Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn)

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Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn) Page 8

by GM Scherbert

  Steering the car in that direction, I find myself outside of room 219 about a half hour later. Only after I bring my hand down to knock on the door, do I really wonder why the fuck Nick and Alexandra might even be here. I’ve been covering appointments for him going on two weeks, and he has said little to nothing about what’s going on, other than he needs to be with family. Knowing that his mother and himself still have a strained relationship due to his marriage to Alexandra, his mom’s best friend, I wonder what family he would mean.

  As the door swings wide, my questions are quickly answered and the shock on my face is plain to see. Nick stands by the door with a look of fear on his face, his eyes move from me towards the back corner of the room. As my gaze follows the person I see sitting there has me wishing for anything else. I remember the stories that she has told me about the hours spent with her husband in a situation much like this.

  Looking tired, Alexandra glances up at me from the chair she’s in across the room from where I stand. Tubes and cords running outta her from every which way, with a group of machines situated behind her making noises that would wake the dead. Taking it all in, I can only hope that the cancer that stole her husband from her, hasn’t gotten its dirty fucking claws into my friend as well.

  As the scene before me plays out, I’m not even given time to think as a smile comes to her face as she takes me in. “Raz, what is that look on your face for? What’s happened? Come in please. Just give Nick a shove outta the way if he don’t move.” Before I make it through the doorway, she adds, “Shut the door behind you as you go because these fucking machines aren’t quiet to say the least.” Nodding her head towards the hallway she adds, “Let the other folks who need rest get it.”

  Yanking the door closed before I’m able to, Nick’s lips lift in a small smile before he turns back around and makes his way back to his wife. Following in his wake towards Alexandra, I stop abruptly in front of her, trying to put my thoughts together but coming up blank when my eyes meet hers.

  “Raz, you didn’t come here to talk about me, because I am guessing that Nick hasn’t even told you or any of the folks at the shop what’s been going on with the look in your eyes the minute he opened the door. Which means that something is going on with you, so what’s got you coming looking for me?”

  Pulling my thoughts together I’m not sure if I am making much sense with my next words. “Why I came here, it doesn’t really matter at this point. Seems insignificant while this shit is going on with you.”

  “Hush Raz, I am stronger than this shit. Thankfully with the tragedy that our family has already gone through, I was more than on top of my mammograms, and doctors’ visits so they caught it early.” Lifting the arm with the IV in, she goes on, “This here is only a precaution. We can talk about all that in time, now I wanna know what it is that had you coming looking for me.”

  As Nick moves towards his wife, she places a hand on his arm, asking him to give us time. He looks none too happy but before he is able to argue with his wife, she smiles wide letting him know that is what will happen.

  Nick ends up leaving for about two hours letting Alexandra and I talk not only about the situation that I find myself in but what’s going on with her as well. She lets me know that she was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer, two weeks ago. They have told no one and the doctors think that this regimen will kick its ass outta her. As Nick makes his way back into the room, I find myself much more at ease with the future I have been dealt. Alexandra was able to put my mind at ease about almost all my fears.

  Pulling away from the hospital I think back on our conversation and wonder why she never asked about the father. She only spoke about the ways that she and Nick and even their girls would be around to help in any way that they could. That just because I didn’t have family by blood around it wouldn’t matter. They were family by choice which was so much stronger of a bond.

  Shaking my mind outta the thoughts of that day when I found out I was pregnant my racing mind returns to the reality at hand, Dominic’s reaction to his daughter. Those racing thoughts end up barely lasting into the early evening of that day, when I get a call from Alba’s father. He wants to meet so we can talk somewhere private, without Alba around. I let him know that it might take me a bit to try and find someone to watch her, and I mentally run down the short ass list of names who possibly could. Nick, Alexandra, Annabelle heaven help us, Andrea if she’s home from college, or Audrey if she can drag herself away from that baby and new man of hers. I could ask Lil to watch her, but that would be a first and I really don’t want to do that to her. She is in this relationship with me, and Alba isn’t something to be involved in that, especially seeing it took me almost three months to introduce them to begin with. Anyways Lilly has work early in the morning so I’m not sure if that is something that she would even want or be able to do.

  I must have thought some of those thoughts out loud because Dominic’s deep voice cuts through them. “So, you two aren’t living together then?”

  “Who? Me and Lil? No Dominic, we only just started seeing each other again like two months ago. I don’t think she has even been alone with Alba, she is dating me, not my daughter. Anyways, that is not her responsibility, so I’ve never asked it of her.”

  “Well, it seems that you have not asked for much help these past years, from the way Nick made it sound. How have you been doing this all on your own, Doll?”

  The use of his old pet name for me, has my heart melting for him yet again. But, I know that he is still angry and the tone of his words clue me into the fact. I hope he doesn’t hurt me more than I have hurt myself in these last few years. He will never know the struggle that it has been, the way I have fought with myself during the years about my decisions.

  “I have made due, Dominic. I’ll find someone, it just might take a little time. Where did you wanna meet?”

  “My folks place seems like a fitting place to work this out, don’t you think, Raz?”

  The memories that we shared together at that restaurant make me smile, “Yeah, the restaurant sounds good Dom, I’ll meet you there after I get Alba to bed, about 8:30?”

  “Funny that you thought I meant the restaurant, Doll. I meant their house, and you will be listening to each and every single thing that I have to say. These issues we have will be resolved before you leave.”

  Another shiver shakes my body, with the memories that we’ve shared at his parents’ home. “I’m not sure that is the best idea Dominic, we need to talk about this, not.”

  Cutting me off, his voice is deep, dark, dangerous even as he answers. “You don’t get to decide these things any longer, Doll. It seems that when you are left to your own devises, you forget things. You forget to talk with people and tell them things that they should know. Forget to reach out, no matter the distance to find someone. Forget to ask for help when you find yourself in need. Forget to take into other people’s thoughts or feelings on a subject. Forget to make sure that not only your needs, but our daughter’s needs are met.”


  Driving away from the shop, my mind races. I have a daughter. I can’t fucking believe she didn’t tell me that I have a daughter. My thoughts are going a mile a minute, and I need to go somewhere to figure this shit out. My parents are gone for the month, traveling to Italy to visit some distant relatives, so I decide to drive out to their place. Taking the boat out on the lake might be just the sort of calm that my mind needs to get over the fact that my Doll didn’t fucking think a thing of telling me about Alba.

  A daughter, I can’t even imagine how I would have reacted back then to that news. She must have had that girl in what, March or April of the year after the summer that we shared. I try to figure out where I was at that point, and it takes me almost the whole ride to my folks house just to remember. I was stationed near to North Korea at that time, frequently off the grid during those long months running recon for my unit weeks at a time. How would I have reacted to finding out about a
kid while doing that shit? How would she have even tracked me down if she had wanted to tell me? How would it have driven my thoughts away from the assignment that I had? Fuck, none of the guys in my unit had kids, we’re all young- well except for Sarg, and he don’t get along with anyone enough to have any fucking kids.

  Fuck, I can’t believe I am justifying her not telling me about my kid. I haven’t even known about her for more than two hours, and here I am defending Raz for not telling me. She shoulda fucking told me about my kid. I had a right to know that I was a father, that I had a daughter out there.

  Pulling into their drive, I head straight to the back and stop just shy of the dock. The row boat tied to it ain’t much, but I have so many memories on it that it helps to calm my racing mind just being near it. Thinking back to the times I have spent on it with my siblings, my folks, and even the time I shared on it with Raz that summer. My mind wonders if one of those times was the time she got pregnant. I know she was on the pill, we talked about it at length when we decided we were going to stop using the fucking condoms that I hated so much. She has been the only woman that I have ever gone bare with, and god was it a feeling that I have thought of frequently. That first time on this fucking row boat during our summer together.

  That summer…

  Picking Raz up from the shop, I only had to wait on her about forty-five minutes tonight when she finished up with her last session of the day. The wait was never a huge price to pay for getting to spend some alone time with her. We had been doing this thing going on six weeks now, and I knew that we didn’t have many more together. As she walked outta the back of the shop, the yellow dress that hugged her curves matched her long hair and high heels perfectly. The makeup that she just touched up was spotless, and as far as I was concerned unneeded. My Doll was so gorgeous that she didn’t need a lick of makeup on, which I had told her time and again, but she disagreed. Her hair was piled up on top of her head in some fifties style and had so much hairspray in it I was afraid of taking her out to the lake, the bugs were gonna eat her up.

  As she walked closer, I got up to my feet, and the thing that got me, that always got me when she was near, turned my cock harder than fucking granite. Seeing her walking towards me had gotten me going but her fucking smell did me in each time. That fucking Dolce that she was constantly rubbing onto her wrists, behind her ears, or spraying on herself. Just thinking about it most the time, was enough to get me going.

  “Doll, you look absolutely edible in that.” Reaching out, tugging her into me, I nibble her ear before saying, “I hope to have that pleasure tonight.”

  Pulling back, the smile that came to her reddened lips was wide, as a cute little blush came to her cheeks.

  Her voice is low as she runs a hand over my chest. “Dom, the things you say sometimes.”

  Trying, unsuccessfully to pull outta my grip, Raz’s blue eyes shine with lust as I slowly run my hands down her back, cupping her ass as I pull her closer yet again. “I only speak the truth, Doll, and you know that.” Licking her lips, she mewls softly before I lean in giving her my mouth. The kiss is only starting to heat up as I hear boots heading down the hall towards us.

  “Jesus, fucking Christ. Could you two cut that shit off. Nobody wants to see you two humping like bunnies all the fucking time. It’s just as bad as the days when Lil fucking picks her up. What the hell is going on with the three of you anyways? You all together? You get to just stick your dick in wherever you like, Dom? That shit right there, it’s gotta be too much for one man to handle. I mean I can barely handle,” shaking his head, he quickly stops that train of thought. “No, never mind. Just get the fuck outta here with that shit, NOW.” Nick hollers as he comes to a stop behind the front counter.

  Pulling away slowly, my hand goes to rest on Raz’s shoulder as I swing her around to face Nick. The red on her cheeks has only deepened with him catching us in this embrace, and I smile at the thought of taking her in public, as Lil has told me she frequently does.

  Ever since that first call from Lil to me, asking about how we were going to deal with our girl we have checked in about once a week with each other. Our girl tends to over extend herself, and we want to make sure that we aren’t the cause of any added stress on her. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I will push her and do things that she may not be completely comfortable with, but nothing that will hurt her physically or mentally. Lil and I both want to leave our girl with only good memories of our days and nights together.

  As we walked around to the back of Mom and Dad’s place, I pulled her close to me while we made our way towards the row boat that was tied to the dock. I helped Raz take her heels off and left them on the grass, before grabbing her hand and making our way onto the dock. Reaching the boat, I caught the hiccup in her step as I moved to get into the boat.

  “It’ll be alright, Doll. It’s a tiny lake, not even thirty feet deep. This boat has been around for longer than us, and it ain’t never given us no problems.” Reaching my hand out I wait only a beat before she slips her fingers into mine. Helping her down, I make sure she faces me as I begin to row the boat out into the lake.

  Ten or so minutes after we start, I throw out the anchor and give my girl a good look over. She is enjoying the night air and the stars above us, well as much as she can. Raz has been telling the tales of the constellations and how they were named. I haven’t said much, but have heard the nervous chatter as she talked. It’s as if she is unable to filter her speech when she is nervous, or when something is on her mind, and this is exactly a time like that.

  I know that she doesn’t really enjoy being out on the water, but she agreed to this night out with me, and I decided to push her a little. Leaning into her space, she quiets almost instantly as the boat moves a little harshly from side to side.

  “Dom, please be careful, we could tip over.”

  The laugh that escapes me, causes her face to drop a tad, before she frowns and her eyes get big. “You’re not gonna tip this boat on me, are you Dom?”

  “No, Doll, I’m not gonna tip the boat. I am gonna get you naked, and taste some of that sweetness you got between your legs though. Then I’m thinking about sinking into your pussy bare and claiming that pussy that has been on my mind all day.”

  “Dominic, you’ve got to be shitting me,” her arms wave around and the motion of the boat causes her to still her movements quickly. “We are on this tiny little boat; there is no way in fucking hell that would work out. Just me moving my arms around it causing the boat to rock about in the water for fucks sake.”

  And with those words I knew I had her, although the swearing is something that I wish my Doll would not do. She can’t pass up on a bet and I knew if I could get her to deny that fucking on this boat would work, she’d play right into my hands.

  “Doll, watch your mouth, you know how much I hate it when you swear, you’re too classy for that shit.” Stroking a finger over her cheek, I slowly run it over her reddened lips before going on, “I can and will eat that sweet little pussy of yours, before or after fucking you right here in this boat, makes no matter to me.” Patting the seat next to me, “But, it will be right here on this little ol’ boat, of that there is no question. If you don’t think it’s possible, let’s make a bet about it, Doll.”

  Her eyes shine bright from the light of the moon, her lip pouts out, before I feel her eyes roll over my body. “That seemed a little too planned out for you, Dom. What is your game here? What do you want that you’re thinking I will put up a fight about?” Her head slowly cocks to the side as her gaze takes me in, trying to eye me up. “That’s the only reason you would be doing this, so speak up.”

  “Doll, how the fuck do you know me so well after only the few weeks that we have shared?” Running a hand through my hair, I know it’s now or never. “I wanna take you bare baby. I know we talked about it, but it won’t leave my fucking mind.” Running a hand up from her knee, under her skirt, up until the heat from her cunt can be felt on my fingers.
  “Dom, I already told you that we could do that, so why are you being so weird about it now? You know as well as I do that I have only been with you or Lil, and I was tested before the summer started. You and Lil have been tested too, and we all got the all clear so I know that is not what this is about.” Running a hand over my face she cups my gruff beard tightly in her hand before continuing on. “What. Do. You. Want?” is spoken low with a tug on my beard as emphasis with each word she speaks.

  Chuckling at her words, I skim my hand beneath her panties as I make my way towards her ass. Although she is sitting down, I’m able to get both hands under her as I gently lift her into my lap making sure that the boat stays steady as I go. Roughly squeezing the globes of her ass, I growl into her ear. “You are too damn smart for your own good.” Leaning in, I take her mouth eagerly with my own. Kissing her deeply before biting her bottom lip roughly as I pull away, growling as I retreat, “I want your ass, Doll.” Kissing my way down to her chin continuing onto her neck. Biting onto her neck, I can’t stop the pleasure that shoots through me with the thought of being buried deep in her ass. Licking up the marks of my teeth that I am sure will be visible for quite a while, I know she’s going to bend to my demand when a shiver races up her spine. Picturing myself fucking her ass, while the boat sways from side to side in the water has me hard enough to fucking pound nails. “I wanna bury myself deep in your ass and fuck you until we are both coming, and I wanna do it right the fuck now.”

  And with that I have her, she will do anything when I demand it from her, no matter her feelings on the subject. Her head only nods slightly before I am ripping through her panties, and freeing myself from my pants. I waste no time and hope to fuck this little bit of foreplay is enough, because I am dying to get inside of her.


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