Little Savage

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Little Savage Page 19

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “You fucking asshole,” she stormed. “Where the hell have you been!”

  “What do you mean, where the hell have I been? You know where I’ve been.”

  “You split with very little explanation, don’t call but once in six days and you don’t even bother talking to Lisle when you do. She thinks you don’t give a shit about her.”

  “And your problem is?”

  This only seemed to encourage her more. “The girl’s heart is torn in two thinking she’s done something terrible to have you walk out the way you did, as if you didn’t care about her at all. Good thing you got here when you did. She’s up there packing now.”

  “She’s what?”

  “Ready to split. I’ve been talking her out of it for three days. You have no idea what it’s been like trying to sort out her moods and keep from slapping the little thing. She gets an idea in her head and it won’t quit—damn exasperating, meanwhile I’m making up excuses for you, why you don’t care enough to call.”

  “Why I don’t care?” he chimed in. “C’mon, you knew I wouldn’t be able to call.”

  “You should have explained yourself to her instead of leaving me with this bundle of nerves and self-reproach. I don’t have the power you do to stop her when she starts letting weird ideas run through her head. I did my damnedest but…”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” he held up his hand. “I get that you had a hard week. I get that you’re pissed. You’ll have your say with her later if you need it.”

  He restlessly fumed as his agenda for the evening began to fall into place inside his mind—and far differently than he’d originally planned.

  “I’ll go up and talk to her now.”

  “You better,” Alice shot back, “unless you want her to disappear from your life. And don’t mince words this time, set the record straight,” she ranted on, “You’d better make it crystal clear that you don’t want her to leave. And I’d make it personal, Colonel! Being a hard ass brute right now won’t work.”

  “What’s not going to work right now is her leaving,” he bullishly came right back. “It’s not an option. Period. You get that?”

  She did. The tone of his voice sent a chill racing right up her spine. The angry fire in her eased and she replied more calmly, “Yes, yes, I get it. Just please…don’t make this about options and safety and whatever other reasons you think are so compelling. It’s time you spoke from your heart…” She couldn’t stop herself from adding, “That is if you have one.”

  He glowered a moment, then said, as he was striding toward the door, “I’ll do what I need to do.”

  “Just please be gentle, Daniel!” she called to him, but his boots were already hammering on the stairs.

  Lisle’s bedroom door was wide open, so was the suitcase she had sitting in the middle of the hardwood floor. She sat on the bed staring at the empty thing as if in a trance. Her clothes were scattered around her, her books strewn about as if she were sorting through them. She must have noticed him since he was standing directly in front of her, but she gave no indication that she had.

  Just the sight of her made him tamp down the fury of emotion he felt inside, although it would still rage on despite his efforts to be civil. “Lisle?”

  Her head snapped up. “Oh!” She instantly jumped up and began frantically tossing clothes and books into the suitcase. He watched the flurry of activity for a moment then strode forward, stopping her with a hand on her arm. When she tried to wrench from his grasp, he shoved her to the bed, using more force than he intended.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  She shivered under his withering stare, her body trembling so that she could barely speak above a whisper. “Leaving, sir.”

  “Sorry to put a wrench in your plans but you’re going nowhere, unless it’s with me.”

  Flustered by his blustery delivery, she stared at him blankly, and when that proved to be too difficult, she returned to the suitcase and scattered items. Finally, she jumped up and announced, as much to herself as she did to him, “But I should leave. I think it’s time and I’m ready go…” She didn’t even look at him, but began picking up the items left on the floor. “I was thinking of an apartment, not too far away so I can visit, but you’ll be free to do as you please without thinking of me…” She gazed up at him hopefully, but he remained immune to her ramblings, “or, I could find something elsewhere if it would work better—if I shouldn’t be close, if you think it’s a bad idea.”

  “The whole idea of your leaving is a bad idea,” he snapped. “Now sit back down!”

  She gulped back another heap load of fear, and though it appeared that she’d wilt at any moment, she steeled herself instead, for a moment renewing her flagging courage and blurting out, “No, I will not sit down!” Her eyes were shining with tears as she hit him with her next barrage of words. “You didn’t want me in the first place. And don’t say that’s not true; I heard you and Marcus in the car when you took me away. You make do with me because you think you have to. But you don’t really want me here. I’m just a kid to you, a duty maybe, at best a plaything you can toy with for a while then discard.”

  A bristling rage shot through him, and before he could stop himself his palm connected with her cheek delivering a blistering slap.

  “I said ‘sit’!”

  She shrank back, nursing her cheek with her hand, then collapsed to the bed, stunned.

  Daniel forced back his rage while Lisle got her bearings. He never meant to slap her, but he was glad he did.

  While she was much more subdued when she spoke again, she’d clearly not let go of her argument for leaving. She peered up at him sadly, but with an odd sense of pride. “I knew this would never work out…I was right, I need to leave.” Saying this made the emotion rise in her again. “I refuse to be resented… I won’t…” With the romance of rebellion bouncing off the walls, he could feel her about to descend into another aimless tirade.

  “All right that’s it!” he barked. “Stop the blathering now. No more crazy suppositions, I’ve heard enough. It’s my turn to talk.” He moved before her like an angry cloud, knowing he needed to settle down before he spoke again, though he made little effort to do so. “You’re right. I didn’t want you. Sometimes, you’re an irritating nuisance like you are now, determined to try my patience at every turn. You’re impulsive, moody and the most difficult female I’ve ever encountered. You’re as manipulative as every other woman I’ve known, in fact you’re better at it than most. You come off so damn guileless, like a weak and fainting female. We both know that’s a lie. You can be hard as nails when you want to be, and stubborn! But despite what you think, Lisle, despite your twisted logic, the fact remains, you are not ready to leave here now. It would be the very worst thing you could do, and it’s simply not going to happen. You chose me, you lobbied for my authority in your life when I was ready to gracefully put you in the hands of someone else. That makes me in charge of you until I say otherwise. You will continue to answer to me and serve me and obey me until it’s crystal clear to both of us that you are truly ready to be on your own. Today you’ve only proven to me how vulnerable you still are.”

  Despite the rough talk, the girl soaked up the message like a sponge. As she listened, her shoulders unclenched, her twitching jaw eased and the crazy look in her eye dwindled as if his harsh words were a soothing balm.

  Seeing the change in her, he eased and sat down on the bed beside her. “Let me make this very clear to you so there’s no mistake. I want you here, Lisle.” He spoke slowly so she wouldn’t miss his meaning. “If I’ve not communicated that clearly enough to you so far, I’m doing that now. Despite what I just told you about my initial feelings toward you, you are not the sub that Marcus advertised, not by a long shot. You are far more interesting to me than any female I’ve been with in a long while…more intelligent than I expected, and feisty enough to offer me a challenge. Not to mention the fact that you’re as desirable as any wom
an I’ve known.” Though it felt strange to speak this way to a woman, he meant every word. Lisle trembled next to him, her face filled with amazement one second and fear the next. “I don’t know what’s going to come of this, but I have no intention of throwing you out like a used party toy, and every intention of continuing the relationship we started. If you have a problem with that, tell me now.”

  He waited for her to reply but she seemed unable to speak.

  “Well?” he waited a moment longer.

  The struggle for words was almost painful to watch, and when she finally gave up the effort, too overcome by her emotions to speak, she sank to the floor and grabbed his legs. “Oh, sir, I’m not ready to go!” she gasped. “You have to believe me, you do!”

  Her imploring eyes practically knifed him in the heart.

  “I do believe you, Lisle,” he said calmly. He reached down and pulled her back to the bed. The urge to screw her was so strong that he almost forgot what needed to come next. After several tense moments of indecision, he finally let the sexual desire wane. “All right then, it’s time you settled things with Alice.”

  “Alice?” she came back innocently.

  “You didn’t treat her very well while I was gone.”

  She diverted her eyes.

  “Don’t give me that hangdog look.”

  “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to.”

  “You tell Alice that, not me.”

  He stood up, grabbed her by the arm and marched her out the door and down the steps to the first floor. They found Alice in the kitchen cleaning up the sink.

  “Time we cleared the air here,” he announced, and the housekeeper turned around. The quirky, lighthearted Alice they were accustomed to was still hidden behind her exasperation over the previous week.

  “You have something to say to Alice?” he jerked on Lisle arm, standing her directly in front of the frustrated housekeeper.

  Embarrassed, Lisle looking rightfully sheepish, however any stab at getting back in Alice’s good favor was failing miserably. Finally, the girl stumbled over a remorseful apology. “I-I… I’m so sorry I was terrible to you.”

  “Yes, you were terrible…” Alice came right back, “not to mention angry, ungrateful, spiteful and a pain in the ass. And I deserved none of that!”

  “No, no you didn’t!”

  The following silence became so difficult for the three to bear that Daniel finally broke its hold. “You said you wanted to slap her, Alice, now’s your chance.”

  Leaning back against the kitchen counter, Alice appraised the little urchin she’d been babysitting for the last week. “Slap her, no,” she said, “but I’d sure cane her ass.”

  “Then do it,” Daniel said without a second’s hesitation. “Take her to the cellar and give her what she’s earned. Use whatever you’d like to punish her, I’ll be down in a few minutes. I haven’t even had a chance to take a leak, for god’s sake.”

  Alice’s eyes flashed, as the girl waited for the tension to break. “Thank you, Colonel,” she stated in a determined voice. She grabbed Lisle’s shoulder, turned her toward the cellar stairs and pushed her forward, following her close at her heels all the way down the steps.

  When Daniel finally arrived in the cellar, Lisle was bent over the end of the wooden table with her arms stretched out in front of her and tethered with rope at the far end of the table. Her bare ass was already red from a long session with his leather strap. Poised in mid-swing, Alice looked up seeing Daniel approach.

  “Don’t let me stop you,” he said. He stood waiting for her to begin again, and when she did, he casually leaned against one of the vertical supports and watched, enjoying the scene with the prurient interest of a dedicated sadist.

  The blows from the paddle came down at a steady pace until Lisle’s entire bottom and upper thighs were covered with red and the distressed young woman was moaning fitfully. When Alice finally stopped, she stepped back and viewed the girl again, determining that though her little victim was suffering, she hadn’t suffered enough. She returned the paddle to wall and pulled down a bamboo cane, then, as if she’d been punishing brats for years, she laid a brusque dozen cuts across the girl’s red bottom until she heard Lisle’s first agonized whimper. The moan was just enough to spark the housekeeper’s dwindling anger one more time. “If I have to listen to that whine again, I’ll scream!”

  Lisle’s mouth snapped closed.

  Alice turned to Daniel. “Mind if I fuck her ass?”

  He was surprised by the idea, but pleased as well, “Whatever you need to do. You’ll find a strap-on in the trunk,” he pointed to the old wooden chest next to the wall.

  “Perfect!” Alice zeroed in it gleefully. The angry triumph in her voice was undisguised. She went for the trunk finding the harness and dildo with no problem. Snatching them both, she took off for the back of the cellar to put them on while Lisle peered up at Daniel with a long face and an embarrassed blush creeping up her neck. As she squirmed against the table, Daniel tried to contain his mirth. This was one squabble between two high-strung females that was resolving itself on its own with little intervention from him—which was exactly what suited him best. To his surprise, Alice directed herself through the aggressive fucking far better than he anticipated. She came out of the gloomy corner of the cellar with the dildo bobbing between her legs, then after taking up a position directly behind the girl, she slathered the anal opening with lube she’d found with the dildo, and speared Lisle’s ass with one mean shove. The girl grunted but otherwise made no noise. There wasn’t any direct clitoral stimulation for Alice, but just the rocking motion of their bodies as Alice rammed the dildo in and out of the tight portal was enough to get her sexual juices flowing. Her desire raged on, and the faster and harder she fucked the girl, the more her energy swelled. Lisle’s squirming gyrations beneath her only added inspiration, and within minutes, Alice took a deep breath, and with the dildo pressed as far as it would go inside the girl, she let the climax rise up and lift through her body.

  There was little doubt that Lisle was coming too, but she kept her response subdued, while Alice let out a long string of expletives, ending with the last gasped comment: “I should have done this days ago!”

  Finally pulling back, she let the dildo slip free and turned toward Daniel.

  “I want permission to do this again—I mean punish the little bitch whenever she gets in one of her moods.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he said, although he was unwilling to give Alice that much latitude with the girl. “You’ve had enough for now?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’ve had enough.” With her next breath, what remained of her anger seemed to disappear and the woman who emerged looked more like the Alice he’d hired than she had since Daniel walked through the front door.

  “You have work to do?” he asked.

  “Yes, I suppose I do.”

  “Then go clean up and get at it. I’ll take care of things here.”

  She stopped and looked at Lisle as if she had more to say, then without saying anything she headed for the stairs.

  Letting Lisle stew in misery for a while, Daniel moved about the cellar, putting away the things that Alice had hastily pulled from his trunk of toys. Finally, he heard a plaintive squawk.

  “You going to punish me too, sir?”

  He moved to her side. “You think I need to?”

  “Oh, please no!”

  He went to her, and began massaging her sore cheeks until she groaned again. He followed up with several sharp smacks before undoing the ropes and helping her rise. “Upstairs and to your room. I want everything cleaned up and put away. But keep the suitcase in your room. You’ll be needing it.”

  She cast him a quizzical look.

  “No, I’m not going to explain myself. Get going!”

  As she sped to the upstairs, Daniel sorted through the ropes and hung them back in place, then returned to the main level of the house, to his office where he began sorting through th
e mail.

  Alice looked in on him an hour later.

  “I got my stuff packed up. I thought I’d go home if that’s alright with you? I need a break from this.”

  “I’m sure you do. But you’d better make amends with Lisle before you leave.”

  “I already have.”


  “We talked, she apologized more, and we hugged. All’s forgiven.”

  “That’s all it took?”

  “No, it took giving the brat what she deserved to make things right. But I think we understand each other now.” Her opinion about the matter was obvious and her sunny disposition returned. “She’ll behave. She loves me too much not to. I love her too, like a bratty kid sister. But she’s okay, just needs your strong hand to keep her steady.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  She nodded, as if they’d reached some new understanding. “And thank you, Daniel.”

  “You save me the trouble of punishing her myself, so thank you.”

  “Right. As if you wouldn’t have enjoyed caning her yourself,” she drolly replied.She was almost out the door when he called her back.

  “By the way, you have the next week off—with pay.”

  “I do?”

  “I’m taking Lisle away from here for a while. It would be better if you stayed away too.”

  Her mouth dropped open as her face dimmed. “Oh, god, now you’re giving me the creeps again. This must be serious.”

  “Could be, or my worry could be all for nothing. Regardless, I’m playing it safe. I will call you, and that’s a promise.” She didn’t look at all convinced. “For god’s sake, Alice, I know what I’m doing. You’re just going to have to trust that.”

  She looked momentarily shaken but then she took a deep breath in a deliberate attempt to settle herself. “Okay then. That’s what I’ll do. Call me when you need me. Or just call me.”

  Daniel found Lisle in her room at the head of her bed, propped up on pillows, her legs drawn in, and her sketchbook resting against her knees. She was wearing just a white t-shirt, no shorts, no underwear, and with her legs bent, her pussy peeked out below, all pink and shiny with her juices. Though she was sketching with the fury of a woman obsessed, rather than ignore him when he entered, she immediately looked up, closed the book and set it aside. She slid her legs down so they were flat on the bed, then nervously yanked at the oversized t-shirt so it covered her crotch—just barely.


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