Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily

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Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily Page 8

by Sam Crescent


  Later that night after working in the restaurant, Emily gathered her purse and walked out into the night. Her men were waiting for her to leave. Chase was leaning up against a lamp post smoking a cigarette while Lawrence stood a little off from him.

  “You know that’s likely to do more damage than my pregnant state,” she told him.

  “Don’t, Emily. I’m not in the mood.”

  Chase wasn’t handling her pregnancy well. She shook her head and looped an arm through Lawrence’s arm.

  “Let’s go home,” she said. They walked the short distance and with every step she felt Chase’s gaze on her. She knew she wouldn’t fall down. He clearly had an issue with her and she was getting tired of dealing with him.

  Emily enjoyed the fresh air on her face and the scent of the sea air. She really did love living in Clifford Arbor and she looked forward to raising her children here. She’d phoned her mother after the visit to the hospital. At lunchtime she’d come to the diner and they’d glanced at the photo. Not much to see at present but still a small bundle to love. Chase would be an amazing father if only he could get past the fear.

  When they got home, Lawrence and Emily showered while Chase put dinner on. Usually after he prepared dinner he joined them, this night he didn’t.

  “Anyone would think he hated me being pregnant,” she said.

  “Chase has his fears and he doesn’t know how to deal with them.”

  She soaped his back and thought about Chase. There was no explanation as to why he didn’t like her being pregnant.

  “Do you think he hates the idea of a baby?”

  Lawrence turned and kissed her on the nose. “He wants a baby and a family. Maybe what you need to do is go and talk to him. Alone, without me.”

  Emily nodded and got out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her body and walked through to the kitchen. Chase was chopping vegetables. His moves jerky. She stood and watched him for a few minutes before taking a seat across from where he was working. Chase tensed but didn’t glance up. She didn’t speak and simply watched him work.

  “I need to be alone,” he said.

  “You gave up that right,” she told him.

  “When?” he growled slamming the knife down on the counter and glaring at her. He looked so sexy but she imagined that wasn’t the look he was going for.

  “When you married me. You remember that day. The white dress, the priest and the roses?” she teased.

  “Emily, I need some time alone. To deal with all of this.” He gestured at her and then down at her stomach.

  “Deal with it quickly. This isn’t going to go away. Only get bigger.”

  “I know that.”

  He hung his head and Emily didn’t know what to do. She loved this man and the big lug in the bathroom. She opened her towel and let it drop to the floor. She walked around the small island and stood in front of him.

  “Look at me,” she told him.

  He turned and she saw the heat in his eyes. She took his hand and pressed it against her stomach. “Feel this. This will grow and get bigger. I’m going to put weight on and carry your child.” She moved his hand up to her breasts. “And these will get bigger.”

  She moved his hand to cup her mound. “And this will change. My body is going to change but I’m still going to be the same Emily you fell in love with.”

  She kissed him on the lips and then each eye. “Please, I’m begging you. Love me now and tell me if you want to be a dad.”

  She watched him swallow and he moved his hand to cup her face. “I want this baby. I want you. Always. I’m scared. What if something happens to you.” He stopped and dropped to his knees. His head pressed against her stomach. “I love you.”

  Emily stroked his head. Lawrence came out of the bathroom with a towel draped round his waist. Water dripped from his chest. Her mouth watered. Chase knelt with his face so close to her pussy and her other man looked good enough to eat.

  “I think you owe me an apology,” she whispered as lust consumed her.

  Chase glanced up and turned to where Lawrence stood. She saw the lust in his eyes and knew in her heart her two men were having little fantasies about each other. Emily smiled and knew she’d do something about that later. But until then they would show her some attention.

  “How do you want me to?”

  “I want you to lick my pussy,” she told him.

  His hands ran up and down her thighs. She loved his large rough hands on her skin. He always left her wanting more. Lawrence stood off to the side.

  “Let me take you into another room.”

  “No. I want you to take me here. When you’re cooking I want you to think of licking me out.”

  Chase picked her up and placed her on the counter. The food was abandoned and pushed into the sink at the other end of the counter. He spread her out on the counter and opened her legs wide.

  Lawrence came and fingered her nipples while Chase went down on her. She cried out when he fucked three fingers inside her. Lawrence lavished attention on her breasts. Chase tongued her clit and she held onto the hands that grabbed hers. She didn’t know who she held onto and she didn’t care. She wanted and needed to be fucked. Chase brought her to a screaming climax and Lawrence pushed his cock inside her mouth.

  No longer was she thinking about making Chase feel better. She was now only thinking about the pleasure she wanted. The orgasm he’d given her was a taste of more to come. Lawrence pushed all of his hard length between her lips and she tasted the salty essence of his pre-cum all over the tip of his penis. Chase ran his dick up over her slit. Her juice was already leaking between her lips and down to her ass. She was so turned on. Her men were hard and wanted her.

  Chase penetrated her with two sharp thrusts. She cried out and Lawrence went further between her lips hitting the back of her throat. Chase held onto her hips and she couldn’t watch. Lawrence had hold of her hair and was fucking between her lips. She needed this. To let go and simply fuck.

  She wanted to feel Lawrence blast down her throat and Chase let go inside her cunt.

  “Fuck, I can’t hold on,” Chase growled.

  His thrusts becoming more erratic as Lawrence pushed back her gag reflex.

  Someone fingered her clit and she cried out. A cock filling her at either end. A few flicks and she screamed in release. Lawrence plunged a final time between her lips and she simply swallowed down his salty cum. The grip on her waist became almost bruising and Chase growled.

  His cum was hot. Lawrence pulled out of her mouth and slumped to his knees. He laid kisses across her temple. Chase didn’t let her go. He stayed inside her for some time. He kissed her check.

  “I’ll never look at this kitchen counter the same again,” he muttered. Emily laughed and held the men she loved to her. There was nothing she wouldn’t do without her men.

  Chapter Thirteen

  As the months progressed and Emily grew bigger, Chase finally began to relax. Even though every time he showed signs of being concerned, Emily and Lawrence distracted him with their bodies. The ultrasound showed a small baby but a healthy one. Jackson and Harley had found love and Molly was doing fine at the diner. Over the months the sex had reduced so only one of them was with her at a time. Chase knew Lawrence hated the new set up but it was the only way to satisfy his fears. He didn’t want anything to happen to the woman he loved.

  “You know you’re being unreasonable,” Emily said one night. Chase lay on his back while Emily straddled him. Her swollen belly a sight to behold. He loved running his hands over it. The most delightful sensation in the world had been when his son or daughter kicked.

  Most times he liked her sitting on top of him while he lay back with his hand on her stomach. The simple touch was enjoyable to him. For hours at a time he could lay being inside her.

  “About what?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. You worry way too much,” she told him.

  “So why am I being unreasonable?”

Emily pouted and squeezed her pussy around his cock making him curse and thrust up inside her.

  “You know, you could invite, Lawrence back to the room,” she suggested.

  “And why would I want to do that when I’ve got you all to myself.”

  Emily smiled down at him and whenever she used her smile he knew he was about to lose an argument. Where Lawrence was concerned his feelings were growing. He could no longer deny the attraction growing between them. Their friendship was beginning to develop into so much more. From a simple touch to a brush of lips.

  “Don’t pretend I don’t know. I’m not blind to what’s happening between you and Lawrence.”

  He stopped breathing while listening to her talk. Chase didn’t know what to say. They’d kissed the other night but both had pulled away before it could deepen or change anything between them.

  “I thought you looked hot. Your lips locked together. I wondered what it would look like with Lawrence sucking your cock,” Emily said and squeezed her pussy around him.

  “Fuck,” he growled. Chase’s cock jerking at the image of Lawrence on his knees taking the thick length of his arousal between his lips.

  “Lawrence,” she screamed.

  Chase held her hips and pleaded with his eyes for her to stop. She smiled down at him and seconds later his friend appeared in the doorway.

  “You hollered.”

  “I was just talking with, Chase. I wanted to know why you stopped your kiss with him the other day?”

  Chase wanted to glance over at his friend but she wouldn’t let him move. Her tight cunt keeping him in place.

  “You don’t sound jealous so I guess I’m not going to get told off,” Lawrence said and came further into the bedroom.

  “Actually,” she said and climbed off Chase. His cock pulled out of her body and stood straight up. His cock coated in her cream. “I was wondering what it would look like to see you sucking, Chase.”

  The little minx knew what she was doing. She touched his chest and ran a hand down his stomach until she touched his dick.

  “Come here, Lawrence.”

  Chase didn’t know what to do and lay there while his friend walked closer. He knew Emily loved both of them and she would never do anything to upset either of them.

  “Taste us,” she held her hand out to Lawrence and he held his breath as his friend took the offered hand and licked her palm and fingers.

  “You taste good together,” he said. Lawrence stared at Chase. His cock jumped.

  “Taste more of him,” she coaxed him down.

  Chase lay frozen not sure what to do. Lawrence lowered his head and engulfed the tip of his shaft. Chase screamed out when lips took all of him inside the wet heat of his mouth. He couldn’t believe what was happening. He loved his friend and hadn’t imagined anything so wonderful happening.

  “You two look so beautiful together,” Emily gasped out and leaned down to kiss Chase.

  She placed some pillows behind his head and Chase finally saw what was happening to him.

  Lawrence, his best friend and the only man he’d ever love, swallowed more and more of his dick between his lips.

  He gulped for air and Emily smiled down at him.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because I want you to be happy. Being with Lawrence like this will make all of us happy. Besides, what’s not to like. Two hot men fucking?” she teased.

  His heart swelled with the love he felt for this woman. He never wanted his time to end. Sweet little Emily Sampson was bringing Lawrence and he together in a way he’d never imagined.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I know.”

  Chase watched Lawrence love his cock and he couldn’t begin to think about the love he felt for the man or the woman on his bed.

  Emily sat and caressed his chest and nipples. Her hands running all over his upper body. From the tightness of her body to the heat of his friend Chase couldn’t stop. The sensations were unlike anything he’d ever dreamed about. Lawrence pushed him to the back of his throat and he felt the bump as he hit and Lawrence swallowed him further down. Chase cried out when his balls drew up and his cock kicked. Emily kissed him and took his cries. He climaxed and watched as Lawrence took every little drop. Nothing wasted. His throat worked with every drop.

  Chase moaned and held onto the bed. He didn’t want to push Lawrence further down. Having his friend suck on him had changed everything.

  He prayed it was for the better.


  Lawrence drank every drop of Chase’s cum. He couldn’t believe what had happened. After being friends with him for most of his life they’d finally had more than a friendly hug or kiss. He came up off his cock and stared at Emily.

  Her cheeks were flushed and she nodded her head. She’d known. After all this time of worrying about his emotions about the man he viewed as his best friend and Emily had already known all about it.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because I love you two. I don’t want you to be cheated. If you want, Chase then have him. Don’t ever worry about me. I think you two looked fucking hot together.”

  Lawrence moved up the bed and collapsed next to Chase.

  The other man stared at him in shock.

  “She told me to do it,” he said.

  “I love you,” Chase responded and kissed him back.

  Emily lay down, her arm across Chase’s chest and she touched Lawrence on the chest.

  “What happens now?” he asked the two people he loved.

  Emily chuckled.

  “I guess we live our lives. I think we need a bigger bed,” Chase said. Three snuggled down together. In their world they were so happy they didn’t think anyone or anything could change their bliss.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The months continued on and Emily with the help of Lawrence and Chase attended her hospital appointments and training for when the baby would be delivered. They’d all agreed not to know the sex of their child. They wanted the excitement of finding out at birth.

  Emily was pleased she’d brought Lawrence in that night. Since knocking down that barrier their lives had become so much harder. Lawrence and Chase were no longer worried about showing their feelings for one another and she got the chance to watch them from afar. When they kissed it was one of the most amazing things she’d ever witnessed in her life. She wanted to continue watching as their comfort with each other grew.

  She had ten weeks to go until she gave birth. Her stomach was huge and her back ached from the weight. She’d had to stop working at the diner and Molly came round every other day to keep her company. Edward hadn’t listened to her advice at all. Molly was still alone in the world.

  Chase and Lawrence took turns to spend time with her. She managed to get them out to work every morning. One morning she didn’t want to tell them but she didn’t feel right.

  Her feet were swollen and she felt strange. Emily walked through her house and collapsed on the floor. Her head dizzy. Her ankles were huge. Her entire body felt like it was tight in her skin. A wave of sickness swept through her and she knew she couldn’t hold it off any longer.

  She lay on her back and reached for the phone. Something wasn’t right. She needed to see a doctor.

  Emily made the call to the hospital and told them her symptoms. They told her not to worry but an ambulance was on its way.

  She collapsed with the phone on her chest. A hand pressed against her stomach.

  “What’s the problem,” she muttered to her belly.

  She held off for as long as possible then she phoned her men.

  Emily called and waited for the phone to go to the answering machine. She licked her lips and put the phone to one side.


  “What the hell is going on?” Chase demanded the moment he saw a doctor. Ever since he’d gotten the phone to play him the answer machine message his gut had tightened and he knew something bad was going to happen. He should’ve been firmer and one of
them stay with her. If Lawrence or himself had been there they would have seen a difference.

  “Calm down. Are you the husband?” the male doctor asked.

  “Yes. Please, tell me what’s wrong with my wife,” he pleaded.

  Lawrence stood behind him and he knew the guy was close to losing control. If they lost Emily, they lost everything. She was the one person keeping them together.

  “Emily is suffering with what is known as preeclampsia. Swollen ankles, high blood pressure and the appearance of blood in the urine are all common features. We’re keeping her monitored to see if this eases.”

  “And if it doesn’t?”

  “Then we’re going to have to consider a Caesarean section.” Chase listened with half an ear. He knew. He’d fucking knew something was going to go wrong. The love of his life was in danger.

  He didn’t stay to listen to the man giving him the mixed news. Instead, he walked around him and went to find Emily.

  She lay in a bed. Her arm hooked up to a monitor and her belly strapped with wires. She looked defenseless and vulnerable. When he walked into the room she smiled at him and his heart melted for her.

  “What happened?” he asked as he got on the bed and folded her in his arms. He was careful not to move any of the monitors.

  “I got scared and for good reason it would seem.” She tapped her leg and Chase knew in his heart she was scared.

  “You’re going to live through this,” he tells her.

  “I know. It’s just too soon.”

  He kissed her head and let her lie against him. There was nothing more they could do but wait.

  The nurses came in and assessed the data from the monitor’s. Lawrence came through after signing all the paperwork. The guy looked liked he’d aged in the short time.

  “I take it this is going to cost a fortune? I’m worrying for nothing,” she joked.

  Lawrence shook his head. “You shouldn’t be worrying about the cost of anything. You should be more worried about what your punishment will be when we get you home,” he teased.

  “My punishment?”

  “Yes. I want to put you over my knee and spank your ass. You should’ve told us this morning what was wrong with you.”


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