Cooper (Full Throttle Series)

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Cooper (Full Throttle Series) Page 15

by Hazel Parker

  Then it was time to go home, and my first stop was Sara’s mansion, which I found empty.

  It wasn’t until a few days later that I received a text message from her, something short and rather vague: I’m at the beach where we first had our date. Can you come meet me?

  I didn’t respond, instead driving straight to the location right away. I found Sara standing on the seashore just a few meters away from the flower light bulb garden, facing the sea and wearing a white summer dress that flowed gently with the wind. Her shoes were beside her, and her feet were dug into the sand.

  It was the most beautiful sight I’d seen—that was, until Sara turned around when I called her name, and I saw her face again. I ached inside, wanting to go to her right away, but I kept my calm so as not to make her uncomfortable. There was no expression on her face as she looked at me and waited for me to come nearer. But she did visibly straighten her shoulders when I was only about two meters away, making me stop walking.

  I drank the sight of her in, unable to take my gaze off. She looked at the sand and wouldn’t meet my eyes. Dread settled in the pit of my stomach as I realized that she was probably about to apologize for what happened between us and maybe say goodbye, and I wasn’t ready for it. Christ. But it was unfair to show her anger, so I let myself stay calm and waited.

  “Congratulations on your win,” she finally said.

  “Thanks,” I said softly. “Why did you ask to meet me?”

  Surprise filled her face, probably that I was being so to the point. But I wanted to get it done and over with, so I could still remain polite while she said her goodbyes. I would probably try to find something to do to distract myself and try not to think about her pretty face and her beautiful laugh and—

  “I’m in love with you.”

  The words wiped away every thought I had.

  She continued speaking, her tone determined and her words stumbling all over each other in her hurry. It was like she was spilling her heart out, which I began to realize was exactly the case.

  “I didn’t realize it until I was watching you at the race—you, not Gray. I was focused on you, even if I was Gray’s manager. I was rooting for you, not Gray.”

  “Then why did you disappear right after? I was looking for you.”

  “Because it was wrong. Because I couldn’t face it. It’s just so messy. But the more I ran away…the more I missed you. The harder it was.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her turn and face me. I was still facing the sea, still trying to absorb the words that stunned me into unresponsiveness.

  “I talked to my kids and told them I was done running away from what I wanted. That’s why I left, too. I needed to clear my head. And the clearer it is, the more I realize how much you mean to me. I realize I may be too late, but…I just want to let you know. I want to let you know that I want to be with you.”

  Silence filled the space, with only the waves lapping against the sand breaking it from time to time. I tried to find the right words to say, but Sara was already speaking again.

  “I’m sorry. Am I too late? I can go now, I just had to say it. I want you to be happy, Cooper.”

  Footsteps sounded, but the roar in my ears took me a while to hear it. I could only keep repeating her words in my head, unable to believe it at first. But I did hear, and something soared and came alive inside me, beating fast and filling up with so much love as I took note of the nerves in her voice and how difficult it must have been for her to admit what she did just did.

  Then the roaring in my ears stopped, and shock filled me when I realized she was walking away and probably thinking I rejected her.

  Oh, hell no.

  I grinned at her back like an idiot, even while nerves shot at me.

  Then I ran after her.



  I was too late.

  That thought sunk into my head as I walked away and tried not to look back. My body was numb, and my heart was pounding too fast and about to explode in my chest—at least, it felt that way. I’d confessed everything I was feeling, biting the bullet and taking courage by the horns to tell Cooper what I should have said from the very beginning—all the pent-up feelings that I tried to deny and hide, but in the end, couldn’t.

  But it was too late.

  If Cooper’s calm expression wasn’t answer enough, then his non-answer when I confessed and after was the clincher. Not wanting to pressure him or hear him try to say words to comfort me, I got out of there before I embarrassed myself further and cried right in front of him. I was turning soft, and I hated it. He had a right to change his mind, though that didn’t stop the dismay and the regret that I didn’t grab on to the chance when he asked me to move in.

  I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that it took me a second to hear the footsteps behind me. I turned around to find Cooper calmly following me, and it shocked me so much that I abruptly stopped in my tracks and just stared at him. Then I blinked and backed away a few steps, shaking my head.

  “If you’re following me because you’ve got some misguided sense to be all gentlemanly, let me assure you—”

  “Are you really just going to walk away after all that?”

  I blinked again. Then I cleared my throat and tried to appear calm, even while my heart ached in my chest at the sight of him. He was so breathtakingly handsome that it hurt, and looking at him made my nerves flutter. “You didn’t respond. I get the picture. I don’t want to pressure you.”

  “You want to hear pressure?”


  “Pressure is when I won and tried to be happy, even when I couldn’t find you anywhere on the race track. Or your hotel room, where you apparently checked out. Pressure is when I have to be all happy with all the press and attention I’m getting for winning, when in truth I was miserable. Pressure is when my teeth hurt from all the smiling I had to do even when I didn’t want to because you weren’t there to celebrate my victory with me.”

  The shock doubled inside me, creeping in and electrifying my body. I stared at him as he kept talking, the words decidedly calm but with an edge to it.


  “That’s pressure, Sara. And I would very much like for you to ease it off.”

  It wasn’t what I expected. I expected either rejection or declaration, not an attempt at humor that was almost lost in the situation. I stared at him some more, trying to determine what he was doing before comprehension dawned on me—no, before comprehension hit me in the head and had me reeling.

  Cooper was nervous.

  I tried to read between the lines. I found the hurt slowly pulling away as clarity came.

  I tilted my head.

  “How do you want me to ease it off?” I asked softly.

  His eyes widened at my tone. Then he stepped forward, and I watched as the nerves cleared for him, too, giving way to more confidence. He was trying not to smirk and succeeded in giving me a tiny smile, the dimple shyly appearing, too. I ignored it, knowing it was going to be the death of me.

  “There are a lot of ways,” he said suggestively. “But I’ll let you decide.”

  I pretended to consider it. I stepped closer, leaving a few inches of space between us. I was so tempted to close the space right there and then, but I fought the urge and tried not to shake. “I want…” I licked my lips, watching as his gaze drifted down to look at it. Heat entered his eyes. “How about a date tonight? Where we can talk about anything we want and discuss what’s between us.”


  “And I want us to be open. No hiding from everyone. Just…no hiding. It’s all in.”

  His mouth quirked. “Done.”

  “And I want us to keep it real. If you get tired of me down the road, you need to tell me.”

  The quirk disappeared. “I’m not going to get tired of you, Sara. You need to get that in your head.”

  I shook my head. “But if you do—”

  My words were interru
pted by my own gasp as he closed the space between us and took my face in his hands. I thought he was going to kiss me right then, but he only looked at me intensely, speaking slowly. Sincerely.

  “I know you may have your doubts, but let me prove to you that I’m never, ever going to get tired of you, Sara.”

  “Okay,” I squeaked.

  “Give me fifty years or more. You hear me, babe?”

  My breath caught in my throat, and my heart stopped. I looked at him, speechless, as I understood exactly what he meant.

  “Don’t call me babe.”

  “Then what do I call you?”

  “Just…call me?”

  It was the cheesiest thing I’d ever said, and I cringed. But Cooper burst out laughing, like it was the funniest thing ever.

  “You know what?” he asked.


  “I think I might have been in love with you since that day I met you at the race track, and you were trying to be all cool and aloof with me. But this…you being a complete dork, makes me just love you even more.”

  It was the most unexpected confession that hurled me to the moon. Before I could respond, he was lowering his mouth to capture mine in a kiss that was soft and intimate all at once. I willingly opened up for him and showed him my own feelings through the kiss, feeling my heart trying to burst out of my chest again.

  This time, it was from happiness.

  The kiss lasted for a long time, as our mouths re-explored each other and savored the moment. The feeling of missing him intensified now that he was here, and I clung on to him and pressed my body against his, seeking his warmth. His hand banded around my waist and pulled me closer, if that was even possible. I knew sounds were coming out of my mouth as his tongue teased mine, but I was too into it to care.

  It was Cooper who pulled back, albeit reluctantly. He pressed his forehead against mine, breathing harshly. I could feel his erection pressed snugly against my stomach, and it made me want to do things. Thinking about those things made my cheeks burn as I realized that we had all the time in the world to do so.

  “I have some demands of my own,” he finally said.


  “One day I am going to make an honest woman out of you.”

  Oh, God. As if he didn’t make my heart flutter already, he went on saying such sweet words.

  “Okay,” was the only thing I could say.

  “And sex.”

  I grinned, trying not to giggle like some teenager. “Okay.”

  “Right now.”

  My eyes widened as he began tugging on my arm. He pulled me gently away from the seashore, and we returned to where our cars were parked just near the cafe, which was still closed. I looked at the cars, then at him and the cheeky grin he was giving me. His eyes were positively gleaming.

  “Take your pick,” he teased.

  Oh, God.

  I knew I should refuse. I should scold him and tell him we had perfectly good houses for what we wanted to do.

  Instead, I found my defenses crumbling as I pulled him to his vehicle, which was bigger. We turned on the ignition, raced to the backseat, locked the doors and stared at each other from opposite ends.

  Then we jumped each other.

  Before I knew it, I was straddling him. Before I could stop it, we were tearing off each other’s clothes without a care in the world, and whatever gentleness was in our kiss earlier on the beach was now completely gone, to be replaced by desperation and a pulsing need. My body was hot for him, and all I wanted to do was climb on him and taste him everywhere. He wanted to do the same, and we ended up wrestling before I managed to get on top of him again. I leaned down and sucked on his neck until his body vibrated and groans started coming out of his mouth, making me wetter and primed for him. His hands played with my breasts and set my nipples on fire, the kind of fire that traveled down between my legs.

  Something nudged at my entrance, and it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. I spread wider for him and let him in, gasping as his hands took my hips and pushed me down on his cock firmly, slowly, until he was fully seated to the hilt. The feeling of him inside me almost drove me wild, and soon I could no longer stop my body from bouncing as he thrust in me repeatedly and whispered alternate sweet nothings and dirty words in my ear.

  Because it had been too long for us, because we were driven by intense desire verging on desperation, it didn’t take long for the pressure to build, then break. We shattered together, clinging to each other as our orgasm took us to new heights. He found my mouth again and kissed me, and I kissed him back, feeling his heart in it and rejoicing that he gave it to me freely.

  He loved me, and I loved him back.

  And we would fight for it and face the world.


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  Chapter One

  Abby Walker nervously wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. Once again, she tried to remind herself that she had no reason to be nervous. She had a plan, she could put it into action, she could carry it out.

  She was settled now in the front row at one of the largest fashion houses in New York, waiting for their latest fashion show to start up. She looked stunning in her low cut, short black dress and six-inch Jimmy Choos. Abby loved fashion. She’d grown up with it, and the models that went through it, her entire life.

  Abby’s father, Ed Walker, had co-created the most successful modeling agency in New York City. While Abby was pretty enough to be in the industry herself, her father had gone out of his way to protect her. Ed Walker did not want her to see the ugliness that could come with both the modeling and underside of the business enterprise. That had not stopped Abby from ending up at parties, or corporate events. That was where she had met the man who was currently seated on the other side of the runway from her—Mitchell Fields.

  Mitchell Fields had been her father’s business partner her entire life. Mitchell was twice her age, but he was gorgeous. She’d developed a crush on him early and it had been with her ever since. Not that Mitchell had ever noticed. She’d always been nothing but Ed’s Little Girl to him. But today, Abby had a feeling that was going to change.

  Abby had not seen Mitchell in several years. She’d graduated high school and gone off to college, coming home only on the occasional holiday break and never for a full summer. Now that graduation was over, she had just returned to New York after finishing at Yale. Her degree was just as impressive as her looks. She was twenty-three now, and had grown up in all of the right ways. Abby’s long blonde hair, huge green eyes and killer figure had gotten her the attention of all of the Ivy League boys. Despite that, she was still a virgin. She was holding out for just the right man… and today she was going to have him.

  She was not a little girl anymore, and today Mitchell Fields would see that. Abby was going to seduce him if it was the last thing that she did. Studying him, she realized that he looked even better than he had in the past. She had chosen her outfit with the intent of proving to him that she was no child. She had gone through every modeling tip and technique on makeup that she had learned over the years. Expensive foundations and brighteners accented her flawless skin. Her eyes were rimmed in black liner and mascara. She had topped off the look with bright red lipstick. She looked hot-and Mitchell was going to notice.

  The house lights dropped. Abby smiled as her eyes focused across the runway on Mitchell. Her tongue traced across her lips once more while she crossed one long leg over the other. Her Yale roommate and best friend Maria had dared her to seduce the man she had been lusting over all these years. Abby suspected that Maria might have been growing weary with hearing about Mitchell. As long as Abby had known Maria, she had her crush on Mitchell. Maria had sat through countless nights of Abby googling recent pictures of Mitchell or just declaring how gorgeous he was. So when the other girl ha
d offered out the challenge, she could not really blame her. After all, the other girl who had watched Abby walk away from countless men her own age over the years. So when the dare had come out of Maria’s mouth, Abby had thought it was as much a challenge to make her stop talking as much as it was one to see if she could do it. Abby had accepted immediately.

  Abby smiled at the memory, just as Mitchell happened to turn. He looked across the runway at her. Their eyes met. She gave him a sly smile. She watched as Mitchell’s eyes roamed over her. Abby held back a grin. The look on Mitchell’s face said it all. He wanted her already. This was going to be no trouble at all. Abby licked her lips again. Maybe she did have a reason to be nervous after all.


  Mitchell Fields took a deep breath, trying to hide his arousal. Who the hell was the girl in the front row? He knew that he had never seen her here before—he certainly would have remembered. She was gorgeous, and she would not stop staring at him. Mitchell was not doing much better himself. He could barely take his eyes off of her to concentrate on the girls on the runway.

  Mitchell was used to beautiful women hanging on him. He was forty, but he enjoyed his bachelor lifestyle. He had never really seen himself as the settle down type. Therefore, he had every intention of sticking to his world of drinks and hot sex with gorgeous models.

  Getting older had done nothing to his looks. Mitchell still looked fabulous. His black hair had a few streaks of distinguishing gray in it. He himself kept to a strict workout routine and diet. It paid off. Models were always after him. Actually, all women were always lusting after him.

  The fashion show ended not a moment too soon. Mitchell got up from his seat. He was a bit ashamed to admit that he had not paid as much attention as he probably should. He was too distracted by the hot blonde seated across from him. He hoped that she was on her way over to the after show party. He needed to find her—immediately if not sooner.


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