The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance

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The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance Page 76

by Tia Siren

  “Most people do. They call me an ‘old lady’ and stuff because of it. Especially after what you picked me up in.”

  He nodded but stayed silent, and part of me wished I hadn’t opened my big mouth.

  We drove through downtown L.A., and he seemed to know where he was going so I didn’t ask. We wound through the streets and quickly passed the lights that lined the road, and when we breached the outer edges of the city, we started winding up a thin dirt road.

  The city sunk below us and a smile broke out across my cheeks, and before I could catch what I was doing, I reached over and took his hand. I knew exactly where he was taking us, and I was very excited to be able to take in the view with him.

  He slowly brought my old ass car to a stop, and when he turned the car off, we sat and looked at the Hollywood sign as it shone over top of the entire city of L.A.

  “It’s beautiful up here,” I breathed.

  “Why don’t we climb in back?”

  I turned and looked at Mason, and his eyes were dark with excitement. I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt and the two of us scrambled to get into the back of the car seat. Part of me was absolutely thrilled. I mean, it felt like I was in my own movie.

  We slid in next to one another, and I cradled myself into him. We gazed out the windshield at the view below us for a few more minutes, and then I felt his lips graze the shell of my ear.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  God, he was so perfect.

  “Plenty of girls have experienced their first orgasm in the backseat of a car,” I said. “Kind of a rite of passage, isn’t it?”

  I turned my gaze toward him, and I could feel his breath on my lips. My body was already heated and ready to go, and when he crashed his lips against mine, my hands flew to his hair. Time after time, we had been interrupted, and my body was buzzing for him. My tits were hard peaks, and my inner thighs were wet with desire, and all I wanted to do was experience everything he had to give me.

  I felt his dick hard against my thigh as I parted my legs for him, and I could tell by the way his lips connected with my neck that he was just as frustrated as I was. I wound my fingertips into the tendrils of his hair, and my hips began to roll into his body.

  I pulled him up to me and took his lips again. He tasted so sweet, and his lips were to luscious, and I couldn’t help but draw it in between my teeth and suck. He groaned and it shot electricity all the way to my core, and I felt his hands quickly slipping up my dress. I felt his fingertips graze the fabric of my underwear, and I could feel my wetness permeating the fabric before he buried his face into my tits.

  “Jesus, you’re so wet,” he groaned.

  His fingertips slid the fabric of my panties to the side, and he dipped his fingertips into my entrance to slick them up. My body was buzzing with delight as I lobbed my head back and rested it on the car seat. His fingers pumped in and out of me, and just as my walls started to flutter around him, he pulled away. His belt buckle clattered, and he shifted around in the car, and when I opened my eyes and looked up at him, I caught a glimpse of the raging cock he held in his hand.

  Its tip glistened with precome while my juices dripped down the crack of my ass, and I watched while he lined his cock up with my entrance. His chest was heaving, and his eyes were predatory, and when he pushed into me, I could feel my body molding against his.

  He dropped down and started to thrust into me, and my eyes started to roll into the back of my head. He was thicker than any man I’d ever been with, and he brushed up against a spot inside of me that made me shiver every single time he did it. He placed sloppy kisses on my cheeks and neck, and then be buried his face into my breasts and picked up his pace.

  The car was rocking, and his balls were slapping me in the ass. Before I knew it, I felt that familiar burning sensation begin to brew in the pit of my gut. The windows were beginning to fog, and I propped my leg up onto the back of one of the car seats. Before I could catch my breath, I was flying over the edge.

  My body pulled taut, and the sounds that poured from my lips stopped. My pussy milked him for everything it was worth, and silver stars burst in my vision. I felt my nipples tighten, and my body started to tremble, and just when I thought it was over, I felt his fingers part my pussy folds.

  His smooth, dexterous fingers circled my swollen nub while I tried to catch my breath. I felt the build of a second fire as I clenched my thighs down around him. I drew him into me and threw my arms around his neck, and I clung to him for dear life while he sank his teeth into my neck.

  “Come for me,” he whispered. “You can do it again, I promise.”

  Chapter 7


  Her body was sprawled out for me in the back of her car, and something primal took over my system. Her thighs were glistening with sweat and pussy juices, and my cock was buried deep within her. The way her walls clenched down around my dick made every other woman I’d been with pale in comparison. My raging cock was throbbing inside of her, and her entire body was trembling underneath me. I knew I could edge her to another one if I encircled her clit.

  Her thick tits were heaving, and her chest was flushed in lust, and the way she spread her legs for me in the back of her car told me everything I needed to know about how I was doing. She was mine tonight, and I was going to make sure she never forgot the experience.

  “Come for me. You can do it again, I promise.”

  My words came out more demanding than I wanted, but the moan that poured from her lips told me she loved every second of it. I pounded into her hips so hard I could feel the car rocking with our motions, and sweat started trickling down my back when it no longer had room to cling to the windows of the vehicle. The Hollywood sign was no longer the most beautiful thing about this view, and I couldn’t help but watch her face contort as she slammed her hips up into mine, meeting me thrust for thrust.

  “Yes. Jesus, Mason. Oh, god. What have you done to me?”

  Her pussy was greedy for what I could give her, and I wanted her to rocket off that ledge again. I wanted her body to shake until she physically couldn’t catch her breath, just so I could feel her walls massage my cock again.

  She was reaching for anything she could grab, and I felt her clit swelling larger underneath the pads of my fingers. I reared back to get a better angle, and I saw her mouth peel open in silent ecstasy.

  The way her pussy milked my dick again brought me to my knees, and I fell towards her and buried my dick deep inside of her. Her body was so soft and bounced so good to the timing of my thrusts, and I captured her lips in mine as her tits heaved against my chest.

  “Oh, my god,” she breathed.

  I didn’t give a shit that I didn’t come. That wasn’t the point of the evening. The point was to give her something no man had ever given her before, and I wanted to make sure she never forgot what that felt like. I wanted to make sure that every man she was with from this point on was compared to me and what I gave her tonight. A part of me even hoped all the men to come would pale in comparison.

  I laid there with my hands beside her head, seated in her swollen heat as I watched her slowly come down from her high. Her eyes fluttered open, and a shy smile crossed her cheeks. A small part of me was wondering if she’d be up for another round. Her body molded perfectly to mine, and I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to her, so when I slowly slipped out from between her legs, I pulled her into my lap and held her close.

  The condensation on the windows made her sedan very humid, but I honestly didn’t care. I loved how pliable her skin was underneath my fingertips, and the way she curled into me just felt right. I sat there for a while and held her while the condensation slowly dripped away from the windows. When we could finally see the Hollywood sign again, she broke the silence.

  “Thank you,” she breathed.

  “That good, huh?”

  “Oh, can it.”

  She elbowed me playfully in my stomach, and I feigned being hurt. The giggle that
fell from her lips prompted me to capture them in a kiss again. It was soft, nothing like what had just occurred, and when she awarded me entrance into her mouth, I got a taste of just how sweet she was.

  “You’re a good kisser,” she murmured into my lips.

  “Apparently, I’m good at many things,” I quipped.

  “Oh, so you got jokes?”

  “I’ve always got jokes. I’m the king of jokes.”

  “Then tell me a joke, hot stuff.”

  I looked into her eyes and racked my brain for a joke I thought would make her laugh. Her eyes searched mine, waiting patiently for me to fulfill the challenge I had taken on, but the only thing I could think about was how effortless this was for me. How effortless it was to hold her close and how effortless it was to talk with her. We weren’t even talking about anything important. We were just chatting mindlessly. About nothing.

  I’d never experienced that before with a woman.

  I studied her face and took in everything about her. The slope of her curves and the way her makeup was smudged just enough to piss her off when she realized it was. Her bold, fake jewelry that was hanging cockeyed on her body, and her boldly-printed fabrics that probably cost less than the socks I was currently wearing. She was different in every way from any woman I had ever been surrounded with, and it drew me in.

  Everything about her drew me in.

  But the truth was she’d never fit in with my family. My iron-fisted mother would take one look at the shoes she strode into the house with and toss her back out onto the street. Men like me were meant to marry women like Eva so we could have more children like ourselves who could inherit more money than they’d ever be able to spend in their lifetime. We were meant to have the perfect wedding, and Eva was meant to never rise above a size six, no matter how many children she pumped out for our nanny to raise. I needed to have money on deck for her tummy tuck after each child, and I was expected to go into the office and work late hours so Eva had something to complain about when I got home.

  That was my life, and Ash had no place in it.

  “Well, I’m waiting?” she said.

  I guess I could hang out just a little while longer.

  “Why do you think Santa is always so jolly?” I asked.

  I watched her crinkle her nose before she darted her eyes around. I could tell the question confused her, and I could see a part of her trying to work it out.

  “You’re one of those people that love riddles, aren’t you?” I asked.

  “I do my crossword puzzles in pen, thank you very much,” she nodded.

  “I don’t do crossword puzzles at all.”

  “I don’t blame you,” she said. “You could probably just pay someone to do it for you.”

  “How much money do you think I have?”

  “More than me, but that’s not too hard.”

  It didn’t make me uncomfortable that she understood I had money. That was nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t think she realized the extent of my wealth, but that wasn’t important. What was important was that she didn’t figure out whose apartment she had actually arrived at. We wouldn’t ever work. We lived in two different worlds, governed by two very different lifestyle expectations, and there was no use getting into all the drama surrounding my mother and the type of person she had become. There was no use hashing out my father’s death, and there was no use trying to figure out if this could work.

  Because it couldn’t.

  But that revelation only made me want to sit here longer with her in my arms.

  “You never told me,” she said.

  “Told you what?”

  “Why Santa’s always so jolly.”

  Her big, green eyes were juxtaposed against her bright blue hair, and for the first time I could ever recall, I actually didn’t want to take her back. I wanted to crank up her sedan and drive until we ran out of gas, and then I wanted to fill her tank to the brim in the backseat of this car before I put gas back in her tank.

  Scenes of memories that would never happen buzzed through my mind: watching the sunrise over the ocean, digging sand out of the cracks of our body after I took her on the beach, licking her pussy clean in the shower once she was done soaping herself down.

  I really could see something with her, and that was what made this so hard.

  “It’s really easy to figure out,” I said. “It’s because he knows where all the naughty girls live.”

  I smirked down at her and watched her eyes crinkle with her smile. Her light giggle turned into a full-fledged laugh, and pretty soon, the two of us were trying hard to catch our breath in the backseat of her rickety car.

  My pants were still down around my ankles, and her tits were still spilling over the top of her dress, and it was the rawest I’d ever seen a woman: fully exposed and still light-headed from her orgasm. This was probably the most vulnerable she’d ever been with a man, and I was about to drive us back to an apartment that wasn’t mine before waving goodbye and never seeing her again.

  I swear, I used to be so much better at one-night stands than this.

  “I suppose we should be getting back,” she sighed.

  “I guess.”

  We put ourselves back together and got out of the backseat. When we slid into the front of the car, she instinctively took my hand. I looked down at the embrace before I trailed my eyes back up to her, and when she looked over at me, I committed her eyes to memory. I didn’t want to take her back. I didn’t want to go back to the life I was living, and that’s when I started to realize why Winston was doing his “research.”

  Things were simpler down here, in ways I had never experienced, and I didn’t want it to stop.

  I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it lightly, and then I dropped her hand and cranked the car. The ride back was silent and tense, and something told me she wasn’t quite ready to go either. We slowly inched to a stop in front of Winston’s apartment, and when I got out of the car so we could switch places, I had to stop myself from climbing into the passenger seat.

  “Thank you again,” she said, smiling lightly. “For everything.”

  “Trust me. The pleasure was all mine.”

  She sat there for a while, debating on what to do, and I leaned in one last time and gave her a kiss on her cheek. I could have sworn I heard her sigh quietly, and when I felt her cheek press into my lips, I knew she was thinking exactly what I was.

  “Goodnight,” I murmured against her skin.

  I clenched my fists in my pockets as I watched her drive off. Fuck my family and their stupid fucking standards. Fuck marrying Eva and having an office job. I didn’t want to go to Barty’s, and I didn’t want to fucking go skiing in the winter. I began to hate the standards I was expected to live by. I began to hate Winston for this bullshit bet. Had I never done it, I would’ve never met her. Had I never done it, I would’ve never known how they lived. Fuck this nonsense and this “she wouldn’t fit in with my family.”

  She fits in with me. Doesn’t that fucking matter?

  I ripped my cell phone from my pocket and called the driver. I told him to come pick me up before I shot a text message to Winston, thanking him for letting me use his apartment, and when the driver pulled up, I slammed myself down onto the seat.

  Everything about this situation was bullshit.

  Chapter 8


  I could hardly keep my eyes open at work. My back ached, and my pussy was still sore, and I just couldn’t get him out of my mind. I dreamed of Mason last night, of how good it felt to have his arms wrapped around me, and I woke up hugging my pillow.

  Sure, I’d gotten my first man-induced orgasm in the back of my beaten-up sedan, but there was something powerful about it. The way his eyes darkened and the way his hips rolled into mine. My insecurities faded away when I was with him.

  Stocking the shelves was a blur, and I was sitting more than I was working. Every time I tried to lift my arm to grab something, my shoulder started to tremble
. By the time lunch came and went, I’d already had four cups of coffee. I kept having to reapply my eyeliner because I kept yawning, and the tears from my bombastic yawns were streaking the eyeliner down my cheeks.

  “You look like hell,” Luna said.

  “Your glasses are too thick,” I threw back.

  “Who pissed in your coffee?”

  “With the way it tastes, I’m assuming the entire block.”

  “Don’t like my coffee?” Luna asked, grinning. “Go get some of your own. You can go after you sort the buttons.”

  “I sorted the buttons last week,” I said. “What happened?”

  “Someone brought their kids in.”

  I sighed and got up from my chair only to step down onto a lone crochet hook.

  “Holy sh—”

  “Language,” Luna smirked. “What’s go you so tired, hun?”

  “Just up late,” I sighed.

  “Sounds like a guy to me.”

  I felt tears prickle the back of my eyes and decided to just shrug it off. I picked up the plastic bins of buttons and set them down onto the table in back. I started sorting them out, and my mind wafted back to the dream.

  We were walking through downtown L.A. before we found ourselves at the end of a pier. We had ice cream cones in our hands, and it was dripping down my fingers. Mason handed me a handkerchief that felt like silk and honey. I wiped my hand off, and he plucked the ice cream cone from my hand. Before I could protest, he started wiping the cone on my chest.

  He bent over and began licking it off, and the people from the pier faded away. Our bodies floated over the ocean, and I watched as his eyes darkened the same color they did in the back of the car that night.

  I had to take deep breaths so my hands would stop shaking long enough to sort out those damn buttons.

  The truth was, he fulfilled the ad. I’d taken it down, and men stopped messaging, but I didn’t understand why that had to be the end. I mean, he held me for what seemed like hours afterward. Men didn’t have fun doing that, right? Technically, I’d taken the lead. I mean, he’d set up his apartment and everything. At least, I thought it was his apartment. It was kind of odd how that little dog barked at him if it was his. He seemed kind of startled by the fact that it was there at all.


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