Davis, Lexie - Toys from Santa (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Davis, Lexie - Toys from Santa (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Неизвестный

  He teased her. His hands pinned hers above her head while he took her breast in his mouth. Jenny’s body blazed from his touch. He rocked his pelvis, thrusting into her with a slow, controlled rhythm. From the way he’d talked earlier, she’d thought it would be a hard, fast fuck, and then it’d be over with. But no … Dane was enjoying taking his time with her.

  His hands curled her fingers around the bars in the headboard. “Hold on.”

  Jenny did as he said, watching him pull back to his knees and lift her ass in his hands. His thrusts were short and hard, each one pushing her body up in the bed. Her fists kept her head from hitting the headboard while her body clenched with the excitement.

  He held her with one hand and reached between her legs to fondle her clit. His thrusts pounded his cock into her, leaving no part of her pussy untouched by his thick shaft. She wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed him tight.

  “God, oh, God. Oh, God!” She moaned. She panted. She thrashed. Dane had her so close to that wonderful edge of bliss she’d long forgotten until now.

  Dane pulled out completely and pulled her up to his face. His tongue probed her pussy while his finger continued to stroke her clit. The new position was different for Jenny, but the effects had her screaming into the night as her body convulsed with the strongest orgasm she’d ever had.

  Dane lowered her again and plunged inside, stopping to feel the ripples of her pleasure. “Fuck. You’re so tight.”

  Jenny could barely hear him. Her arms fell limp as Dane started to thrust again, finally succeeding with his own orgasm that matched hers one hundred percent. He fell to her side, staring up at the ceiling.


  Jenny chuckled. “I don’t think I’ll need sex for a month after that orgasm.”

  Dane looked at her, horrified. “Please tell me you’re joking, right? You’ve got more than one time in you, I know.”

  Truth be told, Jenny usually didn’t have the one time. “I’m usually a one-timer. I doubt I could come again, even if I wanted to.”

  Dane pushed up to rest on his elbow. “Is that a challenge? See how many times I can make you come tonight?”

  Jenny debated. “Do you think you can end my one-hit-wonder spell?”

  He kissed her. “I don’t think. I know.”

  Chapter Three

  Dane left the room. Jenny lay in the middle of his bed, unable to erase the smile on her face. When he came back, he dumped out the bag of sex toys next to her. For Jenny, it shouldn’t have been that embarrassing. With her sister informing her of every new product then telling her how those products tested in her own bed, it should have been nothing to see the erotic display laying next to her. But it wasn’t that easy, and the longer she stared, the hotter her cheeks became.

  “Don’t even think about getting embarrassed with me.” He didn’t look up from the assortment as he picked at the creams and lubes, reading what they were for. “Pick a number.”

  Jenny chuckled. “What for?”

  “Because we’re going to play a little game.” With a bottle of flavored message oil in his hand, he lifted his head. “What’s your number?”

  Jenny rolled her eyes. “Five. Isn’t this a little high school?”

  “Babe, I doubt you ever did any of the stuff I’m about to do to you in high school.” Dane grinned and grabbed the purple dildo he found earlier. “Have you ever used one of these?”

  Jenny hesitated. Would he laugh at me if I told him the truth? “Once. I was in college and couldn’t make it work.”

  He held the dildo in his hand, sizing it up. “You mean you couldn’t get off?”

  She nodded.

  “We’ll play with that later.” He sat it back with the others and grabbed a bottle of oil. “Lose the sheets and turn over.”

  A shrill of excitement coursed through Jenny’s veins as she watched Dane pop the top of the relaxing massage oil and take a sniff. He was really taking the challenge seriously, she decided, following his instructions. Though doubts filled her mind, Dane’s confidence and sense of promise left Jenny smiling as she lay on her stomach, totally in the buff, on the bed.

  “Now, spread your legs.” His hand wrapped around the thigh closest to him and pulled.

  “How come you never asked me out before now? You hit on me, but I thought it was harmless flirtation.” Jenny crossed her arms and propped her chin on them.

  She heard him move behind her and then felt his fingers sliding up the back of her thigh. “I thought you were like your bitchy sister in the beginning. And then I asked my brother about you, and he said you and Shelly were nothing alike.”

  Jenny sucked in a breath when his lips pressed against the small of her back. Dane used his mouth to tease her. His tongue traced the curve of her spine, his lips kissing, nibbling. Jenny squirmed beneath him, surprised he could get her body hot again so soon.

  “What was the number for?” Jenny asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

  He looked up, shaking his head. “Relax, Jen. There’s no need to be nervous.”

  He sat back on his heels and tipped the bottle of oil upside down. The scent of pineapple floated in the air around them. The thick liquid oozed over her back and down her thighs, all the way to her feet. Jenny closed her eyes, anticipating his touch. He picked up a foot and pressed his thumbs into her arches, rubbing lightly in circles. She groaned, and he switched to the other foot, repeating his motions, using his knuckles.

  “Most women are ticklish on the bottoms of their feet.” His hands moved higher to her calves, rubbing the oil there into her skin.

  “I’m not ticklish.” Jenny grabbed a pillow and relaxed against it.

  The massage continued with each thigh, each butt cheek. Then his hands were on her back. He spread her legs and came between them. Her body was slicked from neck to feet. He pushed outward from her spine, and the tension dissipated. When her body was limp, he bend down and pressed his lips to her spine.

  “Which toy do you want to try first?”

  Jenny turned so that she could see the display of items she brought. Edible creams. Clitoral vibrators. Cock Rings. Dildos. A blindfold. Jenny gulped at the possibilities. What did he have in mind for tonight?

  “Uh, I don’t know.” Jenny casually picked at the collection, blushing when she plucked up some flavored condoms.

  Dane reached past her and picked up the heart shaped cock ring. “These toys came with batteries, right?”

  Jenny shrugged. “I forgot to ask.”

  He chuckled and flipped the toy on. It buzzed to life in his hand. Jenny watched over her shoulder as Dane slid the tight ring on his cock. “Damn.”

  Jenny watched him close his eyes, nothing but the look of pleasure crossing his face. She smiled. His erection renewed; the silly-looking toy humming softly in the otherwise silent room. “Feel good?”

  “Fuckin’ awesome.” He shifted slightly and grabbed the flavored condom she had. “Roll over, baby.”

  Jenny did as he asked, knowing his sheets would be ruined by the massage oil on her back. He shifted her legs slightly, pushing them to her chest as he brushed the tip of his cock against her. The vibrations from the ring pulsated down his cock as he teased her. She spread her legs and dropped them, a blatant invitation for him to take her.

  “Do you like it?” He rubbed his cock the entire length of her slit. “I can only imagine what it would feel like when I’m inside you. Do you want that, baby? Do you want a real, vibrating dick inside you or some silicone purple toy?”

  Jenny gasped when he pushed himself inside her. Her limited experience with sex and toys didn’t begin to compare to the way Dane set her body on fire. Every nerve ending in her pussy pulsed alive as his slick cock brushed against it. The vibrating ring pressed against her clit when he seated himself fully inside her.

  “Oh, Dane,” she bit her lip as her orgasm neared.

  “Good, right?” He pulled back and pushed in again, starting a rhythm that satisfied them bo
th. “You should see your face. I love your expression of raw pleasure. You’re so beautiful when you let your guard down.”

  Jenny couldn’t think about what he was muttering. Her mind shut off, her body totally in tune with the sensations he created. His hands gripped her hips as his thrusts came harder. The ring bumped her clit with each thrust, and Jenny couldn’t hold back the gasps of pleasure. She didn’t want to.

  “Dane… Oh, God, Dane…” She clutched at the sheets while her pussy contracted around Dane’s cock.

  “Again, baby. Come again.” He slowed his motions, teasing her sensitized clit with the vibrator as he swiveled his hips.

  She shrieked with pleasure, clasping his body between her legs as she came again. Sweat slicked her body. Dane leaned forward, his tongue darting out to lick her stiff nipple. He was living up to her challenge, all right. Jenny gasped for breath.

  “You’re so damn responsive.” He grinned at her and then leaned forward for her kiss. He came with a groan of pleasure and collapsed to her side. He disposed of the condom and rid himself of the ring before turning back to her. “You are pretty amazing.”

  She chuckled, her eyelids droopy. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  He grinned and pulled her to him. “Not what I meant, but that too.”

  They lay together, Jenny’s body curled against Dane with his arm around her waist. She didn’t want to move for fear of ruining the moment. He was nothing like she expected and everything that she wanted. It was surreal.

  “What was the number for?” she asked.

  His fingers brushed against her cheek, skimming the line of her jaw until he reached her well-kissed lips. “You said you couldn’t come but one time per sexual encounter. I asked you the number and decided I’d give you that many orgasms before you leave me.”

  He leaned down for a kiss. Jenny couldn’t believe this man was her sister’s enemy. She knew the story but didn’t understand why. She pulled away and sat up to face him.

  “Why did you show those pictures to everyone at your father’s company?”

  Dane grinned. “Why else? I wanted to embarrass your sister.”

  “Yeah, but it was mean. You didn’t even know Shelly then. You didn’t have to pass them around.”

  Dane sat up. “Why are you so protective of her? She’s a spoiled little brat who treats everyone around her like shit.”

  Jenny’s shoulders slumped. “I don’t know. She’s my sister.”

  She turned away, glancing down at the erotic display of items laid out on the bed. What am I doing here? She picked up the items and placed them back in the bag. Did she come over here to have sex with Dane out of spite? Did she use him to get the orgasms her ex-boyfriends couldn’t give her? She liked him, but what did she really want from him? One night or a lifetime?

  “Why are you mad, Jen?”

  “Jenny. My name is Jenny.” She slung a few items in her bag. “And I’m not mad.”

  Dane wrapped his arms around her, stopping her motions as he lifted her onto his lap. “I passed those pictures around because I thought your sister was desperate to be with my brother. I didn’t think he actually liked her, and once I found out, I pulled the pictures and gave them to him. I love my brother, Jenny, and I know you love Shelly. I didn’t mean to embarrass him, but your sister had it coming. Stuff like that is kept private. She shouldn’t have put nude pictures of herself in his lunch bag, especially on the day her boyfriend switches lunches with me.”

  “She’s not a bad person.” Jenny chewed on her bottom lip. “She’s really mad at me for coming over here tonight. I wonder if I came only out of spite.”

  Dane narrowed his eyes. “That wasn’t the reason when we were in the hallway earlier today.”

  “Yeah, the sex, too. I hadn’t had an orgasm in a year, and sex with Christian was just plain bad.” She blew out a breath. “Where are we going with this? Do you want a relationship with me? Is it a one-night thing? Can it be something more? What are we to one another, if anything?”

  He cupped her cheeks and leaned forward to kiss her. “You are anything but a one-night stand.” He kissed her. “And, baby, I’m hoping I’m a hell of a lot more than an orgasm, or multiples, as it may be, to you.”

  He gave her a small smile. Shelly would become his sister-in-law tomorrow when she said “I, do” to his brother and he despised her. Could he and Jenny have a real relationship when he didn’t get along with her family?

  “Smile, Jenny.” Dane brushed his hands down her arms.

  “I can’t do this.” Jenny moved from his lap and grabbed the ruby robe that hung over the short bedpost. She escaped into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

  Her mind riddled all the possibilities. She’d always liked Dane. Ever since she met him at her sister’s dinner party, she enjoyed his company, and in general, just being around him. He could hold intelligent conversation. At the table they shared, he actually seemed interested in what she had to say and flirted with her along the way. And even now, after he had her, he still didn’t treat her like a piece of ass.

  But Shelly hated him.

  She not only despised Dane, she didn’t like that Jenny was with him, or planning to be. Her mind whirled as her emotions added to the mix. Dane didn’t simply take his fill of her and then ignore her needs. He made sure she was satisfied, and she enjoyed sex with him. And the way he kissed her made her feel like she was the only woman he ever wanted to kiss. It wasn’t love, it couldn’t be, but Jenny refused to enter into another relationship without some kind of commitment. Dane was a commitment kind of guy. Even if he was, she could possibly ruin her relationship with her sister by dating him.

  “Jenny.” Dane rapped his knuckles on the door. “Open up.”

  Jenny wrapped the robe around her and opened the door. Dane stood before her in his red boxers with a scowl on his face. One hand propped against the doorjamb while the other hung loose at his side.

  “Care to tell me what the hell is going on?”

  She shrugged. “I’m in way over my head, and I can’t swim.”

  He narrowed his eyes and stood to his full height. “Is that a metaphor for something? Because it doesn’t make sense.”

  “I shouldn’t be here.” She moved past him to the bed, scanning the room for her Santa’s Naughty Mistress costume.

  He bent to retrieve her little panties and held them out on one finger for her. “I don’t know what I did to scare you, but I swear I’ll take it back. Just tell me, and I’ll take whatever it is back.”

  Tears prickled her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. “It’s not you. It’s me. I need to go. We’ve both got a wedding tomorrow, and I need some sleep.”

  Dane went to his dresser and grabbed an oversized T-shirt and some sweatpants. He handed them to her. “I’m not allowing you to leave here half naked. Put these on.”

  Jenny shrugged out of the robe and pulled on the clothes. They smelled like him. The shirt was army green, and the sweatpants matched. They fit him, no doubt, like a glove, but on her, they hung like curtains.

  “Jenny, you don’t have to go.” His statement was a whisper, a plea.

  “I’ll see you at the wedding.” She left with the slutty costume in hand, not making it to the front door before tears fell down her cheeks.

  Chapter Four

  At midnight, Dane decided to head to the bar for a much needed beer. Sleep definitely wasn’t on his agenda as his mind tried to wrap around Jenny’s odd behavior. One minute she’s loving and so responsive to his touch. He kissed her and honestly never wanted to stop. And then the next moment, she’s bringing up Shelly and his ongoing feud with her. He took a sip of his beer and pondered her initial reaction. It was a mixture of emotion, mainly sadness.

  Was she mad because he and Shelly fought? If that were the case, he’d gladly cease all arguments and bow down to the Bitch Queen if it got Jenny back into his arms. God, he literally ached to hold her even when she pushed him away. His chest clenc
hed as he recalled her expression. Her eyes wet with unshed tears and the look of sadness and anger shining through.

  Dane pulled out his cell phone and dialed the only person he knew could help him. “Hey,” he said when Shawn picked up the phone. “I know it’s late and you’ve got a wedding tomorrow, but I really need to talk to you.”

  “I need to talk to you, too.” Shawn sounded equally as desperate as Dane. “Come over to my place.”

  Dane hung up, paid for the beer he drank, and left. Shawn lived approximately ten miles from where he was. He pulled in the driveway, meeting Shawn on the front porch of the small ranch style house his brother owned.

  “We’re not getting married.”

  Dane pulled over a white rocking chair and gave his brother his full attention. “What happened?”

  Shawn stared at his feet. “Dad gave me the promotion, you know, and I told Shelly it might mean we have to move to the west coast for a couple of years. I told her it wasn’t permanent and that it was only to set up the new business, but she freaked out on me.”

  Must be a Myers’s thing. “Why doesn’t she want to move?”

  Shawn shrugged, finally looking up. He stared out into the darkness of the front yard. “Her friends. Her family. Her business. It’s all here, and she doesn’t want to leave it behind.”

  “So, she called off the wedding? That’s a little extreme, don’t you think?” Dane scooted back, mimicking his brother, and stared out into the black of night.

  “What’s your problem? Why did you need to talk to me?” Shawn completely ignored his questions and turned the conversation on Dane.

  “I fucked Jenny tonight, and she freaked out when we were lying in bed together. She started asking me about my feud with Shelly and then did a complete one-eighty. She left in a hurry with tears in her eyes, and I have no idea what I did to put them there.”


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