The World of Caffeine

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by Weinberg, Bennett Alan, Bealer, Bonnie K.

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  Table 1. Caffeine Content of Foods and Beverages

  Food or Beverage Mg of Caffeine

-oz cup)

  Drip 130–180

  Percolated 75–150

  Espresso (1.5 to 2 oz) 100

  Instant 50–130

  Decaffeinated 2–6

  TEA (6-oz cup)

  1 minute brew 10–40

  3 minute brew 20–55

  5 minute brew 25–100

  Instant 15–35

  Canned iced tea (12 oz) 55–90


  Hot chocolate, from mix (6 oz) 10

  Chocolate milk (6 oz) 4

  Milk chocolate (1 oz) 6

  Dark chocolate (1 oz) 20

  Baking chocolate (1 oz) 35

  M&M’s (1.75 oz) 15

  Hershey’s Candy Bar (1.58 oz) 12

  Hershey’s Special Dark Bar (1.3 oz) 36


  Dannon Coffee Yogurt (100 ml) 25

  Cocoa Puffs breakfast cereal (100 g) 2

  Häagen Dazs Coffee Ice Cream (½ cup) 32

  Table 2. Caffeine Percentage by Weight: Natural Sources

  Source Range of Percentage of Caffeine by Weight

  Roasted coffee beans 0.8 to 1.8

  Tea leaves 2.0 to 4.1

  Cocoa beans .97 to 1.7

  Cola nuts 1.0 to 2.2

  Table 3. Caffeine Content of Soft Drinks

  Drink (12 oz) Mg of Caffeine

  Jolt Cola 70

  Mr. Pibb 59

  Mountain Dew 54

  Diet Mountain Dew 55

  Mello Yellow 53

  Tab 47

  Coca-Cola 46

  Diet Coke 46

  Shasta Cola 45

  Shasta Cherry Cola 45

  Shasta Diet Cola 45

  Dr Pepper 40

  Diet Dr Pepper 40

  Pepsi-Cola 38

  Diet Pepsi 36

  Aspen 36

  RC Cola 36

  Diet RC 36

  Diet Rite 36

  Canada Dry Cola 30

  Canada Dry Diet Cola 1

  7-Up 0

  Adapted from FDA statistics, 1984, published in FDA Consumer

  Table 4. Caffeine Content of Medications

  Type of Medication Caffeine Content (mg per pill or capsule)


  Vanquish 33

  Anacin 32

  Excedrin 65

  Midol 32


  Coryban-D 30

  Dristan 0

  Triaminicin 30


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