Cruisin' for a SEAL

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Cruisin' for a SEAL Page 19

by Sharon Hamilton

  He led her to the boat. She was surprised to see military-looking supplies stored there. Some large black nylon zippered sacks were tucked into the corner closest to the doorway, angled against the wall like they were sitting in a gun rack. She recognized some of the scuba equipment and ammunition boxes tucked under the orange life vests. Several white boxes with red crosses on them were stacked in the corner. She saw a wet suit and fins, several dry blankets and various other satchels.

  It looked like Mark was planning a small war.

  “What is all of this?” she asked.

  “Come here, Sophia,” he said as he sank to the floor below the level of the window, patting his thigh. She sat next to him, rather than on his lap.

  “Tell me.”

  “The ship is going to be taken over by terrorists, who apparently have planted a bomb on board. We are assembling equipment…we are making plans…” He looked down at his hands, which were shaking.

  She took his hands in hers and held them, kissing the palms. She searched his eyes and…yes, she did see fear there. Not for himself so much, but she knew he feared for her life.

  “Mark, could it be possible this is just all a—”

  “No. There has been a well-executed plan done in stages. We don’t even know the identities of everyone involved, but we have confirmed there is probably a bomb on board. We don’t think it is big enough to scuttle the ship, but it could cause damage or loss of life. What we cannot do is allow the ship and passengers to become the property of a warlord.”

  “I thought the pirates were on the other side of Africa.”

  “So did we. But this location makes sense, if you think about it. We have no naval presence here, yet we are a huge ship, with tons of passengers and crew, run by an American company. It’s a huge, soft target.”

  “I don’t understand. Why? There isn’t much cargo that can be of value.”

  “Life. The ship contains 3,400 souls. The most precious of cargoes.”

  “Who is doing this?” She couldn’t believe something so diabolical could be happening when, just thirty minutes ago, all she had to worry about was giving the wrong impression to Kumar, who was emboldened with each turn and dip of her body, each little glance and smile she gave him as part of their performance.

  “Teseo and Moshe are to be trusted, but no one else, other than our Team guys, and of course Sanouk and the girls. Trust no one else, understood?”

  “So what is all this?” She gestured at the piles of equipment.

  “Teseo has been bringing things to this boat as a precaution, in case his quarters are taken over. We’ve asked for everything he can spare us, and they’re stashing it here. It was the only place I thought safe enough to—”

  The moment their eyes met the connection was made and the reality of the danger took a back seat to the love between them.

  “I’m going to protect you, Sophia. Don’t worry. I’m going to keep you safe,” he said as he brushed his fingers against her cheek and then planted a sweet kiss on her lips. “I would die if anything happened to you. I can’t—”

  She’d closed the distance between them again and wouldn’t allow him to finish, as if saying it would make it come to pass.

  “Love me, Mark. Do you at least have time for that? I need to feel your arms around me, your hands on my body.”

  “Baby, I’m here. We haven’t much time, but don’t worry, we have enough. We’ll have time. I just need to check on a few more things—”

  “No. Now. I want you inside me now.” She knew somehow it would all work out, but she needed the warm courage of this man, needed to be enveloped in his love.

  He brought her down against the life vests, which were lumpy on her back, but she didn’t care. He smoothed over her breasts and down to the juncture between her thighs, rubbing on her sex from outside of her dress. His fingers slipped under her hem and he slid up the inside of her thigh, to find and then explore her hot core encased in black panties. As he slid a finger underneath the elastic she closed her eyes and arched into his hand, a moan bursting from her chest when his finger found a home deep inside her. Stretching her arms above her head, she tugged at the canvas beneath her head. Her knees were bent, heels digging through the pile of jackets to scrape against the plastic floor of the little boat.

  Opening her eyes, she saw Mark’s clear blue eyes blazing down on her, brimming with desire for her. She’d not ever seen a man need her so much, had never seen a man she wanted to please so much.

  “Ti amo con tutto il cuore, Marko. Tutto il mio cuore,” she found herself whispering to him, as he climbed over her body, slipped off her panties and positioned himself at her opening. “I love you with my whole heart, Marko, my beautiful Marko.”

  He watched her face as his hands came up to hold her head, holding her steady against his hips as he slid his cock deep. He stopped, letting her feel the ardent strength of him. It was more than sex. It was way more than sex.

  He dipped his chin and kissed the top of her breasts, kissed up along the side of her neck as she arched to receive him, licked and kissed just under her ear.

  He stumbled with his Italian, but he whispered, “Amo tutti voi, Sophia, con tutto di me.” I love all of you Sophia, with all of me.

  She realized how hard he’d practiced to make that short phrase perfect. “Mi amore.” She whispered back as he kissed her, plunging his tongue next to hers and sucking.

  She lost herself in the luxurious feeling of this hard-muscled warrior who loved as hard as he played his deadly game. Her thighs rode his hips as he rocked them both into a rhythm that left her feeling timeless, floating and limitless. Every place he touched transformed her flesh into little jolts of energy. His kisses and wet tongue invaded her psyche, begged for love, for completion, for satisfaction. He was as relentless as he was deep. He was soft and hard. His body owned hers inside and out.

  With another series of short strokes he spent inside her, just as she began to feel the fireworks erupt behind her eyelids, triggering her rolling orgasm, making her fall into the pleasure of his arms and the fullness of that space between her legs that had been so empty without him.

  He arched and pressed himself, every last drop of him spilling inside her. With a gasp he fell to her chest, and they simply held each other, fully spent. After resting for a few seconds, he lifted his head and kissed his way up her neck to her ear again and whispered, “Marry me, Sophia. Let me take you home with me. I want you safe, living with me forever, Sophia. Marry me, please marry me.”

  She needed to see his eyes to deliver her response. With her palms cupping his cheeks, she smiled. “Nothing would make me happier, my Marko.”

  She could tell he’d prepared himself for disappointment, so his obvious delight she thrilled her.

  “I promise to get better with the Italian,” he whispered, as if it was important.

  “I like your Italian, because it’s the way you say it. Only you say it that way. And I love it.”

  “I like it when we speak Italian or English, or—” he peeled down the top of her dress to tease her nipple with his teeth, making her jump. “And when we don’t speak at all.” He sucked at her nipple and then followed it with a knowing smile. Did he know that every time he kissed her there it made her little peach quiver? Did he know that the place under her ear he liked to kiss was so delicately, urgently sensitive he could make love to her anywhere, anyhow if he just touched her there?

  On any other night, they might have fallen asleep with happy dreams, but not tonight. She felt him stiffen as reality caught hold of him and, after several deep sighs, he sat up, bringing her with him, holding her to his chest with both arms wrapped around her. He settled one hand at the base of her spine as he rubbed the back of her neck, fingers massaging her scalp.

  “I can’t stay, but I think you’d be safer here.”

  She leaned back to examine his face. “What?”

  “I’d feel better if you stayed here until it’s all over.”
br />   “How realistic is that, Mark? I can’t just abandon my job. I work for the cruise line. I’m supposed to protect the passengers in an emergency. You’re actually asking I abandon my responsibilities?”

  Mark nodded. “You’re right, of course, just be careful. You are the only one, other than some of the ship’s officers, who know about this place. If Teseo gives you things to bring here, please do it carefully, and watch your back.”

  She squeezed into his chest again, wishing it were not time to go, and hoping it wouldn’t be the last time they were together.

  “You be safe, too. You don’t have to do anything heroic on my behalf. I’ll be fine. We have procedures we follow. I’m sure the captain has contacted Miami and plans are in place.”

  She saw the faint smile on his face, indicating there was something up with that comment, but she let it go.

  They heard the metal door to Deck 5 open and a discussion as two people who walked by. Mark and Sophia remained hidden beneath the window until the footsteps passed.

  As they were getting dressed in the moonlight that bathed the interior of the boat in a surreal silvery light, they heard the faint whir of something mechanical.

  Mark looked up as if he could see through the many layers of the ship.

  “What is it?” she asked him.


  Her blood froze.

  Chapter 27


  MARK HEARD THE automatic gunfire before he could get halfway down the hallway to his cabin. He’d texted Kyle about the equipment in the boat, and contacted Fredo, who was standing guard over their women. He stopped briefly to see if he could hear anything at Helena’s door, but could not.

  Jones opened the door to their suite before he got his hand on the key card.

  “Kyle’s on his way,” Mark informed him.

  They heard screaming and more gunfire through the opened doors of their balcony. Sanouk sleepily walked into the room in his pajamas.

  “Get your clothes on, dude. There’s a firefight outside and we need you to stay with the women,” Mark told him.

  “You know what the plan is?” Jones asked Mark.

  “Kyle’s call, but some have to stay behind, some have to go underground. We got a couple of rebreathers, some ammo and gear in Lifeboat 26. Remember that one. On Deck 5, outside the chapel. You can make it to the kitchen from the end of the hallway. From there, you’re on your own.”

  “Got my sidearm. Wish I had my H&K.”

  “You and me both.”


  “Haven’t heard.”

  Just then they heard an announcement over the loudspeaker. The distinctive Italian accent of the captain crackled. They opened the door to their cabin to better hear the message, since the speakers were loudest in the common areas.

  In Italian first, the captain made a brief announcement. “La nostra nave è stata comandeered da forze esterne che stanno chiedendo per la collaborazione.”

  “The ship has been commandeered by outside forces that have asked for your cooperation,” Jones translated as Cooper and Fredo burst into the hallway, fully dressed.

  “Where the fuck is Kyle?” Coop asked.

  “Right here,” Kyle said behind them, breathing hard. “We aren’t going to have much time.”

  “Moshe get information off?”

  “Ship’s internet has been shut down. His call to the Maersk lines was interrupted. I had to get back here.”

  “Is he okay?”

  “He was taken prisoner by two masked men in black. I escaped by hiding in the secret compartment he’d designed and had built at his own expense.” Kyle and Mark shared a look. “Moshe knows he’d be one of the first they executed, if they want to make a statement. The man saved my life. I owe him.”

  “Understood,” said Cooper.

  Mark nodded. Yes, he’d help Kyle in that mercy, or death mission. His Team leader had a wife and child, and he would need help from someone who didn’t. And they wouldn’t be able to spare more than two others.

  “So no one knows about this takeover?” Jones asked.

  “The signal was sent,” Kyle answered.

  A distress signal had been broadcast, notifying all listeners within a five hundred mile radius. Problem was, Mark knew, it couldn’t discriminate about who received the signal.

  “But I got in the calls with my sat,” Kyle added.

  The scratchy voice of the captain came over the loud speaker again, this time in English.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” he began, as he had begun all his other happier announcements on board. “Our ship has been commandeered by persons unknown who are asking for your cooperation. I have been assured that, if everyone cooperates, there will be no danger. There will be no injury or loss of life.”

  That last statement had a chilling effect on the group. Several people in nightgowns and pajamas opened the doors to their cabins and stepped out into the hallway. Groups of family members and friends began to form.

  “We’ve gotta move.” Kyle said. “Say your goodbyes, quick. Jones and Fredo, you stay here with the women. If they start executing people, they’ll start with the white boys first.

  Sanouk peered out from the darkened room wearing loose pants and gi-type top that wrapped around his waist and tied at the side. Underneath, nestled in the folds of light gray fabric, Mark could tell he had secreted a curved, bladed knife. Mark had no doubt he fully knew how to use it, too.

  “I’ll be here to help defend, Kyle,” the boy said.

  “Fuckin’ A. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about,” Fredo said.

  “Mark, Armando and I are going to find Moshe. Tyler and Rory, you’re on mission to go with Coop to the engine room and find the bomb. Nick and Grady, go see if you can find Teseo on the bridge. I’ll text you, so keep your cells on. Everyone charged up?”

  Nods all around.

  “We have a small cache of weapons on Lifeboat 26, gents,” added Mark. “But don’t leave me stranded without any equipment, and—whatever you do—don’t lead them there.” You see Sophia, you need to get a message or something delivered there, she’s in on it and ready to help. But be careful.”

  “Everyone have some sort of sidearm? Anyone short?”

  The group shook their heads.

  “Back in thirty secs,” Kyle said and disappeared into his cabin. One by one the men slipped in and then back out of their rooms after a private farewell.

  Armando and Mark waited for Kyle in the hall. Armani was checking one of the magazines he’d pulled out of the lower pocket or his cargo pants. He knew Armani’s Sig was holstered at the small of his back, right where Mark carried his.

  “Amazing they didn’t spot these in our luggage,” he said to Armando.

  “I had mine disassembled and tucked all over the place. I don’t think they knew what the fuck they were looking at.”

  “Great minds…” Mark was going to continue, but Kyle appeared at the doorway and quietly closed it behind him.

  “We go,” was all the guy had to say.

  The men from SEAL Team 3 ran in two directions. Mark followed Kyle, with Armando bringing up the rear. They threaded through passengers who were confused and more than a little panicked. It was going to be bedlam soon.

  “You really get through to SOCOM?” Mark asked Kyle’s back.

  “Left a message for Commander Ramsey and Timmons.”

  “Shit,” Armando said behind him.

  “They can track the phone,” Kyle added quickly. “I had the tracking device installed last year. They’ll know it was me, just as if I sent up a red flare, though. They’ll figure it out.”

  “Hope it’s in time,” Mark whispered.

  Kyle stopped and faced Mark. “You stop that shit, man. We’re all going to make it out alive. All of us. No one gets left behind.”

  “I’m all aboard, Lanny. And if someone has to take the hit, it’s gonna be me and not you. I’m clear on that,” Mark retorted.

nbsp; “Nah, not unless I get there first, man,” Armando said behind him.

  Kyle’s phone began to ping. Mark recognized the unique ringtone of their Chief, Timmons.

  “Bad timing, Chief,” Kyle said into the phone as he watched the hallway.

  “What’s this thing about terrorists…”

  “Look, I’m real sorry, but I’m waiting for a return call from SOCOM, unless you got a chopper or some reinforcements, I’m not being conversational.”

  Mark could hear Timmons yell at the insult. “You fuckin’ prick. You think I’m just being conversational?”

  “Get to the point, sir. We’re outnumbered. You might retire in a couple, but we might wind up dead.” Kyle delivered it with his blue-eyed steely stare right into the pit of Mark’s stomach.

  They all heard the crash as Timmons did the nasty on the frog statue the team had bought and replaced.

  Kyle shook his head and had to chuckle. Mark had to admit it was a light moment, and they were needing a bit of that right now. “I see you got Flipper again. His replacement isn’t going to like spending the rest of his days next to your wife’s dolls.”

  “I don’t want another one. Get your butts to a safe location and get yourselves home. I understand they’re working on something. Just wanted to check for…for…”

  “We’re all good so far. A lot better than Flipper. No one injured or killed. Working to keep it that way. I gotta go, Chief. Will be in touch.”

  “You fuckin’ do that, Kyle. You better get yourselves safely home.”

  “Roger that.” Kyle hung up. “Okay, now we go balls to the wall,” he said to Mark and Armando. No more distractions.”

  Kyle whipped around and continued running. Mark had to work to keep up with him. He wondered when the terrorists would get to the crew decks. He wondered if they would mess with the women or only go after the men. He stopped himself and corrected his thought pattern.

  Looking for options. There are always options. Improvise. It was what they trained for every workup.


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