Adams, Cara - The Hawk, the Wolf, and the Dom [Shape-Shifter Clinic 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Adams, Cara - The Hawk, the Wolf, and the Dom [Shape-Shifter Clinic 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Cara Adams

  As for Karen, she was all he would ever want in a woman, a partner. He wasn’t sure if what he felt for her was love, but he sure as hell didn’t want to leave her. Therefore, there was only one thing to do. Get some paperwork, take a citizenship test or whatever, and live legally in this land.

  He wasn’t sure whether Karen or Gus had actually said it, or if the idea had simply come into his mind, but he thought if he could speak to the Alpha of the wolf pack, that man could surely help him. There must have been shape-shifters in a similar position to him in the past. Likely the Alpha would be able to advise him on what to do. Not having any papers, he couldn’t just go online and fill in a form. And if he went to the police or city hall, he was as likely to end up locked up in a mental health institution as he was to get the answers he needed. Tomorrow. He’d go to Wolf Central tomorrow. He’d take the test, become a real member of society, live openly, get a job, and be a genuine partner with Gus and Karen.

  I can do this. I will do it.

  * * * *

  Toby stared at his “closet” and sighed over the choice of clothing in it. Apart from his stained work clothes, he had two pairs of clean jeans, four T-shirts, and two button-down shirts. “Once I get documentation I’ll be able to get a real job and buy clothes. As well as that, there won’t be the risk of having to leave them behind because I’ll never have to run away again.” Toby shook his head at himself. He was ten years old again and had been forced to leave behind a brand new baseball mitt when he and his mother had flown away in hawk form. He’d sulked about that for a week!

  The animals were fed and watered, his chores had all been done, and now, showered and dressed in one of his button-down shirts, Toby drove Quinn’s truck to Wolf Central. He supposed the building actually had a real name, but the shape-shifter community all used the term “Wolf Central” for it because it was where many of the wolves had their apartments. Toby knew it was where Karen lived and worked, but he didn’t know what floor her apartment was on, or what exactly her job entailed, except that it was “for the Alpha.”

  He was determined to take this step, but still nervous as well as excited. This would be the very first time he’d ever voluntarily given up his secrets.

  He was directed to a visitor parking space in the basement parking lot, then took the elevator up to the third floor. Toby stood still and looked all around. The first two floors were shops, coffee bars, and take-out places. This was the level that led to the offices. The apartments were above that. There was a directory listing which companies were on which floor, but there was also a reception desk. He walked over and waited until the woman there hung up the telephone call she’d been answering on her headset.

  “Hi, I’m Josie. How may I help you?”

  “My name is Toby Hawk. I’d like to make an appointment to meet with the Alpha, please.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think there’s anyone here with that name.”

  Toby cursed himself mentally for not realizing that even here people would want to remain secret. “Oh, of course. My apologies. I’d like to make an appointment to meet with Mr. Vukic.”

  She tapped her computer screen a couple of times, then said, “Yes, Mr. Hawk. And who is your reference?”

  “My reference?”

  “Mr. Vukic is a very busy man. People requiring an appointment with him need a referral from someone he already does business with.”

  This was proving to be a lot harder than he’d anticipated. He’d been stupid to think he could just walk in here and get an appointment to talk to the Alpha of the wolf pack. That was like expecting to talk to the CEO of a company. But he simply couldn’t trust his secret to some minor underling. They would have the power to send him to jail or to some mental institution for admitting he was not human. And in this case, not even a wolf. “I know Karen Fisher. I didn’t realize I needed a reference, but I’m sure she’d say she knows me.”

  Josie just shook her head at him.

  Toby felt all his energy drain out of him. Suddenly this was much too hard. Likely it was better for him just to keep moving on, as he’d always done. That way he’d not get hurt. He was a nobody, a nothing. He didn’t even officially exist. Hankering after a normal life was stupid. Likely Karen and Gus would get tired of him soon, and he’d be on the scrap heap, despised and rejected anyway. It was much better for him to accept he was worthless and useless and leave Ohio now.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, and turned and trudged slowly down the stairs to the parking lot.

  Chapter Six

  Gus had expected to hear back about the job interview by now. He paced the roof of the BDSM club, wondering whether he should ask them if they’d made a decision yet, or if it was too soon. He’d heard other people say they’d never been told about jobs they’d applied for, but he’d just assumed since he’d had an interview that automatically meant he’d be given the courtesy of a reply. Or was he just being impatient? No, he was positive Mr. Raymond had said he’d be told after forty-eight hours. Well, it was very much after forty-eight hours now, so he would enquire. But nicely. Not in a pushy sort of way.

  Relieved by having made a decision, Gus went into his apartment and searched for the telephone number of the club, then punched the numbers on his cell phone. He was answered with a recorded message about the opening hours of the club. It was midafternoon. People should have been there, preparing for the evening. Why didn’t they have someone screening calls? They could miss out on a lot of business that way. There were plenty of clubs. If one didn’t answer a prospective guest’s questions another one certainly would, and the club had lost a client.

  Shaking his head, Gus prepared to leave a message. “Hi, this is Augustus Grosvenor. I met with Mr. Raymond a few days back and wondered if he’d made any decisions yet.”

  Hopefully that would get him a reply without giving away any proprietary information. Unfortunately it didn’t look as if he’d gotten the job. It was time to start searching some more. The BDSM club wasn’t going to let him stay in this apartment forever if all he was doing was bartending and a bit of other help here and there. They’d want to give it to someone else. Which was a pain. Although once Karen and Toby and he all came together properly in a relationship it’d be much too small for the three of them to live in. Karen wouldn’t be able to stay in her apartment with two non-wolves either. So likely it wasn’t such a bad thing after all. He needed to find an apartment that suited three people. Oh, yes. And a job that earned enough money to pay the rent!

  * * * *

  Toby returned Quinn’s truck to the barn, stripped out of his clothes, then flew to the top of the Norfolk Pine and let the breeze and the panoramic view soothe his hurts. He hated that he was so helpless. He hated that he was going to have to leave this area. But most of all he hated that he would have to say good-bye to Karen and Gus, to Quinn, Rainer, and Wynter.

  For the first time in his life Toby had started to put down roots, and he liked the idea of staying here. He wanted to be with Karen. It was going to be dreadful to leave here and never see her again.

  Suck it up, princess!

  Toby flew up into the sky searching for an updraft. He soared high, then higher, finally circling around before getting another lift under his wings and soaring again.

  He pictured Karen in his mind as she’d been in the bed. Her red-brown hair all tangled, her hazel eyes closed, her golden-brown skin shining with their combined sweat. Her long legs enticed him higher and higher to her moist pussy, and her ass had been the hottest, tightest, most wonderful place his cock had ever been. But it wasn’t just her body. He loved her wit and her fun-loving nature, her bossy side, and the way she teased him. No one had ever teased him playfully before. The only teasing he’d experienced had been nasty and vindictive, but when Karen did it, he was meant to laugh at her and tease her right back again.

  Toby swooped through the sky, diving toward the ground, then pulling up and flying with the prevailing breeze. He was almost at Thorne
House Clinic, so he changed direction and flew up to the roof of the property there. The parking lot was half-full. It wasn’t close to the time the shifts changed over yet. He turned and stared over the grounds, wondering once again why it was that George Thorne was so fixated on this place. It was nice, a good-sized property, but financially speaking George was just as well off with the money he’d inherited. It wasn’t like the land could be sold for tract housing. It was still zoned semirural. That was one of the very first things Oscar had checked.

  Forgetting his own heartache for the time being, Toby checked over the property inch by inch from one wall to the other. Finally his gaze focused on the far corner, where the lake was situated. Likely that was the only piece of land that hadn’t been carefully investigated. Wynter had swum all through it in her shark form, but no one had dredged up the sand on the bottom or anything like that. Perhaps someone should, just for peace of mind.

  Oscar. The Alpha has been very helpful to Oscar and of course Oscar, as the shape-shifter doctor, has helped heal many wolves. I wonder if Oscar will be my reference? Dammit, why didn’t I think of that when I was in Wolf Central?

  Toby launched himself into the air and flew back toward the farm. He had a couple urgent phone calls to make, and a suggestion about the lake as well. All before Quinn and others got home from work.

  * * * *

  “Hi, Ambrielle, it’s Toby. Toby Hawk.”

  “Hey there, Toby. How can I help you?”

  “I was wondering if I could talk to Oscar, please. If this isn’t a bad time or—”

  “It’s the perfect time. He’s leaning on my desk, asking for a bunch of files. If you distract him for me, I’ll be able to finish the files and give them to him.”

  Toby laughed. Ambrielle was another feisty woman. Not as beautiful as Karen of course, but then no one was. Ambrielle was still plenty able to keep Oscar and Danny on their toes, though.

  Toby was almost certain Oscar had guessed he was a shape-shifter, but he wasn’t going to tell the doctor any more than he had to. A lifetime’s habits weren’t going to change overnight.

  “Oscar here. I’ve been banished to my own office. What’s the problem, Toby?”

  Toby grinned as he answered. Oscar didn’t sound very worried about his banishment. “I would like to speak to the Alpha, to Mr. Vukic, but apparently I need a reference to make an appointment with him. I was hoping you’d agree to be my reference.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll do that this afternoon for you.”

  A huge weight Toby hadn’t realized had been resting on his shoulders fell off. He stretched his spine and felt light and free. Now the Alpha would speak to him and he’d be able to get those papers. But he still had something more to say.

  “This may be a total waste of time. I know your people have looked at everything around the clinic. But I just wondered if anyone had dredged the sand at the bottom of the lake, or had a really good look under the water. I mean, I know Wynter has checked it for you, but—”

  “You’re right. Likely it will be a total waste of time, but we’ve explored all the other avenues so we should get some people with scuba gear to check the bottom of the lake. We’d look pretty stupid if George had dumped something valuable there and we didn’t even look.”

  “One of the break-in attempts was near the lake. Not that that means it’s important, but it just made me think,” said Toby.

  “You’re right. Thanks, Toby. I’ll call the Alpha today for you as well.”

  “Thank you.”

  Toby hurried off to begin his evening chores. I must remember to tell Wynter. I don’t want her thinking I’ve gone behind her back. Likely it’s nothing, but it’s a just a thought.

  * * * *

  The next afternoon a crowd of wolves, staff, patients, and general onlookers stood around the lake as Karen and Tegan, two wolves, both of whom were confident underwater, checked their scuba diving outfits and prepared to enter the water. Wynter was with them, wearing a long, loose T-shirt.

  Karen and Tegan walked into the water until they were waist deep then stood there and waited. Wynter followed them, then kneeled down until only her head was out of the water, took off her now soaking-wet T-shirt, and handed it to Karen and disappeared. Karen walked back almost to the shore, and Quinn took the shirt from her and wrung it out. Karen grinned. In some ways it was a real nuisance being a shape-shifter. The whole needing to get naked thing could be quite tricky. She glanced over to a gazebo standing just past the barn. Danny Davies and Quinn had built that as one of the first additions to the property. A stranger might think it was a nice place to sit outdoors and relax, but its primary use was as a venue where shape-shifters could get changed and leave their clothing before going for a run.

  “I’m guessing this is going to be a complete waste of time, but fortunately there’re no spiders,” said Tegan.

  Karen laughed. Hunting for the missing spiders was the first thing Tegan had done here at the clinic. “The sun is shining, too, so that’s going to help us see underwater, at least for the start.”

  Then they dropped into the water. The searched side by side, going around and around the lake, starting right by the shore, and gradually moving farther and farther out into the middle. Wynter needed the water to be four feet deep so she couldn’t join them at first, but soon there were three of them swimming just above the bottom of the lake, reaching out to look at the occasional rock or piece of debris there.

  When Wynter found something she simply stopped so one of the other women could pick it up and look at it, but everything was perfectly normal.

  “I’m pretty sure George didn’t come here for this old baseball, no matter how much he might have hated losing it at the time,” said Tegan as she threw a baseball they’d found out onto the shore.

  Karen grinned behind her mask. She was bobbing up and down marking the spot where they’d found the ball so they didn’t miss out on searching any of the lake. “Oh, I don’t know,” she teased right back.

  After more than half an hour of searching, they were in the middle of the lake. It was harder to see here, at the lake’s deepest point, and Tegan had gone back to shore to bring them a couple of underwater lights to help them.

  It must be quite boring for the people watching, but they are all still there. I hope we find something more than an old baseball!

  Once again Wynter had stopped so Karen swam over to her. Oh yes. She’d said there was a pile of rocks in the deepest part of the lake and here they were. Actually there weren’t very many really, just half a dozen. Karen guessed likely they’d been there ever since the lake formed. Except, some of them looked more like old house bricks than rocks.

  She and Tegan looked at each other, suddenly wondering if these rocks were special.

  Nope. I’m imagining things. I just want them to be special to validate all this effort!

  Tegan rested her underwater flashlight on the ground on one side of the rocks, and Karen put hers on the other, and then they both crouched right down to look at the pile of rocks. Together they lifted the first one up and turned it over. Beneath it was one of the bricks. It was plain dull black but in one corner… Instantly Karen saw a shiny flash. Slowly they rotated the brick, looking again. Golden fire shone out of it. Holy shit! It is special.

  Wynter transformed and took the brick from them, indicating she’d take it back to the shore. Karen nodded. One of them needed to stay right here to mark the place. She and Tegan wiggled the second brick free from the sand and scratched at one corner of it. Sure enough, under the dull surface was gold. Tegan took it and started swimming to shore with it.

  Karen crouched down again and began wiggling the next rock free. It was an ordinary rock, but beneath it was another brick. By the time Wynter, still naked, returned, it was free, and she handed the brick to her.

  Soon Harry Harrison appeared without any breathing equipment, so she and Tegan gave him the two ordinary rocks to check, and Tegan took the one after that.<
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  And that was it. No more.

  Leaving Wynter to mark the spot, she and Tegan bobbed up to the surface. “Should we keep searching?” Karen asked.

  “We’re here now. We may as well. You never know there may be another one still to find.”

  “Okay.” Karen sank back down to the sand again, and they completed their grid of the base of the lake. They found a piece of something that was just rubbish, Karen thought, then remembered when the young men had tried to break in. She took a more careful look at the chunk of metal and realized it was the handle of a knife. Well, likely it wasn’t important, but they’d found it anyway.

  The three women made their way back to shore. Quinn was standing knee deep in the water with a thick towel which he wrapped around Wynter, and then she raced up to the clinic to get dressed while Quinn stood on the shore and dried his legs and feet on another towel.

  Karen was glad she was wearing a wetsuit, but realized she’d better get changed soon, too.

  “What are they?” asked Tegan.

  “Gold bars.” The answer came from half a dozen people at once. Ambrielle continued, “I’ve been talking to Sierra Bond, the attorney, and she said George won’t be able to claim half of their value. She said if he’d come to Oscar and told him about them, they might be deemed to be joint property, but because of all his attempts at theft, endangerment, and especially setting the bomb, he’s forfeited any potential right to a share in them. Which is good because I’ll be damned if we’ll cut him a deal after the way he’s acted.”

  “Well, let’s not get too excited. They might belong to someone and we’ll have to return them,” said Oscar realistically.

  “The really important thing is not whether or not we can keep them. It’s that finally we’ve solved the mystery. Now we know why he was persecuting you,” said Karen.


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