Dramatic Affairs

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Dramatic Affairs Page 10

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Christopher was made to kneel back on his haunches and wait several minutes. Ostensibly this was as a punishment for him and, while he knelt there, Theresa trailed her whip down the length of his spine, causing him to breathe more rapidly. In fact, the rest was in order to let Theresa’s body come down from its high state of arousal so that, when Christopher did begin tonguing her again, her body would have to resume its climb to orgasm from the beginning.

  At last, to Theresa’s obvious relief, Rebecca allowed Christopher to continue licking her. Once more, Theresa spread her legs wide and again Christopher slid his hands up her legs, only this time he used his fingers to open her up more fully and his tongue probed the entrance to her vagina, flicking lightly around the inner rim until she was squirming with delight. Rebecca knew from long experience of these games that it would take Theresa a while to return to the moment just before her climax, and so she allowed herself to join in. As Christopher worked busily between Theresa’s thighs Rebecca started to massage the other girl’s voluptuous breasts.

  Theresa turned her head and looked at Rebecca wide-eyed then, as prickling sensations began behind her nipples, she decided to let Rebecca proceed. She wished that she could see herself with the tall slim dark-haired girl licking and kneading at her breasts while the handsome fair-haired actor knelt on the floor giving her some of the most exquisite oral sex she’d ever been lucky enough to receive. The very realisation of what was happening to her increased her excitement and, suddenly, she began to shake as deep within her a strange coiling sensation began and she felt a pulse begin to beat behind her clitoris.

  Immediately, Rebecca let go of her large, rapidly swelling breasts and again she pushed Christopher roughly away. This time Theresa gave a small cry as his clever tongue withdrew from her opening. She ached with the need to feel it back inside her again.

  In the adjoining room, Mary Fuller was watching through George’s spy hole. It was certainly the most exciting and unexpected thing she’d ever seen and her legs felt weak with desire. Since the three of them were relatively silent at the moment it was difficult for George to know what was going on. He had to rely on Mary to give him a whispered commentary. This she did but every now and again she was so overcome by excitement that she stopped whispering and he had to imagine it all for himself. Despite this he was as hard as Christopher and Mary knew he’d need release by the end of the evening.

  After about fifteen minutes, Theresa’s whole body felt hot and swollen. It wasn’t just her breasts; she felt as though she had grown too large for her skin and, at one point, when Christopher licked carefully between each of her toes, she was sure that she was going to climax from that alone, so sensitive was every inch of her body. What she couldn’t understand was why Rebecca kept interrupting the proceedings because it never occurred to her how much satisfaction both Christopher and Rebecca were gaining by continually thwarting her needs.

  Eventually, Christopher decided that the time had come for things to change. As he stood up, his grey eyes looked deep into Theresa’s green ones and she felt her knees start to buckle. Reaching out, Christopher grasped her firmly round the ribcage, splaying the fingers of his hands so they cupped the undersides of her magnificent breasts. She felt as though she were in some kind of wonderful erotic dream, but it was a dream that was threatening to turn into a nightmare as her moment of release was constantly being delayed.

  ‘I hope you’ve enjoyed dominating me,’ said Christopher, his voice cold.

  ‘Yes, that is, I …’ Theresa wasn’t sure what answer was expected of her; after all, she’d only been doing what she’d been told.

  ‘I think it’s time you had a taste of your own medicine,’ said Christopher, and there was something about his voice that made the red-haired girl shiver.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Theresa saw Rebecca arranging a pile of pillows in the middle of the bed. Once they were in place Christopher removed the mask from Theresa and hooked a finger inside the leather collar around her neck. This ensured that she followed him as he drew her across the room and then laid her face down over the pillows, making sure they were placed directly beneath her stomach. The sensation of the pillows against her needy flesh was exquisite and Theresa started to press her sex against them, hoping that somehow she would manage to gain the last bit of stimulation needed in order to push her over the edge and reach her climax.

  ‘Stop that!’ said Christopher at once. ‘I’m in charge now. You have to do what I say.’

  ‘And what I say,’ added Rebecca.

  Theresa’s entire body was trembling. She should have been afraid but instead she was incredibly excited. To be at the mercy of two such clever people, to have her body so aroused, frantic and needy, and to know that eventually her pleasure was going to be allowed to spill over, was magnificent. The tiny edge of fear that the situation was engendering in her only added to the piquancy of the situation. She was aware that her bottom was now raised, high in the air with her vulva fully exposed.

  ‘Part your legs more,’ said Rebecca.

  It never crossed Theresa’s mind to disobey; indeed, she was suddenly very anxious to do as she was told and she understood why Christopher had been such a willing slave for a short while. It was wonderful to have all responsibility taken away from her.

  ‘Do you promise to keep face down?’ asked Christopher. ‘Or do we have to blindfold you?’

  ‘I promise,’ whispered Theresa.

  ‘Excellent,’ said Christopher with satisfaction. ‘Now, let’s continue, Rebecca.’

  Theresa had never felt so exposed and she waited tensely to see what would happen next. Suddenly, she felt hands rubbing oil into her bottom and she jumped instinctively. As she did so she heard Rebecca’s soft and unmistakable laugh. The larger pair of hands continued kneading her buttocks and Rebecca’s smaller, slimmer hands gently applied the oil around her sex. Christopher made large circular sweeping motions on her buttocks and thighs, keeping up a light and yet insistent motion in the whole area. At the same time Rebecca started to massage Theresa’s vulva, and her fingers worked hard between the girl’s legs.

  Gradually, Christopher and Rebecca increased the tempo, although not the pressure, and then, for one brief blissful moment, Rebecca moved her finger and started to gently massage Theresa’s aching clitoris.

  For Theresa the sudden rush of warmth into the whole of her lower torso and the incredible tightness of all her muscles was too much. ‘Please, please let me come now,’ she begged them, but the moment she’d spoken the hands stopped moving and she was left nearly sobbing with frustration while once again Rebecca laughed softly.

  In the adjoining room Mary and George glanced at each other and, emboldened by this, George positioned himself behind Mary, putting his arms around her so that he could cup her breasts while he rubbed his erection against her buttocks. To his great relief she didn’t voice any objection and they both resumed listening and watching the three in the bedroom.

  Theresa knew Rebecca could feel how aroused she was. After all, no one knew a woman’s body better than another woman. Because of this it seemed to Theresa that the cruelty was far greater on Rebecca’s part than on Christopher’s, but she guessed that Rebecca was only doing what pleased Christopher. Somehow, pleasing Christopher was no longer Theresa’s main objective. What her body was screaming for now was total satisfaction and she was beginning to grow frantic, wondering if she was ever to be allowed it.

  ‘Just be patient,’ whispered Rebecca, her voice kinder now. ‘We won’t keep you waiting much longer. I don’t think we can, Christopher,’ she added as Theresa became more slippery beneath Rebecca’s clever fingers. Theresa realised that Rebecca was alternating between using her fingers and the palm of her hand between her thighs and this only served to heighten all the sensations for her. She could feel her clitoris enlarging and, as it did so, Rebecca gradually spent more time caressing it, only occasionally moving her finger away for a few brief seconds.

p; Soon, driven almost out of her mind by this constant titillation, Theresa began to cry out, constantly screaming at the couple to allow her the moment of ultimate release. Christopher was still kneading at her buttocks and she realised that, while Rebecca was sliding two fingers into her vagina, Christopher was carefully easing two well-lubricated fingers into her rear opening. This sensation of fullness was very satisfying but it still didn’t provide sufficient stimulation for her to climax.

  Rebecca continued to directly stimulate Theresa’s clitoris, making occasional breaks just as Theresa hoped that she was reaching the point of no return. With her free hand Rebecca began to caress inside Theresa’s vagina.

  Theresa had never had this done to her before. She was astonished when Rebecca eased her fingers deeper inside her, searching until she located her highly sensitive G-spot. Gradually, the combined stimulation drove Theresa into such a frenzy of excitement that she began to quake and shout unintelligibly. It was then that Rebecca used her fingers in a thrusting movement, increasing the tempo all the time as though they were a penis.

  Theresa pressed her breasts down on to the bed, lowering her arms so that she could move her upper torso and stimulate her highly sensitive nipples. For a brief moment she was terrified that this would make Christopher and Rebecca stop what they were doing but, glancing round at them, she knew they realised that they couldn’t force her to wait any longer. A knowing glance passed between the couple and they allowed her to continue, taking obvious pleasure from her small whimpering sounds as she desperately climbed towards her long-awaited climax.

  Theresa felt the pulse that had begun so long ago between her thighs start to increase and there was a frantic drumming sound in her ears as the pressure mounted within her. At the last moment, just as Theresa reached the blissful point of no return, Rebecca began very delicately to touch the incredibly sensitive clitoris itself. Theresa screamed with gratitude and delight as her long-delayed orgasm finally crashed over her. At that moment Christopher grasped her hips and thrust himself into her second opening, moving swiftly and urgently, using the violence of Theresa’s internal contractions to assist him in reaching his own climax.

  The intensity of the whole experience was so great that for a brief moment Theresa lost consciousness. When she regained it, and felt Christopher still inside her thrusting so fiercely, to her astonishment she felt her body begin to climax again. This time Rebecca slid beneath her and used her tongue where her fingers had previously been, licking at the moisture seeping from Theresa’s opening and inserting her tiny pointed tongue where, earlier, Christopher had inserted his.

  The thrill of feeling Theresa quaking, shaking and shuddering above her, and the knowledge that Christopher was inside the other girl, filling her between her slim buttocks, was so exciting that even without any physical stimulation Rebecca too was able to climax.

  Finally, when it was all over, Christopher and Rebecca quickly dressed and left so that half an hour later Theresa was lying in an exhausted heap on her bed wondering if it had all been an incredible dream.

  The next morning when Esther came downstairs she was surprised to see a message on her fax machine. As she picked it up she realised from the heading at the top that it was from America and her eyes instantly went to the bottom of the message where she saw Marcus’s familiar signature scrawled across the page. Suddenly her heart began to beat rapidly as she wondered if he’d decided that he’d made a terrible mistake. The message quickly disillusioned her.

  Have just heard you’ve joined Christopher Wheldon’s People’s Theatre. I can’t believe you’d do this. You’re a TV and film actress not stage. Have you really thought it through properly? C.W. may have his own reasons for taking you on.

  Esther’s initial excitement was immediately replaced by sheer fury. She couldn’t believe that after such a long silence, after totally neglecting to tell her their affair was over, he should now start interfering in her career. Slowly, though, the fury ebbed away as she realised with considerable pleasure that he would never have faxed her unless the news had disturbed him, which was – after all – what she’d intended. Quickly she sat down and scribbled a reply.

  Have just heard we’re no longer an item. I assume you have your own reasons for dumping me without warning. Have you thought it through properly?

  She then signed it and faxed it. Pausing only for a cup of coffee she then dashed off to the rehearsal room feeling very pleased with herself.

  She hadn’t been needed until eleven that morning and when she arrived Theresa and Michael were in the middle of rehearsing. Theresa was playing what was probably her biggest scene opposite Michael. Although it had never been brilliant it had so far been passable and Esther sat quietly on a chair at the side of the room to see if any progress had been made since she’d last watched it. She couldn’t believe her eyes. For some extraordinary reason Theresa was playing the down-to-earth, no-nonsense, socialist Madge as some kind of sex siren. Michael, playing the solicitor, Gerald, looked stunned – as well he might, thought Esther. This was nothing like anything Theresa had done before; neither was it anything like the way Madge was meant to behave.

  Noel sidled up to Esther. ‘Perhaps this is Michael’s lucky day,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘Maybe she’s trying to tell him something. What do you think?’

  ‘I thought she was keen on Christopher,’ Esther whispered back.

  ‘Then why the hell’s she playing the vamp?’ asked Noel.

  Esther shrugged. She couldn’t understand it and, by the look on his face, neither could Christopher. He looked cross and very slightly embarrassed, which Esther assumed must be due to the fact that he’d cast Theresa against type in the first place. Maybe he was beginning to have second thoughts.

  Theresa appeared blissfully unaware of how badly she was doing and it was only when the scene ended and Christopher began in no uncertain terms to tell her that her eyes lost their sparkle. She looked stunned as he attacked almost everything about her performance, and Esther decided it would be kinder if she disappeared. She was sure that Theresa didn’t want anyone around.

  There weren’t many places to go. Deciding she could do with another cup of coffee Esther headed for the kitchen. As she walked in she was surprised to see Nicholas Maxwell and Rebecca jump apart, both of them looking guilty.

  ‘Nick was helping me with my lines,’ Rebecca explained swiftly.

  ‘Good idea,’ said Esther, wondering why Rebecca felt that an explanation was necessary. ‘Perhaps you’d like to help me, Nick, once you’ve finished with Becky.’

  Nicholas nodded but he didn’t look exactly delighted. It occurred to Esther that Nicholas spent a lot of time hanging around Rebecca. At first it had seemed that Rebecca was simply intercepting him on Christopher’s behalf, making sure that the great actor and director wasn’t disturbed by someone who didn’t even have a part in the ongoing play. Now she wondered if there were other motives – if Rebecca could possibly be attracted to Nicholas.

  It didn’t seem very probable. He was so different from Christopher and Esther had no reason to think that Rebecca wasn’t still totally besotted with her famous, fair-haired lover. On the other hand, possibly the contrast between the two men was in itself an attraction. Esther herself wasn’t drawn towards men like Nick but she could see that he had a kind of rough and ready magnetism and his refusal to be in the least bit lovey-ish was a refreshing change. If he hadn’t had quite such a large chip on his shoulder Esther would have found him a reasonably pleasant companion, but he was forever complaining about the system, as though he were the only actor in the world who was finding it difficult to make his mark.

  ‘I think that’ll probably do for now,’ said Rebecca. Nicholas looked very disappointed. ‘We could have another go this afternoon,’ continued Rebecca and he gave her a rare smile. For once Rebecca smiled at Esther and this made Esther even more suspicious about what had really been going on in the kitchen before she’d joined the pair of them. After Re
becca had gone Nick fiddled awkwardly with his coffee cup.

  ‘She’s bloody attractive, isn’t she?’ he said at last.

  ‘Rebecca? Yes, she’s very striking,’ agreed Esther.

  ‘Wasted on that fair-haired streak of piss,’ continued Nicholas. ‘She needs a real man.’

  ‘Someone like you?’ suggested Esther, trying to suppress a smile.

  ‘Why not?’ Nicholas demanded aggressively. ‘Why shouldn’t she like me? I may not be as famous as him but I might be a damn sight more interesting. Not that you’d know; you’ve only got eyes for him – him and Damon.’

  Esther felt hot. ‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,’ she said irritably.

  ‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,’ mimicked Nicholas.

  Esther glared at him. Actually his imitation of her had been quite good but that didn’t make it any more pleasant. ‘What have I done to offend you?’ she asked.

  ‘Nothing,’ Nicholas muttered. ‘It just bugs me when people like you imply Rebecca’s too good for me.’

  ‘I wasn’t suggesting anything of the kind,’ said Esther. ‘All I was trying to point out was that she and Christopher are fairly inseparable.’

  ‘That’s not what I’ve heard,’ said Nicholas. ‘Now and again I think someone comes between them.’ He laughed, although for the life of her Esther couldn’t imagine why.

  Rehearsals didn’t go well for anyone that day and the rest of the week proved a hard grind for them all. Slowly and remorselessly the clock was ticking away and Esther couldn’t help but compare the unstoppable passage of time in their situation with that of the Conways. She was horrified at how little progress she herself was making, especially since some of the others were really beginning to shine. Rosie was excellent, far better than anyone could have anticipated, and Damon and Christopher performed with effortless ease. Rebecca was also doing better than expected but Esther was quite relieved that Theresa, like herself, continued to struggle.


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