Until Forever (Forever and Always #14)

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Until Forever (Forever and Always #14) Page 10

by E. L. Todd

  “Well, that would be great.” She smiled wide. “Like, that would be perfect.”

  “Let’s head up there and tell them after the shower.”

  She couldn’t stop smiling. “Thank you so much. I hate taking money from Flynn.”

  “You can take money from me,” I blurted.

  “No, I feel guilty enough as it is. They always say you should never borrow money from friends.”

  “We aren’t friends. We’re family,” I said simply.

  “You’re so sweet, Cortland.”

  I shrugged. “I try.”

  When the play was over, we drove to Scarlet’s and Sean’s.

  “You know who should kick that Veronica girl’s ass?” I said.



  She laughed. “God, no. Janice would kill her.”

  “Even better.” I winked. “Why does this girl hate you so much?”

  She rolled her eyes. “She used to sleep with Flynn and now she’s mad I got him.”

  “Were they serious?” I asked.

  “No. I think they were just fooling around.”

  “Does he do that often?” I asked.

  “He used to.”

  “Does that bother you…?”

  She shrugged. “It’s none of my business anyway. He’s not like that with me. That’s all that matters.”

  If it didn’t bother her, I guess it wasn’t a big deal. I just wish the girl wouldn’t give Hazel a hard time.

  When we arrived at the house, I knew I would get some heat from Scarlet. I’d been avoiding her for awhile, and she wasn’t stupid. She’d see right through that. Everyone knew something was on my mind, but the harder I pushed them away, the closer they clung to me.

  Hazel eyed the house. “My apartment is the size of their bathroom.”

  “Which one,” I teased.

  We walked to the door and knocked.

  Sean opened it, surprise on his face. “What are you doing here?”

  “We just wanted to stop by,” I said.

  “Okay.” He opened the door wider.

  “Who’s here?” It was Scarlet’s voice.

  “More wanderers passing through our tavern,” Sean said bitterly.

  “Had company earlier?” I asked.

  He rolled his eyes. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Scarlet came out of the hallway then stopped when she looked at me. She analyzed my features for a while, taking me all in. I couldn’t hide from her when she did this. This woman could see through me like an x-ray machine.

  “I haven’t seen you in a while,” she said.

  “I’ve been busy,” I said with a shrug.


  Hazel hugged Scarlet. “Sorry for dropping by.”

  “No problem,” Scarlet said. “Everyone is welcome here.”

  “We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,” Sean said with an attitude.

  “Don’t mind him,” Scarlet said. “He’s upset he can’t knock me up.”

  I laughed. “It’s a challenge. Maybe you should have Andrew help.”

  Sean gave me a look of death.

  “Sorry, I mean Mike.”

  Now he really was going to kill me.

  Hazel snickered while she watched his face.

  “Any particular reason for your visit?” Scarlet asked.

  “Well, it’s a long story,” I said.

  “We need to catch up anyway.” She gave me a firm look.

  “Well, Hazel needs a part time job to pay the bills, and I thought giving her a job at the company would work.”

  “First, Mike gets Laura a job and now this?” Sean asked. “It’s like we’re running a charity.”

  Scarlet gave him a firm look. “What would your father do?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Let’s leave him out of this—for once.”

  “So…that’s a no?” I asked.

  “No, of course she can have a job,” Scarlet said.

  Sean eyed her. “Um…honey. I’m the one running it.”

  “And I owe half of it,” she jabbed. “So the answer is yes.”

  “If it’s a problem, it’s really not a big deal,” Hazel said quickly.

  Sean shook his head. “I just like to give my wife a hard time. Of course it’s fine. If Cortland things you can bring something to the company, I’m sure he’s right.”

  “He does know a thing or two,” Hazel said as she looked at me fondly.

  Scarlet watched me closely. “Let’s sit on the couch and have a chat.”

  Scarlet was going to grill me. And grill me good.

  “Actually, we really need to—”

  “Sit,” she commanded.

  Sean leaned close to me. “Just do what she says and no one will get hurt.”

  Hazel and I sat on one couch while they sat on the other.

  “So…where’s Andrew?” I asked. He was always a sore subject.

  “Why have you been avoiding everyone?” Scarlet asked.

  Damn, she went right in for the kill.

  “I’ve been trying to talk to you and see you but you keep blowing me off.”

  “ I wasn’t blowing you off,” I said. “I was just busy.”

  “Ryan says you’ve been acting odd too.”

  “Well, Ryan has been fighting with Janice for weeks. He’s been off lately.”

  “And why haven’t I seen Monnique once?” she snapped.

  “She’s been working. The magazine takes up a lot of her time.”

  She eyed me closely. “Cortland, why won’t you just tell me what’s going on?”

  There was no winning with this girl.

  Hazel eyed me but kept her silence. She and Flynn were the only people who knew I was going through a hard time. I really didn’t want to talk about it. “There’s nothing going on,” I lied.

  “Why are you lying to me?” she said in a hurt voice. “Did I do something? Can you not trust me?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” she asked.

  Sean studied my face the entire time. He seemed to read me pretty well “Baby, give him some space. If he doesn’t want to talk to us, he doesn’t have to.”

  I always knew I liked Sean.

  Scarlet didn’t look appeased. “We tell each other everything. Why the sudden change?”

  I knew she wasn’t going to quit. “Scarlet, I just…need space right now. I’ll open up when I’m ready.”

  Scarlet shut her mouth at my words. That was all she wanted to hear.

  Hazel patted my hand. “He knows he has all of us when he’s ready.”

  I didn’t want to look at Scarlet and see the hurt on her face. It was too hard. “Should we get going? It’s late.”

  “Sure.” Sean stood up and walked us to the door. Scarlet trailed behind him, misery on her face.

  “We’ll talk tomorrow,” I said.

  “Cool,” Sean said.

  “Goodnight,” Hazel said.

  Scarlet didn’t speak. She just watched us go.

  When I reached Hazel’s apartment I walked her to the door.

  “You don’t have to walk me,” she said.

  “I don’t mind,” I said immediately. My chivalric ways were ingrained in me a long time ago. It was nearly impossible to avoid them.

  “Thanks for taking me out and getting me a job.”

  “You’re welcome. You know, I’m like your boss now.”

  “Oh no,” she said. “I wonder what crazy things you’ll make me do.”

  “I’ll give you my coffee order. I like it at eight in the morning, sharp.”

  She laughed. “I hope you like spit instead of half and half.”

  I cringed. “Gross.”

  “Then don’t be an ass.”

  “I’ll just be an ass for non edible assignments.”

  “There are other things I can do to get revenge…”

  “What did I get myself into?”

  She smiled. “We�
��ll see.”

  “Well, goodnight.”

  “Night.” She got her door unlocked and walked inside.


  She turned around. “Yeah?”

  “Let me know if you need anything. Anything at all.”

  Her eyes softened. “And you let me know the same.”



  My dad and I left the office to have lunch. I wanted to invite Mike, but he didn’t come to work today because he claimed he had a massive hangover from the night before. I didn’t doubt that. My brother was being a party animal lately.

  But we did have a third guest joining us for lunch, little did he know…

  “We’ll take a table for three,” I said when I reached the hostess station.

  “Right this way, sir.”

  We followed her to a table and took our seats.

  “Three?” my father asked. “Who’s the third person?”

  “A friend of mine,” I said vaguely.

  My father eyed me across the table then picked up his menu. “Have you spoken to Mike?”

  “No. He’s been doing nothing but partying. He hasn’t even been home.”

  “Did you call him?”

  “He doesn’t answer.”

  My dad sighed. “I’m worried about him.”

  “Scarlet will talk to him when we finally track him down.”

  He put down the menu and looked out the window. “I can’t help but wonder if his reaction would have been so severe if your mother and I hadn’t called it quits.”

  “Don’t blame yourself, Dad. You did what you had to do.”

  “But I wish Mike understood that love still exists. It’s certainly not dead.”

  “He’ll realize it.”

  He shook his head. “Cassandra seemed so upset.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Dad. It’s going to take a miracle to put those two back together. Mike is…gone. I hate to be frank, but he’s in a different world now.”

  “No. He’s still there. We’ll find him.”

  I glanced at the menu and decided on the cucumber sandwich.

  “I’m having the butternut squash soup. What about you?”

  “Why do you always have to order old people food?” I asked.

  “Old people food?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah. That’s something an old grandmother eats.”

  “Well, I will be a grandfather soon.”

  “But you’re barely fifty. You don’t look old.”

  He smiled. “Wow. That’s the first time you’ve paid your old man a compliment.”

  “Savor it because it may not ever come again.”

  He laughed. “You’ll be a great father, Sean.”

  That hit me straight in the heart. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I have no doubt you and Scarlet will give your kids a wonderful life. I hope that heals Scarlet from her past. She never had a mother but she can become the one she never had to her own children.”

  “She’s an amazing wife, and she’ll be an even better mother.”

  He gave me a fond look. “You’ll do right by both of them, Sean.”

  “Well, I have an amazing role model to guide me.”

  “I did the best I could, Sean. I just hope it was enough.”

  “It was more than enough, Dad.”

  He sighed. “I wished I stood up for Scarlet more when…you know…your mother was being vile.”

  “Don’t do that to yourself. Scarlet and I both don’t put any blame on you.”

  “It’s still one of the mistakes I’ll live with.”

  “Dude, you were and still are the best dad ever. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else, not even Gandalf.”

  “You’d want Gandalf from Lord of the Rings to be your dad?” He looked at me like I was crazy.

  “Well…he can do magic and stuff.”

  He laughed. “I can’t compete with that.”

  “But you’re so much better. Seriously, don’t feel bad about it.”

  He shrugged. “You always strive to be the best parent. Unfortunately, you will always fail. You may as well learn that now.”

  “You aren’t making this sound depressing at all…”

  “I’m just warning you,” he said with a laugh. “So, where’s your friend?”

  I looked across the room and spotted her by the entrance. I waved my hand so she could see me.

  My dad looked across the room and his eyes widened. “Sean...?”

  I rose from my seat. “Hi, Mom.” I hugged her then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hello, honey.” She had her hair done and make up on her face. She wore a red cardigan with pearls. Her clothes were a little baggy from all the weight she lost, but she cleaned up well.

  My dad was stunned by her presence. He found his bearings then stood up. “Hello, Diane.”

  “Hello, Andrew,” she said with a faint smile.

  “We’re still a family, right?” I said. “Mom can have lunch with us.”

  My dad was caught off guard. “Of course she can.” He pulled out the chair for her so she could sit down.

  Once we were all seated, the tension descended. My dad didn’t know what to do with himself, so he drank his entire glass of water. My mom rested her hands on her lap and kept her back straight. Her posture was perfect like it used to be. I could tell I’d have to be the moderator for this.

  “So…” I cleared my throat. “Mom, what are you doing today?”

  “Just a few errands.”

  “What kind of errands?”

  “I had to pick up a few things then I was at the hospital for the morning.”

  My dad’s eyes widened in surprise. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes,” she said quickly. “I volunteer there.”

  My dad was speechless for a moment. “You volunteer?”

  She nodded. “In the labor and delivery room. Unfortunately, a lot of mothers give birth without any support from the father or even their family. So I keep them company so they don’t feel alone.”

  When my mom told me this over the phone, I was just as shocked as my father was. They already signed the divorce papers so everything was over and done with. But my mom hadn’t changed. She’d been working for charity and organizing events at the youth center on top of her other responsibilities. If it was just an act, she would have stopped by now. “Very cool, Mom. I’m sure they appreciate it.”

  She opened her purse and took out a picture. “One woman let me take a picture with her baby.”

  I eyed it, seeing the small bundle in her arms. “Nice.”

  She showed it to Andrew.

  “Very nice,” he said with a cracked voice.

  She put it away then rested her hands on her lap again. “So, what have you been doing, Andrew?”

  “I’ve been spending a lot of time at work and at Sean’s. Scarlet and I have lunch together and spend time doing crafts.”

  “That sounds nice,” she said. “Scarlet is a very vibrant woman.”

  I liked it when people complimented my wife, especially my mom. It was a long time coming. “She’s okay—most of the time.”

  My dad chuckled, picking up on my sarcasm.

  The waiter approached our table to take our order. I ordered first then waited for my parents to go. My dad usually ordered for himself and my mom. I waited to see if he would do it now.

  “Go ahead,” my dad said to her.

  She held the menu and browsed quickly. “I’ll have the quiche.”

  His eyes shifted slightly. “I’ll have the same.”

  He took the menus and left.

  My mom glanced at my dad. “You look toned. Have you been working out?”

  He flexed his arm then felt the bicep. “Sean and I have been going after work.”

  “I’m sure all the ladies notice you—like usual.”

  I liked where this conversation was going, some innocent flirting.

  My dad’s cheeks reddened. “I d
on’t know about that…”

  “I’ve started running.”

  “You look thinner,” he noted.

  She nodded. “And I got a dog. His name is Charlie.”

  “I thought you didn’t like dogs?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “He was a stray I found outside. He didn’t have a collar and he looked like he didn’t have any shots. After I took him to the vet, I adopted him.”

  “That sounds nice,” he said, surprise in his voice.

  She pulled out her phone and showed him a picture. It was a medium size mutt. He had long shaggy hair and his tongue flopped out.

  “He looks cool,” I said.

  “He’s wonderful,” she said. “I taught him a few tricks.”

  “Even cooler,” I said.

  My mom turned to me. “Any luck with a pregnancy?”

  “No,” I said sadly. “But I assure you, I’m sticking it to her as good as I can.”

  My dad laughed, and surprisingly, so did my mom.

  “You’ll get her pregnant eventually,” my mom said. “Sometimes these things take time.”

  “Well, it’s not bad it hasn’t happened right away.” I winked. “It’s an excuse for me to get lots of sex from my wife.”

  My dad shook his head. “Scarlet would be mollified if she knew what you were saying.”

  I shrugged. “She’ll get over it.”

  “Let’s hope she’ll get over it until you both die,” my dad said with a smile.

  My parents talked about work and other things, nothing too serious. They never mentioned the divorce or their relationship. I thought that was good for the atmosphere of the meeting. I hoped they could rekindle their feelings at some point. I honestly thought my mom changed, so did Scarlet. If I was willing to forgive my mom for what she did, then my dad should be able to as well.

  My dad paid for lunch and we walked to the street. My mom was so much shorter than my dad and I. At least a foot shorter. My dad towered over me at a height of 6’4. I was glad I was tall but not that tall. It would make sex complicated with Scarlet. Right now, she molded to me perfectly.

  “Well, it was nice to see you again,” my dad said.

  “You too,” she said.

  Tension settled on us. I guess I expected them to hug or something.

  “I’ll see you later, Mom.” I gave her a hug and pulled away.

  “You too, Sean.”

  My dad kept his hands in his pockets.


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