His Skittish Sub

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His Skittish Sub Page 2

by Kelex

  Ansley crawled from the bed and sauntered closer. He pressed his body against Damien, half seduction, half using Damien for support.

  “I’m horny, Damien.”

  “Not my problem.”

  Ansley pouted up to him seconds before dropping to his knees and opening Damien’s pants with more speed than the lush should’ve been able to.

  “Stop,” Damien uttered just an instant before Ansley drew his entire length down. Damien closed his eyes, cursing the sensations running through him. He needed to stop Ansley. They couldn’t do this. He couldn’t do this. Not when he only wanted the man to leave.

  He looked down and a set of crisp blue eyes stared back up at him. Damien sucked in a breath, and Ansley morphed into his chance encounter tonight.

  The words to stop Ansley died on his lips as he watched the lover he wanted suck him off.

  After a few seconds, the fantasy faded away, but by then, it was too late. He came hard, filling Ansley’s mouth with a thick load of cum.

  Staring down at a smiling Ansley, Damien knew he’d made a terrible mistake.

  Chapter Two

  “When are we going back? I can’t stand this suburbia much longer. I am simply dying here.”

  Damien looked over the edge of his newspaper at the gorgeous, wannabe actor sitting across from him. Without answering, he reached out and took a sip of his coffee before replacing the cup and lifting his paper back to hide his view of the man. Three days stuck in a hotel room with Ansley was four days too many. “Didn’t I tell you to leave? You don’t listen well.”

  “You didn’t really want me to go, Damien. I make you feel too good.”

  Damien sighed. He’d known the head he’d gotten the night of the reception re-bound him to the man across from him. He’d been an idiot to let it get that far. His mystery man had stoked a fire and Damien had stupidly let someone else douse the flames. After that, it had been impossible to get Ansley to go. “I’ve got a few errands I’ve got to do and then we’ll head back tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? We were supposed to go back yesterday, Damien. I can’t be gone from L.A. this long. People need to see us… me… out and about if I want to break into this industry. I haven’t been to a decent party in weeks.”

  “You were just at a fine party two nights ago,” Damien said offhandedly, already bored with the man’s incessant talking… about nothing but himself and movie stars.

  “That wasn’t a party. That was a wedding reception. For your friend. Not an industry insider, just some lawyer. I’m not going to be discovered out here in no man’s land.”

  I’m just some lawyer, and Golden is my friend, which makes him more important than you. “I offered to have a car take you home the night of the wedding and you refused. The offer still stands if you’re so desperate to go. Or maybe I can just buy you a bus ticket,” Damien said, taking another sip without looking away from his paper. The Daily Chronicle was a local San Alicia, California newspaper and he’d poured through it every single morning for the last few, hungry for more details of the small, sleepy town. San Alicia was a little under two hours away from his new home in Los Angeles and far from people like Ansley.

  It was perfect.

  “The bus?”

  Damien couldn’t resist. He looked over the edge of the paper to see Ansley’s shocked face. A chuckle bubbled up his chest, but he swallowed it along with another sip from his cup.

  “I don’t take buses,” Ansley said, finally starting to eat the omelet that had been sitting in front of him for at least the last twenty minutes. The thing had to be cold by now.

  “Ugh, this is ice-cold. Be a dear for me and call down and have them replace it.”

  Damien put his paper down and glowered across the table. Ansley was like an octopus, with eight legs covered in suckers. Getting away from the man was proving more difficult than Damien had expected.

  “I’m starting to regret ever inviting you here. That bus ride is sounding better and better.”

  Ansley frowned. “Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, have we?”

  Damien folded his paper and crossed his arms. “If you hadn’t spent the last twenty minutes complaining, your food likely wouldn’t be ice cold. If you want it replaced, you call and have it replaced. I’ve listened to you grumble for nearly four days, and I can’t listen to it another second.”

  Ansley lifted his chin and scowled at Damien for a moment, but the look soon faded as he seemed to realize he would get nothing from Damien. “I didn’t realize I’d been complaining. I apologize. I just don’t care for this hillbilly town, and I’m ready to go home, which we were supposed to do two days ago.”

  “I have offered you transportation home. I have told you to go. Yet here you are.”

  Ansley rose to his feet and walked around the small, round table, the bottom of his robe swaying open and showing a perfect set of tanned legs. While wrapping his arms about Damien’s neck, he lowered into Damien’s lap and stole a kiss. When he lifted his head, he wore a perfect, fake smile honed after years of living in the fakest city on the planet. “I don’t want to leave you here alone,” Ansley cooed. “I’d miss you.”

  You’d miss my connections. Connections might be stretching the term a bit. Damien had picked up two new clients when he’d moved to L.A. a scant six months before—both of them moving in circles with the Hollywood elite and both of them ex-classmates of his at Yale. Trent Gaines was moving up the ranks as a producer, and Hale Christopher had just been nominated for an Oscar and proclaimed to be the next “it” director in town. Thanks to his old school buddies’ seal of approval, Damien had also picked up a few more Hollywood types as clients, none of them as high profile as his friends, but it had been enough to get his new office a jump start.

  He’d thought it would be a good business move to network in those circles and try to pick up even more. That was how he’d met Ansley. Ansley Parker had taken one look at Damien and saw dollar signs and the chance to be “found”. Damien had seen a hot piece of meat after a very long diet. For years, he’d kept his secret well-hidden. The fact Damien was gay had been a cross his father had been unwilling to bear.

  It’s a phase. You’ll realize your error soon enough. No Rosetta male has ever slept with another man.

  Dad, I’ve been sleeping with men for over a decade. It’s not a phase. I’ve known since I was young. I’m gay. Everyone important in my life knows, except you and mother.

  Do you know what this could do to the firm? If our clients caught wind of your… your…

  My what, Dad? I’m gay. I’m not a two-headed beast you need to keep hidden.

  Hidden is exactly what you need to be. If I hear one word whispered in the corners of this office about your scandalous behavior, you can forget ever becoming partner in this firm.

  Damien had worked for years to prove he was every bit as good an attorney as his father, all while knowing if his father had ever learned the truth, he’d lose it all.

  That’s exactly what happened.

  To some degree.

  Damien had refused to be hidden. He’d purposefully disobeyed his father and come out to the entire firm. His father had looked like he was having a heart attack when word spread. World War III had commenced soon thereafter, ending with Damien storming out and never stepping foot in Rosetta & Thorncroft again.

  A month later, he was on the opposite coast, as far from his father as he could get. Once in L.A., Damien hadn’t needed to hide anything about himself. He’d fucked as many pretty boys as he’d been able to get his hands on, a feast after his years of famine, but even that was quickly growing old. He couldn’t open up and show his true self to a long line of random fucks. Damien hated to admit it, but he was much more the staid, relationship type versus what he’d become. Golden was right. He was ready to settle down.

  But his kind of settling down wasn’t exactly the same style as Golden’s.

  The city had been good to him, but it was too much glitz, not enough subs
tance, present company included. For a few months, the wild, lavish lifestyle of living near Hollywood had been entertaining. In longer doses, it was too much.

  Which is why San Alicia spoke so loudly to him. Golden had opened an office here and still had clients in L.A. He commuted a couple of days a week into the city and remained here, on the outskirts of the chaos in the sleepy little community the rest of the week. So far, it was working for Golden.

  Could it work for him, too?

  He had an appointment with realtor Chance later that day. Damien wanted a closer look at the properties JLC Construction was flipping. Golden’s new husband was part owner in the construction company and if any of the other flips were as good as Golden’s house, Damien was sold.

  He saw potential in San Alicia, Ansley be damned. “I might need to extend my stay here even longer than planned if things change in the meeting I have later. You should probably pack up and go home.”

  Ansley’s perfectly arched brow rose. “What are you planning, Damien? What errands do you have here?”

  Damien wasn’t ready to share his plans with anyone, not quite yet, and especially not Ansley. He pushed the man off his lap and rose, running his hands down the front of his button down shirt and the front of his pants, straightening what Ansley likely wrinkled. “I’ll be back in a few hours. I can let you know then if I need to remain here.”

  “I can come with you,” Ansley offered.

  Damien grabbed his sports coat and shook his head. “You’ll just be bored.” And irritate the hell out of me.

  “I don’t want to be stuck here alone,” Ansley said. He released the tie to his robe and let the fabric slip from his shoulders. Ansley was young and firm, his body toned beyond perfection. He grasped his cock and tugged at it, urging it to grow harder. A few weeks before and his seductive show might’ve turned Damien’s head. Now, it only served to make Damien want to get away all the harder.

  “Can’t you be a little late to your meeting?” Ansley cooed, appearing to believe his show of skin was enough to tempt Damien into being twisted around a finger.

  “No, I can’t be late. Get some clothes on and go explore the town square. Maybe you’ll find something of interest there.” Or someone. It would make my life even easier. “Or better yet, pack.”

  Ansley clicked his tongue angrily and leaned down to swipe his robe from the floor. “I’m starting to think this relationship is toxic.”

  “Relationship? This isn’t a relationship. I made a mistake bringing you here. Pack your things. I’ll let the front desk know to have a car brought to take you back to L.A.”

  “Damien, no.”

  “Don’t be here when I get back.”

  Ansley likely had little time to cover himself before Damien opened the door and moved out into the hallway. Something was yelled through the closing door, but Damien couldn’t be sure what his companion had said, not that he cared all that much.

  As he entered the elevator, his cell phone buzzed. Damien glanced at the text from Chance and scowled.

  I have an emergency and can’t make it to the showing. But I can send another agent who has helped me sell JLC houses in the past. I just called him and he’s available. He’s fully up to speed on the property I had planned to show you.

  Damien had planned to drill Chance for more details on JLC. The house was almost secondary. Someone else might not be able to help give him the insight he was looking for, but it looked like he had no choice.

  Fine. What’s their name?

  Lucas Cullen. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed with his professionalism and assistance. If there are any questions or issues, don’t hesitate to text me.

  Damien snarled. He didn’t care for it when things didn’t go his way. In business, the plan was key and any hitch presented problems with the expected outcome. Too bad he wasn’t as strict in his personal life.

  Hopefully Lucas Cullen was ready to give him what he truly needed.

  Chapter Three

  Lucas sat in his car, the AC up on high. Even with the cold air blowing, he was sweating. He was nervous as hell, awaiting Damien Rosetta’s arrival. He glanced into the mirror on the back of his visor for what had to be the millionth time and then checked the rear view, looking to see Damien’s car roar up into the drive.

  Glancing at his watch, he saw it was already five past. Instead of sweating it out in the car, he decided to go ahead and open up the house. He was a bundle of nerves. Better to get moving and get his mind off Damien.

  The man was too gorgeous for words. His dark, Italian good looks were coupled with the sexiest pair of gray eyes Lucas had ever seen. And the man smelled so damned good. When he’d been on the dance floor, surrounded by the man’s muscular arms, he’d been driven to distraction.

  Golden had suggested Lucas meet Damien at the bachelor party prior to the wedding. Lucas had taken one look at the sinfully sexy man and chickened out. He’d missed the bachelor party just because he was too damned shy.

  Now, he had no choice in the matter. He couldn’t let Chance down. Emergencies came up, and Lucas was Chance’s only back-up. He needed to be a professional and do his job. Butterfingers as he tried to get the key out of the lockbox around the handle, he finally caught it and opened up the front door.

  He stepped inside the gorgeous house, one of the largest he’d seen JLC tackle. It had sat a little longer on the market because it was so much house, and was also waterfront property. Most of the houses Jax, Linc, and Colt flipped were smaller family homes that flew out the door before they could barely list them in MLS. This one had been a risk, one that threatened to be a failure for JLC.

  Lucas walked through, glancing at the fine finishes and craftsmanship. The guys had taken it up a notch, really ensuring this house was high end. They’d had to raise their notoriously low prices to cover the additional expense of upgrades. Because of that, it still sat, even though it was still an incredible price. Lucas hoped Damien liked the house and took it off the guy’s hands.

  It would also mean Damien would be staying in San Alicia on occasion. A smile played over his lips at the thought, even though he also knew he was too shy to do a thing about it.


  Lucas closed his eyes at the sound of Damien’s velvety smooth voice. He took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves. His body already quickened in response to the man’s nearness. “In here,” he all but croaked.

  Damien rounded the corner into the kitchen and froze. “You.”

  Lucas plastered a smile on his face, even though his stomach was swirling. He took a few tentative steps and offered a hand. “I’m Lucas Cullen. It’s nice to truly meet you, Mr. Rosetta.”

  Damien’s stunned expression slowly melted into a wickedly gorgeous smile. His gray eyes sparkled with humor as he took Lucas’ hand. That smile and the man’s touch was enough for Lucas to feel heat all the way down to his toes. “My mystery man finally has a name.”

  My mystery man? Lucas’ stomach flip-flopped. He pulled away from the warmth of Damien’s hand and moved to the counter, grabbing a flyer. After taking a quick breath to calm himself, he handed the flyer to Damien. “You’ll see all the pertinent details about the house here. Are you ready to start the tour?”

  Damien’s smile faltered a bit, but was quickly put back in place. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  Yes. “No. Why would you?”

  “You seem… nervous. As nervous as you seemed the night of the wedding.”

  Lucas looked about the huge kitchen, anywhere but at Damien. Finally he dragged his gaze to the sexy man’s. “I’m not nervous.” You suck at lying. Just tell him the truth. You can barely function around someone you’re attracted to. “I’m just a bit reserved.”

  Damien stepped closer, a hint of his spicy cologne tingling Lucas’ nose. “Shy? I’ve never met a shy salesman. You are one of a rare breed.”

  Lucas looked up into Damien’s gray eyes and felt like he could melt right then and there. “Oh
, we exist. Good thing about a shy salesman is you won’t get hammered with a pitch.”

  “I can appreciate that. I prefer to do the hammering,” Damien said as he took another step closer.

  Lucas swallowed thickly, his body reacting to the playful flirting. He can’t be interested. He’s just trying to get a rise out of me. Ignore it.

  “I bet you do.” Lucas passed Damien and started pointing out some of the upgrades in the kitchen. “The counters are a high quality marble, and the island is one of the largest slabs I’ve seen. All of the appliances are high-end, chef’s grade.”

  When he turned to see if Damien was paying attention, the man was nearly on top of him. Lucas spun, his back to the island as he let Damien’s heat radiate over him. With a shake to the head, he extricated himself from the situation and moved to the den, evading Damien’s body. “As you can see, the house has a mostly open floor plan. You passed the sitting room and office up front, but we can revisit those. The formal dining room is slightly open to the kitchen and den, but still has a wonderful sense of separation with the arched doorways and built-in shelves. The fact you can see through those shelves allows you to still see what your guests are doing and speak to them if you’re preparing food or drinks.”

  “This is a lot of kitchen,” Damien said.

  “Don’t you cook?” Lucas loved to cook. He was jealous of whoever would be able to prepare fine meals in a kitchen like that.

  “I burn water,” Damien said with a grin. “But I can order take-out like a champ.”

  “I feel sorry for the guests of your future dinner parties,” Lucas said, slightly shocked at his retort.

  Damien inched closer, as if he were tempted to continue his aggressiveness by Lucas’ reply. “If I bought this house, would you be my first guest?”

  Lucas lifted his gaze to Damien. “Excuse me?”

  “I only know a small number of people in San Alicia. If I bought this house, would you come have dinner with me to keep me from being lonely?”

  “I’m sure you’d want your boyfriend to be your first guest, wouldn’t you.”


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