A sense of timelessness and magic filled the glade. The pain in Rain’s side lessened and her shoulders relaxed. Jacob leaned toward Rain. “There’s magic here. I’m sure of it.”

  Rain nodded slowly. “I can feel it caressing my skin. My stomach doesn’t hurt as bad anymore. It feels like the trees are sheltering us.”

  “Yeah. I feel safer here than in the walls of Lord Greffen’s castle.” Jacob walked forward slowly. Every step was taken with care not to disturb anything.

  “We’re welcome here. I can feel it.” Rain let go of his hand and ran to the falls. The water glistened in her cupped hands and tasted divine when she drank it.

  “It feels like we are, but my ma always told me to avoid magical places, saying they’re dangerous.” Jacob looked up at the trees with worry etched across his masculine features.

  “Verna says that there are magical places all over the world and each of them is a treasure.” Rain watched a cheerful bee buzz away from an orange flower. She sniffed the abandoned blossom. The fragrance was heavenly. “As long as we show respect and do nothing to harm it, we’ll be safe.”

  “Who’s Verna?” Jacob was standing at the base of a tree, peering up at the branches.

  “Verna’s my best friend. She knows more about the forest than anyone.” Rain moved to another flower, pink like Jacob’s eyes.

  Jacob took off his jacket and sat against the tree trunk between two large roots rising out of the ground. “Well, if she knows more about the forest than anyone, then we’ll treat your glade with respect.”

  “My glade?” Rain turned to him.

  “Yes. A magical glade for a magical woman.” He smiled and rested his arms on his bent knees.

  “I’m not magical!” Rain protested in alarm. “I promise I don’t know magic.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Jacob shook his head. “Your smile makes the day brighter. Your hand in mine makes my skin tingle. When I held you in my arms, I wanted to protect you forever. You’re the most magical woman I’ve ever met, Rain.”

  Rain blushed and hid her face in her hands. His words overwhelmed her. She decided to ignore them and leaned over another flower instead. A butterfly landed on her hand, much to her surprise. Rain lifted it for Jacob to see.

  “I’ve never seen an orange and purple butterfly like that. It’s large too,” he said.

  The butterfly fluttered away. Rain stretched her hand out after it. Her side and belly protested violently, sending pain shooting throughout her body. “Aaiighh!” She wrapped her arms around herself and fell to her knees.

  Jacob was there instantly. He put a powerful arm around her shoulders and the other behind her legs. With a swift motion, he lifted her.

  Rain buried her face into his chest again. A moment later, he was sitting between the roots with her in his lap. She curled up against his shirt to soak in the warmth of his skin underneath. In no time at all, Rain was asleep.


  “Good morning, Rain. It’s time to wake up.”

  Jacob’s voice broke into her consciousness. She lifted her head and looked around in confusion. “Huh?”

  “It’s morning. We need to make our way back to Cothbern. Plus, my legs are asleep.” Jacob vigorously rubbed her back to help wake her.

  Rain scrambled to her feet and looked around at the glade. Mist had settled in, obscuring the trees in the morning light. Her stomach and side protested the movement. She groaned and clutched them.

  “Easy now.” Jacob got to his feet and stood beside her. “Let me look at that.”

  “No. It’s alright. I’m just a little stiff,” Rain fibbed as she moved to the creek. “Is it really morning?”

  He came up next to her and cupped his hands in the tumbling water to get a drink. “Yes, you slept hard through the night and didn’t even wake up when I had to move.”

  Rain splashed icy water on her face, the shock waking her a little more. She stood and looked at Jacob as he stood with her. “Did you sleep?”

  “Enough. Mostly I just enjoyed the feel of you in my arms. Your hair smells nice. What was in that soap?” He reached out to touch her hair.

  Rain blushed and looked down at her feet as she enjoyed the feel of his fingers running through her tresses. The compliments were confusing her and the realization that she had spent the night in a man’s arms made her nervous. “It was blackberries with some herbs from the forest. Verna makes it.”

  “I like it.” He ran his hand down her shoulder and arm before taking her hand. “Shall we go?”

  She squeezed his hand and smiled shyly, meeting his eyes only for an instant. Then she let him lead her out of the glade.

  They said little as they walked back to the pool. Once there, Jacob stopped and kissed her hand. “Shall I take you home?”

  Rain blushed and shook her head. “I’m going to go help Verna today.”

  “Alright.” Jacob frowned and looked down the creek.

  “Is something the matter?”

  “If my sergeant sees you . . .” Jacob ran fingers through his hair, a gesture that seemed habit.

  “. . . You’ll be in trouble?” Rain studied his curly hair, damp from the mist.

  “No . . . He’s a little mean spirited. He’ll probably tease you and might even . . .” Jacob shook his head. “I don’t know. Not everyone in the world is nice.”

  Rain put a hand on her side, remembering how the mayor had treated her. “I’m just a worthless peasant girl. I understand how he’ll treat me, but I don’t want to go through it, so it’s fine if we don’t go into the village together.”

  Jacob dropped to his knees and squeezed her arms. “You are not worthless! Don’t you ever say that!”

  The angered passion in his voice surprised Rain, and scared her a little. “I’m sorry.”

  “No.” He shook his head in frustration and loosened his grip. “Don’t be sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Jacob stood and gently cupped her cheeks with his hands. “You are not worthless. You are magnificent. Your voice is sweeter than the birds singing and your body is . . . Well . . . It feels really warm and nice.” He released her and spun on his heels.

  Rain stood still as Jacob strode to the edge of the pool and ran both hands through his hair. The young soldier’s intensity was overwhelming.

  He spun back around. “I know my words are clumsy, but I really feel that way deep in my heart.” Jacob paused. “May I visit you again?”

  “Yes.” The word flew out of her mouth before she had time to think about it. Rain didn’t understand her feelings, but definitely wanted to see him again.

  “Really?” He stepped back in surprise. Then he dashed forward, picked her up and spun her around in a circle.

  Rain froze in alarm, wondering if he was going to hurt her. He set her down gently and did another spin all on his own. She tried to take a step back but he grabbed her shoulders.

  “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” Then he kissed her on the lips.

  It only lasted an instant, but that instant was a blast that altered all the colors of the world.

  He stepped back and studied her stunned face. “I don’t know when I’ll get back here again, but I swear I’ll come back.” Then he turned and ran down the hill alongside the creek, headed toward the village.

  Rain lifted fingers to touch her lips. The sensation of his lips touching hers lingered there. She still felt enveloped by his warmth.

  After a moment, she looked around. The pond remained the same, as did the trees and grass. Birds sang and animals rustled the bushes as usual, but everything seemed different, more vibrant, more alive.

  “I must tell Verna about this.” The sound of her own voice made Rain jump. She blushed and looked around to see if anyone had heard. Then she dashed to the path. Her belly protested, forcing her to a walk.

  She looked in the direction of home. The path was empty. Her father was likely in a drunken sleep. Rain remembered that she hadn’t done any planting yet and promised herself that she would spend time working on the small garden area in front of their house when she was able.


  At the road, Rain went south to another trail that would take her around the village. She didn’t want to risk running into Jacob’s sergeant or the mayor. Before long, she reached Verna’s house.

  Verna didn’t come out to meet her when she knocked on the door, so Rain went inside. Multihued hair peeked out from the blankets on the bed, much to Rain’s surprise. Verna normally woke with the sun.

  Rain sidestepped empty plates and bowls on the floor to sit on the bed. “Verna?” There was no answer, so Rain gently shook her. “Verna, are you alright?”

  “Hmmm?” Verna turned over and looked at Rain. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. “Food?”

  “You’re hungry?” Rain stood up and looked at the cupboard. Its doors hung open, revealing that Verna had already raided half of it.

  “Food.” It was a command more than a request.

  Rain took one look at her friend’s hungry eyes and dashed to the cupboard. She found a bag of dried fruits and another of flatbread. When she brought them to Verna, the woman narrowed her eyes, but began eating. Rain dashed back to find more, wondering why her friend was upset.

  After Verna ate some two-day-old bread and half a wheel of cheese, she seemed to be doing better. She sipped some of the cinnamon tea Rain made. “Healing makes me very hungry and tired. I hope I didn’t upset you.” Verna set the cup in her lap and smiled at Rain.

  “I was just confused, that’s all.” Rain smiled back. “Where did you learn to heal like that?”

  Verna took another sip and looked out the window without answering. After a moment, she asked, “Do you promise to keep it a secret?”

  The idea of a secret thrilled Rain. She sat cross-legged on the bed and muffled an involuntary groan of pain at the movement. “Yes. I’ll never tell anyone.”

  “I know. I trust you.” Verna looked out the window again. “I’m a Druid.”

  Rain gasped. “But Druids live in the forest, not villages.”

  Verna raised an eyebrow. “We are in the forest, not the village.”

  “We are?” Rain thought about the walk from Cothbern to Verna’s house. It wasn’t long, but it was definitely farther than any other house. Verna’s was the only one not made of pink granite too. “I guess it is. But you live in a house, not in a tree or something.”

  Verna narrowed her eyes. “Do you honestly think Druids live in trees?”

  “Well . . . yes?” Rain blushed.

  Pealing laughter burst forth. “How delightful. I suppose a few do, but most of us live in various houses that are made from the gifts that nature gave us.” She gestured at the walls. “The earth gave me sand and clay with which to build this house and the trees gave me the shingles and branches for the roof. Others make similar homes, or use things from their surroundings. We even have villages, believe it or not.”

  Rain listened in fascination. “Wow. I’ve never met a Druid before.”

  Verna raised her eyebrow again. It was getting a lot of exercise.

  “I mean besides you.” A thought occurred to Rain. “Can I become a Druid?”

  Verna looked at her sadly. “I wish you could, but I’ve already looked deep within your eyes and the ability is not there.” She put a comforting hand on Rain’s.

  “Oh.” Rain stared at the hands, but only for a moment. “Thank you for telling me. I promise not to tell anyone else.”

  “Thank you. You’re my best friend if that’s any consolation.” Verna squeezed her hand and smiled again.

  “It is. You’re my best friend too.” Rain reached over and gave her a hug, grunting involuntarily as the motion pulled on her stomach.

  “Now why don’t you show me where you hurt. You’ve been wincing the entire time you’ve been here.” She tapped Rain’s nose. “Don’t you dare try to hide it from me.”

  Rain stood and lifted her dress. The dark-blue bruising was beginning to turn sickly-brown around the edges.

  Verna gasped and sat on the edge of the bed. “Who did this to you?” She began pushing on it with her fingers. Rain gasped in pain at each touch. Verna shook her head in disgust. “The bruising is bad, but I don’t think anything inside is permanently damaged. Who did this, Rain?”

  “When I left here the other night, I wasn’t paying attention and walked into the mayor’s back.” Rain didn’t look Verna in the eye. “He knocked me down and kicked me.” In a near-whisper she said, “I deserve it for being so clumsy.”

  Verna gripped her chin in a strong hand and forced Rain to look into her furious eyes. “You listen to me. You’re not clumsy and no one deserves to be kicked. Is that clear?”

  Rain didn’t answer, but she couldn’t move her head to escape Verna’s gaze.

  “Is that clear?!”

  “Yes, Verna,” Rain said. “I’m sorry.”

  Verna released her chin. “You have nothing to be sorry for, but you’re not allowed to ever say you deserve abuse, because you don’t.”

  “Yes, Verna.” Rain dropped her gaze back to the floor.

  Verna put her hands on her hips and stared at the younger woman. “I just don’t know what I’m going to do with you. You’re too wonderful to let wilt in your father’s miserable care.” She paused for a moment. “Did you say this happened the other night? Did I sleep through all of a day?”

  “Yes, and two nights.” Rain lifted her head, grateful to be off the subject of her bruise. “You must have been worn out.”

  “Yes, yes I was. The healing takes so much out of me.” Verna shook out her hair and headed outside, leaving Rain to follow. “Once this mist burns off, it looks like it’ll be a warm day.” She turned to Rain. “And what will you be doing today?”

  Rain shrugged and looked in the direction of the village, wondering if Jacob was still there. Verna followed her gaze before looking back. “What’s wrong with you? There’s something on your mind besides the kick that pox-ridden mayor gave you.” She grabbed Rain’s hand and brought her over to the porch bench where they both sat cross-legged, facing each other. “Talk to me.”

  “I met one of Lord Greffen’s soldiers, named Jacob.” The words began to flow in a rush. “He saw me bathing.”

  “Oh dear.” Worry crossed Verna’s face and she put a hand on Rain’s knee.

  “He followed me from Tonia’s because Tonia was worried that something was wrong with me. Then he saw the bruise.” Rain gingerly touched her side. “He didn’t do anything to me, but he did sit on a rock and talked to me while I bathed.”

  “Go on.” Verna put her elbows on her knees and cupped her chin in her hands, listening intently.

  “When I was done, he mentioned wanting to see where the creek came from. I’ve always wondered the same thing, so I agreed to go along.”

  Verna raised her eyebrow and sat up. “So you went walking into the forest with a man you didn’t know?”

  Rain blushed. “It was
probably a bad idea, but he was being nice to me and I’m not used to that.”

  “Hmmm.” Verna frowned but gestured for Rain to continue.

  “His father is a copper miner up in Tilbern. His mother helps anyone who needs it and he has three older brothers and a sister. The brothers are all in the king’s army and his sister married a fletcher.”

  “He told you all that while you walked along the creek I suppose. One moment.” Verna went inside and got their cups of tea. She took a sip of hers. “What then?”

  Rain rubbed her hands on the warm cup. “Then I was in a lot of pain and he was worried about me. We found this beautiful glade that has magic in it. It’s like one of those places you told me about.”

  “That’s wonderful! I must visit it sometime.” Verna smiled and stretched her arms up high.

  “We can go now if you like.” Rain made to get up.

  Verna put a hand on Rain’s. “No, no. I’m much too tired to go traipsing through magical glades, but I’ll go with you soon, I promise. So then what happened?”

  “Then the pain got worse and he came over and picked me up. He sat down and held me in his arms. I fell asleep until he woke me up this morning.” Rain wrapped her arms around her shoulders, remembering what it felt like to be held.

  “He held you in his arms all night? How extraordinary.” Amazement filled Verna’s eyes. “I think I might like him already.”

  “He kissed me.” Rain bit her lip, wondering how her friend would react.

  “Hmm. Perhaps I might not like him.” Verna crossed her arms and lifted her chin in suspicion. “Tell me more.”

  “We walked back to the pool where we met. He said I was amazing. Then he kissed me before running back to town.” Rain touched her lips in memory again. She could still feel his, but wanted to try it again so she could concentrate on how it felt.

  “He just kissed you and ran away? I’m not sure how to feel about him.” Verna pursed her lips in thought.

  “He said that he was only in here til this afternoon. He didn’t want to bring me back to the village because his sergeant is mean.”


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