Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn)

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Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn) Page 2

by GM Scherbert

“Oh, that tattoo that Nick was giving you makes more sense now.”

  Freeing myself from his arms, I return to my seat as a woman makes her way over. She tussles up Dominic’s hair before looking to me.

  “What kind of a name is Raz anyway?”

  “Momma,” Dominic shakes her hand off his head. “Leave her alone. If I would’ve known that you and Pops were here I wouldn’t have brought her here. Just leave the poor girl be, I just met her today for fucks sake.”

  Watching the woman smack this grown man upside the head at his cuss, I giggle to myself. Bringing my hand to my mouth quickly they both look towards me as I try to stifle my laughter.

  “Raz, this is my momma, Alba. Momma this is Raz please be nice.”

  The woman stays with us a bit longer before her husband, Dominic Sr., comes to take her home. Looking towards Dominic, he drops his head before bringing his eyes back to mine. Taking in this argument has me longing for this feeling of family that I left behind.

  “Did I lose my chances with you tonight bringing you here? I really didn’t think that they would be here, or I wouldn’t have. I swear, I don’t date a lot, but I know that meeting parents on the first date is probably not the norm.”

  “No, it was nice, seeing where you come from. My memories of growing up are nothing to be remembered. Like I told you, I don’t go back on my word. You fed me, now it’s time to get to that fucking you promised.”

  The next two months goes much the same with Dominic. Lots of fucking, food, and spending time with his family. Between him and Lilly the summer was full of great memories that would need to last. I just didn’t know how much struggle and dark times the memories would need to get me through at the time.

  Chapter 4

  ~Our last night~

  Nearing the end of the summer, Lilly and Dominic set up a night that the three of us would have together. After that first meeting, I knew that they had exchanged numbers. We also shared many breakfasts during that last month of our time together, but I am not sure who got a hold of whom or really how they even thought to set this up, but they did. It was a great way for me to say goodbye to the summer that we had shared. Even though most our memories were not made all together, I was common ground and they both seemed to strive to make the night great.

  Lilly and Dominic got together and figured this grand night out, got the hotel room, and even gave me teases of what was to come. I remember thinking what an unusual threesome we made, not all loving on each other, but them loving on me alone. They had made sure to let me know that each of them wanted nothing but to please me, they had no desires or interests to be with each other. They were there only to tease and torment my body. To worship my body and say goodbye in a way that would leave memories with each of us.

  When I got to the hotel room, Dominic opened the door in nothing more than a pair of jeans. Stepping into the room, I noticed Lilly in one of the two chairs next to the bed. She looked to me and simply said, “Strip and lay face up on the bed, Mama. We will push you tonight, more than either of us has pushed you alone. If you need to put a stop to it at any point do not hesitate. Dominic and I have spent long hours planning this night for you and for us to enjoy you together.”

  Looking towards Dominic he continues on where Lilly left off, “We have spoken on your limits and what we think might push you best. We have spoken of this at the diner, but you have never been our sole focus at the same time, and your senses will be overwhelmed. As with anything though, we have not worked you over together, so we might be wrong and we want you to be comfortable and safe with us.”

  Moving slowly towards the bed, I start by taking off the heels and placing them at the foot of the bed. Slowly my hands work their way up my body to the belt that has my polka dot dress cinched at the waist. Undoing the belt slowly, I hear groans from both Lilly and Dominic, but he is the one to speak. “Stop teasing us Doll, you know that shit don’t fly with me.” Jerking his thumb towards Lil he adds, “I’m sure she don’t let that shit fly either.”

  With that, I move quicker to rid myself of the dress, thong, and bra. Kneeling onto the bed, I crawl the few feet to the head of the bed, and lay down on my back. Spreading my legs wide, I feel eyes on me from each side, and know that this night will be one that is burned into my memory.

  Lilly is the first one on me in quick seconds after I have settled onto my back. She attaches herself to my pussy and starts eating like this will be her last meal. My head pops up to watch as she drives two fingers deep into me as she nibbles at my clit. Only then do I feel Dominic next to me on the bed.

  Glancing to the side, I see he has taken his cock out of his pants and is stroking it slowly. “Open your mouth, Doll, and swallow me down. I will be coming down your throat in no time, while Lilly has you wanting nothing more than to do the same.” Pausing briefly, he grins before adding, “You will not come though. You will please me and Lilly in turn before you get to take your pleasure. If we allow you to have any, that is.”

  Registering the words that he has just spoken to me I bite the inside of my lip hard to stave off the orgasm that Lilly is trying her damnedest to coax out of me. Opening my mouth in protest, it is quickly filled with his cock before I am able to say anything. Taking him all the way down my throat has me choking in no time flat and the orgasm that was blooming is no longer pushing me on. Pleasing these two people is all that matters now.

  We keep on this way for the rest of the evening. Lilly and Dominic taking turns using my body in whichever way they see fit. Fucking me, eating me, and or using me to pleasure them. I am so overwhelmed by them and the sensations running through my body, I barely register that the night is coming to a close.

  Looking to the clock I notice that it is nearing four as we are all lying in a heap on the bed. Rolling to one side, I come face to face with Lilly. She kisses me gently on the lips and strokes her hand down over my face before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

  In that moment, Dominic circles my waist in his arms, and pulls me closer to him. Drifting off to sleep in the safety of his arms, I wake alone a mere two hours later. Saddened by the way the night and summer ended.

  I hoped that every summer would be just like that one in Zion had been. With lots of good friends, good company, and good fucking.

  Unfortunately, I was dead fucking wrong. Life had other fucking plans for me.

  Twisted Fates

  By: GM Scherbert


  The first year in Zion I thought my life was all set, after escaping my abusive ex, I rejoiced knowing my life was different now, better. Five years later Dominic and Lilly showed me just how good it could be. When they left after that summer we shared, fate got twisted and I needed more.

  Finding it in a set of dark eyes that looked at me like I hung the moon. The wild nights and partying ceased instantly, leaving me little more than my work at The Branding, the bike I had worked so hard for, those eyes, the memories of what we shared, and the family I had made for myself.


  Leaving Zion after that summer we shared wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. But, as the days turned to weeks, then months and years, I thought about it less. The memories we made together, the look in her eyes, the smell of her skin, the taste of her on my tongue slowly started to fade.

  Going back home after five years, I know that the man I’ve become would be too much for my Doll: too dominant, too dark, too brutal for the life and family she deserves.

  What I find when I get home, I know in a second I would stop at nothing to be part of it, twisted up with her forever.


  That summer in Zion has been the thing that I have used to measure much against. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist her for long once I returned, especially when my thoughts didn’t leave her.

  A few weeks was all it took, for fate to get me to go to her. Seeing not only her, but the family she had built for herself blindsided me. No jealousy towards it, just longing to be a
part of her life, twisted up with her once again.

  Chapter 1


  After that summer, I knew that falling outta touch with them was going to happen. Lilly had a full life in California ahead of her, while Dominic had to return to serving our country. My life fell into a sad kind of rhythm, until two months later when I realized that I had been left with more than memories from that summer.

  I fought with myself during the whole pregnancy and for months afterward, if I should track him down and tell him about her but my stubbornness and fear always won out. We had not spoken of the future, and I was sure as shit not a woman who couldn’t do this on my own. I must have had some sick want to get found out though, because when I first found out I was pregnant, I would go into his family’s restaurant with hopes of running into his parents, her namesake again. That, however, never happened.

  Baby Alba was born that April and couldn’t have looked anymore like her father. Olive skin and hair that no one would question were his. The blue eyes that stared up at me as she got bigger were mine though. The perfect mix of me and Dominic, and I was reminded of him every time I looked at her. I remembered the stories that his parents had told about their family naming children after grandparents, and I made sure to follow that tradition, even if he wasn’t with us.

  Nick never questioned my pregnancy or when he was around Alba after, but he must have known. Fuck, even his wife, Alexandra mentioned something about it the day that Alba came into this world. Alex and I had formed a friendship during the time that I had worked at the shop, especially the eight months when I was pregnant and mostly alone. The doctors had told me that I would need some emergency contacts before the time for birth, and they were the first, and only people I asked. I ended up having a hard time giving birth and the doctors had to rush me into an emergency C-section so I couldn’t even hold my baby in my arms until the drugs wore off. Alex, however was there by my side, helping me out every step of the way. She was my rock during everything, and with that Nick dug his way further into my heart as well.

  When I finally held my girl, in that moment I knew Alba would be the center of my world for the remainder of my days. The emotions that flew through me those first minutes, holding onto my baby forced the tears from my eyes. I couldn’t stop the thoughts that rushed, that I wasn’t good enough, that I wouldn’t be able to do this alone, that I shouldn’t have had her on my own. Alex was quick to pick up on my uneasiness, and put the nerves that were raging at ease.

  “Sweetheart, each momma feels that way that I can see in your face that you’re feeling, never you mind. I remember being that way with each of my kids, and it never gets any easier, let me tell you. With all of the girls I was really just as nervous as I can see you are right now.”

  Seeing me struggle with Alba at my breast she is quick to move closer asking, “Do you mind?” as she is reaching from my breast. Shaking my head in answer she moves closer before reaching over me to the cup of water next to me. Removing the cover, she grabs an ice cube out, before placing the cup back onto the table. As my eyes move back to her other hand, I see her rubbing the ice between her fingers quickly. Using her other hand, she gently moves the crying baby a hair away from my nipple. Bringing up her other hand, she allows for the melting ice to trickle onto my nipples before tossing the ice aside, and bringing the baby closer again.

  As soon as Alba is within reach again, her mouth is open and she is searching for food. Alex adjusts both the baby and me slightly and like magic, she is latched on and sucking. The smiles that comes to not only mine, but Alex’s face, spread from ear to ear as it happens. Alba continues to suckle for a few long moments before either of us tear our eyes away.

  “See everything will come in time, Raz.” And with that we spend the next few minutes quietly talking, until not only Alba but I fall fast asleep.

  Alexandra stays with me in the hospital for much of the next two days, leaving when one of her daughters is here with me. They have each fawned all over Alba, giving me small amounts of shut eye when they are there. I don’t know how I will survive without someone at the house helping me out, especially the first few nights. As my release from the hospital comes, my fears are quickly squashed by this “family” of mine.

  The morning that I am to leave the hospital, I find myself waking up to Alexandra and Nick’s hushed voices.

  “Nick, I can’t believe how much Alba looks like Dominic. You said that they only shared a brief time together, but there is no question in my mind who that baby’s father is. How can you just sit back and let her go through this on her own? You know that he would want to know about her and you’re not going to try and find him? What would you do if you hadn’t been around when I had Angelica? You know that you would have been more than hurt not being there for our little girl. I can’t believe-“

  His voice is rough as he cuts her off, “Angel, hush. Don’t bring our little Angelica up and compare the situations, they are not even close. These things between Raz and Dominic are none of your concern. Whatever happens between them is just that, between them. And Raz sure as fuck has the right to do whatever she wants to regarding that little girl over there. She is the one that has had that child growing in her body and she has made every choice so far for her. I don’t see Dominic rushing to find out about her or how she has been these last months, fuck, who even knows where the fuck he is. I haven’t heard from him in going on six months, and I sure as fuck know she hasn’t either. Why the fuck would I step in? Whatever that little girl and her momma need though, you or I will be there for them, neither of them will ever want for a thing, no matter what it is. That’s why I packed you up a bag, and you will be there with her until she can get settled. The older girls and I have been taking fine care of Angelica these last few days a couple more won’t hurt her. She has enjoyed the time she is spending with her older sisters anyways.”

  “Nick, thank you so much for that, I want to be there to help her. I know that she really doesn’t have anyone else.” Pausing only briefly before I hear her quietly add, “Nick, shouldn’t Dominic be the one who is here, taking care of her and their daughter?”

  “Angel I will not ask again, hush NOW.”

  Flinching a bit at the sound of determination in his voice, they must notice my movement and cease their conversation. The quiet that falls over the room, is short lived as Alba starts a small cry which is quickly replaced with a much louder and more demanding one. Alex is the first to move. Coming towards the bed, she is reaching into the bassinet next to me before I’m able to move, grabbing up Alba passing her to me as she does.

  Catching his gaze, I try not to flinch at the words that are spoken next.

  “Raz, I know you heard us, you’re about as sly as Angelica is when we play, and she is barely four for fucks sake.” Raising his hand, he runs his fingers through his short hair before going on. “I meant every fucking word that I said though.” Stepping towards the bed, he stops only as his knees touch its side. Reaching a hand over, he strokes lightly down my Alba’s face before going on. “You and Alba will never need for a thing. You might have started out as only the weird girl that worked at the shop with me, a mere co-worker, someone I thought of as trying to hide behind that ridiculous hair and clothing, but you have really grown on me these last six years. Especially with the liking that my Alexandra has taken to you.” A smile takes hold of him as his thoughts drift off. When he glances back towards me, “As hard headed and stubborn as you have shown me that you are, I know it will be a struggle for you to ask for help. Alexandra and I and all of our girls will be here no matter what it is that you need. Anytime, anyplace, forever.”


  The first few weeks that I was deployed after that summer my thoughts were never far from Zion. I knew that I needed to stop thinking back to the summer and get my head focused on the task at hand though. When you’re at war you shouldn’t be distracted in the slightest, and my mind keep trying to do just that. So, I put that
summer, and my Doll far from my mind, during my waking hours that is, for the most part at least. At night when I was alone, my thoughts of that summer had a mind of their own, and my Doll, were all that could keep me sane sometimes, those thoughts and my hands.

  When I spoke to Nick a few months after I left, I couldn’t bring myself to ask about her, and it hurt. He mentioned Alex, the woman he ended up marrying, that he had been obsessed with since we were kids, the shop, but little else. I wondered if he would be able to make something work with a woman that was almost twice his age, a woman that had kids well into their teens. And still I couldn’t bring myself to asking about her, about the thing that my mind was screaming to know. If she had someone in her life, if she had replaced what we shared. I knew that I still had at least three years before I could get out, and I didn’t want her to be waiting at home for me, living only half a life, much like I had seen our mother do as we were growing up. So, I keep my distance as much as it hurt me to do.

  When the thoughts got too much or the memories of her haunted my dreams, I would do what I could to relieve the tension. Being stationed overseas there were only so many options though, and believe you me I took each one as it came. Took them hard, dominating their bodies with little thought to their pleasure. Caring more of ridding my mind from the memories. But, none of those women, faceless as they were could take the place of my Doll or erase her from my memory.

  Those faceless women that I have fucked these last long years, were not always enough to help, enough to keep the demons at bay. When a night like that happened, there was only one thing I found that could quiet them, one thing that would keep them at bay.

  Pulling the one and only picture out that I had kept of that summer, the memories of my Doll came crashing down. The picture is worn and has gotten its fair share of use during the years that I have been away. I would trace my fingers over the long locks of hair that had gone from red at the beginning of the summer to the purple in the photo I had captured, to pink, then blue by the end of summer. Remembering the feel of that hair slipping through my fingers, or as I grabbed it tight fucking her mouth, or ass, or cunt. Those thoughts have me hard and I know that there is only one thing to do.


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