The Healer and the Warrior

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The Healer and the Warrior Page 19

by Bekah Clark

  He rose, crossed over to me, and took my hand. “I was waiting for you. Come on. Let’s eat, and then I’ll take you to meet my sister.”

  Fear gripped me. “Today?”

  His mouth twisted in a wry smile. “Well, when else?”

  I fidgeted anxiously. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. Am I to meet Donner today, too?”

  He nodded and guided me to the table. We feasted on some of the finest food I’d ever known. We didn’t talk, but there was ease and warmth flowing between us. Sometimes I’d raise my eyes from my food and find him studying me. When my cheeks would redden, he’d let out a chuckle. The simple times with Torric always filled my heart with joy. Our journey on the road had been full of so many adventures that it was nice to just be quiet and close.

  After we finished, he led me down the hall. I was grateful to be with him because I was beginning to think that the castle was a labyrinth. Eventually, he led me to a large, ornately carved door. It was adorned with intricate flowers and leaves. Then it dawned on me: this was the queen’s chambers and probably had been since the castle was originally constructed.

  Torric knocked softly, and I nervously gripped his arm. My stomach dropped as the door opened and a tall woman stood there with a warm smile and emerald eyes. Even if she didn’t have the same midnight-black hair, I would have known her to be Torric’s sister. Her features were much like his, only soft, feminine. Her belly was round with child—she probably only had a month or so left. When her eyes fell upon me, she smiled but quickly turned her gaze back to her brother.

  “What? No kiss for your older sister?” she asked in a rich voice, which was a lighter, feminine version of Torric’s.

  Grinning, he kissed her on the cheek and then hugged her tightly. Softly, he set his hand on her belly and looked up at her. “And how is the little one doing?”

  “Oof. Kicking me nonstop, giving me indigestion, and telling me that he or she is almost ready. Now, who are you?” Her green eyes turned to me as she smiled. Either no one had told her of my arrival, or because of my slightly darker hair color, she didn’t realize.

  Torric slipped his arm around me, and this caused Sarine’s eyes to go wide. Her emerald gaze darted between the two of us for a moment before settling on me. I smiled nervously as Torric said, “This is Zianya, the Healer of Vella. She’s come to save Donner.”

  She gave a gasp and her eyes glistened with newly formed tears. I found myself enveloped in welcoming arms. I took great care to be cautious with her, her large pregnant belly a little awkward to hug around. Almost as awkward as it was for me to have a queen hug me so warmly. Healer or no, I was a simple girl from Vella. When Torric had told me of the honor and respect I'd have in Glane, part of me had not quite believed him. And even though since I’d entered Glane no one had looked upon me with fear or disgust over being a healer, the warmth and acceptance of these brave people took me by surprise.

  “Thank you,” she said sincerely.

  Nervously, I replied, “You’re welcome. May I?” I reached my hand toward her rounded abdomen. When she nodded, I slipped my hand over the top of her belly and let that part of myself that I used for healing sink in. Inside, I could feel the vibrant spark of life. I grinned up at her. “The child will be very healthy.”

  “You can tell that?” she whispered in awe.

  I nodded, and she turned her eyes to Torric, who was beaming at me. I blushed under his prideful gaze and turned away, but not before I noticed the question in her eyes. Too embarrassed to answer such things, I asked, “When can I meet Donner? I’ve journeyed long to do so.”

  She beckoned us into the apartments. I took a glance around; while the walls, floors, and ceilings were also in dark wood like Torric’s room, in this room there were touches of a woman everywhere—from throw pillows, to lace atop tables. The hardwood floors had huge, intricately woven carpets of blue and green. The room itself was cheery and inviting. And as we made our way through the living area to the bedroom, I noticed the furniture design was in softer tones and lines.

  When we entered the bedroom, there was a large canopy bed—and in its center, a man slept. He was tall, but thin, and his skin had a sickly pallor that contrasted deeply with his shock of dark auburn hair. Even without the sheen of sweat on his skin, I knew this was Donner as the need to heal him gripped me.

  I started to approach the bed when Torric grabbed my hand and spun me around. “Are you sure you can do it?”

  I smiled up at him and softly stroked his cheek. “Of course I can. I’ll need to sleep a lot after.”

  Even though worry colored his eyes, he smiled. “I’ll carry you back to our room after.”

  “Our room?” Sarine’s voice rang with surprise.

  “I’ll tell you later,” he grumbled.

  I tuned them out and walked over to Donner. He was handsome in the classical sense, his features more refined than those of my ruggedly handsome warrior. I took his hand gently, and he slowly opened his eyes in confusion. His voice was barely a hoarse whisper. “Who…”

  I let a soft smile take my face. “Shh. You rest now. When you wake up tomorrow, all will be well.”

  I knew if we had been a week later, it would have been too late. Taking his hand, I let my healing energies sink into him. I could feel it tracking down and burning the poison in his system. It did more than that, however, as I pushed myself to use more and sought to renew his strength.

  When I was sure that the healing was complete, I released his hand and smiled. His gray eyes widened as he realized what I had done. Before I could faint, Torric’s arms were around me. “Let’s get you back.”

  In a meek little voice, I said, “I’ll let you carry me.”

  He swept me up in his arms. I knew he was speaking, but I couldn’t comprehend what he was saying as I felt the need to sleep press upon me. I drifted off before we even left the room. The soft brush of his lips fluttering across my temple was the last thing I felt before it went dark.

  Chapter Twenty

  A gentle hand stroked my hair as I felt consciousness slowly return. Before I even opened my eyes, I knew it was daylight. The hot sun was caressing my face, and I could see the pink of my eyelids.

  I stretched languidly and then I smiled before I asked, “How’s Donner?”

  I heard a deep voice chuckle. “He’s well now. Thanks to you.”

  Opening my eyes to meet Torric’s impassioned emerald gaze, heat slowly started to build within me. For a long moment, our eyes remained locked. Leaning down, his lips caressed my mouth with a tender passion. I gasped softly, and his tongue swept into my mouth, delving in, stroking mine playfully. I slipped my hand into his hair and pulled him closer. His other hand started to meander over my body, and I felt flushed with desired that roared through my form.

  My stomach growled. Torric sat up, laughing, and I blushed. This was not the time for a healer’s need for food. I dragged the covers over my head as I felt him rise. Several moments later, I heard a plate being set on the nightstand. Sitting up, I found some bread and cheese waiting for me.

  “I’ve ordered up some roast beef. Hopefully this will hold you over until then.”

  Nibbling on the food he gave me I asked, “How’s Sarine?”

  He grinned down at me. “Happy. And probably on her way here. I’ve no doubt the servant I sent for food is telling her you’re awake.”

  My eyes went wide and I tossed the covers, about to rise. Pausing to take in my state, flames filled my cheeks. “You undressed me?”

  He smiled wickedly as his eyes perused my body, eliciting a need within me once again. “Yes,” he growled. “Sadly, that’s all I did. You were in no condition to consent to anything more. Besides, I like you screaming my name, not snoring while I’m inside you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I slipped out of the bed and found my clothes draped across the back of the chair. I started to pull on my chemise when I felt Torric’s hand run over my backside, around my waist, and up over my breasts
. Once, I would have instantly blushed at such boldness; now, instead, desire flooded my veins with need. I gasped out, “What are you doing?”

  He tugged softly at my nipples for a moment, drawing a sharp cry from me before he gently bit my neck and helped me pull down the chemise. His voice was husky in my ear. “Have I ever told you how well formed you are?”

  “Well formed, huh?”

  He nipped my ear. “Among other things.”

  “What other things?” I couldn’t help preening a little at his words.

  “Beautiful. Stunning. Sweet-tempered. And very warm.”

  Turning fully to him, I rose to my toes to give him a quick kiss before I turned to my dress. Checking myself in the mirror, I was glad that my hair was still in its braid from earlier. I tried to ignore the red in my cheeks. The plate by the bed beckoned, and I rushed over and began devouring the food. There was no sense in letting the queen see me gorging myself.

  When we entered the main rooms, there was a knock on the door. Torric made his way over and opened it. First, Sarine glided into the room in a lovely emerald green silk gown that matched her eyes. She immediately beamed at me while I wished I were wearing a different color. She completely outshined me.

  Donner, whom I almost didn’t recognize, strode into the room behind her, his gray eyes seeking mine, alive with health. Life and warmth replaced the sickly pallor. His hair was now neatly arranged in short auburn curls. The leather pants and tunic were of the finest quality I had ever seen. It suddenly struck me that this was a king, and I had constantly referred to him as Donner as if I knew him. I snapped out of my musings and embarrassed, I curtsied. “Majesty.”

  In three quick strides, he was before me, and instantly he embraced me. His voice was heartfelt but higher in tone than Torric’s. “You do not call me majesty. You’ve done me and my people a great service.”

  I giggled out of nerves and said. “Very well…Donner.”

  He smiled. “I didn’t expect your hair to be so dark. From what I know, the best healers have flame-red hair.”

  “Oh, I dyed it for the last part of our journey. Give it half a week, and it’ll be back to normal. Maybe less if I wash it fiercely enough.”

  He considered me, glanced at Torric, and then back. “Do you not want quarters of your own?”

  “She stays with me,” Torric said gruffly, his hard gaze locked on Donner.

  The king’s eyes lit up with mischief, and I knew in that instant that I liked him. He snickered. “Brother, she may not like your snoring.”

  Torric frowned. “I don’t snore.”

  Delighted at the turnabout, I laughed. “Oh, yes, you do.”

  He pivoted to me with a surprised gleam in his gaze and I covered my mouth to hide my amusement. He shook his head, and then there was a knock on the door. Opening it, he found three servants with a cart overflowing with dishes containing food. They began setting the table for four. I shot Donner and Sarine a surprised look.

  Sarine supplied, “We thought we could all eat together.”

  Torric peeked under the covered platters and frowned. “Bring some more food.”

  “Yes, my lord,” a tall, thin servant girl said before she dashed off.

  In surprise, Donner turned to Torric, who said, “After healing your sorry ass, she’s going to need it.”

  Shock shot through me. But Donner just laughed good-naturedly. I studied him for a moment. He was nothing like how I would picture a king. But, then again, how many kings had I met before? Not one.

  As we ate, Donner and Sarine asked me questions about my life in Vella. From their faces, I could see they were as upset as Torric had been about the way healers were treated. I wanted to ask them personal questions but felt shy about it. After all, they may have been nice, but they were still the rulers of Glane—and I was just a healer from a small village.

  Once we finished eating, Donner asked me, “What are your plans?”

  “My plans?”

  He glanced over at Sarine before he said, “While we certainly hope you’ll wish to stay here, we’re wondering if you’re planning on heading home to Vella.”

  I felt as if the three of them were holding their collective breath; even Torric was still worried about that. Healers now being so rare and valued in Glane, I was sure they would not want me to go. And I didn’t want to go, either.

  I smiled brightly before responding. “I would like to remain in Glane. However, I’d like to go back to Fort Nyte soon so I can resume training a girl there on how to be an herbalist. Perhaps after I finish training her, I could train others.”

  Donner smiled broadly. “That would be wonderful.”

  Sarine rose and said, “We should let them rest. It was a long journey here, and Zianya healed you so quickly after arriving.”

  Donner smiled lovingly at his wife. Rising, he rested his hand on her stomach a moment before sharing a tender look with her. My heart ached, and the fact that I’d healed this man moved me. This child would now know his or her father. Nodding to us, the two of them left. And I was instantly in Torric’s arms.

  Between his insistent kisses, he asked, “Where were we before your stomach so rudely interrupted us?”

  I laughed as he hauled me off into the bedroom.

  A few days later, I woke alone and stretched. Torric had warned me he’d be in a meeting with Donner this morning, so I wasn’t very surprised.

  Vonn had had dinner with us the night before and made his goodbyes. I was going to miss him and his gentle—if incessant—teasing. He had plans to go back to Fort Nyte to report to Keig, and then to go back to Pheon to spend several months with Meg. It was easy to convince Torric to stop by Pheon on our way back to Fort Nyte in order to see Vonn and Meg. I missed them both already.

  Lying in the large bed, I wondered how I was going to spend the day. Torric hadn’t told me when he’d be back, and I wasn’t interested in lazing around his quarters all day. So I rose and went into the bathing chamber and took a too-long, hot bath before I got myself ready.

  Looking in the mirror, I bit my bottom lip. I had been scrubbing my hair and washing it three times a day these last few days. It wasn’t my bright flame red, but it was a nice dark red now. I let it fall freely, except for a braid across the crown of my head to keep it out of my eyes. Sarine had had some dresses altered for me. This one was a deep indigo, with pale blue crystals around a scoop neckline. It flowed in soft, velvet waves down the curves of my body.

  Grinning with satisfaction, I left the room to wander the halls. It didn’t take me long to become completely lost in the maze that made up Kingshold Castle. I paused at a window and noticed a beautiful garden full of early fall flowers. Deciding that was my destination, I started to stroll again. I made my way down the stairs, which was much easier than all the climbing.

  It wasn’t too long before I found myself turned around again. Finding a door that appeared to head outside, I opened it to find a huge library. I would have been excited if it wasn’t for the fact that I couldn’t read the written Glanean word. Regardless, I walked into the room. Pausing, I closed my eyes and smiled as the heavy scent of leather and paper surrounded me. Opening my eyes, I looked around at all of the many bookcases that went to the high ceilings. Wandering among them, I let my fingertips run over the leather-bound volumes of various colors.

  Finding a staircase, I took it to the next level and discovered so many carefully arranged scrolls. I chose not to touch such ancient writings and after poking around a bit through the upstairs of the library and finding no other level, I went downstairs and headed out. I would have stayed longer, but not being able to read the words of even the titles made it unappealing to remain longer.

  Colliding into someone, I gasped, “Oh, my apologies!”

  “You should apologize,” said a vaguely familiar voice that dripped with disdain.

  I looked up to find Gemma staring at me if I were a mouse she found walking across her path. A smile crept across my lips. “Oh,
hello, Gemma. How are you this fine day?”

  Scowling, she replied, “Well enough…or I was until I came across something out of place.”

  I laughed, which just deepened her scowl. What she did not realize was that her scorn was not even close to that which I had often experienced back home in Vella. Senna would have sent Gemma off crying. My laugh turned her frown into a full-on sneer. I wanted to fold my arms, but instead, I placed my hands on my hips and tilted my head.

  Her eyes turned to saucers before they narrowed as if I was some foul creature. “So are you Torric’s latest toy?”

  I felt the sting of those words, but I smiled instead. “Are you his old toy?”

  Fury burned in her eyes. “I’m not his toy! Torric’s never touched me.”

  I nodded. “Well, he’s touched me. Repeatedly. I share his room, and he calls me his woman. I’m more than a toy. I’m certainly more than you.”

  She got right into my face. “He’s mine. He’s just waiting.”

  Calmly, I replied, “Waiting for what? Why don’t you go find a man who actually wants you?”

  She screeched, “He does want me!” Then she slapped me across the face. “You’re just some peasant whore!”

  “Gemma!” Sarine’s hard voice cut through the girl’s fury and her eyes were engulfed in chagrin. I stepped back and stared right at her as Sarine continued, “A healer is honored by all. Zianya used her gift to save our King, and this is how you treat her?”

  “But she—”

  “She what? Stated facts? Torric’s tolerated your scheming because you’re Donner’s cousin, but I’ll not allow you to call the woman who saved my husband a whore.”

  Gemma looked to Sarine and then to me. With her back to Sarine, her eyes belied her gentle words as she said, “I’m sorry to have insulted you, Zianya.”

  Brightly, I replied, “No offense taken. I wish you well.”

  She hurried off down the hall as Sarine came over to stand close to me. Once Gemma was well out of earshot, she said to me softly, “You were a bit harsh on her.”


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