by Marie Wathen
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Having Club Toxic closed off for the entire night from the general public with the exception of my select guest list is turning out to be a fantastic idea. Ian and Jack brought some of the guys we played soccer with in the park last weekend and Tristan has some of his baseball buddies along with their girlfriends hanging out with us. They are well into the dart competition and it’s getting rowdy. The only real issue with tonight’s guest list is the hot little blonde who just happens to be working the VIP bar tonight.
From what I can tell by her demeanor, and the fact that she hasn’t even looked at me once tonight, she’s probably noticed Breesan is my date. What the hell? Why do I give a shit if Waverly’s pissed? Mentally, I shake my head. It doesn’t matter to me if she knows I’m on a date or if she ignores me. I just hope I don’t have to deal with Waverly’s shit if she decides to become jealous. She has never behaved badly, but she’s also never had competition like Breesan before either.
“Morgan, is that the same babe you brought to the party a few nights ago?” Ian asks. Smiling with approval, I nod.
“Breesan Maxwell. She’s Anna’s best friend.”
“What about her?” Anna is eavesdropping and casually butts in our conversation.
“Nothing to worry about Anna. Ian just recognized Breesan from my party.” She scoots out of her seat and moves into the one Breesan abandoned to search out the restroom twenty minutes ago.
“We haven’t had a chance to chat about that night either. So, why don’t you tell me what is going on with you and my girl?” Her smile is contagious and hints that she is pleased with our repeat date.
“We are just friends so don’t get that squeaky energized squeal you always get when you get excited about something.” I bump her playfully with my shoulder, but she shakes her head at me.
“No sir, you have to tell me, what are the details? She’s pretty much filled me in but I want to hear your side of it. Now spill!” She’s seriously staring at me, waiting for details. I chuckle and pull her into a hug.
“Anna Banana, I love you. If your best friend wants to tell you all the details of our relationship then that’s great, but I’m not saying shit.” I tweak her nose and she slaps my hand away.
“Fine. But seriously Morgan, she really is my best friend and I won’t let you or any guy hurt her. She’s tough, one of the toughest women I know, but she’s also broken. So please just be good to her. For me.” Her eyes are pleading and I can no longer joke with her after this revelation.
“Anything for you. I promise to keep my hands to myself as long as she wants me to. Do you know what’s going on with her and Marcus?” My question surprises her and she’s genuinely shocked.
“Uh, nothing and I hope it stays that way. It’s already bad enough that she was confused by the whole twin thing that night. I’m surprised she’s even agreed to give you another chance.” She pokes me in the chest with a thin finger and accomplishes to lighten both our moods. I choose to let it go because she’s obviously not going to tell me anything, but I’m almost certain there is something between Breesan and my brother. I’m going to have to step up my game.
“Speaking of my date, how long is too long to be gone to the ladies room before I should begin to worry that she’s bailed on me or picked up another guy downstairs?”
“Not her style, Morg.” She shakes her head and jumps up when a new song comes on that she deems as her favorite. Then she tugs Tristan onto the dance floor.
I continue to wait a little longer before deciding Breesan has definitely been gone too long. Ian and I walk down the stairs to the main level on our way to the restrooms. At a corner table near the bar I spot Marcus with a woman wrapped around him. As I pass him, I recognize that the woman is Elise. I stop in my tracks as she screeches my name at the top of her lungs.
“Oh Morgan, you are here. Sit, sit! I want to talk with you both.” I hesitate and she snaps again. “Sit. Down. Morgan!” She’s been drinking and I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to deal with her bullshit fast enough so I can get back to looking for my date. I take the seat across from them and Marcus’ face is stone, not one emotion is displayed. “What do you want Elise?” I give Marcus a questioning look. He shrugs.
“You both have had time to get over everything. Now I want us to move on. I want us all to be friends again. Please. I deserve a chance to show you how important you are to me,” she whines. Just like before, it always comes back to what Elise wants and fuck everybody else, literally.
“She’s on her fourth dirty martini. I’m calling a cab and pouring her into it. She’s not your problem tonight Morgan. Go back to your date, dip shit,” he barks.
“Alright, I actually came down to make sure Breesan is ok. She came down half hour ago to use the ladies room but never returned. Have you seen her tonight?”
Jumping from his seat, he storms down the hallway. Reaching the women’s bathroom, he slings the door open and finds Breesan passed out next to another girl. Lifting her head off the floor, he places his finger on her neck, checking for a pulse. Relief washes over his features as he screams at me to call an ambulance. Then he moves over to the other woman on the floor.
“What the fuck, Marcus? What’s going on? Are they ok?”
He shakes his head as he lays the young woman back on the ground then scoops Breesan into his lap. Blurting out the address and details for the EMS dispatcher, she gives me CPR instructions for the unconscious girl. Kole forces his way past me and proceeds with CPR. He stops after a few minutes and drops his shoulders in defeat. A dark shadow passes across his face when he looks at Marcus. Then he reaches behind the girls arm and produces a small vile and a used needle.
I anxiously shift my eyes to Marcus. “She’s dead Morgan, Breesan is just barely alive. Get Tristan now! Find out what the hell is taking the damn ambulance so long!”
A surge of panic knocks me backwards. Before I realize what is happening, I rush out of the ladies room toward VIP in search of Tristan but not before I hear the concern in Marcus’ voice calling for her to wake up.
“Breesan, can you hear me? Baby, I need you to wake up for me.”
I fucking knew it
I cringe, knowing he wants her, but continue to sprint up the stairs. Within seconds, Tristan and Kole’s security team is combing the club for anyone who was not on the private guest list. Medics quickly and carefully begin loading an unconscious Breesan into the back of the ambulance. I start to enter with them, but they instruct me to follow instead.
“Morgan!” Tristan bellows.
Looking at him, I’m unable to focus on what he is saying so I shake my head, indicating I just can’t cooperate with him at the moment. I’m perturbed, astonished, and feel guilty as hell about not escorting her to the ladies room. Had I pulled my head out of my ass and been more of a gentleman, this shit would not be happening right now.
“Fuck Tristan, we have to find out who did this to her. Whatever means it takes; do it. I absolutely fucking hate that someone hurt her while I was upstairs partying. Damn it!” I roar, attracting the attention of the gathering crowd that abruptly silences.
Lowering his voice, Tristan grasps my shoulder tightly. “You and me both Morgan, but first let’s make sure she’s going to be alright. I’m going to ride in the back of the ambulance with Marcus. Take Anna with you in the limo and don’t let her call Julia, not right now. I need to talk with the Chief about everything first.”
I nod my head. To say I’m displeased that Marcus is allowed to ride with her and I’m not is an understatement. I refuse to allow my selfishness cause Breesan any more harm. I watch Anna move away as the medic closes the ambulance door. I reach over and take her in my arms. Before arriving at the hospital, I make a couple of phone calls but keep a watchful eye on Anna. Looking like she might fall apart at an
y second, I’m not sure I can deal with it but keep my shit together for her.
Chapter 12
A police cruiser escorts us to the hospital. Luckily the traffic is minimal so we arrive within a couple of minutes. Breesan’s breathing regulates after one of the medics expertly attaches an IV to her hand.
“Sir, we’re going to need you to wait outside,” a sweet nurse says, unaware that what she’s asking is impossible. “We’ll bring you back after the doctor has checked her,” she adds smiling.
“No ma’am I’m afraid I won’t be leaving her side. Calling security won’t keep me away either.” She concedes when I flash my law enforcement credentials.
They wheel Breesan to a private room where a second nurse immediately begins undressing her. Turning around, I wait for them to give me the all clear after they check her for other locations of injury. Once the nurse finishes, she quietly leaves us. Sitting in the chair next to Breesan’s bed, I take hold of her hand; it’s cold and clammy. My anxiety level borders turbulent and I want to wreck someone for what’s happening. Tristan, Anna, and Morgan enter the room just as the nurse tells me the doctor will be in a few minutes.
“Anything?” I demand from Tristan. Seeing an icy glare from Morgan, I tense but focus on getting answers.
“No, just spoke with Kole. He said the investigators just arrived on the scene and they are detaining everyone until after they finish processing the evidence and confirm everyone on Morgan’s guest list. Although I know this is a waste of my breath, why don’t we step out and let the professionals help Breesan?” Cutting him a look, he understands immediately that I can’t leave her. “Fine, but when I spoke with the Chief earlier he advised that he was sending in an officer to sit at the door while she’s here.”
“Great,” I calmly reply.
“Mac, did you see anyone go into the ladies room with Breesan?”
Shaking my head, I don’t take my eyes off of her when I answer him. My body is on edge from the thought that someone followed her into that bathroom and I didn’t see them. I’m going to kill whoever did this to her. I wish she could wake up and tell me. Plus, I need to see those sexy gray eyes full of fire, and life, again.
“There were a few minutes that I wasn’t watching the hallway, but I didn’t see anyone suspicious enter or leave the club all night. I’m afraid it may be someone from the invited guests or someone working at the club. Can you think of anyone who would want to harm her?” I ask, looking between Tristan and Anna.
“Seriously?” Anna yells hysterically. “Hell no! No one would hurt her. She is the sweetest person I have ever known. There is absolutely no reason to want to hurt her. What about the dead girl?” She turns to Tristan. “Do you know who she is? Was she on Morgan’s guest list or did she work at the club?” We all look at Morgan.
“I’ve never seen her. She could have come with someone else. Even though it was a closed party, I gave carte blanche to all of my friends. I don’t know many of the employees. Tox, Ensley, and Waverly are the only ones I’ve had any contact with since arriving on the island. Ian and Jack may know her, they have lived here all of their lives and frequent Toxic every weekend.” His nervousness is awkward for his generally controlled temperament. Morgan is affected by what’s happened to her just as much as I am. Dammit.
An investigator enters the room along with the doctor who complains about the number of visitors in her room. No one volunteers to leave and he gives up, realizing we won’t be persuaded. An hour later the doctor gives us the devastating test results. Scared shitless after discovering that Breesan was injected with Ryske, I glance up and find worry etched across the faces of the people who love her most and control my urge to rage against that son of a bitch Dr A. It’s his fault she’s laying here so damn close to death. Now I’m more determined than ever to find that bastard and end his tyranny.
“She has never used drugs. That girl must have forced her to do it.” Anna cries. Tristan holds her up as she begins crying uncontrollably from the news. I squeeze Breesan’s hand and brace myself for whatever else he has to tell us.
“She is in critical condition. There are no guarantees with this new drug. We are not sure if the antidote will work or not. I’ve never seen anything like it. Apparently it is the latest new drug making its way around the club scene. We administered a narcotic antagonist, which should show some results soon if it is going to work. And one of the nurses will remain in her room overnight for continuous observation. Once she wakes up we’ll know more on how it has actually affected her body and mind. Now, is there a parent or family member that you need to notify?” The doctor asks casually after surprising us with this terrifying information.
Realizing how fucked up the situation is, all the air is crushed out of me. While everyone in the room remains unmoved, Tristan fills the doctor in about her stepmother. No one’s made contact with her yet and I’m afraid she won’t be happy to see me here. I stay with Breesan as long as I can, but prior to The Witch’s arrival I make an excuse and leave. I contact Rhys and update him on what the doctor revealed about Breesan’s Ryske overdose. As much as I want, I can’t stay by Breesan’s side so I’m going to do my best to help with the investigation.
The scene is secured, evidence collected, and a security detail is set up to stay overnight. Whether or not I’m ready, I have to meet Mrs. Maxwell for further instructions. I’m repulsed with myself for leaving Breesan’s bedside, but once I’m finished with her stepmother I’ll be free to stay with her. Noticing the time is nearly three in the morning, I send The Witch a text message and receive her response almost instantaneously. She’s returned home and expects me now.
Pulling up to the Maxwell residence, I noticed an unfamiliar black sedan in the driveway. Automatically it sets my nerves on edge. I should probably call all this bullshit in to my team, but I’m already going to be in deep shit with The Witch for not being available to her all night and now I’m late getting here. I ring the doorbell and she quickly escorts me to her office. I keep looking around for the owner of the black sedan, but from the eerie quietness, it appears that we are alone in the house.
“I’ve been to the hospital and the prognosis is that she will live. That’s good news. I was afraid that she would not make it.” She doesn’t appear to be too concerned. “Do you know why I wasn’t called immediately?” The Witch drawls her words.
“No,” I reply.
“Fine, I’ve got a meeting in a couple of hours. Are you going to be free to escort me? I’m not taking any chances that this was random. If the police want to put a security on Breesan then I should think they need to have some people for me as well. But they said I should be fine and won’t send a car over to the house. I mean really, I need protection too. Don’t you agree Marcus?” Her anger is ridiculous, but she thinks she is justified in some way.
“What time do you need me for the meeting?” I downplay her anger.
“You aren’t staying? I thought I was making myself clear that I need security. The police refuse to send over someone tonight. What if the person who tried to kill Breesan attempts to get me?” she shrieks.
“I’ll contact a buddy of mine who also works private security and I can get him to come over immediately, but I can’t stay,” I explain.
“Well then be back here by eight.” She forfeits arguing and steps out of her office, gesturing toward the exit as she walks away. “You can let yourself out.”
I only have one place to be now and I drive as fast as my Jeep will get me there. I walk into the room and find Anna asleep in the pullout chair. I cover her with the thin white hospital blanket and take the empty seat on the other side of Breesan’s bed. I pick up her hand and begin softly stroking her porcelain skin. She is sleeping peacefully now and the monitors indicate that her heart rate is almost completely back to normal. I exhale, not realizing I’d been holding it since picking up her hand. With everything that has occurred, it’s finally hitting me just how difficult this
night has been. I despise putting on different faces and playing so many different roles, but mostly it kills me that she’s laying here suffering and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.
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Gripping my hand tight and pulling me roughly down the stairs, she’s angry about being here and for having to bring me along. Going down a dark stairway paved with uneven wet stone steps, I can’t tell if we are inside or outside. It’s hot and I’m sweating, but the further we descend the moisture covering my body cools until I’m covered with gooseflesh and I shiver. A dripping noise, made by the black water that flows down the rock wall we pass smells bad, like burnt flesh and rotten eggs, and sets an odd rhythm to our downward travels. Nausea builds in my stomach and I whimper to get away but she shushes me and tugs hard on my hand. Fire from torches on the walls gives the only light in this lonely, cold, stinking room. A howling wind and pounding rain beings tapping out a rhythm, mesmerizing me and drawing my focus deep into the darkness, then as rapidly as it came it slows to a drizzle.
Someone else is here with us. A loud roar comes from what could only be described as a monster in the shadows and it frightens me. I want mommy to hold me, but she’s not my mommy. Hearing footsteps approach from behind us, I cower. Then a man’s voice rumbles close to me. I can’t understand his words, they are strange to me. His shadow dances on the damp wall beside me and is growing, he’s coming toward me. Pulling away, the hand holding me squeezes until I think my bones will snap. Crying out from the pain, she throws me roughly to my knees on the jagged floor. I land hard on my face. The pain is horrible. Blood begins to run down my legs from the deep gashes to my knees, staining my white socks and shoes. The slice in my hairline gushes down, covering one eye and blocks my vision. In order to see, I squint and the tears burn.