Little Savage

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Little Savage Page 11

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Lisle!” the sharp sound of Daniel’s voice drew the girl from her hiding place inside the hall closet. With a bashful grin, she self-consciously nudged herself through the door and stood with her back to the wall like a petrified woman. “Caught you, didn’t I?”

  “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “No, you’re not sorry, don’t bother lying to me. You want to tell me what you heard of my conversation with Marcus?”

  She gave him a hangdog look, gulping visibly, her mind rapidly trying on suitable responses, though nothing seemed to fit. “Most of it, I guess,” she offered at last.

  “You guess? You’ve been listening in since he arrived?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Then I don’t need to tell you that I’ve decided to keep you here a while.”

  “Oh, thank you, sir.” She instantly ran forward, dropped to her knees and grabbed his legs, clinging to him fiercely.

  Just as quickly he kicked her off and she backed away, as sheepish blush crept up her neck.

  “You also know that I’ve made no final decision on your staying here. You provoke me, I’ll call Marcus and you’ll be at Lady M’s by the afternoon. You keep prying into my life the way you have that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

  “I’ll stop, sir. I will!”

  “Then you’re clear that you want to live with me?”

  “Oh, yes sir, I do!” The passion behind her claim made his heart burst. The feeling was uncomfortable, of the sort he used to easily shun but couldn’t now, not with this girl, not this time in his life.

  “Then let’s get one thing straight, I won’t put up with you secretively prowling through my home at night—or in the day—peeking in rooms, rummaging through closets, listening in to my private conversations. There are boundaries and you will respect them or you will be packed and gone within an hour. I’m sure if Lady M won’t have you there’s a Dom of some kind in this town who will.”

  “I’ll behave, I will, I promise.” Her pleading brought her to tears—real ones, Daniel surmised. As two fat ones slid down her face leaving wet trails on her cheeks, he almost regretted what he just said.

  The odd ability she had to tug at his sympathies stung him once again. He could have taken her into his arms and cuddled her until they were fucking like a couple of dogs. Thankfully, there were darker thoughts to replace the kinder ones and they stepped in to save him.

  “There’s a spanking paddle I’ve hung on a nail just inside the pantry wall. Go get it!”

  She scampered off, barefoot, her white shift clinging to her lovely curves, the look of her giving rise to a painfully erotic jolt deep in his belly. She returned in seconds, automatically kneeling before him and presenting him the stiff, foot long leather strap. Four inches wide at the business end, it tapered into a handle half that size, all custom fit to match his specifications. He couldn’t remember when it had been made; but he couldn’t recall not having it handy to punish recalcitrant captives or train his brothel slaves. The expert workmanship of the piece was readily apparent. Though well-worn from regular use, it was still sturdy and effective. Years of hand sweat and body oils made the surface gleam with a soft shine; and just seeing it in Lisle’s hand sent a wave of nasty images through his sadist’s brain.

  Although she was as frightened as he’d ever seen her, he could feel her desire rise from ten feet away.

  “If you want punishment when you misbehave, you’ll get it, young lady. We’ll start that today, and right now.”

  It had been less than forty-eight hours since he and Lisle broke their relationship wide open with a flour covered kitchen and punishing retribution they both needed to get over that nasty scene. The sex stunned them both but they wanted that too. Accepting that the matter was settled, Daniel was prepared to move forward.

  “On your feet,” he demanded.

  She jumped up in a flash with her restless nerves grabbing at her frantically. She was shaking so hard that he feared she might explode. Taking her by the arm, with his fingers purposefully digging into her flesh, he shoved her toward the staircase.

  “Your knees on the third step and bend over. I want that ass stuck out like you really want this.” He wasn’t sure that she didn’t, however for the moment she looked honestly worried.

  “Bare your ass!” he ordered as she settled into the position.

  He watched her reaction closely: the panting breaths, the struggle to obey, as if this sort of dom/sub interaction was new to her. Finally her frenetic breathing slowed and with shaking hands she reached back and pulled her skirt above the cheeks then carefully stuck her fingers inside the waistband of her panties and slid them down her legs. Her ass was bruised from the caning two days before, but the fading remains were not enough to stop him from delivering the punishment she’d earned.

  Every muscle in her stiffened as she waited for the first strike. She twitched uncontrollably and couldn’t stop herself from egging him on with a little ass dance that looked to him as though she was deliberately taunting him. The little slut. Once he started, the blows came on swiftly, with the leather biting into her flesh and producing a horrible sting. There was nothing taunting about her wiggling ass now, just the instinctive and uncontrollable reaction to the steady rain of strikes.

  With every blow to her pretty ass end, he felt justified. He felt an animal satisfaction he relished, and the burning imperative of the moment sent him even deeper into the thrill of domination. Clutching his old spanking paddle helped resurrect the man he’d been when that spanker would abuse, correct, punish and terrify the hundreds of shivering females that came under his control.

  The pain was nothing she couldn’t manage, nothing she hadn’t managed before. He was sure that she’d suffered far more as Brauer’s slave. However, he had no intention of taking the girl to her limits, he just needed to drive home his point. As soon as her ass was hot, as bright as a deep pink rose, and her moaning took on a pleasurable tone, he stopped. She was entering a blissful subspace and he wouldn’t allow her any pleasure just yet. Noting the sex juice leaking down her inner thigh, he knew he’d ended the punishment not a moment too soon.

  She writhed for him a few seconds more hoping he would start again or do something about the raging inferno of lust burning in her groin. But satisfied that he had the girl exactly where he wanted her, Daniel moved in close and grabbing her by the scruff of the neck he pulled off the stairway. She stumbled back into his arms but rather than hold her as she might have liked, he marched her into the kitchen then to the back hall and the tiny broom closet.

  “You like confined spaces? You can spend some time in there and think about how you’re going to grow up and start behaving like an adult rather than an unruly child. You want to stay with me, you’d better think long and hard about that.”

  She stared at him in shock, noted the open closet with a wary glance, then her gaze returned to Daniel. She looked as if she was about to speak but she suddenly clammed up. Her eyes glittered with tears, but behind any sadness or distress they might convey he could see her desire for him, for sex, for something wild and raunchy on the heels of this last confrontation. He had to beat back his own arousal.

  “And just in case you mistakenly think that you’ll have a free moment to get off, you’ll do this with your hands tied behind you.” He was ready with a plastic tie strip, which went around her wrists and tightened with an ominous zzzzzzzrrrrrrrrrip!

  He pushed her inside the closet then closed the door, slowly, so she could hear the distinctive click of the door latch. The closet wasn’t tall enough for her to stand up straight. In fact, there was precious little room in the small cabinet, probably just enough to allow her to sit in an uncomfortable crouch. He heard a rustling sound for several seconds, a metal bucket banging against the broom and mop, then silence.

  Alice arrived at the house within minutes of Lisle’s confinement, coming through the door with a sunny hello that brought Daniel out of his office and into the kitche

  “Don’t open the broom closet just now,” he greeted his housekeeper with that terse order.


  “It’s Lisle’s timeout room for now.”

  Alice’s interest sparked. “Really?” Her voice lowered to a whisper, “punishment? She in there now?”

  “Yes, she’s being punished.” He didn’t bother to keep his voice down, and he knew the girl would hear every word.

  Because he wasn’t taking any measures to keep the conversation quiet, Alice didn’t either. “May I ask what for?” She seemed quite titillated by the idea.

  “It’s time she stopped sneaking around like a curious cat.”

  “Ah yes…” She stared around Daniel’s kitchen, seeing that it was much improved from when she saw it last. “I’m guessing you two have come to some agreement?”

  “Yes. She can behave herself while she lives here, obey my rules, or pack her bags. If I have to behave myself in polite society, she can too.”

  “Now don’t go too far with this. I’d hardly call your home polite society. You’re never going to manage that.”

  “And you’re always going to egg me on, isn’t that right, bitch?”

  Alice’s green eyes flashed. “Don’t know about that. But I will state my opinions whether you like it or not.”

  He was horny, his crotch on fire. Smoldering emotions and a pent-up libido didn’t sit well on him. It didn’t take but a moment for Alice to pick up on his mood, and having seen that, it didn’t take much for her to respond with a seductive come-on lighting up her expressive eyes.

  “Shall I beat you, too?” This was all the foreplay he could muster at the moment but it was enough to have her stirred up.

  “My, I walk in your door innocent enough and you get me all hot and bothered.”

  They heard a grating noise from the broom closet as if their little mouse was letting them know she was listening in.

  “But maybe we should take it upstairs?” Alice suggested.

  “No. Here’s just fine,” Daniel answered.

  Alice was on fire now, too. “Then will you do something really nasty? I sure could use it.”

  “Why’s that? Or is this just a general need?”

  “You know that old lady I work for at nights?”

  He really didn’t, though at some point he recalled Alice mentioning another job in passing. “You have a problem with her?”

  Alice chuckled. “Not exactly, but she’s a mean old bat and last night I was about to deck her. Which I would never do! But stuffing all that rage inside, a girl’s gotta find a way to deal with it. Know what I mean?”

  “Or you’ll do something you regret?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  They’d been through this game before—the bristling back and forth, the fierce glances laced with lust, the not so veiled innuendo, then Daniel knocking down her doors with one swift kick that would figuratively drive the woman to her knees.

  “Well then, get naked, bitch and we’ll get this done.” His tone cut the air like a scythe.

  Another noise from the closet reminded them of their audience. The game could only get better from this point.

  Daniel watched his housekeeper remove her clothes, doing nothing to slow his rising erection. Her full breasts bounced against her chest as she moved, while the scent of her crotch lifted into the air—an herbal perfume infused with the sweet smell of body sweat and the tangy odor of wet pussy. Her hot booty moved sexily as she walked and while he loved the tits and cunt, he wanted to abuse her ass first—it made such a perfect target. At first, he’d thought he’d use the spanker to warm her up, but he abruptly changed his mind.

  “My whip’s in the office.” He nodded in that direction. “Go get it,” and Alice raced off, returning moments later with the four foot weapon in her hand.

  “Whew! This has got me charged up,” she blurted out as he snatched the thing from her hands.

  “You can cry, you can scream, you can yell all you want, but don’t utter a single word. No stopping me till I’m done.”

  “You’re going to play real mean, real dirty?” she egged him on.

  “I’ll play the way I want to play.”

  “Gotcha, Colonel.” She was all jiggly inside and out, dancing before him as though she was about to take off for a little chase and capture. But Daniel had other ideas.

  “Spread-eagle in the door frame,” he nodded to the open door leading from kitchen into the hall, “and hang on tight.”

  After years of punishing females, he knew he loved the thrill of a good hard beating, but he especially liked the spontaneous scenes like this one. Alice stretched herself to the four corners of the door frame, then jerked and wriggled as he worked her over from shoulders to thighs, delivering one cutting strike after another—although he refused to fall into a regular cadence she could use to drive herself to orgasm. The more erratic the whipping the longer it would take for the masochist in her to find the kind bliss she craved. He kept it hard and fast for a time, listening to her shriek when the single tail sliced her flesh with an especially biting cut. Her backside was soon an intricate criss-cross of red lines that as the strikes piled on began to form a nasty scarlet rash. A few thick welts began to rise up on the surface that were sure to bleed if he continued much longer.

  “Oh, you goddamn fucker!” she finally blurted out.

  “I said…not a word!” he growled as he laid on one mean blow that sliced across the previous welts.

  Reminded of his order not to speak, it was all ‘fuck fuck fuck’ beneath her breath from then on. Her body twisted to find some relief but she found none at all. Clinging to the door frame with her legs wide open and her bare feet pressed against the wood below, she gave herself precious little room to maneuver. Instinct made her want to flee the scene; but her raunchy desire to submit won. She stuck out her ass and tauntingly waved it like a red flag before his eyes. Though he needed no goading to land the cuts he intended to deliver, he had a ready answer to her deliberate provocation.

  “This what you need?” Daniel blurted out as he delivered another sharp blow.

  “Yes, sir!”

  “And you want more!” He landed another, meaner one.

  She hesitated a second, gulping down a breath of air and came back with a grimacing, “Yes, sir, more! If you’d be so kind.”

  When the scene was hot and sexual like this, the sexy housekeeper played a good game, falling back on old dungeon rules and dungeon protocol she’d picked up somewhere. She snapped to attention like a well-trained subbie, and wouldn’t waver from the perfect form of taking punishment until the sizzling drama finally ended. Putting herself in the mindset of a submissive took her far past her wild impulses, her smart mouth, and her sassy attitude toward life and men. This was what she needed. She never topped from below, she never fought him once she reached subspace. Though as a skilled practitioner in the art of subduing females, Daniel could sense that his every strike contained the remote promise of rebellion and he knew exactly when to stop.

  “Turn around,” he finally ordered. As she turned away, her arms automatically reached to the top of the doorframe and her legs opened wide as they’d been before, with her feet butting up to the bottom of the frame. He teased her with a gentle flick of the whip then landed a few deliberately sharp cuts across her tits, her belly and her thighs. Then he moved in close, going eyeball-to-eyeball with the panting slut, and stuffed the whip’s rounded handle into her cunt.

  “You come on this now, I’ll stop, you hear me?”

  Her eyes opened in alarm as Alice fought back the pressing urge to come. The whip handle was lodged so deeply within her that obeying Daniel’s order became almost impossible. Regardless, she spit out a dutiful, “Yes, sir,” as he continued to pound the thing into her gaping hole. She clung to Daniel’s order with every bit of concentration she could muster trying not to come. But her cunt and the leather handle were slick with her juices, and the pungent frag
rance of her pussy rose up like a cloud and stung their nostrils with the knowledge that she was on the brink of disobedience and could do nothing to prevent what her greedy body craved. He could have drawn out the scene many minutes more; he could assure her failure—which might have suited them both. But instead, he stopped, withdrew the whip and shoved her to her knees in front of him.

  “Suck me off, slut!”

  She opened his fly and her mouth grabbed hold of his cock with her wide open lips. He did the rest with a hand at the back of her head, shoving her face into his horny crotch. The heated blowjob went on for no more than sixty seconds when he suddenly exploded his cum down her throat with her face smashed to the base of his cock. When he was done, he withdrew and stepped back.

  “Now come,” he said as he gazed down at the surrendered Alice. Her crazy hair was disheveled beyond its usual state of disarray and her mouth was smudged with the red lipstick she’d put on earlier that morning. She looked like she’d been in a bar fight, but she breathed sex in every breath. If Daniel hadn’t just come, if he hadn’t lost some of the physical virility he had in his youth, he would have taken her upstairs and used her ass.

  Momentarily dazed, Alice did nothing for several seconds and not until Daniel provoked a response. “I said come, slut. Play with yourself and come…” he stepped back to watch, “and use the whip when you do.”

  She didn’t like this. With her hand alone she’d be off in seconds but the whip handle frustrated her efforts. Stuffing it in became an awkward game, and with Daniel’s eyes aimed at her, she felt flustered and almost embarrassed.

  “Go on, lie back on the floor!” he finally snapped. Alice gave in, thankful for the reprieve, and settled her horny body on the kitchen floor.

  For the next sixty seconds he watched her frantic fingers work her cunt until her writhing body suddenly seized up and she arched her back, letting out a beautiful, “Oh, gawwwwwwwwwwwd yessssssssssssss.” The scowl on her face at the moment of climax was telling—fierce and angry at the outset, all of which soon passed as the orgasm moved through her body. In time, her visage softened and when she opened her eyes, she smiled.


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