The Sterling Boys (The Sterling Shore Series #3)

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The Sterling Boys (The Sterling Shore Series #3) Page 9

by C. M. Owens

  Dane laughs as though I've said something funny while he steers me toward Dale and Maverick. I didn't even know they were here yet.

  "Don't worry about Raya and Kade. That boy has it bad."

  If he had just witnessed what I did, he'd think differently.

  Maverick grins like the Cheshire cat when we get closer. Dale turns to offer the same taunting expression, and Corbin walks up from the side, baring teeth because his smile is too frigging big for his face.

  "Well, I'll be damned," Corbin says with his shit-eating grin only growing.

  "We'd have gotten you two together sooner if all it took was a few days to make amends," Dale says while sipping his glass of wine before tilting his head in amusement.

  Maverick comes to press a quick kiss to my lips, and he ducks just in time to miss Dane's hand. Maverick backs away, and we all laugh.

  "Just like old times," Maverick chuckles.

  But that steals the lightness of the moment. One piece of my life has been restored, but another piece is now missing. Kode.

  Maverick and Corbin study me, more than likely seeing the frown I can't hide. Dale's smile falls at last, and he breathes out heavily.

  "Thanks, by the way. With you just having surgery, I haven't had the chance to really talk to you about beating the hell out of my cheating fiancée."

  That brings my smile back as the fond memory resurfaces. Dane chuckles lightly while pulling me closer and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I don't know if he meant to do it or if it was just some old reaction, but everything on me experiences those tormenting chills.

  Maverick's brow arches, and he hides his smile behind his wine glass.

  "Fiona had that ass whooping coming for a while," Corbin says, his eyes on a blonde walking by us. He looks back to me as she finishes passing. "Even though Fiona wasn't the only one to suffer Rain's wrath that day. My balls are still aching."

  Everyone bursts out laughing, but I'm forced to clutch my stomach when the pain sears through me. Damn, that still hurts.

  "Sorry," Corbin says through a grimace, looking truly regretful.

  I force a smile while shaking my head.

  "I'm fine."

  "Dane hasn't been letting us come over," Maverick pouts, and I have to work really hard not to laugh again.

  Over the past three days, I've heard Dane arguing with all of them over the phone. A few times he's argued with them at my front door. Only Dale has been allowed to come over, but I was asleep while he was there. Pain meds knock me on my ass, which is why I haven't taken any today.

  "Yeah, Dane, what the hell? You haven't seen or spoken to her in six years. Why do you get to stay?" Corbin whines. "We should be taking care of her."

  I love my boys.

  "Because I'm making up for lost time. Seriously though, you roughnecks wouldn't ever let her heal."

  Maverick shrugs in agreement, while Corbin tilts his head from side to side, weighing that answer for merit. Dale just smiles, not looking at either of us as he pretends to study his wine.

  "Is Kode coming?" I ask, killing the lightness with that question.

  Dane gets stiff beside me, and his arm slides off my shoulders. The others just look away.

  "Haven't really been able to get him to talk in a few days. He's been in New York for a while," Corbin says at last.

  I frown as I glance toward the oversized cabin-like vineyard office. Raya is standing outside with her arms crossed over her chest as Kade instructs several waiters. He walks off after giving her a stilted smile, and heads away like he can't move fast enough.

  "I really need to go speak to Raya," I murmur as I walk away, ignoring the weird veil of uncomfortable silence.

  I have to talk to Kode. I just wish he'd answer my calls.

  "I'm fine, Rain. Really," Raya lies.

  Of course I only know she's lying because I saw her when no one was looking. To your face, Raya has the masterful ability to disguise her every emotion.

  "Kade may be under a lot of stress or something."

  Her beautiful smile could fool multitudes. How does she do that?

  "Enough about me," she sighs. "What's going on with you and Dane? He seems pretty intent on staying close to you. I've known him for a while now, and until today, I've never seen him so determined to touch someone."

  That makes me grin foolishly. I feel guilty about it, because it's obvious she's having problems with Kade, but I also know she wants to stop discussing them. So I go along with it. I hate it when people probe me. I'm sure Raya is the same way.

  "It's fine. It's just... I wish I knew what to do next."

  "You mean romantically?" she asks with a smile I'm almost certain is real.

  From this room, you can see the entire vineyard. It's quiet up here, which is why we came here to talk, but my eyes can't peel themselves away from the dark-haired masterpiece on the front lawn.

  "Yeah. I'm confused about how to proceed."

  "Does he like you that way?"

  That's a loaded question. Does he like me that way? After the past six years of being exiled from Sterling Shore—well, feeling exiled—you'd think I'd be smart enough not to attempt Dane Sterling again. But we're older now, and it's rather obvious the man feels something for me.

  "Of course I'm sure. I'm not one of those oblivious girls who can't realize when a guy has feelings for her."

  I cringe as soon as the words leave my mouth. I never realized Kode had feelings for me.

  When I look up at Raya, she's pouting. And she's a really cute pouter. But then she gives me a look I can't really decipher, one that makes me feel the need to be defensive.

  "What?" I ask, sounding a little harsher than necessary. I'm sure she's going to point out the fact that I missed Kode's affections.

  "I was one of those girls," she growls, and I'm forced to stifle a laugh. How'd I forget about that? "And I wasn't oblivious," she adds, her pout still fully intact. "I was just... well, Kade is hard to read. Still is, apparently."

  My amusement falls as sadness coats her last words.

  "I'm sorry, Raya. I didn't mean to offend you. I really had no right to talk. As far as Dane goes, I'm certain that he's physically attracted to me, and he cares enough to stay with me in my house after a surgery, but I don't know how deep those feelings run. I just got him back. I don't want to lose him again. Last time... I thought he was ready, but he wasn't."

  She nods slowly. "Men really are from Mars," she mutters dryly while pouring two large glasses of wine.

  I laugh humorlessly while taking one glass, and we clink to silently toast the crazy other sex.

  "Look, the guys don't know. About me and Dane, I mean. I'd rather they—"

  "I don't talk, Rain. Never have. Don't worry. Your secret is safe."

  "Raya?" a feminine voice prompts, and I turn to see a gorgeous woman with hair that rivals the color of midnight as she walks in.

  "Hey, Ash," Raya says softly. "Where's Trip?"

  The smile that girl unleashes could warm the coldest heart. Things start making more sense.

  "He's with my parents. They rarely get to keep him. The boy is high in demand these days."

  Trip must be the child. I have a hard time picturing Tag as a father.

  Ash Masters walks toward me with her hand outstretched. "You must be the illusive Rain I've heard so much about."

  She even talks pretty. No wonder Tag is wrapped around her finger.

  "And you're the unicorn," I say matter-of-factly, earning a giggle from both girls.



  "Rain's been gone for a while," I grumble while we walk over to the lavish setup Kade has for his ceremony.

  The guy is going all out to announce the name for a new wine. And damn, he looks like he's strung too tight.

  "Raya seemed... upset. I'm not sure what's going on," Tag says while joining us.

  My observation about Rain missing goes unnoticed, which is irritating.

  "Where's Ash?" Maver
ick asks.

  "She went to check on Raya. Something is wrong, and Kade is being pretty damn obvious about it," Tag growls, his eyes trained on the vineyard owner as the Colton heir bounces from one group of people to another, pointing to the various tables all around.

  I pull out my phone as they talk, but I tune them out. I hate that Raya and Kade are having problems, but right now there's another problem that needs my attention. When I hear the answer on the other end of the phone, I separate from the group to have privacy.

  "Where are you?" I ask, trying to rein in my temper.

  "New York. Staying at a Waldorf right now. I've got a few appointments spread out this week," Kode answers, his tone hollow and dry.

  "Rain is worried about you, and she just had surgery. She doesn't need the stress."

  "I heard. Gallbladder surgery. The guys should kick her ass for not telling someone. Is she okay?"

  I've been where he is. A hull of the person you thought you were when your heart is ripped out, but I don't want him to lose her the way I did. Rain doesn't want to lose him.

  "She's fine...ish. She's still sore, and you know Rain, she doesn't like to really express her need for help. She misses you. You should come check on her."

  He snorts derisively. "Mav says you've been staying at her house. You two fell right back into step easily enough. Congrats."

  I roll my eyes at the prideful fool. I was eighteen when I made this mistake. He's too old to repeat it.

  "Don't ice her out, Kode. You'll regret it."

  He grows silent, and for a second, I'm worried he's hung up on me. I start to check when he finally responds.

  "I can't see her right now, but I'll see her soon."

  "How soon?" I prompt.

  "Sooner than six years," he mumbles before hanging up on me.

  I curse him, regretting ever mentioning the truth about my issues with Rain. I told him almost two years ago. I don't know what I was thinking, but after several drinks, it all just poured out of me. No one else knows, and Kode swears he's never said a word to Rain about it.

  I didn't know he had a thing for her, or I wouldn't have confided in him. It actually pisses me off. Brothers don't do that shit, but then again, Rain could break apart cities.

  By the time I rejoin the others, Corbin is adding chairs to a table while Maverick swaps seating cards around.

  "What's going on?" I ask Tag who plops down at the table.

  "They had us all split up. I'm sure Kade was trying to keep us from disrupting his big wine unveiling. Dude has been working seriously hard on this."

  "O...kay... How many chairs do they think they can squeeze in on this table?" I ask through a laugh.

  "Better add us," Wren Prize says from behind me, prompting me to turn around.

  I was expecting Erica to be at his side, but it's Rye Clanton instead, much to my surprise. Rye has money, but you wouldn't guess it by looking at him. Barely-there stubble, a constant lazy smile, tattoos all over, and a ring in his lip are only some of the things that could confuse you. He's the poster child for bad boy, not rich boy.

  "Where's Erica?" Tag asks as Wren drops to a chair beside him.

  Rye sits down, leaving a vacant chair between him and Tag. Everyone knows to make room for Ash. Tag would kick someone's ass if they forgot about her.

  Rye's eyes scour the landscape around him, taking in all the pretty sets of legs. His wolfish grin settles in, and I dread the night.

  I'll kick his ass if he looks at Rain like that.

  "She's out with some friends," Wren answers, not seeming too thrilled. I've seen him more since he got married than before he got married. It's the complete opposite of Tag. I barely see that whipped bastard anymore.

  "There you are," Tag says, beaming as he looks over his shoulder.

  Ash is smiling too large, acting as though she just started dating the fool. My breath catches when I look past her to see Rain. I thought I was going to collapse earlier when I spotted her.

  That dress hugs every bit of her body like a well-fitted glove. Her body is something to behold, and I want it under me.

  So don't need to go there.

  Raya walks by her and takes a seat next to Rye, who puts his arm around her. I wasn't aware they knew each other, and I'm worried Kade might kill him if he sees this. Dude is psycho where Raya is concerned. I know.

  "You look pissy," Rye says, poking at Raya who seems to be... well, pissed.

  "She's drunk," Rain chirps, grinning like she just swiped a treasure trove of secrets.

  I can't help but notice her stagger, and then my eyes go wide.

  "Rain, dammit! You can't drink with your meds."

  She swats at me like I'm the idiot.

  "I've just had a sip or two," she lies. "Besides, I skipped the pain meds today."

  "I'm pretty fucking positive you're not supposed to drink after having surgery," I scold.

  She laughs as though I'm being funny. I'm not amused. Not. At. All.

  "You'll take care of me," she says while taking a step closer.

  Maybe I'm a little amused.

  "You think?" I ask, trying not to grin, but failing miserably.

  "I know."

  She puts her arms around my waist and hugs me, and I smile while wrapping my arms around her. Damn, I forgot how much I love this girl. I also forgot how quickly my body reacts to her.

  I shift to accommodate the hardening in my pants, hoping she doesn't feel it against her.

  "Rain and Dane are definitely back," Maverick sings, laughing with Corbin as they stare at us.

  I just roll my eyes while taking a seat. We're all cramped, but there's still not enough room for everyone to sit down. So, in the effort of saving some elbow room, I tug Rain to be in my lap, not worrying about the scrutinizing eyes on us when she comes willingly.

  She rests her head on my shoulder, and her lips graze my chest. I don't care if I get lipstick stains all over my shirt, I hope she doesn't stop.

  "Tria's here," Rain grumbles, making me tense.

  Shit. I didn't prepare for this. Tria left after the first day, and I told her I had everything under control because Rain didn't want her there. What do I say now?

  Tria forces a smile as she starts toward us, but one look at Dale, Corbin, and Maverick has her deciding to walk away.

  "You just gonna let your sister walk around aimlessly?" Rye drawls, his eyes on Rain.

  "S'not my fault she doesn't have friends."

  No. It's all of our fault. Dammit.

  "Tria!" I call, grimacing when Rain gets stiff in my arms.

  Tria hesitates to turn around, but she does so reluctantly. She forces another smile before slowly making her way toward us. Ash gets up and drops to Tag's lap, vacating her chair and making room for Tria. Tag holds her to him, smiling devilishly as he enjoys the new seating arrangement.

  Rye smirks as Tria takes the seat beside him, and Wren rolls his eyes when he wraps an arm around her. Now the bastard has an arm around Tria and Raya. I hope Kade kicks his ass.

  He wisely never lets his eyes roam over Rain. At least he has some sense.

  A speaker stands behind the podium as everyone settles into their seats, and the sun threatens to set. He goes on and on about the Colton name, and he mentions his love for Thomas—Kade's grandfather who has outlived the expectations set for him.

  Thomas smiles as he sits in one of the chairs behind the podium. He looks pale, and it's sad to see him living on an oxygen tank, but he's alive and happy, and that's the important part.

  I look behind me in time to see Kade walking briskly through the crowd, his eyes trained on the arm Rye has around Raya's back. He passes, but leaves a loud slap in his wake. I stifle a laugh as Rye uses the hand he had on Raya's chair to rub the back of his sore head.

  Raya doesn't even seem to acknowledge the commotion. She sips her drink, probably already long past the point of drunk. What's going on between her and Kade?

  "Thank you all for coming," Kade says w
ith a nervous breath, his hand shaking as he holds the microphone.

  This wine unveiling is really freaking him out. I knew the guy was dedicated to this vineyard, but damn. He's possibly suffering from OCD where this place is concerned.

  "As you know, we've had an amazing harvest lately. We played with and grew an entirely new grape. You'll see it in magazines across the nation, but tonight, you'll see those new grapes on your table. They're merlot grapes, which is why they're darker in color, but they have a whole new flavor."

  I glance down at the bowls full of the grapes, and the wrapped bottle of wine that is buried in the middle. I've been curious as to what the new wine is called. It's obviously going to be a merlot, given the grapes.

  Raya absently circles her finger around the rim of her wine glass, which happens to be empty now. She seems a million miles away, and the sadness in her eyes is actually depressing me.

  "This is a big night for us, because I honestly don't think I've ever been so excited to announce a new wine. Our new merlot, the one you're all about to get a taste of, is called..."

  He pauses, drawing out suspense as the servers come to the tables and pull out the bottles of wine. They start pouring the wine, but I notice Raya's glass gets skipped over.

  "Raya's love," Kade says, grinning down at the beauty whose hand has frozen over her glass.

  Raya is completely still, staring into oblivion with wide eyes as the words sink in. Then, with complete confusion, she looks up, staring blankly at Kade who is nothing more than a ball of nerves as the servers continue pouring the new wine.

  "Most of you know that Raya and I have been together for a while now. She saved this vineyard. She saved me, too. My life didn't make sense until she came into it."

  He starts walking toward us, carrying the wireless microphone as his eyes stay transfixed on Raya. She swallows hard as he approaches, and Rain settles in my lap, acting as though she's watching a movie instead of real life.

  I bite back a groan when her sweet ass rubs me just right, and I try to pretend as though I don't feel tortured.

  Kade stops and shifts nervously as he tries to smile at Raya, but he just trembles instead. Is he... Wait...

  "Raya Capperton, you've been everything to me since the day your house was bulldozed."


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