Davis, Lexie - Toys from Santa (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Davis, Lexie - Toys from Santa (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Неизвестный

  “Shh. We’ll talk about this after the wedding.” He pulled her to him, careful not to mess up her hair. He smiled and kissed her. “You’re beautiful, baby.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, Dane.”

  When they returned to the main room, Karen informed them the wedding was on. Shawn had talked to Shelly, and they’d worked through their fears and finally agreed to proceed. Jenny parted from Dane and took her place at the top of the stairs where Shelly stood, beautiful as ever in the white mountain of fabric she called a dress. She still looked pissed, but Jenny didn’t bother to say anything. Fighting with Shelly on her wedding day was the last thing Jenny wanted to do. Not to mention it was Christmas. The little stuff didn’t matter, just like Dane had said. Everyone took their place, Jenny in front of Shelly.

  “Mom told me you seemed happy with Dane. That you were holding his hand and smiling like you were in love.”

  “I am happy with Dane. And I do love him.” Jenny’s heart swelled as she finally admitted the words out loud. “He makes me feel alive and special. He makes me see things from a different prospective, and I like that.”

  They started moving forward, and Shelly grabbed her sister’s arm. “I’m making a request.”

  Jenny paused, glancing toward the wedding party that continued moving toward the steps. “I won’t stop seeing him for you.”

  Shelly huffed. “Not what I was going to ask.” She hesitated for a moment before finally blurting, “Can you get him to stop calling me ‘Shutter Bug’?”

  Jenny couldn’t help the relief that swept over her. She wrapped her arms around her sister, trying really hard not to cry. “I’ll try. I love you, Shelly.”

  “I love you, more.” She pulled away, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Now, let’s go get me married.”

  * * * *

  Dane wrapped his arm around Jenny’s shoulders at the reception. He refused to sit in the designated best man’s spot, choosing instead to sit by the maid of honor. Jenny seemed to be enjoying herself as she drank the sweet champagne and chatted with the guests. He couldn’t have asked for a better ending to this disastrous event.

  His brother was happy, and that’s all that mattered. And he had Shelly as a sister-in-law. That was a bit scary. He chuckled at his own thoughts and pulled Jenny to him, kissing her cheek.

  She smiled and ran her hand along his thigh. “What was that for?”

  “Do I have to have a reason to kiss you?”

  “No.” She laid her head against his shoulder. “You’ve been kind of quiet tonight. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s good to see my brother happy.”

  “Are you happy?”

  “Uh, you are in my arms. Yeah, I’m pretty happy.” He brushed his fingers against her cheek. “I’d be a lot happier though if you’d stay at my place tonight.”

  The bride and groom left around eight, while Jenny and Dane stuck around the Myers’s house to help clean up. Though Jenny changed into a pair of jeans and Dane’s T-shirt, he still wore the penguin suit and couldn’t wait to get home and get naked with Jenny.

  Arthur corned him in the kitchen as Dane brought yet again another vase of white roses inside. “So, Dane, Shawn told me you offered to move to the west coast so he and Shelly didn’t have to.”

  “Yes. The business isn’t breaking ground until next month, but Dad needs me to be out there in order to make sure all the plans are correct. I leave out in a couple of weeks.” He’d long lost the jacket to his tux and rolled up the sleeves to his shirt, trying to get more comfortable. He didn’t even want to think about the stupid dress shoes killing his feet.

  “Really? Because I noticed you and Jennifer getting a little close at the reception. Is there something going on between the two of you?”

  “Hey, guys.” Jenny entered the room with a handful of dirty champagne glasses. “What’s going on?”

  Arthur glanced at Dane. “I was just asking Dane about the two of you. He’s moving soon, and you guys seem to be getting cozy.”

  “We’re dating, Dad. And to be honest, I’ve been thinking of moving to California with him.”

  “And leave your life here?”

  “I need a change. I love Dane, and he is the change I want in my life.”

  Arthur shook his head. “Does your mother know about this?”

  “Know about what?” Karen came in with an armful of gifts.

  “Your daughter is planning to move across the country with this yahoo.” Arthur frowned at Dane, who simply stood there, unmoving.

  “You’re moving? Why didn’t you say something to me?” Karen arched an eyebrow at her daughter.

  Jenny moved to help her mother with the gifts. “I never said I was moving. I said I was thinking about it. There’s a lot to consider, and I’m weighing my options.”

  “Are you planning on getting married?” Arthur’s question hung in the silence that surrounded them.

  “Everyone who dates doesn’t necessarily get married right away.” Jenny met Dane’s eyes. “Our relationship isn’t at that point yet, but we do love each other.”

  Karen wrapped her daughter in her arms. “I’m happy for you, sweetheart. I would love to have another McKenzie in our family, just so you know.”

  Jenny smiled. “Yeah, the McKenzie boys are something special.”

  “Why don’t you two go home? You both look tired, and after Shelly’s little fit, it’s understood.” Karen kissed Jenny’s cheek. “Go on. We’re celebrating Christmas tomorrow here at the house, so go rest up. Dane, take her home, and make sure she gets some sleep.”

  Dane pushed away from the counter. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And you need to be here around noon. Shawn and Shelly are coming in for Christmas dinner, and then they’re flying out for their honeymoon afterward. We’ve also invited your parents, Dane.”

  Jenny nodded. “We’ll be here, Mom. Merry Christmas.”

  As they walked outside, Dane pulled her against his side and led her to his car. “Your dad hates me.”

  “My dad’s old-fashioned. He thinks Shelly is losing her virginity tonight.”

  Dane chuckled. “Obviously, you hid Shutter Bug’s photos.”

  “And her at-home business.” Jenny stopped and wrapped her arms around him. “Please stop calling her that.”

  He opened the passenger side door. “Oh, great. Is this going to lead to a fight?”

  “No. She asked me to make you stop.” Jenny grinned and leaned up to kiss his chin. “I think she’s most embarrassed that it was you who saw her naked. Specifically.”

  “Why? She’s not the first woman I’ve seen naked.”

  “I know that.” Jenny ran her hand along his stomach. “I don’t know. Maybe she likes you.”

  Dane narrowed his eyes. “You’re joking, right?”

  “No. It’s nothing new, Dane. A girl loves and wants to share her life with one guy but occasionally fantasizes about another. It’s only fantasy. Not reality. Completely harmless.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m going to have nightmares tonight.”

  After they were on their way to his house, Dane stopped at a red light and glanced over at Jenny. “Who’s your fantasy guy?”


  “The guy you fantasize about but don’t want to be with. Who’s your guy?”

  Jenny snuggled up against his arm. “Sometimes, if a girl gets lucky, the man she’s with is her fantasy man.”

  Dane drove on with Jenny hugging his arm against her. The roads were slick with falling sleet, but snow had yet to materialize. A little part of him wanted them to wake up and be snowed in. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her family; he did. But the thought of keeping Jenny in his warm bed all day on Christmas sounded like heaven.

  He pulled in the drive and pressed the garage-door remote. Jenny slept beside him, clinging to his arm. Dane parked and turned off the engine. The garage door went down, and he glanced over at a sleeping Jenny. “Wake up, baby.�

  He shifted slightly, pulling his arm away from her. When she didn’t stir, he climbed out of the car and went around to her side. He didn’t bother trying to wake her. He unbuckled her seatbelt and lifted her into his arms.

  Inside, he carried her to his bed and laid her in the center.

  “Dane?” She rubbed her eyes.

  “I’m here.” He kicked off his shoes and nearly groaned at the relief. His feet had been clamped in those damn shoes for so long, he’d forgotten what it was like for his toes to be free. The tight jacket and stiff shirt came off next.

  She rolled over with a smile. “I never told you Merry Christmas.”

  Once he finally shed his pants, he crawled toward her. “It’s a very merry Christmas.” He kissed her, moving over her so his body covered hers. “I have something for you. I wanted to give it to you this morning when you woke up in my arms, but things didn’t go exactly as planned.”

  He reached for the nightstand and opened the drawer. From inside, he grabbed the black velvet box with a red bow on top. He handed it to her and watched her face contort in a mixture of surprise and excitement.

  “Go on. Open it.”

  She popped the box and gasped. “You bought me a heart-shaped diamond pendent?”

  “Yes. Do you like it?”

  She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love it. I love you.”

  The pendent was a white-gold heart inside a teardrop design with a princess-cut diamond hanging in the center. The moment Dane saw it, he’d thought of Jenny and bought it immediately for her, two weeks ago. She pulled back and smiled at him. He loved putting that smile on her face. Loved knowing she smiled because of him, that he’d made her happy.

  “Will you put it on me?”

  He grabbed the box and pulled out the necklace. She turned slightly, her hair still pinned in a French twist from the wedding, giving him access to her neck. After he situated the necklace, she turned around and hugged him again, straddling his hips.

  “I didn’t buy you anything, but I do have something that will make up for it.”

  “Baby, your being here is the only thing I want.”

  Jenny scooted from the bed. “You sure about that? You haven’t seen what I’m offering.”

  She disappeared from the bedroom, and Dane stared, wondering what she’d cooked up. After a day of wedding hell, all he wanted was to spend time with her naked and in his bed. Her bare feet padded on the hardwood floors and he waited anxiously for her return.

  “Okay. Strip.” She grinned.

  Dane lifted his hips and tugged down his boxers, tossing them to the floor. Jenny began tugging at her clothing, coming to him in a pink panty set. The lace of her bra barely covered her breasts, unable to hide the stiff little nipples poking against the tight fabric. He licked his lips as his eyes wandered down to the tiny scrap of fabric covering her crotch. It, too, couldn’t hide everything, and Dane nearly groaned.

  “Lie back and relax.” She straddled his legs, moving closer to his rock-hard cock. “Do you have any lube?”

  What the hell was this woman up to? “Nightstand.”

  She moved slightly, reaching for the drawer, and lifted out the bottle of K-Y he had in there. She poured a generous amount onto her fingers and gripped his cock, spreading the cool jelly along his shaft. She leaned forward and licked one of his nipples, drawing it between her teeth before nipping it lightly. God, she made his head spin with desire. Her fist pumped him slowly, while her mouth worked his nipples. He groaned.

  “Feel good, baby?”

  He groaned again.

  She pulled away, and Dane glanced down long enough to see a blue object with a remote in her hand. He couldn’t help it. He laughed. “You are the best woman in the world.”

  Jenny laughed. “Think of it as your toy from Santa. Have you been naughty or nice?”

  “Naughty.” She slid the tight ring onto his cock, positioning it for the ultimate pleasure. “Very naughty. I’ve been really bad this year.”

  Jenny grabbed the remote when she was satisfied and turned on the gadget. The ring started to pulse, and Dane bit his lip. She flipped through the seven different speeds, settling on number five. The bullet inside the sleeve rocked, as if Jenny was riding him without even being on top of him.


  He nodded.

  She moved to the side, unhooking her bra and shucking her panties. She gave him a sweet smile before moving back and pressing a kiss right below his navel. Her tongue snaked out and licked at his skin, swirling around like he was her own personal lollipop. Sweat popped out of his pores as she moved lower. And then lower.

  “Jen, please.”

  “Naughty boys have to wait.” Her lips curved before she bent forward to kiss his.

  Her tongue traced the line of his teeth before slipping between. Dane tried his best to position her above his cock, but she wouldn’t have any of it. She tackled him, pinning his arms to the mattress while she had her feel. God, if she didn’t feel so good, he would have put up a bigger protest.

  “Baby, I’m serious. Our fun is about to end if you keep this up.” He panted when her lips brushed against his neck. “Fuck me, Jenny. Now.”

  Jenny smirked and straddled his hips. She gripped his vibrating dick in one hand and positioned it at her pussy. Her lips parted as she sank down, her silent expression of pleasure enough to push him to the edge. When his dick was fully inside her Dane gripped her hips and took over. Slow was definitely not what either one of them needed right now. He rolled her over and pushed her legs open as far as they could go. Jenny gripped his wrists and held on, giving as good as she got. He couldn’t take it. Her heat closed around him, sucked him in, and he never wanted to leave. She felt too damn good contracting around him. He pumped his hips, forgetting about everything outside the four walls of his room. This was his Jenny, and he wasn’t about to let her go.

  She came first, screaming and clutching him harder than ever, drawing him over the edge and into bliss with her. His breaths came in short gasps as his heart threatened to beat out of his chest. When the ripples subsided, he collapsed on top of her, burying his face in her neck.

  Neither one could speak. Nor could they move. Dane reached to the side and clicked off the toy and the vibrations ceased. Santa never brought him this kind of toy before, and dammit if Dane wasn’t happy he did now.

  He lifted his head and stared down at her. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  She cupped his cheeks. “Merry Christmas, Dane. I love you.”


  “Are you going to the conference this year? If so, we can share a hotel room. Dane has to work, so he isn’t coming with me.” Jenny picked up another penis-shaped cupcake and began to decorate it with icing.

  After living in Napa Valley for the past year with Dane, she couldn’t help the fact that she missed seeing her sister. She had started her own at-home business, Dane’s idea, selling sex toys to area women, and made a killer living at it.

  “Sure, Jenny. I miss seeing you. It’ll be like the old times when we lived together.” Shelly sounded thrilled with the idea, and it made Jenny smile. “I’ll have to tell Shawn he has to stay at home, though. But it isn’t that big of a deal. He can’t go into the conference anyway.”

  “Oh, well if you were planning to go with him…”

  “No. I want to hang out with my sister for a week. Catch up on everything, including the dirty details about our men. We can’t do that if Shawn is tagging along.”

  Jenny licked the icing from her finger. “I don’t want him to be mad at me.”

  “He won’t be. I’ll make sure he’s well taken care of. It’s no big deal.”

  Jenny’s stomach knotted. She missed seeing her family. While she loved her new life in California with Dane, she missed some of the old stuff, as well. Mainly talking to Shelly about everything. Now they called each other once a week and talked nearly two hours at a time. Her phone conversations with her moth
er and his mother were equally as long. Dane didn’t dare complain about the phone bill, but she knew it raised his blood pressure slightly.

  “Well, Sis, I need to go. I have a party tonight, and my cupcakes are done.”

  “Let me know how your open house goes. Maybe I could shoo Shawn off long enough to have one of my own.”

  They disconnected, and Jenny focused on situating the cupcakes on the pink decorative tray she’d bought earlier that day. Once the items were displayed on the table, she grinned at her artistic work. The cupcakes looked like the real thing.

  “I don’t know if I should be amazed or freaked out that you can make a damn cupcake look like a real dick.” Dane came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Amazed. Your fiancée has many talents.”

  “That she does.”

  Two months after they’d settled into their new life, Dane proposed. Jenny had nearly fainted when she’d seen the three-carat, Asscher-cut canary diamond with step-cut diamonds on the side. He’d had to tell her to calm down several times to get it on her shaking hand. She’d complained at first that the diamond was too big, but she loved the way it looked on her finger.

  “You have to leave for a couple of hours, remember?”

  He groaned. “I don’t get why. I know as much as you about this stuff. Hell, we’ve tried most of it out together.”

  “Women don’t feel comfortable buying sex toys when men other than their significant others are around.” She turned to kiss his cheek. “Besides, we can’t talk about you if you are here.”

  “Oh, great. Honey, some of those women are married to men who work for me. Some of those women work for me.” He turned her around to face him. “What do you say?”

  “Chill, baby.” She combed her fingers through his hair. “It’s just girl talk. Go have fun with the guys. Tonight I’m showing off new products, and when you get home, we can test some of them out.”

  “What new products?”


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