Davis, Lexie - Toys from Santa (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Davis, Lexie - Toys from Santa (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Неизвестный

  Toys from Santa

  Jenny Myers is counting down the days until her sister, Shelly, gets married. Having lived together since Shelly graduated college, she's in desperate need for her own space.

  The wedding is set for Christmas Day and Jenny is the maid of honor. She forgets to plan the bachelorette party and cold-calls four of her friends, neighbors and relatives to attend. But in the middle of planning the forgotten event, Dane McKenzie, the best man and brother to the groom, interrupts.

  Sexual sparks fly every time Dane sees Jenny. He's an ex-marine turned businessman with a frivolous taste in women, yet Jenny Myers stops him cold. He wants her, has wanted her from the time they met six months ago at his brother's engagement party. And when he sees her sprawled out in the floor, planning a bachelorette party for her snotty sister that doesn't deserve it, he sees the perfect opportunity. After all, Christmas is the season for giving, and with the sex toys all around, Dane plans to give Jenny anything and everything she wants.

  Genre: Contemporary

  Length: 21,200 words


  Lexie Davis


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2009 by Lexie Davis

  E-book ISBN: 1-60601-383-1

  First E-book Publication: March 2009

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  To Deanna.



  Copyright © 2009

  Chapter One

  “My wedding dress makes me look fat.” Shelly Myers pouted as she plopped down on her sister’s couch. The elegant wedding dress she wore was pillow fluffy with a lot of fabric in the skirt. The last thing anyone saw when looking at her was fat. “Shawn isn’t going to want to do me if I look like a pumpkin.”

  Jenny studied her sister, wondering where the minuscule pound of fat was. She found nothing. Her sister was a size four, with a boyish figure compared to Jenny’s size eight and full of curves. The sisters were complete opposites.

  “Stop whining. If you wanted to look skinny, you shouldn’t have picked a cloud of fabric to call a dress.” She sat in the leather recliner opposite her sister. “Besides, we both know Shawn’s already seen all you have to offer. He knew what he was getting before he ever paid the price.”

  “Not helping, Jenny. You’re supposed to say: ‘You’re not fat, Shelly. You’re beautiful, and Shawn won't be able to keep his hands off you.’” Shelly pouted on the verge of tears.

  Jenny rolled her eyes. “I’m not saying that. If you’re so worried about it, use the blindfold on him I saw in your last order when you have sex. That way you won’t have to worry about his judgment of your fat.”

  “That is rude, Jenny. Take it back. I’m your sister, and you could be a little more sympathetic.” Shelly lay back against the couch and closed her eyes. “I don’t know why you’ve got to be so cold all the time. No wonder Christian broke up with you.”

  Jenny pursed her lips. After a whole year of the bitchy bridezilla, she couldn’t wait for tomorrow. This Christmas Day, Shelly Myers would become Shelly McKenzie and be on with her happy life with Shawn.

  “What time is my bachelorette party? I want to make sure I have enough party favors to pass around. I just got some new demos in.” Jenny exclaimed a colorful curse, and Shelly’s eyes popped open. “You did plan a party, didn’t you?” When Jenny didn’t respond, Shelly groaned. “Jenny, how could you? You’re my maid of honor. Everyone knows the maid of honor plans the bachelorette party.”

  Jenny smothered a groan. “Who is going to come to a bachelorette party on Christmas Eve? Dammit, Shelly. Why couldn’t you have picked another date, like June twenty-first or something?”

  “Because June twenty-first isn’t special!” Shelly stood with tears in her eyes. “Since Shawn popped the question, you’ve never supported my engagement. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you didn’t want me to marry him.”

  A complete misunderstanding if she ever heard one. Shawn, the nerdy computer genius, couldn’t have come at a better time in Shelly’s life. Ever since Shelly graduated high school, she and Jenny lived together. Total opposites, Shelly was the anal perfectionist, whereas Jenny liked everything her way. They butted heads more than once per day, and over the course of five years of living together, it was time for them to go their separate ways.

  Jenny even planned a relaxing night at home the day after Christmas to enjoy the peace and quiet living alone would bring.

  “Shelly, stop pitying yourself. I’ll put together a party, and we’ll have the time of our lives. Piece of cake.” Jenny mentally added up their friends for the guest list. “Do you have to buy food for these things?”

  “Ugh.” Shelly stomped to the hall and disappeared before coming back in normal clothing. She grabbed her purse by the door. “I’ll get the food. You make the guest list. We’ll meet up at seven tonight.”

  Jenny refrained from thumping her head against something hard. It was four o’clock. “Sure. Yeah. Okay.”

  She watched Shelly leave before she pulled out her address book and began flipping through the pages. Dialing everyone she knew, she received the same repeated answer with every phone call. “Sorry, but I already have plans with my family for Christmas.”

  Two of their cousins agreed to come, but they were part of the wedding party. She rounded up a neighbor and begged her best friend Kristy until she caved. With the four guests and herself, she had five partygoers.

  How many people are expected at these things?

  A tap on the door interrupted her planning. Jenny shifted everything to the side and went to answer it.

  “Yes?” She swung the door open and found Shawn’s brother, Dane, on the oth
er side.

  Blond spiky hair covered his head, while piercing green eyes pointedly stared at her. Dane smiled, and her pussy contracted. Her heart skipped a beat, and her body’s heated reaction surprised her. What the hell?

  “Well if it isn’t the good sister.” He fiddled with his keys. “I was in the neighborhood, and I need to use your bathroom.”

  It was an innocent request that she should have over looked. Truth was, Dane had no reason to be in their neighborhood. He lived across town in a nice neighborhood supported by the money he earned working for his father’s company. For him to be over here, he had one reason and Jenny’s heart skipped a beat as she thought about it. He came to see her.

  “There’s a tree in the front yard.” Her gaze roamed to his crotch, and she swallowed hard and reminded herself to breathe. Whatever he may want, she wasn’t about to give him that.

  He chuckled. “I don’t have to pee.”

  Jenny licked her lips. “Too much information.” She stepped to the side, reluctantly allowing him inside.

  His scent flooded her senses in passing, a spicy cologne she detected every time he was around. It was branded in her memory, something that made her body ache in want. She slowly closed the door behind him. It was perfectly natural for her to be attracted to him. There wasn’t an adjective in the modern English language that did justice in describing him. He was a hottie, and with his back to her, Jenny gave herself permission to take in his magnificent body. His olive-green T-shirt stretched across wide shoulders, covering his hard muscled back and leaving nothing to the imagination. Matching army fatigues sat at his hips, smoothing over his nice, firm ass. The fabric concealed his long legs, tapering down to black army-issue boots to complete his bad-ass look. The damn clothes looked two sizes too small yet fit him perfectly.

  Yeah, this schoolgirl crush I have for Dane McKenzie has to end right here and right now.

  “Bathroom?” he asked, turning to face her.

  She forced her eyes away from his ass and met his gaze. Deep green eyes mesmerized her, held her motionless as he waited for her response. It was hard for her to focus, to comprehend what he was asking. Jenny bit her lip, taking a deep breath, before she said something stupid like “fuck me.” “Down the hall on the left. Please use air freshener.”

  He chuckled again, a deep male rumble that made her knees weak. “I don’t have to do that either.”

  It took Jenny ten seconds to regain control over her body, the wetness between her thighs a distraction as she watched his powerful body move with each stride, and comprehend what he said. When she did, she took off down the hall after him. “If you don’t plan to use it, what the hell are you doing in my bathroom then?”

  He was grinning ear to ear when she found him going through the cabinets as if he had every right to. “I’m looking for something.”

  Jenny stepped inside the bathroom. “Like hell you are. Quit going through my stuff!”

  “Or what? You’re going to make me?” His tone mocked her.

  She’d heard rumors about Dane. She could imagine what kinds of pain and torment he experienced as a Marine, or could subdue the enemy with. He spent five years in active duty and never lost the bad-ass routine. He didn’t scare her, not that much anyway.

  “Don’t be stupid. You’re bigger than me.” She propped her hand on her hip. “But I do have a phone, and I recall the police being in my directory.”

  “Chill out, Jen.” He looked up with that damn, sexy grin. “I’m not harming you. Besides, we’re family.”

  Nobody called her Jen. Jennifer was for her parents and the occasional telemarketer or business client. Jenny was everyone else. Nobody ever called her simply Jen.

  “Don’t call me that. And no, we’re not. Our siblings may be getting married, but that doesn’t make us anything to one another.”

  “Right.” He dug in the cabinets again and finally pulled out a black box and a light pink pouch. Heat flooded her cheeks. “Found it.”

  He shut the cabinet doors, and settled the two items on the vanity. “See, your sister may sell sex toys but, according to Shawn, her toys are kept in the bathroom and happen to be ones she plays with at bath time. He wanted me to sneak over here and dispose of them, because he’s too chicken shit to do it himself.” Dane opened the pouch and pulled out a sizable dildo. “Who the hell would buy a purple rubber dick?”

  “Give me that. That’s not Shelly’s.” Jenny tried to tone down her embarrassment, but talking about sex with Dane did anything but. Not to mention his holding the sizable dildo she won at one of Shelly’s parties.

  He arched an eyebrow. “Oh, honey. You can do so much better than this little thing.”

  The object in question was anything but little. The head was plump, the shaft thick, and the details of it were quite accurate. Veins were sculpted into the silicone for realism, not to mention the little slit on the end. Jenny’s cheeks heated even more when she saw him assessing the purple dildo, sizing up the length and taking in the two balls positioned at the base. The damn thing even had a suction cup so it could be attached to any flat surface.

  “It’s not mine, either.” She grabbed it from his hand and stuffed it back in the pouch. “Not really.”

  When Shelly got the bright idea to start selling sex-toys in people’s homes, she forced Jenny to host her very first one. She tried to calm the heat rising in her cheeks, hoping Dane didn’t notice her embarrassment. The last thing she needed was to give him ammunition to tease her or embarrass her.

  He gave her a skeptical look. “’Course not. You wouldn’t disappoint me by choosing a small, rubber dick. You’d rather have the real thing, am I right? A large cock that will put this little thing to shame.” He turned and lightly brushed against her.

  Her desires have been dormant for so long, she didn’t remember the real thing. “To be honest, I can’t remember the real thing.”

  He tilted his head to the side, but she cut him off before he could say anything. “Why the hell would Shawn want you to steal her dildo? He never spends the night here. How does he even know where it’s at?”

  The grin returned. “Who the hell knows with Shawn? I do know for a fact he’s too stiff to have fun with toys. And doesn’t have the balls to tell Shelly to get rid of hers.” He leaned forward. “You, however, I’m guessing, enjoy playing. Am I right?”

  “You’re wrong. I wouldn’t know the first thing about them.” Liar, liar pants on fire. “I won that at a party. It’s never even been used.”

  “Really? Do you want a little instruction? I love playing with toys. Of course, making a woman scream her throat raw with pleasure I’m giving her is one of my favorite pastimes.” Dane’s body heat surrounded her as he effectively pinned her against the wall. “I could give you a little demonstration?”

  He trailed a finger down her bare arm, and she shivered. Encouraged, he moved back up, crossing her shoulder, and skimmed down to the curve of her breast, lightly caressing her nipple with the pad of his thumb. Her traitorous body reacted, her nipples puckering hard underneath her flimsy shirt and bra. Jenny groaned and arched her body toward him.

  “You’re so damn hot.” He rolled her nipples with his thumbs, murmuring words of nonsense. “Fuck. If Shelly is anything like you, I can see why my brother chose your snotty little sister for a wife.”

  He bent down and pressed his lips against her neck. “So damn responsive. I’ve barely touched you, and you’re melting in my hands. How long has it been since you got off on a hard cock inside you?”

  “Too long.” She moaned as his teeth grazed her neck, his tongue darting out every now and then to add to the pleasure.

  Dane was different than any other man she’d met. She always went for the safe, sane choices for boyfriends, Christian being the perfect example. Dating him had been an experience. He was a clean-cut accountant who liked his job more than his girlfriend. He spent the weekends with her at her house, more or less taking up her space and giving nothing to her
in return. Sex, when they had it, was horrible, and she had to beg for it then. But he was safe. The “perfect” guy for her in her parents’ eyes and somehow, she thought, in her own. But he never created a desire as strong as the one she had for Dane. She wasn’t sure anyone ever would.

  Dane, however, was the exact opposite of Christian. Shelly introduced them at her engagement party right after Shawn proposed. There was an instant attraction. And now, the attraction only ignited into an inferno.

  He pushed up her shirt, kissing her savagely. Her mind was a jumbled mess as his tongue swept inside her mouth. He tugged at the flimsy lace bra that barely contained her breasts. The cooler air made her stiff nipples even harder. She wanted his hands on her body, his mouth tasting every inch.

  He pulled back and took in the rosy peaks, his greedy eyes growing darker the longer he stared. Jenny’s chest rose and fell with each labored breath. He licked his lips and glanced up at her, his eyes locked on hers. She loved putting that look on a man’s face. The look of raw desire, the I-need-you-now look that made her feel like a river was running between her thighs. Jenny glanced down, breaking the trance he put her in. Her breasts jutted out between the hem of her shirt and the lace of her bra. It was provocative and so erotic she squirmed. She loved it.

  Dane tilted up her chin with a knuckle, and Jenny smiled. He opened his mouth to say something, but she didn’t want to hear it. She reached out to him, cupping his head, and pulled his mouth down for her kiss. She took his mouth the same way he did hers. They fought for dominance, and eventually, Dane won.

  His tongue swept inside her mouth at the same time his thumbs rolled her nipples. She moaned against his mouth and pulled him closer. His body pressed hers against the wall, his cock stiff against her belly. All rational thoughts left Jenny’s mind while he sparked delicious tremors of excitement throughout her needy body. She needed him inside her.


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