by Stella Sky
I smiled and said, “This is awesome. Thank you." I placed my box on my desk and then followed her into a hallway.
"I already have an issued weapon,” I said as I grabbed my leather jacket and pulled it open, showing her my pistol in its holster.
Denise laughed and said, “That won't work in space. The I.S.F.A. requires you to carry a blaster gun that works in space. You did train with them before, did you not?" She stopped walking.
"Yes, I have. I just assumed they were issued before a mission in space," I said to her.
"That used to be the deal until one of our agents had to stow away on a ship in the heat of the moment. Of course, he was unprepared because a good detective does not wait around to get a weapon issued, so he went into space on an enemy ship without a blaster gun. After that case, the I.S.F.A. decided that all agents will carry a blaster gun at all times, just in case," she said as I followed her into a room.
"Right, of course," I said as I followed her into the human resource office.
"This pack of paperwork is yours. For now, just fill out these three forms and take the rest back to your desk, as it takes quite a while. But I need these three forms before we can continue," she said to me.
"I am supposed to get my assignment today. Did they tell you anything about that?" I said as I quickly signed the forms that would give me my gear and weapons.
"No, assignments are highly classified and only the captain and the higher ups know who gets assigned what. I just deal with the paperwork and gear," she said to me.
I continued filling out the forms and she continued talking about herself. She was a very girly girl with her red hair piled high on her head and a loose bun. She wore a very tight business suit consisting of a miniskirt and fitted blazer. She was elaborating on her duties as a human resource secretary when something she said caught my attention.
“But I would much rather be in guest relations than in human resource. Had I known that guest relations not only act as concierge to high profile clients, but also act as concierge to the Drackon warriors involved in cases, I would have definitely applied for a guest relations position. I am on a waiting list to be transferred," she said.
I looked up from my paperwork and said, “What do you mean act as concierge to the Drackon warriors?"
"You know… if a Drackon comes in to see the captain or any other detective, they need to be greeted and offered water, refreshments, food, and shown where to be seated and wait. The normal things that guest relations take care of for other clients that come in with a case, but this is obviously more exciting because… well, you know," she said.
"No, I don't," I said, arching an eyebrow at her.
"Because they are so damn hot," she whispered to me. Then she continued, “If I'm going to have to work, I might as well have some eye candy to look at and flirt with. And boy do they know how to flirt. Anytime I have spoken to one when they come into the office, I am left overheated and anxious to the point where I have to excuse myself to the ladies room and, you know... relieve myself," she said smiling.
"Oh, I see," I said, smiling as though I agreed with her even though I did not. Sure, the Drackon were extremely attractive, but it did not give me the same effect that it gave Denise.
"Did you see the one that came in today by any chance? Wow. He may be the most attractive one I have seen yet. I wouldn't mind if he took me for a ride, and I don't mean flying," she said with a wink. “I spoke to Lydia in guest relations and was so jealous of her interaction with him. She said that just bringing him a bottle of water made her panties wet! Isn't that something?"
"Yes, it is. I'm done with these three pages. Now, about my gear and weapons," I said, enthusiastic about getting my gear and changing the subject. I did not need to hear about every woman's infatuation with the jerk Drackon I had encountered.
Moments later, I was in my new, thin, bulletproof suit underneath my clothes, with a blaster in my hand. I was inside the underground firing range where I was testing out my new weapon. I had a grin from ear to ear knowing that I was being prepped to go on an intergalactic mission.
"Badass," I said after firing my blaster and hitting the center target dead on.
"You are a natural," the firing instructor said.
"Thank you, sir," I said to him. After I was done and had my new holster on that carried my pistol on one side and my blaster on the other, I was all set to go back to my desk and wait for my new assignment. Maybe I would even have time to look through the files, using my new I.S.F.A. ID to get into the system. Perhaps I could find the case files for the kidnapped females.
I sat down at my station and logged in. I was about to try digging into the case of the missing female brides when I heard, “Detective Katiama!"
I turned to see Lieutenant Kendall gesturing at me. “Yes, Lieutenant?" I said.
"You are up on deck! The captain wants to see you," he said.
"Right away, sir," I said as I grabbed a pen and a small pocket notepad and stuffed it into my back pocket. I didn't want to look underprepared or overprepared. I didn't know how the I.S.F.A. cases would work. My heart was pounding in my ears as I grew excited about my first case. I walked very fast as I could not get there fast enough.
"Detective Katiama, all settled in?" the captain asked as I walked into the conference room.
"Yes, Captain, all geared up and ready to go," I said as I stood waiting for direction.
"Detective, as I said before, this case is being assigned to you because you are one of the best female detectives that we have. I think it would do the case good to get a female perspective, considering the victims are all female," the captain said.
As soon as he said it, I knew that I was right: it was the kidnapping case. Female brides had been disappearing for over six months now and no one seemed able to stop it or find them.
The captain walked back and forth in the conference room as he continued talking. “I assume you have heard of the very famous case of the kidnapped brides?"
"Yes, sir, I am familiar with the occurrences, but not the details of the case," I said to him.
"Of course not, because that case is classified. Now you shall have access to it and anything else you need. Lieutenant Kendall is the lead on this case, but you are the lead out in the field, you and your partner… new partner, that is," he said.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him as I said, “I wasn't aware that I would be getting a partner. Sir, I thought I.S.F.A. agents worked alone out in the field?"
"They do. But in this very special instance, you shall have a partner. You see, Melinda, yesterday a very important female was stolen away. Katie Cormick is the daughter of Diplomat Cormick, and she is betrothed to a very important commander."
"I have not heard about this Katie Cormick. There's nothing on the news about it, or even chatter in the office," I said.
"Yes, that is because it has been kept quiet as long as it possibly can. Something like this would cause more outrage than we need."
"I do not understand, Captain. So far the females that have vanished are females registered to marry a Drackon. They have vanished while in space in route to Mooreah, or before they are set to depart Earth. Was this diplomat’s daughter on a bride ship? It doesn't seem like a diplomat’s daughter would be in a bride ship with the rest of the registered females?" I asked.
"You are correct. She was not supposed to be there. You see, Katie Cormick is betrothed to a very high commander and she was merely saying goodbye to one of her girlfriends at the port when she vanished. Five women vanished with her; all and were registered to be married to Drackon warriors, and they are nowhere to be found," the captain said.
"And the commander? Is he in the city? Has he been questioned?" I asked him.
"The commander is here. He just arrived today. He is adamant about being involved in searching for his bride to be. He is going to be your partner on this case. Here he comes now," the captain said.
I looked through the blinds on the gla
ss windows that faced the hallway. I could not believe my eyes: it was a Drackon warrior. Not just any Drackon warrior: it was the jerk from the elevator. I turn to the captain and said, “A Drackon? She is betrothed to a Drackon commander? You failed to mention that part, Captain," I said to him.
"He is not just any Drackon. He is a very high ranking commander in the Special Intelligence Forces of the Drackonian army. It is the equivalent to the CIA here on Earth. He is one of their best and brightest in the intelligence forces and their king, King Jarith Rykor, has demanded that this Drackon be involved in the search for his bride. Our government has granted that wish and we will comply with it. That means you will comply with that, Detective Katiama. Is that clear?"
"Captain Smith, are we ready to get started yet, or will we continue to burn time so that my bride’s captor can have all the time in the world to get as far away from us as possible? I swear the way you do things here on Earth would get absolutely nothing done on Mooreah," the Drackon warrior said as he strolled into the room, taking command of it and almost taking up all the space.
"Commander Handor, this is the detective I was telling you about. Meet our best female detective, Detective Katiama."
"You again?" he said as he laughed. I crossed my arms in front of my chest in order to keep them from punching him.
"You are acquainted?" the captain asked.
"We exchanged words," was all I said as Commander Handor and I stared each other down.
"Good. Lieutenant Kendall will be right in to brief the both of you. Good luck, agents," the captain said as he walked out of the room.
"You can't be serious about sticking me with a female!" Commander Handor shouted out to the captain as he walked out of the room. I narrowed my eyes at his response, but he was right: I would not get any work done with this arrogant buffoon around. I followed the captain out of the room quickly. As I caught up to him I said, “Captain, a word. I do not need a partner for this case. Let me handle it on my own. This arrogant Drackon is only going to be in the way."
"Detective Katiama, that arrogant Drackon knows his way around the galaxies, and you do not. He knows his ways around the intergalactic crime rings, and you do not. You need him, and he is more motivated than anyone to solve this crime spree. He has a personal stake in it, and that makes him a great asset. Now our government wants a Drackon involved simply because it rules out any funny business on our part. Don't you see? He is a watchdog. They have sent him to make sure we are not covering up something. Now go back in there and do your duty, or I will find someone else that will," he said as he walked away from me.
I sighed and then dragged myself back into the conference room. As I did so, I saw that Commander Handor was sitting on the desk with his arms crossed over his chest, giving me a grin as he said, “You cried to daddy? I don't need you hanging around; I can do this on my own. I don't know why I let the king talk me into waiting around for the I.S.F.A. forces. She is my bride, after all, and I am the one that should be seeking her out. I should have left as soon as it happened," he said.
Yes, he should have. Anyone that was madly in love would have thrown caution and government to the wind and gone after her. I turned to him and looked at him suspiciously, “Yes, Commander Handor, why did you not leave?" I asked him. “Are you hiding something? Why did you not throw caution to the wind and take off after your bride?”
"I had orders from my king. Us Drackon do not take that lightly; we are very loyal to our king," he said in a tone that was different from what I had heard thus far. It almost startled me, but it was refreshing to see that he had a serious side instead of the sarcastic jerk that he had shown me so far. His eyes were focused on me with a hard stare. It was like he was a soldier at attention, even though he was sitting on top of the table. He was taking his warrior duty and loyalty to his king very seriously.
"I take orders seriously as well. You should know that I have every intention of finding these women; it is very important to me," I said to him. He looked at me with narrowed eyes and opened his mouth about to say something when the lieutenant walked in, preventing him from saying whatever the hell he was going to say. I was sure it was some sort of put down.
"Let's make this brief so that both of you can get on with the assignment," the lieutenant said as he slid one black folder to each of us. We both opened them and began to look through them while the Lieutenant talked.
“You both leave on the Simeon in forty-eight hours. Your destination is Sala, the Drackon planet that neighbors Mooreah. We have gathered intelligence and all signs point to that planet as a possible location for the criminals responsible for these vanishings. You will infiltrate the crime ring and see what you can find out. You will gather information and report it back to me. Then we will go from there. Again, you leave in forty-eight hours. All the information that we have on the vanishings you will find in this folder. Do not let these folders out of your sight, as they are classified. I'm available for questions after you have read every piece of information in there. The conference room is yours today and tomorrow. Get to work, agents," he said. Then he left the conference room.
I looked at Commander Handor and he looked at me. We were both quiet and then we sat down and began to read, digging into the evidence and taking notes. I was surprised that his ego was allowing him to sit with me, a female, while he read the information. His eyes were focused, and the light-gray color was fascinating to me. I had to pull my gaze away from his eyes and focus on the information in front of me. As soon as I did so, I felt heat on my body, as though I was being stared at by him. I quickly glanced up to see that Commander Handor was looking at me.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked in order to distract myself from the nervous feeling that my body was suddenly sending to my brain. Damn it.
"I was about to ask you the same thing. You were staring at me, Detective," he said as he looked at me.
"I was merely surprised that you would actually be doing the work. I half expected you to start complaining that the information should be read to you. That you were too good for this," I said, pointing to the information sheets in front of me.
"I don't allow room for error. By letting someone else read the information to me or describe it to me, there would be a risk that they might leave something out. There is a risk that something could be lost in the translation of information that I would only see with my own eyes. Now if you're done criticizing the way I'm working, can I get back to looking at the information? Or would you rather continue to cluck away like a chicken, like most females do?"
"Ugh! How dare you speak to me that way!"
"I only speak from experience," he said to me. “And you are proving me right by continuing this conversation instead of working the way you should be," he said as he looked back down at the notes in front of him and continued to work.
I let out a series of huffs and moans, but he was right, I was wasting time. I put a lid on my anger and moved my eyes back to the work. I couldn't let his arrogant ways throw me off from the work even though the more he opposed me, the more I found myself becoming attracted to him. It didn't help that his long brown hair fell in front of his eyes just a little with his head down looking at the notes. His large form barely fit in the chair and his broad shoulders were almost the length of the end of the table where he sat.
I was doing it again, damn it. I was staring at him. I pulled my eyes away and began to read the notes and shifted my body to the side just a little so that if I looked up, I was looking at the wall and not him. This case was not going to be easy with him involved, and with my attraction to him growing by the second.
Chapter 2
Perfect. I had been stuck with a female detective, and to make matters worse, she was extremely hot. She wasn't what I was used to when dealing with females from Earth. She was the exact opposite of what I had encountered so far, and it was a problem. As soon as those elevator doors opened and I saw her standing
there with her shiny badge, I knew that I wanted to know more about her, so to distract myself, I made a joke at her expense. She didn't take it well, but she did give a feisty response that only turned me on more. At the time, I did not know that she would be the one I would be working with, and when I walked into that conference room and saw that she was the one to be my partner, I knew that this was some sort of prank on me from fate.
Of course I would meet a feisty and intelligent human female after I had already dedicated myself to another, one that my father chose for me. It was all a sick joke in the eyes of destiny. Only destiny would send me a human female with a perfect figure of a small waist, ample tits, and an ass that jiggled when she walked. Not only did she have these features, which included black, long hair and almond-shaped brown eyes with olive-tanned skin, but she was also armed. She was a trained detective, and judging by her position on the I.S.F.A., she was damn good at her job. She was exactly the type of mate I would have chosen for myself were allowed to, but that was not the case for me. My bride to be was chosen by my father, and now she was missing. I needed to do my duty and find her.