The Ringworld Throne r-3

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The Ringworld Throne r-3 Page 35

by Larry Niven

  Thousands of three-legged, two-headed creatures were watching them through the forward wall.

  “We say ‘Hindmost,’ ” one of them said. “I’m the Hindmost. Speak your desire.”

  “Teach me.”

  The granite block had been set aside.

  Louis limped past Kzin and protector. The pain in his shoulder was a part of his anger. He asked the Hindmost, “Now how did you do that?”

  “I braced my forequarters against the wall and pushed with my hind leg. Bram felt the strength in my leg. He should have known.”

  “Lucky for us—”

  “Where is Bram?”

  “Dead at our hands. Tunesmith, the teaching aids are all here aboard Hot Needle of Inquiry. Those pictures especially. They’re made by bronze webs like the one on the cliff at Weaver Town.”

  Tunesmith said, “I follow Bram’s advice. Web Dweller, teach me. I am not to trust you until we have a contract.”

  “I’ll print out my people’s standard contract for service.”

  “Only for my amusement, I hope. Louis, my son needs …” Tunesmith looked again. “You, into the ’doc, now. Is that it?”

  Acolyte was lifting him.

  He was in the big box and Tunesmith was examining the readouts doubtfully. “How long?” the Ghoul protector asked.

  The puppeteer said, “Three days, maybe less.”

  Louis talked in haste. “Don’t anyone sign anything. Hindmost, I don’t know how to feed a Night Person. Try aged beef. Try cheese. Tunesmith, I hope you won’t destroy that last ARM spacecraft unless they do something dreadful—”

  “Nearest possible mates in this universe?”

  “Well … that, too. Now, the High Point protectors hold the rim wall, and at this point they may be scared out of their minds. Talk to them through that window, with the black sky and the big strange shapes? Ghouls stole that web from a vampire nest, carried it maybe two hundred thousand miles plus two miles straight up—”

  “The sunlight network told us about it.”

  “Tell the spill mountain protectors they’re in charge of the rim. Mean it.”

  Acolyte was closing the lid on the big box. Louis laughed suddenly. “Hey. Remind you of anything?”

  He heard the voice of Louis Wu telling a hairless face with red skin, “We’d like to talk to a protector, please. We want to propose a contract.”

  And the lid closed and he could rest.



  ARM: once the Amalgamated Regional Militia, now the United Nations armed forces.

  antispin: direction opposite the Ringworld’s direction of spin.

  collier: 1. A ship used to carry coal. 2. A merchant who transports or sells coal.

  cziltang brone: alleged to be a device to allow solid objects to penetrate scrith.

  cruiser: a Machine People vehicle.

  elbow root: ubiquitous Ringworld plant, a kind of natural fence.

  daywalk: varies by species, but usually means a serious effort consistent with foraging and health. One daywalk for Machine People is about ten miles; for a Grass Giant, less, but they can keep it up forever. Gleaners can do one and a half Machine People daywalks for a couple of hours.

  Fleet of Worlds: the homeworld of the Pierson’s puppeteers, and four worlds sequestered for farming.

  flup: seabottom ooze.

  Outsider hyperdrive or hyperdrive: a means of faster-than-light travel, common in known space.

  Patriarchy: the kzinti empire.

  Repair Center: ancient center of Ringworld maintenance and control housed beneath the Map of Mars.

  payload shell: the locked iron housing on a Machine People cruiser.

  rishathra (reshtra): sexual practice outside one’s own species but within the intelligent hominids. Not a useful term beyond the Ringworld.

  scrith: Ringworld structural material. Scrith underlies all of the terraformed and contoured inner surface of the Ringworld. The rim walls are also of scrith. Very dense, with a tensile strength on the order of the force that holds an atomic nucleus together.

  spill mountains: mountains standing against the rim wall, the outflow of the rim spillpipes. One stage in the circulation of flup. The spill mountains have their own ecology.

  spin or spinward: in the direction of rotation of the Ringworld (against the rotation of the sky).

  star or starboard: to the right as one faces spinward.

  stet: leave it alone, no change, that’s exactly right.

  tanj: an expletive. Initial slang for “There Ain’t No Justice.”

  thruster: reactionless drive. In known space, thrusters have generally replaced fusion rockets on all spacecraft save warcraft.

  vishnishtee / vashnesht: wizard or protector.

  weenie plant: ubiquitous Ringworld plant. Edible. Grows in damp areas.

  webeye: puppeteer technology, a multisensory probe.

  Ringworld Parameters

  30 hours = 1 Ringworld “day.”

  1 turn = 7.5 thirty-hour days = 1 Ringworld rotation.

  1 falan = 10 turns = 75 days

  Mass = 2 x 10^30 grams

  Radius = 0.95 x 10^8 miles

  Circumference = 5.97 x 10^8 miles

  Width = 997,000 miles

  Surface area = 6 x 10^14 square miles = 3 x 10^6 times the surface area of the Earth (approx)

  Surface gravity = 31.7 feet/second/second = .992 gee

  Rim walls rise inward, 1,000 miles

  Repair Center = 40 miles high by 0.56 x 10^8 square miles area = 2.24 x 10^9 cubic miles

  Near Great Ocean = 600x surface area of Earth

  Star: G1 or G2, barely smaller and cooler than Sol

  Cast of Characters

  Machine People

  Valavirgillin (Vala, “Boss”)—hired the caravan. Represents Farsight Trading

  Foranayeedli (Forn)—Barok’s daughter. Kaywerbrimmis’s crew

  Sabarokaresh (Barok)—biggest male. Kaywerbrimmis’s crew

  Kaywerbrimmis (Kay)—Valavirgillin’s Wagonmaster

  Anthrantillin (Anth)—wagonmaster

  Taratarafasht (Tarfa)—female, Anth’s crew

  Whandernothtee (Whand)—wagonmaster

  Chitakumishad (Chit)—Whandernothtee’s crew

  Sopashintay (Spash)–Whand’s crew

  Himapertharee (Himp)–Anthrantillin’s crew

  High Rangers Trading Group–died but for Valavirgillin, forty-three falans ago

  Tarablilliast (Tarb)—Valavirgillin’s mate, taking care of their children, far to starboard

  Grass Giants

  Paroom—male sentry

  Thurl—alpha male, the Bull

  Moonwa—female, the Thurl’s primary wife

  Beedj—male, the Thurl’s probable heir



  Makee—male, Wemb’s son


  Twuk—small Grass Giant female



  Silack—beta male

  Manack—alpha male, hairier



  Tegger hooki-Thandarthal—ambassador

  Warvia hooki-Murf Thandarthal—ambassador

  Anakrin hooki-Whanhurhur—messenger

  Chaychind hooki-Karashk—messenger

  River People



  Rooballabl—speaks trade language

  Fudghabladl—old one, remembers

  Ball People

  Louis Wu

  The Hindmost (the Web Dweller)


  Weaving People






  Shans Serpentstrangler

  Hishthare Rockdiver



  Night People


r />   Harpster

  Grieving Tube


  Acolyte—Chmeee’s eldest son

  Kathakt—a lord of the Map of Kzin

  Spill Mountain People

  Saron—older woman

  Deb—middle-aged woman

  Skreepu–bird, belongs to Deb

  Harreed—Deb’s younger son

  Barraye—Deb’s older son

  Jennawil—younger woman mated to Barraye








  … and others, nameless.

  FB2 document info

  Document ID: 613cac16-d927-4622-8905-72e685650819

  Document version: 1.2

  Document creation date: 2006-04-17

  Created using: MS Word, FB Tools software

  Document authors :

  Jolly Roger Skull

  Document history:

  v 1.0. The text is not read through. All qoutes (single and double) and apostrophes are changed to side oriented ones. All dashes are corrected. Some other minor corrections. Annotation is taken from The cover is added.

  by Jolly Roger Skull, 2006.04.17

  v 1.1. Some misprints are corrected now.

  by Jolly Roger Skull, 2006.04.21

  v 1.2. Some formatting is changed. Lot of misprints are corrected now.

  by Jolly Roger Skull, 2006.05.08


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  Этот файл создан при помощи конвертера FB2EPUB версии написанного Lord KiRon.

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