The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance

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The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance Page 72

by Tia Siren

  I reached down and grabbed his hand, feeling another contraction coming on. They were way more intense than I had thought they would be, and I gritted my teeth and held my breath, squeezing his hand as hard as I could.

  “Remember what the nurses told you,” he said calmly. “It’s hard, but use your breathing. It will help you get through the contractions.”

  “Right,” I said breathlessly as I nodded my head.

  I started to breathe in rhythms through my mouth, pulling in air and letting it out in short bursts. As the contraction reached its climax, I cried out in pain, collapsing back into the seat and closing my eyes as it began to lessen. I looked over at Scott with tears in my eyes.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” I said, panicked. “This is so painful. I can’t even focus through it like I wanted to.”

  “You can do this,” he said sweetly. “You are the strongest woman I know. The nine long months are over, and now you get to help our little baby come out into the world. You tell me when your next contraction is starting, and we will breathe through it together, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said, shaking my head and grabbing my stomach. “It’s coming now.”

  “Okay. Calm down and listen to my voice,” he said. “Relax your shoulders and absorb the pain. Take a deep breath in through your nose and let it out in short bursts from your mouth. Imagine the pain moving from there and flowing out of you.”

  I did exactly what he said, feeling the calming effect of his voice. He was being so encouraging and so kind, and it was bringing tears to my eyes. As the contraction began to wane, I let out a deep breath and looked over at him.

  “Thank you,” I said. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby,” he said, grabbing my hand tightly. “We are going to meet our baby tonight.”

  We pulled up in front of the hospital, and from there on out everything seemed to go so fast. They took me upstairs and got me set up in the bed, checking my dilation and seeing that I was progressing quickly. I decided against the drugs, wanting to give birth as naturally as I could. The contractions came and went, getting more and more intense as time passed. Scott stayed right there next to me the whole time, rubbing a cool cloth over my head and feeding me ice chips. Every time a contraction came, he would talk me through it, keeping his face close to mine and breathing with me. I didn’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t been there. He was my rock through the whole labor.

  When it was time to deliver, he held my leg and my hand, coaching me all the way through it. After only three hours of full labor, our beautiful little boy was born. We decided to name him Sean after Scott’s father, and I could see the love on Scott’s face as the doctor handed the baby to him. He walked over and put the baby in my arms, kissing me on the forehead. Tears ran down my face as I stared at the perfect little boy I was holding. At that moment, everything I had been through was worth it. Every tear, every pain, every struggle had brought me to this moment, and I couldn’t have been any happier.

  “You did an amazing job, Momma,” Scott said, kissing my lips.

  “So did you, Daddy.” I smiled. “He couldn’t be more perfect.”

  Once they got me cleaned up and taken to the room where I was going to spend the night, there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I said.

  “Hey,” Scott said, poking his head in and smiling over at Sean in the bassinet by the bed. “There are some people here to see you.”

  “Hey, sweetie,” my dad said, coming into the room and over to the bed.

  He kissed me on the forehead and smiled big, looking down at his new grandson. He reached down and rubbed his finger across his cheek like he had done to me so many times before. He looked back at me with tears in his eyes.

  “You did good, Cassie,” he said. “He is beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” I said, looking up as I heard a gasp.

  Scott’s Aunt Ida, Landon, and Whitney were standing in the room, all three of them with tears in their eyes. It was a beautiful moment, having us all together, and I couldn’t help being filled with joy. They took turns holding the baby, and I smiled as he cooed at his new grandmother. Landon sat down in the chair, and Whitney carefully walked over with Sean, gently placing him in Landon’s arms. She sat on the edge of the chair and looked over at the baby, pulling his blanket tighter around him. She nudged Landon and smiled, shaking her head. From the looks of it, Whitney and Landon were more than just acquaintances, and I could only assume he was the secret mystery man she had been seeing quietly in the background. I looked up at Scott, and he shrugged his shoulders with a slight smirk.

  “How is the business going?” my dad said to Scott.

  “It’s doing good,” he said, shaking his hand. “We’re going to close today, but Landon is going to be running things for a while so I can stay home and help with the baby.”

  “Good,” he said, patting him on the back. “We are really happy to have partnered with you guys. You have really given us some exceptional service.”

  He smiled. “We want everyone to think that. Thank you for giving us the opportunity. I know we weren’t able to come down as low as some of the wholesale places.”

  “Yeah, but the wholesale places don’t provide customer service,” he said. “It’s hard for someone in China to run a tool over to a job site when it is an emergency, and that is exactly what you guys do for us.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Scott said. “Besides, I got to visit with Bill, and that was nice. He told me he is retiring at the end of the year.”

  “Yeah. Hell of a guy. The company is really going to miss him, but I understand. He is tired of the run,” he said. “One day I’ll feel the same way.”

  “Hopefully not anytime soon,” I said from the bed.

  “Nah.” He chuckled. “I’m still young and virile. Now that your mother is back home, you know she won’t let me be some lazy retiree. Oh, and she will be over later. She had to go to her group and spread the good news.”

  “Right.” I chuckled.

  Everything had been going so well. Scott’s business had been up and running for two months. They were constantly getting orders and opening day had been crazy. The town had really looked forward to having a tool shop with that hometown feel again. My father partnered with the them, and they provide discount tools to my dad for the company. It was a win-win for everyone.

  I looked up and smiled as Whitney handed Sean back to me. I pulled him close to my chest and looked down at him and then around the room, thinking about how perfect my life had turned out to be.

  Everyone stayed for most of the day, bringing me in some non-hospital food and sitting around quietly chatting. I felt like I was really part of something big. My mom came by, but she was awkward and short as usual. That was okay with me. I had learned to not let her get to me. That evening when everyone left, Scott climbed into the bed with Sean and me.

  “This is the perfect life,” I said.

  “That it is,” he said. “But I can think of one thing that might make it even more perfect.”

  “If you say another baby, me and you are going to fight.” I laughed.

  “No,” he said, laughing. “This.”

  He pulled a diamond ring from his pocket and held it up in front of me. I gasped, holding Sean close to me, tears beginning to stream down my face. I looked over at Scott in shock.

  “It was my mother’s,” he said. “You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and I want us to be a real and true family together. I can’t promise you the world, but I can promise you that I will always try to get it for you. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?”

  “Yes,” I said, crying. “Yes!”

  Maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe there really was a happily ever after out there for me. As I leaned in and kissed Scott softly, I realized I had finally found mine, and it was with Scott and our baby, Sean.


br />
  Hot Man Wanted

  I'm going on a dating site to get myself a real O..

  I did it.

  I posted the Hot Man Wanted ad.

  I'm looking for a man - with skillful hands and a nimble tongue.

  And I think I found him.

  Mason's full lips and bedroom eyes make me want to lick the screen.

  And I'm wet from just reading his texts.

  My legs are shaking with anticipation.

  He's going to make a huge entrance - and give me a grand finale.

  But can a girl just pick up a man on a dating site?

  Have s*x with a stranger?

  It's so naughty.

  But I want it.

  I want Mason to give me my first O.

  Is that so wrong?


  Chapter 1


  “You need to get out, Mase,” Winston said. “Loosen up. Get some strange. You know, live a little!”

  The lavish wedding reception was in full swing around us, but for some reason, Winston felt like now was a good time to break my balls. It didn’t bother me. Winston had been my best friend for years, so I was used to his random criticisms about my life.

  “I am out, Winston,” I said. “We’re here at a perfectly nice party, in a tent bigger than most people’s homes, and we’ve got a great view of the L.A. skyline. Just have a drink, and stop fucking with me already.”

  Winston laughed. “I’m not fucking with you. I’m just trying to help. And this isn’t getting out, my man. You’re still surrounded by the wealthy elite.”

  “You’re one of these wealthy, elite, too,” I reminded him.

  He waved my comment away. “Not in spirit. I go out into the world and hang out with real people. You should try it. It’ll change your life.”

  “I’m not trading my tailored suits for your ratty jeans,” I said. “Just to go into town and slum it? That’s not what I call living.”

  “I’m not slumming it. I’m just doing research on how the others live.”

  I loved Winston like a brother, but man, was he an idiot. We came from billions of dollars’ worth of money, and he spent his time running around the streets of L.A. in a t-shirt and worn out jeans while he rubbed shoulders with people who gawked over others carrying more than fifty bucks in their pocket. It was insane.

  “You’re too fucking uptight, Mase,” Winston urged.

  “Yes, you keep saying that, but repeating it isn’t going to help loosen me up.”

  “You have your whole life mapped out already,” Winston said. “Almost to the day.”

  I snorted. “No, I don’t.”

  Winston laughed. “How’s this? Later, you’re gonna take that hot little thing you brought to the wedding back to your hotel. You’ll probably fuck her, but you’ll leave her there and never talk to her again.”

  I grinned. “Probably, but that’s not having my life mapped out. I just call that a fun evening.”

  “Okay,” Winston said. “In about two weeks, you’ll jettison off to St. Bart’s, spend your winter in Aspen pretending to like skiing, but you’ll part ways around Christmas time to spend it in New York. But between Barty’s and skiing, you’ll travel to Milan to get some shopping done for the next chick you’ll have on your arm, because this nameless model you brought to this wedding will be long gone by then.”

  I felt my hand clenching around my scotch glass while Winston continued to rattle off my life. Sure, it was planned, and sure, I did some of the same things every year, but why the fuck did that matter?

  My dick sunk itself into countless beautiful women from all walks of life: models, heiresses, Hollywood up-and-coming sweethearts. I loved spoiling them, and then I loved burying myself between their legs when they wanted to show their gratitude for that spoiling.

  “You’re predictable, Mase.”

  “And you’re an asshole, Dub.”

  I sipped my scotch and looked out at all of the people gathered at this wedding reception. I pinpointed celebrities with movies coming out this year and politicians who’d just shown up in the news for fucking prostitutes in coke houses. I saw people with old money rolling their shoulders back and silently making predictions on how long the couple would stay together, and I saw people with new money glittering in the evening sunset sunlight.

  I could always tell when people come from old money versus new money. People with old money walked with sticks up their asses and had perpetual divots in their lips from the silver spoon constantly hanging out of it, and people from new money were hard to look at because all they did was glitter and shine with the new shit they’d bought on a whim.

  Both are pathetic, in my opinion, just for different reasons.

  The newly-wedded couple looked happy, but their smiles didn’t quite match their eyes. That was the thing about wealthy families. They kept arranged marriages alive. Talk about having your whole life planned out.

  My life would end up just like these two unhappy people. My dick throbbed for any tight piece of ass that came into my vision because, eventually, I’d be forced to settle down with someone my age who also had money, just so we could keep that money between the families. No marrying someone beneath us so they could spend it all, and no staying single so we could destroy the family reputation.

  I wonder if the bride knew her husband had been fucking her maid of honor just before he walked down the aisle today?

  “So, how long do you think it’ll last?” Winston asked.

  “Depends on how much of his money she gets to spend,” I murmured.

  “You think there’s a prenup?”

  “Jesus Christ, there better be,” I said.

  “I wonder if he knows she was sucking old man Richardson’s cock in her bridal suite earlier,” Winston mused out loud.

  “Wait,” I said. “The man who makes homemade ice cream all summer for the kids?”

  “Yep. She was sucking his cream down just fine a couple hours before the wedding.”

  “Oh, so it’s a match made in heaven?” I asked, shaking my head.

  “You think so?”

  “Yeah. Because the groom was totally plowing the maid of honor a half hour before she walked down that aisle.”

  “Oh, shit!” Winston said.

  “They’ll be just fine,” I said. “Marriage is probably easier when neither spouse gives a shit about the other.”

  I took a sip of my scotch and slowly turned my view towards the sun setting over the skyline. L.A. was beautiful when I didn’t have to deal with pathetic individuals. But everyone here was pathetic in their own way.

  The bride and groom would live in a loveless marriage and spend way too much money to cover up their unhappiness. All because neither of them could say ‘no’ to mommy and daddy dearest’s demand to marry within their high society circles. The people wining and dining here at the reception plastered on their fake smiles while people whispered in the corners about whose mouth was wrapped around whose cock. It was all such a fucking joke.

  “You like them rolling green hills?” Winston asked.

  I stared out over the scenery, and it really was beautiful. Green hills rose and fell like giant waves frozen in time. They were here long before these jackasses teetering around on the dance floor, and they’d be here long after.

  “Yeah…” I trailed off.

  The lights of L.A. were beginning to pierce a sky that was quickly dimming, and I couldn’t help but think that it would be nice to live out here. It was quiet, it was picturesque, and I could stay away from these drunk, dancing idiots that were starting to give me a headache.

  “Those rolling hills are something,” Winston said. “Like those curves of that beautiful woman staring you down at the bar.”

  “Is my date pissed or what?” I asked before I looked over at her.

  “I’d be, too, if I wore that type of dress and didn’t have your hands on me,” Winston quipped.

  “Oh, you want these hands on you, huh?” I
smirked. I trotted towards him and batted my eyelashes, and I slipped my arm around his waist as he tried to wiggle away.


  “Oh, Winston!” I said in a mocking voice. “Your dick is so big! Put it in me, please! Look at my dress, Winston! Do you like it?”

  “Get off!” Winston exclaimed.

  “You said you wanted it,” I said.

  I brought my glass back up to my lips before I turned my gaze back to the skyline. Nighttime was taking over, and the clomping of people on the dance floor was growing to a dull roar. Pretty soon, I’d make up some excuse to grab my date and get out of here.

  She wasn’t very interesting. I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, and she would just giggle and pet my arm. I knew what she wanted. A fancy night out while hanging off the arm of a rich man, and to feel, just once, like she was the center of someone’s world. She wanted me to buy her something that glittered on her neck so she could go back to her world and tell all her friends about how she had a tryst with a billionaire.

  And I was willing to give her all of that, as long as she gave me that pussy between her long, fluid legs.

  “You’re really missing out, Mase,” Winston said.

  “Not this again,” I murmured.

  “No, really. And you know how I know?”

  “I’ll bite,” I said. “How do you know, omniscient Winston, that I’m missing out on my life?”

  “Because your date is being hit on by a groomsman, and you don’t give a single fuck about it.”

  I panned my head around and saw what Winston was seeing. My date was gripping the collar of one of the drunk groomsmen, and part of me wondered if he was about to puke on her. Yeah, he looked rich. After all, the groom’s party were all wearing Armani tuxedos, but the man she was clinging on to was the groom’s best friend from college who owned a coffee shop in the valley.

  Didn’t make more than forty grand a year, I’d suspect.

  “She’ll get a rude awakening in the morning,” I murmured.


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