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Satisfaction Delivered

Page 4

by Marie Harte

  He didn’t trust that Vi would be the answer to all his prayers. He wasn’t looking for a happily-ever-after like his friends, didn’t believe one woman would ever soothe the hungry part of him always wanting more. More sex, more adventure, more thrills…

  But now, covered by a naked and wet Violet, surrounded by hot water and the scent of wildflowers, he relaxed. Stupid, considering she could drown him or stab him with one of the knives he’d deliberately left close.

  A test of sorts. For him or her, he wasn’t sure. He wanted to know if she’d try to stab him. But he also needed to know if he was an idiot for wanting to trust her, or if the sex had gone to his brain.

  “I don’t feel like I can move.” She pressed a kiss to his chest. She lay over him, draped like a limp noodle. “You know, just because you gave me orgasms doesn’t mean we’re dating.”

  He chuckled, happy at the little growl she made. That she didn’t seem to like how close she felt excused his own confusion. “Oh? I was hoping we could start making wedding plans. Maybe sign up for a registry. We could get some matching towels or sheets. We’ll need a lot of them because I tend to come a lot.”

  “Shut up.” She tugged at his chest hair, and he winced.

  “So no to monogrammed tea towels?”

  She snickered. “That’s what I missed most about you, Hamilton. That sense of humor.”

  He cringed. “Not Hamilton. Please.”

  “What’s wrong with Hamilton Ashton Montgomery III?”

  “Other than it’s a mouthful—and if we’re talking about my dick, that’s obvious. But that name is just… pretentious as shit.”


  “Besides. Do I really look like a Hamilton?”

  She leaned up to study him, and he wondered what she saw. “I need to give this some thought.”

  “Yeah, sure. Just trying to find some new way to torture me with the name.”

  “There is that.” She planted herself back against his chest.

  Where she belonged came out of nowhere.

  Hurrying to get rid of that thought, he brought the subject back to what should matter the most. “So, do I need to keep tying you up and fucking the fight out of you? Because I’m game to do it. But maybe we could work together and pool our resources. You know, and just fuck on the side.”

  She snorted. “Pooling our resources sounds good. But don’t act like you’re doing me a huge favor by offering not to tie me up. You are one kinky contractor.”

  “True.” He tugged her head back by the hair, pleased to see the lust in her eyes. “But then, had I known how wet you get from a little dominance, I’d have had you begging to be fucked months ago.”

  She blushed, as he’d figured she would. “You’re an ass.”

  “True.” He grinned, and she reluctantly laughed. “But then I’m an ass you know. We need to figure out the asses we don’t know and stop this mess before it touches Little Dee.”

  She sighed. “I agree.” A pause. “But we don’t need all the answers right now, do we? You’re a pain, but I’m willing to trade you a good night’s sleep. You stand watch for me; I’ll stand for you. Deal?”

  He felt a surge of empathy, knowing she’d been on her own for so long. Big Joe hadn’t vouched for her since the shootout at Deacon’s, though he’d been adamant that Vi wasn’t a problem to handle right away. While Hammer had been getting plenty of rest, safe on the search for answers, Vi had been all alone, fending off attackers left and right.

  He planted a soft kiss on her head, unable to stop himself. “How about this trade off, my beautiful pain in the ass?” he offered, knowing she’d hate it if she realized he felt any kind of compassion. “You promise to blow me; I’ll watch over you while you sleep. Frankly, I’m not tired. I’ve had my share of shuteye on all the flights I’ve been taking.”

  “Flights? From where? Seattle?”

  “Nope. I’ll tell you where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to when you wake up, and, you know, trade info with me.”

  She took a playful bite of his chest, and he couldn’t help the stirring between his legs. He should be too tired to go again, but damn if his body knew that. It only knew he had the most desirable woman on the planet naked and in his arms.

  “Fine. I’ll show you mine and you can show me yours after I get a nap. One not induced by any drugs.” She sat up and glared at him.

  He held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

  She sighed. “Holding up both your middle fingers at me is not the sign of a Boy Scout.”

  “It isn’t?”

  She laughed and stood. He drained the tub and dried off while watching her do the same. She didn’t seem self-conscious about being naked around him, maybe because she could see how she affected him.

  “Does that thing ever go down?” she asked as she eased into bed.

  He put on a pair of sweats he’d brought with him, sat in the chair next to the bed, then powered up his laptop. “It goes down if you put your mouth on it. I’ll show you once you wake up.”

  “You are such an idiot,” she said on a laugh. “Good night, Hamilton.”

  “Good night, Nurse Ratched.”

  He ignored the middle finger she shot him and composed an email to Noel. Time to fill Ice in on what he knew and start digging back into what he knew about Angel.

  And Violet. Because unless they started really trusting each other, he had a feeling things were about to get worse.


  In the cold clime of the San Juan islands off the Washington coast, the mastermind behind so much chaos sipped a black coffee and watched the mist roll away from the island, disappearing into rolling waves of blue and gray. An angry East Sound protested the harsh winds that whipped water into hard peaks, breaking against the rocks bordering the beach down below.

  But the coffee was hot, an imported bean from Mexico that always reminded him of the wonders waiting for him down there, where his empire continued to flourish. Unfortunately, along with that success came a critical loss he’d only now come to realize.

  Angelina. A killer as beautiful as she was intelligent. The best fuck he’d ever had, and a conniving bitch he still missed with surprising consistency. Though not given to fancy, he freely admitted she’d been the closest thing he’d ever had to the warmth of what others might call love.

  Of course, like the all the rest, when things hadn’t gone her way, she’d behaved predictably. Turned on him when he’d needed her most. Her betrayal would have stung more if he hadn’t anticipated it from the beginning. Still, he missed her, for even at the end, she’d remained strong. She’d cursed him to hell, promising he’d never get his hands on her treasure.

  He smirked. I’ve had my hands, my cock, and my tongue in that treasure, my lovely killer. Ah, Angel, I miss you. With you by my side, we could have ruled them all.

  As it stood, he contented himself by continuing his subtle, hostile, and silent takeover of the Business, small piece by small piece. With any luck, he’d soon have Big Joe fitted out for a body bag.

  “She’s gone again, Boss.”

  He frowned and drank more caffeine, needing the boost after a long night acquiring more merchandise.

  Lately, work consumed him in equal parts pleasure and frustration. He still held all the cards, but a few jokers had been screwing up his hand. “Violet escaped. No surprise. Did we manage to slow her down yet?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. She’s getting closer. I sent you the footage we managed to capture.” Wings bowed her head, appropriately subdued.

  Perhaps that had been his problem, relying on men to do the job women often accomplished with little to no fanfare. Wings had turned out to be a surprisingly loyal and valued employee, Months ago, when she’d been incapacitated by that slippery asshole, Shadow, she’d come through the mess hurt but still useful. And so fucking repentant. Remembering how she’d longed to make up for her mistakes had been so satisfying.

  Too many others made the error of underes
timating her value, but not him.

  He studied her, aware she remained cautious in his presence. He liked that. Sue Ahn—Wings—had a brain. She also had a subtle beauty, with an angular frame, high cheekbones, and full, fuckable lips. A short cap of black hair frosted with blue framed a thin face. Her eyes, slanted, dark, and mysterious, intrigued even as her gaze told him to never let down his guard. She might think herself infatuated with him, but he’d had more than his share of spurned lovers.

  He still hadn’t figured out if she loved him or his vast power. But he’d respect her more if she was drawn to his influence and not that sickly-sweet emotion.

  “Wings, you’ve done well. It’s not your fault our local talent’s been so weak.”

  She preened at the name, a constant reminder that though she’d been a two-bit player when at the Business, with him she’d gained stature. And a designation—Wings—an alias that conveyed authority. Under the leadership at the Business, she’d never risen above her status as a sub-contractor. She’d wanted to be cleared for wetwork, he knew, but her handler had found her lacking. Instead, she’d served as a go-between, organizing logistics and planning.

  Talents that had proven useful as so many of his employees failed to do the job. And then there was that thing she did with her mouth… “Do you miss Burleigh?”

  She shrugged. “He had a big dick and wasn’t half bad with it. But he never shut up.”

  He grinned. Romero Burleigh, a pervert and his old accountant, had prided himself on riding Wings whenever he could, unaware she had just been doing her job, fucking the bastard senseless and keeping an eye on him.

  Not trusting Burleigh had been a no-brainer, and now with Ice and Shadow effectively sidelined in civilian relationships, only Destroyer remained in the thick of things. Destroyer and Phantom, another problem he needed to solve before he moved a major shipment next month.

  He should have cleaned up his messes sooner, but he’d been having so much fun playing. The players were pawns in his game, even if they didn’t know it.

  “Run the footage for me,” he ordered.

  She nodded and set up the viewing on the large monitor mounted to the wall. He turned, still sipping his coffee, and watched as Violet Leon took out his crew with ease.

  Wings huffed. “God. I could do better with my eyes closed.”

  He agreed. And then the most interesting thing happened. Destroyer entered, and he and Violet fought. Having seen Destroyer in action before, he knew the contractor could have killed Violet, or she him, had they been trying. Instead it appeared as if a mock battle, with just enough force used on both sides to make the interaction interesting.

  Violet ended up the victor, and she plunged a needle into his neck, rendering Destroyer unconscious. But not before the pair shared a scorching kiss. To add to the oddness of the situation, Violet hid Destroyer from view and thus from any potential threat.

  He found the interaction fascinating, especially because from what he knew, Destroyer wanted to annihilate Violet Leon.

  “Run it again,” he ordered. He liked the way the sexy contractor moved. So like Angel, swift and without hesitation. Fast and sleek, Violet had a lethal presence compounded by physical strength and mental acuity.

  He’d let her think herself safe long enough. She had answers he needed. Knowing Destroyer wanted her only upped her value. “Bring her to me. No more playing around.”


  “Violet. She’s served her purpose. I want her brought to me. Have alpha team get on it.” His most skilled people not currently working with the latest shipment would do the job. “And before you go, I think it’s time we reconnected.”

  The spark in her dark eyes made him smile. Ah, that weak emotion, something Angel had never displayed. Angel had liked to keep him guessing, so much so that he’d never realized her true feelings about his plans until it had been too late. Such a waste to lose her.

  “Sir?” Arousal danced in Sue Ahn’s smile, an expression of lust and avarice wrapped in fear.


  She took out a small bag from its place in a cabinet and placed a cloth and small tube on a nearby table. Then she dropped her clothes and weapons and turned to face the wall like the trained whore she was, her legs spread, her ass tilted out. So lovely in her service. And so loathsome. Anger fed his desire, and he unzipped only enough to free himself. He didn’t take his time, didn’t check to see if she was ready to receive him. Instead, he used a small amount of lubrication to make his fit easier, then drove into her. He wasn’t gentle, and he took what he wanted.

  Giving her exactly what she hated…and craved.

  When he finished, he withdrew and waited for her to clean him with the soft cloth. Her expression remained passive as she knelt before him, sullied with his seed. But he knew how much she hated the after part, how she hated the evidence of her actions. He looked down at her shiny black hair and palmed her head while she finished wiping him up. “Put out the order. I want her in one piece. Roughed up is fine, but she must be mostly unharmed. We’ll finish this mess where it all began, down south. Understood?”

  “Yes, boss.” She tucked him back into his trousers and gently zipped him up.

  “No, darling, let’s not be so formal. I just left an assload of cum inside you.” He smiled, loving her flinch. “Tell me what I want to hear.”

  “I love you, Jonas.” She bit her lower lip and stared at his crotch. He wondered if she was thinking about the shame she brought to her family, so full of ideals and good old religious morality. Was she dwelling on the self-hatred that never seemed to leave her? So many negative emotions hidden behind a veil of stoicism. A lovely surprise every time he opened the package.

  “Jonas…?” he prodded, enjoying her misery.

  “My love. My prince.” She bowed her head, her face flushed with need. Once for Sue Ahn was never enough.

  “You’re such a good girl, Sue.” So easily manipulated. He smiled. “Oh hell. One more for the road, what do you say?”

  Her disgust with herself made it so much better. And to prove he was a giving kind of guy, this time he let her orgasm before he did and held her while she cried.

  Cried—something Angel never would have done.

  Oh Angel. I miss you, baby. So much. If only I could go back, I’d convince you to see it my way. We’d be so happy. And then I’d kill you for being a lying, traitorous bitch.

  Vi stretched and felt an empty space next to her on the bed. She blinked her eyes open and saw Hammer typing away into a laptop, his huge fingers surprisingly nimble on the keyboard. A glance at the clock on the nightstand showed she’d slept through to Friday morning, and the sight of the emptied dessert plate told her Hammer had polished off whatever had been left for dessert.

  “About time,” he growled upon seeing her move, but she saw the smile he tried to hide. “You snore like a bear in heat.”

  “Oh, now, that’s an image.”

  “I’m not apologizing for eating the cheesecake either. You should never waste food.”

  “Whatever.” He had a sweet tooth, something she used to tease him about. She slowly sat up and clutched the top sheet to her chest, amused to see his disappointment. “You have to pay to play.”

  He grinned. “As if I’d make any kind of reference to payment and sex near you and a set of knives.” Of which her favorites sat next to her on the nightstand. He looked her over. “You look better.”

  “Oh, so I was a hag before?”

  “I didn’t want to say anything, but yeah.”

  “Funny guy.”

  He chuckled. “I was waiting to order room service until you woke. Plus, I need a shower.” He stretched, those glorious muscles just as big and well defined as they’d been yesterday. Good to know a lack of sleep hadn’t exaggerated his beauty. He saw her looking at him and gave an innocent shrug. “You know, we should share water to conserve. They left a note about being green, using the towels more than once, that kind of shit. Figur
e that applies to hot water too.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, Mr. Eco-Friendly. But give me a minute first.” After she took care of her bladder, she joined him in the shower. “Quit hogging the water.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t hear you. Your breasts are in the way.”

  She had a tough time taking this Hammer seriously. He flirted and teased, and she always ended up laughing and feeling light. So unlike her regular day-to-day vibe, where it always felt as if one wrong move on her part would end someone’s life or destroy a small country.

  “What? What’s that?” He moved closer. Then his mouth was on hers, and she lost herself under the warm spray of water and Hammer as he kissed his way down her body.

  Once he’d demolished her into a writhing mass of pleasure, he stood and stared down at her from several inches over six feet. So big and bossy.

  She wondered if they would go back to the way things used to be between them. Tense but enjoyable, both of them autonomous individuals with lives to lead. Or would he do as Big Joe had cautioned her and try to take over the investigation and her life?

  “What’s that look for?” he asked as he washed his hair, his sigh of pleasure one she couldn’t ignore. He closed his eyes as the water ran over him, and she took the moment to get to her knees in front of him.

  “What are you—Oh Jesus.” He moaned and gripped her hair, holding onto her with care as she gave him what she’d promised the day before.

  She had her work cut out for her. Hammer was not a small man, but he remained still and careful while she showed him her thanks.

  “Yes, yes, baby. Vi, I’m coming. So hard…”

  She bore down instead of pulling away, and he groaned as he spent, giving her plenty to swallow.

  When he finally withdrew, a small spurt jetted over her breast. She let the water wash it away and stood, surprised when Hammer dragged her into his arms and hugged her off her feet.


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