Rescue Me

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Rescue Me Page 8

by Kira Sinclair

  This time, she didn’t stop the shout of frustration. His ensuing chuckle only made her want to yell louder.


  HE WAS AN IDIOT. Not because he’d made her angry, but because he found her anger arousing as hell. He liked it when her eyes sparked and her skin flushed.

  He liked her spunk and fire. It lit him up.

  But it probably wasn’t smart. So Finn let her stew all the way to her home.

  He was surprised to find she owned a small brick raised rancher on the back side of a quiet neighborhood. He had no idea why, but for some reason he’d pictured her living in the middle of some trendy downtown square filled with twenty-somethings who liked to party.

  This place reminded him more of PTA meetings and soccer club than whiskey and rockin’ country music.

  He pulled into her driveway and killed the engine. “What time do I need to pick you up tomorrow?”

  “I’ll find my own way.”

  “Nope.” That wasn’t going to happen. “It’s better if we arrive together, anyway.”

  “So everyone thinks we slept together just days after meeting?”

  “Well...yeah. That’s kinda the idea, Tucker. We need people to believe the story we’re telling and part of that charade is that our relationship is moving fast.”

  “Too fast,” she muttered under her breath.

  Finn’s lips twitched, but he managed to keep the grin tucked away.

  “So, what time should I stop by?”

  “Ugh!” She dropped her head back against the seat. Her eyes closed and her shoulders rose and fell on a deep breath.

  What he wanted to do was take her inside and tuck her into bed. What he did instead was sit patiently and wait for her to realize what he was suggesting was the smartest move.

  “I don’t usually wake up until one or two. I try to get to the bar between two and three.”

  “Okay, I’ll be here at two. Give me your phone.”

  She rolled her head without lifting it from the headrest and tried to glare at him, but her expression had little impact. Her entire body was weighted down and dragging.

  Surprisingly enough, she didn’t argue with him, simply unlocked the phone and flipped it into his lap. Finn snatched it and entered his information. “Text me if you’re ready earlier. Chances are Duchess and I will be up and out already.”

  “Not much for sleep?”

  “No.” That was a bit of an understatement. He’d never needed much, but since his time in Afghanistan, he’d found it hard to sleep through the night.

  Tucker opened her mouth, no doubt to press the issue, but snapped it closed again instead. Just as well. He would have answered her questions—he had no intention of keeping anything from her that she wanted to know—but neither of them were in the right frame of mind for that conversation tonight.

  Gathering her purse, Tucker pushed open the door and dropped her feet to the ground. Finn waited for her at the edge of her walk as she fished out her keys.

  “Jeez, you don’t know when to quit, do you?” she grumbled. Moonlight splashed across her face, illuminating her in a way that made her features soften.

  He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. It was either that or kiss the hell out of her. “Nope,” he said, rocking back on his heels.

  Following her up the walk to the front door, he watched her hand extend and push the key into the lock. But the door opened before she’d even turned it, the hinges creaking ominously.

  Shit. A sick sensation rolled through the pit of his stomach.

  “There any chance you left your door open before going to work tonight?” he asked, his words even and deliberate.


  Snatching her by the shoulders, Finn spun Tucker behind him, instinct taking over.

  “Go back to the Jeep.” He really wished Duchess were here. Her search skills would have been useful right about now to ensure the intruder wasn’t hiding somewhere inside Tucker’s home. “Call 911 and tell them you need to report a break-in. Then call Dade and Simmons and tell them to get their butts over here.”

  Her palms flattened against his shoulder blades. He could hear the sound of her harsh breathing. Felt the way her fingernails dug into his skin. All he could think about was the story she’d shared with him earlier, the echo of the fear she’d felt as a little girl still so clear and strong.

  He needed to reassure her. “You’re fine, Tucker. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Yeah?” she ground out behind him. “Who’s going to protect the bastard who broke into my place? If they’ve taken anything or destroyed my home you better hope they’re not still inside. If I find them I’m ripping someone a new asshole.”

  Laughter wheezed out of his constricted chest, easing some of the tension that had been building there, unchecked. Tossing a glance at her over his shoulder, he took in her pinched expression and the rage glittering through her gorgeous eyes.

  Okay, so she wasn’t upset or frightened. Upon reflection, Finn had no idea why he’d expected her to react that way. Maybe because many women who weren’t military or police would have.

  But he knew Tucker wasn’t afraid to take on a fight. Last night and the bruise on her cheek were proof of that.

  “Pull back those claws, kitten, and do what I’ve asked, please. I don’t think anyone’s still inside, but I’m not taking that chance. I’m going to investigate.”

  “Please tell me you have a gun in the truck. I’ll get it for you.”

  He did, actually, although he had no intention of using it. But he’d grab it anyway, just in case.

  “Yep, under the driver’s seat.”

  Tucker’s warmth disappeared from his back. He could hear the gentle click of her boots against the pavement as she hustled to the Jeep.

  A few minutes later Tucker said, “Here,” holding out his pistol. “I’ll make the calls. Just...” her gaze flitted down his body and back up again “...just don’t get yourself hurt, all right?”

  His mouth twitched. “I’ll be fine, kitten.” Then Finn pushed open the door and disappeared into the dark house.

  * * *

  HELL, SHE DIDN’T like watching him leave. Tucker’s heart was frantically trying to beat its way out of her chest. Anxiety and anger coasted along every nerve, making her irritated and jumpy.

  She called 911 and reported the incident. They were dispatching someone right away. Declining the operator’s offer to stay on the line until an officer arrived, she hung up and dialed Dade from Finn’s contact list.

  “This had better be damn important, McAllister.” His voice was groggy and unhappy.

  “Well, I suppose that depends on whether or not you deem my house being broken into important. I know I certainly do.”

  “Ms. Blackburn?” The half-asleep quality to his voice disappeared. Tucker had this mental image of him bolting straight up in bed. She hoped he was single, otherwise his wife had just gotten a rude awakening. “Where’s Finn?”

  Tucker crossed her arms and stared at her open front door. It was dark. Pitch black. She normally left a lamp burning because she came home in the middle of the night and it was always nicer to return to a welcoming glow.

  Until that moment she hadn’t registered that the light was even out. Hell.

  “He’s currently scoping out my house to make sure no murderers or rapists are lurking in the closets. When we got home my front door was unlocked and left open.”

  “And you’re certain you didn’t forget to lock the place before leaving?”

  “Yes, I’m religious about locking my doors at night, Officer Dade.”

  “Okay.” The sound was muffled, as if he was running a hand over his face while he talked. “I’ll be there in ten. Fifteen at the most.”
  “Great. You can join the officers 911 is sending out.”

  A stifled groan echoed down the line right before it went dead. Tucker stared at the open door for several seconds, debating before deciding she’d had enough. She wasn’t the kind of woman who sat around waiting.

  Walking up to the door, she pushed it wide open and yelled into the darkness. “Finn, I’m coming in. Don’t shoot me.”

  From the back of the house she heard a single curse word. A few seconds later Finn appeared on the other side of her living room.

  “I called Dade. He’s on his way along with whoever 911 is dispatching.”

  “Great. It looks like whoever was here is gone.”


  “Take a quick look and let me know if anything is missing.”

  Tucker let her gaze travel around her living room. The high-end TV she’d bought less than two years ago was still hanging on her wall. Maybe it was too heavy? Knickknacks, throw pillows and every DVD she owned littered the floor, but nothing appeared to be missing.

  Walking through the kitchen, down the hall, she entered her office. Papers were scattered all over the place, a real mess she didn’t even want to think about cleaning up. But the laptop she used as her home computer still rested in the docking station and the dual monitors set up on the desk were right where she’d left them.

  Every room she checked was much the same. Stuff was everywhere, a few things here and there broken. But nothing was missing. She should have been relieved. She wasn’t.

  Especially when she ended in her own bedroom, staring at her precious collection of couture shoes thrown haphazardly around the room. “Bastard,” she growled beneath her breath.

  “Excuse me?”

  Turning, she wasn’t surprised to find Finn leaning against the frame of the door leading to her bedroom.

  “You heard me. Whoever did this—” she swept her hand around the mess “—is nothing but a bastard. And if he so much as left one scratch in the fine Italian leather I’m going to be out for blood.”

  “I’ll warn Dade,” he drawled. “You know you have a problem, right?”

  Tucker’s eyebrows creased. “What are you talking about?”

  He nodded his head towards the mountain of shoes spread out at her feet. “I’m no expert, but doing the math, you could wear a different pair of shoes every day of the year and still not duplicate any. I’m pretty sure that means you have a problem. I’d be happy to help you find a support group.”

  Tucker glanced around, taking in the beautiful vision of all those shoes. And felt her lips twitch. He wasn’t wrong. She had a bit of an addiction, but she could afford it and it wasn’t hurting anyone.

  Turning back to him, she shrugged. “I already belong to one. We meet at least once a month. To buy new ones.”

  Finn just shook his head, pushed away from the door and strolled straight into her domain. He didn’t stop until he was standing right in front of her.

  She could feel the delicious heat of him. She had to crane her neck backward to look up at him, something she didn’t particularly enjoy, normally. But with him, it didn’t bother her.

  Especially when his hand cupped the back of her head and his thumb brushed across the curve of her jaw.

  He stared at her for several seconds, to the point that her body began to burn and she had to fight the urge to squirm beneath his scrutiny. He made her feel uncomfortable and alive all at the same time. How was that even possible?

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” The answer was automatic. Tucker didn’t even bother to stop and think about it. She was always okay.

  But Finn didn’t let her get away with that. “No. Are you okay?” he asked again, drawing each word out.

  This time, she took several seconds before answering. Was she? Really?

  “Yes. I’m irritated. I mean, there’s a part of me that feels violated. I’ve worked hard for this place. It’s the first house that’s really felt like mine. That someone just thought it was okay to break in and ransack it for their own purposes really pisses me off.” Wow, she hadn’t realized how much those words were true until they tumbled from her mouth. “And the fact that they didn’t take anything makes it worse, doesn’t it?”

  The hand Finn had been resting gently on her waist tightened for the briefest second. It was answer enough, but his words confirmed what her brain already knew. “Yeah. If the place had been stripped clean we could at least hope the break-in was coincidental. But considering nothing of value appears to have been taken, it’s a good bet that whoever it was came looking for something specific.”

  The drugs they’d found the other night? “This seems pretty extreme for a bag of meth.”


  It was obvious Finn didn’t really agree, but didn’t want to argue with her considering the mess they were standing in.

  “Searching the bar would make more sense than tearing apart my house.”

  “Who says they didn’t search the bar?”

  Tucker’s back slumped against the wall. Until that moment she’d been living on the hope that whatever was going on, none of her staff were involved. The people she employed had become her surrogate family and it hurt to think that any of them could be using her place for nefarious purposes.

  “Dammit,” she breathed out.

  “It’s all right.” Finn pressed his forehead to hers. “We’ll figure this out. You’re not alone.”

  The simple words, brushed across her mouth from the warm heat of his breath, ricocheted through her. They offered comfort, but also ripped and hurt, somehow opening old wounds that had never quite healed. She didn’t want to feel anything for this man, but couldn’t seem to stop it from happening.

  It felt like she’d been alone for a very long time. Forever, really. Sure, she’d had her father growing up, but she couldn’t really count on him considering he wasn’t around for large chunks of time.

  Without thinking, Tucker pushed up onto her toes, sealing her mouth to his. She needed that physical connection to another human being—to him—more than anything else in that moment.

  The kiss was unexpectedly soothing, draining away the tension that had infiltrated her body. It was easy and sweet. Real. Just for the two of them and not part of some show for an audience.

  Oh, there was an underlying heat, but they purposely kept it banked. Now wasn’t the time. The flash of red and blue lights splashing across the wall of her bedroom was proof of that.

  Pulling back, Finn brushed his thumb over her still tingling lips. “Time to face reality.”

  * * *

  THE BRIGHT PINK and orange of dawn were just starting to paint the sky when the officers finally left. While Dade and Simmons spoke to Tucker and directed the forensics team they’d called in, Finn slipped away to pick up Duchess. He’d wanted her there, offering any little bit of protection she could.

  The team dusted for prints, but found none. Whoever had done the B and E had been smart enough to wear gloves, at least. He and Tucker had done the best they could to triage the mess after being given the all clear. What was left could wait until later.

  In the morning—or later that morning—Finn had every intention of speaking to Tucker about installing a security system, including cameras to record all entrances. Even if she didn’t want to keep those measures in place after this was all over, until then, it would make him feel better.

  Maybe he should have the system installed first and ask for forgiveness later.

  “So, chances of me being up early today are nil. We better make it three. I won’t have the brain power to tackle paperwork this afternoon, anyway.”

  “Not a problem. We can head in whenever we’re both up and ready. Just point me in the direction of your spare sheets so I can lay them out before cr
ashing. I’m dead on my feet.”

  Tucker stared at him for several seconds, blinking slowly like he’d just grown a second head and it might disappear if she waited long enough. She was adorable when she was speechless.

  “Uh, you are not staying the night.”

  “Uh, yes I am. There’s no way I’m leaving you here alone.” At least not until he got that security system installed. “I’m not suggesting we sleep together, Tucker. I’m too damn tired. The first time we have sex I want to be one hundred percent so we both enjoy the hell out of it.”

  He certainly enjoyed the way she pulled in a harsh gasp, her pupils dilating. Behind the unforgiving constriction of his jeans, his dick stirred. Nope, down boy.

  “I barely know you and you want to sleep in my spare bedroom?”

  She was searching for any excuse. God, for a woman so strong and uncompromising she could certainly be skittish.

  “Tucker, you know me better than you apparently realize. There are men I’ve worked with for years who don’t know about what happened to my sister. Women that were in my life for months didn’t get that part of me, either. So, stop stalling, get the sheets and let me get some sleep. Please.”

  Tucker blew out a breath, her bangs fluttering with the motion.

  “Unless you really would prefer we sleep together. Fair warning, I sleep in the nude.”

  Turning on her heel, she shot out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Finn followed, a little slower, his feet dragging against the pale wooden floor. Pausing at a closet, she yanked it open, grabbed a set of sheets and shoved them into his stomach.

  Finn doubled over, grasping them. He snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her tight against him, too. “You know where to find me if you change your mind,” he whispered into her ear.

  Tucker pushed against him so he let her go. Her palms smacked into his chest. “God, you’re a pain in the ass, you know that?”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  Finn watched her try to stomp down the hallway while favoring her bad ankle. The slam of her door echoed through the house. And he couldn’t hide the smile curving his lips anymore. It was so easy to push her buttons. He should probably stop it. Especially considering that the more time he spent with her the deeper she dragged him into wanting her.


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