Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn)

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Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn) Page 4

by GM Scherbert

  The next year I found another to pass my time with. Laura lasted a tad longer than Raven, but not by much. She again didn’t find her way into my heart, she was only a way to pass the days. And pass the days we did, exploring dominance and submission on our own terms. We used the internet to explore many of our limits and both of us quickly knew that any use of something that would cause physical distress was out: knife play, whips, floggers, paddles, and really anything that could mark the body was out. We enjoyed the power exchange more than any other aspect of the lifestyle. As we explored we found many things that we were compatible on, but one main one that we were not, the thing that caused us to split.

  Laura had an intensive obsession with pony play, and it was something that I just couldn’t get into. We tried a few times, but each time I couldn’t get over the thinking that this just wasn’t my bag. I mean, after the first time she went all out and within a month, had a bridle, tail, hoofs, the whole fucking nine yards and I just couldn’t. When we would play and Laura would put those hoofs on and trot around the room, I would fucking have to hold it in most times.

  We went our separate ways, and I’m sure she found a stable master right quickly after we parted. I, however, didn’t find anyone else to spend my days with for another few months. Someone that was able to compliment me in almost all ways. Someone I thought could find her way into my heart. Someone that would be able to take the place of the one person I measured the others against. Someone the opposite of the person who had made a deep influence on me.

  Chapter 3


  As I watched Alba grow, each and every day making a new memory was something that I cherished. Not being surrounded by many people that we thought of as family was hard, especially when we needed something. I mean, we had Nick, Alexandra and the girls and when we needed them they were always there don’t get me wrong. When Alba was sick, needing to be picked up from daycare while I was in the midst of a session, Nick, Alex or one of the other girls would not hesitate to go grab her up from daycare or stay home with her when needed. I wouldn’t dare bring someone home to meet her, I valued her too much for that and I knew that just anybody would not do.

  Don’t get me wrong over the years, I had some company. Both men and women who ended up being more friends than lovers, but, they were few and far between and were always measured up against Dominic and Lilly. No one ever came close to putting a dent in my heart like each of them had done during that summer. With each new experience, each night with someone else, my thoughts traveled back to that summer, to the man and the woman that meant so much to me.

  Other than the family that I had made for myself, we were truly alone for those years after that summer. We were alone, that is, until Lilly walked back into my life. Alba was going to be four in a few weeks when I saw Lilly again. She came into the shop looking none to worse for the wear with the years she had been absent. The business suit she now wore, a big change from the bartending apparel I had been used to. Looking her over I saw the ways that she had filled out over the years. No longer the slip of a girl that I had wanted, but more of a woman. Her tight and toned body, had softened and her figure had become much curvier. It seems that my taste in her, my desire for her hadn’t gone away or faded at all. I looked from her to our receptionist and realized this was the Lilly that was my next client.

  “Hi Lilly, long time no see. What can I do for you today?” came out without much thought, and I found myself giving into a longing that I didn’t realize I had in that moment. I brought her back to my station, and the moment my hands were on her, tracing out the art that she had desired, I knew there was no fighting it. The desire and connection that we had shared over four years ago, was brought screaming to the surface.

  While finishing the ink for her that day, I knew without a doubt that half of my heart had returned. That something that I didn’t even understand I was missing had returned. Well half of it had at least.

  We spoke for long hours over the course of the next few months, before I told her of my Alba. When Lilly first met her about three months after that first day, after we had decided to give this thing between us a go, the questions in her eyes something I knew that I would have to answer. Waiting only until Alba went down for her nap before she voiced them though, thankfully.

  “Raz, where the hell is Dominic, I might not have fucked him or been the one in a relationship with him that summer, but I know that man well enough to know that he would be involved in her life.” Looking around our home she is quick to add, “I don’t even see a picture of him in this place. Let alone you’ve not mentioned him, well what the fuck do I know, you didn’t even mention that little girl,” pointing towards the bedroom she is laying asleep in, “in there the last months that we have been talking. Does he even know about her?”

  Looking at her with a blank stare I stumble over the words, not getting an answer out before she is speaking again.

  “That shit just ain’t right Raz, and I think you damn well know it. What in the fuck are you thinking? That little girl in there is the spitting image of her father and he doesn’t even know that she exists? I know that you and he shared something special that summer, something much the same as what we shared but, to not have told him.” The look of disapproval in her eyes is more than I can stand. Turning away a tear drops down before I’m able to gather up my thoughts and answer her.

  Straightening my back up, I know that these years apart haven’t done as much separating us as I thought they would. In this, however Lilly will not get me on. This is something that I have struggled with for the years that I have had Alba.

  “Lilly, I wasn’t the only one that didn’t reach out, so don’t give me that bullshit. He hasn’t asked after me or tried to see how we were doing either. For fucks sake, you were there during that summer, you know exactly how hot and heavy everything was between each of us.”

  Taking a deep breath, I try to put my words together before I speak again. “He and I spoke nothing of the future, just as you and I hadn’t. It’s not as if he left me a forwarding address or something. He has been overseas for much of the past four years Lilly. I have told her of him, and have given her the only couple pictures that I have of him, that’s why you don’t see any up on the walls. I couldn’t be the one to cause his focus to slip. I don’t even know where he was stationed out of, let alone what his job was while over there. If and when the time comes that he wants to get to know his daughter I won’t have a problem with it. Christ, I named her after his mother, and I’m sure you know how much of a deal that shit means in his family. But, you know as well as I do that his thoughts were gone from here, as yours were as soon as he left that summer.”

  “My thoughts came back here many times during our time apart, much like I’m guessing his would have as well.” Cutting the distance between us, Lilly swings an arm around my shoulder drawing me closer into her side. “You know that you will have to pay penance to him when he finds out, and I will relish the way he does it. I know that my desires have only grown stronger over the years, I am guessing that his are not much different.” The grin coming to her face is pure evil as she adds, “If the chance provides itself that is, I will love watching what he is able to do to you.”

  Giving myself something that I hadn’t thought I would find again. Hope that we will all be able to come together, like we were that summer.


  Heading back to Zion, I found it much like I had left it. Settling into my old room at my parents house, I reach for the phone almost instantly that first day. Needing some new ink, I thought I would kill two birds with one stone so they say. Talking with Nick, left a sour taste in my mouth and I thought for a brief time, that my old friend wouldn’t do the work.

  “The Branding, this is Nick how can I help you.”

  “Hey Nick, its Dominic. How the fuck are you?”

  He hesitates before answering, and I can hear the noises in the background fade. “Oh, Dominic. Wow, it’s bee
n a long time, going on what, five years? Where are you at? What’s going on with you?”

  “Ah shit, you know how it is man. I served my last tour and needed to get my mind right before I decided on the next step. I just got back into Zion and I was wondering about coming in to get some ink. Maybe catching up with you, hitting the old haunts if you can spare an old friend a little time that is.”

  The hesitation in his voice leaves so much for me to wonder about. “Well, I am pretty booked up for the next few weeks. Business has been booming here these last few months, since we had a spread in a national tattooing magazine. People have just been pouring through the doors and calling to book us up. Let me take a look hold on a second,” and with that I hear he put the phone down. I can hear a female voice as he is talking and wonder if it is Raz he is speaking too.

  As he comes back to the phone I keep the thoughts to myself, “It seems I would have an appointment for you next week Wednesday if you wanna come in man?”

  “Yeah sure, Wednesday the 27th sounds great.” Switching over my phone I make sure to add it to my calendar before asking, “What time you guys open up, noon?”

  “Yes, noon. I’ll see you then brother.”

  Being able to get my bike outta storage, is something that I have been thinking of while I have been away. I have fun for the next week, riding it everywhere I go. Catching up with my parents and seeing some of the childhood friends that I still have in Zion. When Wednesday rolls around, I grab my bike and head over to The Branding. The chimes that ring as I pull the door, have me looking up to see something that has me remembering a conversation and argument that Raz and Nick had right before it was installed.

  That summer…

  Waiting for Raz to finish up some work, I don’t even let her know I’m here, grabbing up a seat in the waiting room of the shop. When I hear the argument begin, I laugh out loud, and know that she has started shit with Nick, yet again. Laughing at the way my Doll is so defensive when talking to him, has me wondering if this fight is something more, with that thought I’m finding my feet moving before I realize it. Reaching the doorway between their work stations, I get the first glimpse of my girl in about a week. She is dressed in a bright purple polka dot dress with purple heels to match, and her hair is dyed, of course to match as well.

  Shaking my head, I think back to the last night we shared about a week ago, and think of the pink hair she had then. How I wrapped it tightly around my fist as I pounded into her ass. How the panties and bra she has on more than likely perfectly with her whole outfit. Knowing when I peeled that pink dress off her body last week, the bra and panties that were underneath matched to a t. Fuck, the things this woman and her fucking curvy body do to me, has my dick hard, and I reach down to adjust myself as the argument heats up.

  “You know what Nick, I don’t give a fuck that you don’t like the fucking stupid ass chimes that I am gonna hang over the door. We need something to tell us when someone comes into the shop when the receptionist isn’t out front. You know that Alexandra wouldn’t like to think of her little girl being in trouble. There could be some fucking psycho out there just waiting to kill one of us and no one would even know.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ Raz, who the fuck would be waiting around a fucking tattoo shop in Zion, Illinois to do anything to anybody?”

  With a chuckle in my voice I respond, “I would be doing just that, brother.”

  The shriek that leaves my Doll at my voice, has me cringing. It is loud and ear piercing and could have anybody to their knees in a second. They don’t need any chimes as far as I’m concerned, my Doll just needs that set of lungs she’s got on her.

  “Holy fuck, Dom. What are you doing sneaking up on us back here, I didn’t even hear you come in? You about scared the piss outta me.”

  “I’m not really into that Doll, but if you wanted to give it a go, I guess we could. Never thought of myself as a golden shower kinda guy, but if it’s you asking, looking like that, I might just be okay changing that way of thinking.” Moving closer to her, she steps into me melting into my arms, as I wrap her up tight. Placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head I go on, “Now, what seems to be the problem back here?”

  Turning to Nick, she doesn’t miss a beat, “See Nick, Dom got back here without us knowing, it could’ve been anyone and that is exactly the problem.” Pausing briefly, she glances outta the door frame towards the front of the shop, “Where the fuck is Audrey anyway? This is exactly why we need those chimes up over the fucking shop door, so that we know when someone is out there.” And with that she pops a hip out and slams her fist down on it. The way she pouts is something in and of itself, and has me reaching to adjust myself for the second time in only a brief few minutes.

  “Fuck me. AUDREY” is hollered out as the two of them stare each other down. Waiting a few long moments, the slip of a girl who has been working the front, as of late, walks into the midst of this situation. I know that she is only here as a favor to her mom, the woman that Nick has been with for a long while, Alexandra.

  “Audrey, you gotta stay up front. I have told you repeatedly that you can’t leave the front of the shop. What if someone came in and fucked with the register or some shit.”

  The girl looks to be fighting back tears as she looks at Nick, but once she realizes that Raz is in on the conversation that look is gone in a second and the smile on her face goes wide. Nodding towards Raz, Audrey glances my way before she speaks.

  “Nick you know that my mom wouldn’t like it if something happened to me, while I was working at the shop. You said it just the other day that we need to always be aware of our surroundings. You told Annabelle that she couldn’t even come into the shop because you wouldn’t want something to happen to her. Are you trying to say that you just care more about her, than me?” Her bottom lip sticks out even further as she goes on, and I wonder if she has been taking lessons from Raz. “That you don’t care if something happens to me?”

  The look that crosses Nicks face is one that I can’t quite place, until he speaks, then I recognize it right away. “For fucks sake, Audrey. I’m more worried that Annabelle would come into the shop and talk someone into giving her a tattoo or a piercing, not that anything bad would happen to her.” Running a hand through his hair I can see the strain in his face, “She isn’t eighteen yet, it’s not legal for her to be here.” Pausing momentarily a look of confidence crosses his face, “I have little fear in me that Annabelle will ever feel the fear that most little girls do of violence. She is more than capable of taking care of herself, and scaring the fuck outta some grown men.” The shiver that runs through him, has me knowing that I am gonna need to ask what the fuck happened to cause it. “And thank fuck that is the case, I know Annabelle is able to take care of herself. That’s not what we were speaking of anyways and you well know it though, Audrey. You know what, get back up to the front Audrey, I’ll talk with you about this shit later.”

  As she skips outta the room, I notice the twinkle in her eye, and see that she has him wrapped tight around her finger. Her mom and Nick have been together for a while, fuck she has a little sister to prove it, she knows just how to get what she wants. That girl is gonna be trouble when she sets her sights on a man, especially if she is taking lessons from Raz. For that, I don’t envy Nick or her momma one little bit.

  Turning back to the situation at hand, I feel my Doll tugging at my grip on her, and let her go, after a swift slap to the ass. She looks at me with heat in her eyes before glancing at Audrey as she makes her way outta the room, the smile that comes to her face lets me know that she had this whole thing planned out. She knows just how to get Nick to do as she would like, and used my coming in today to help get her point across. With that realization, I know that her ass will be reddened up tonight, with a reminder that she should not be manipulating people in the way she has today. Fuck, what that woman can do when she sets her mind to it, has me adjusting myself yet again, she is really something.

��Nick, you have to admit that this is exactly the type of thing that we need the chime for. Someone not being upfront and us not knowing that a client was here. Just let me hang it up, I bought it outta my own pocket and I won’t even make you pay me back or nothing. I know its hard for you to admit that I was right, so I won’t even mention that fact.”

  Shaking his head, he looks over to the box that I barely noticed when I walked into this situation. My eyes follow his and seeing the picture on the side of the box, has me realizing why Nick has been fighting against this chime. Its a vintage door chime with the head of a cow on it, like you would see in a fucking old barn or something. It is fucking atrocious and I know that Raz has caught him dead to right, and this ugly ass thing will be hanging above the door by the end of the day.

  My Doll is nothing if not original and that is one of the reasons I am in trouble. Making her way up to Nick, she places a hand on his chest, and the sting of jealousy I feel is something new and yet another reason trouble is knocking on my door. Jealousy is something I have never felt with the girls that I have dated in the past, something that can’t affect my leaving at the end of the summer. Because serving my country is something that I have wanted to do since I was little, and one summer of fun with her won’t get in the way of that, I can’t let it.

  Taking a seat, I grab up a magazine and grab a seat, before the girl behind the desk is off the call she was on and looks my way. Her look reminds me of my Doll the moment my eyes take her all in. It takes a minute for me to register the similarities in this girl as the same one who worked the desk when I was last here. This must be another one of Nick’s step-daughters, fuck he really must have his hands full with his step-daughters. This girl is more substantial, taller, hair the color of Pepto, fuller breasts, more inked, wider hips, with piercings galore in her face and I am sure other areas, but just as pretty as the one that was previously stationed at this desk those years ago.


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