Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2)

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Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2) Page 15

by Veronica Del Rosa

  A long white dress dipping low between her breasts with a high slit on one side gave her the appearance of a Greek goddess, which was further accentuated by the blonde hair piled on her head. An unusual giddiness poured from Nadia, infecting Sylvia and the other pack members.

  Grabbing hold of Julia, they danced, twirled and stomped in a tight circle. Their energy and emotions running high, they excluded everyone else from their little world, needing to burn off the excess. Sylvia lost herself in the music, refusing to think, simply feeling. She became a creature of emotions and poured her soul into the moves. All her anguish, fear and sorrow bled out of her, leaving pure joy behind.

  Several songs later, she felt…free, like a wild animal released from a steel trap. Damaged, but not destroyed. Changed by her captivity, shown her limitations, she’d come out stronger.

  She had survived.

  Her thighs ached pleasantly from the strenuous dancing, and a light sheen of sweat coated her body. She grinned at her friends. Needing some time to recover from the frantic pace, they unanimously left the crush of bodies and pushed their way to the far wall.

  Sylvia stole several unoccupied chairs, not caring if drinks littered the tabletops. If someone wanted to make a big deal of it, let them. Crowding around the tiny table, the six women relaxed, although each one continued scanning the crowd. She almost laughed as she realized how bone deep the training went. None of them ever fully relaxed.

  A bored waitress sauntered over to take their order, her hips unconsciously swinging with a seductive invitation. Several hungry eyes tracked her, although no one would touch. The staff was strictly off-limits unless they did the inviting. Punishment, as the employees were subjects of the Fae Queens, was a trip to Fae. A one-way trip.

  Wanting a clear head, Sylvia ordered a vodka cooler without the extras, and the others followed suit.

  “Leave mine capped, please,” Sylvia instructed the waitress.

  The others all asked for the same, and her love for them increased. They didn’t want her to seem odd for her request. How sweet of them, even though it meant they’d noticed her strange new quirks.

  Fingertips drumming on the table, she waited for the waitress to leave. Even with the pounding music, it was possible to overhear private conversations. Once they were relatively alone, Sylvia pounced on Nadia.

  “Okay, talk. What’s up with you? You’re spilling over.”

  The others nodded, proving they’d experienced the same influx of emotions from Nadia.

  Julia glanced at Sylvia, not understanding. They didn’t discuss the inner workings of pack life with outsiders. A precaution against enemies.

  Sylvia knew that as a Mage Enforcer, Julia had received a cursory overview of the other race’s’ weaknesses. Her main focus was policing other mages, though, so she had a better understanding of their particular strengths, weaknesses and society. Plus, it helped that she was one of them. But no Enforcer education, no matter how specialized, included the internal dynamics of werewolf packs. Werewolves just didn’t trust outsiders with such important information.

  However, Jackson trusted her. And Sylvia trusted his judgment.

  When Sylvia nodded slightly, Nadia explained, “I’m the Omega. I help balance the pack and, barring the Alpha, have the closest tie to the pack link. Sometimes when my emotions run high it affects the others near me. What I feel, they feel.”

  A shy, happy smile emerged and threatened to consume Nadia’s radiant face.

  “Don’t keep us in suspense. What’s up?” Heather demanded.

  “It’s Davis. We’re, ah, sleeping together.”

  Sylvia squealed in excitement, surprised at this turn of events. What else had she missed while gone? When the other women also exclaimed in amazement, she realized she wasn’t the only one in the dark. A babble of voices blended together as they bombarded her with questions.

  “When did this happen?”

  “Why didn’t we know?”

  “Does Derek know?” That last question had the group falling silent.

  “Actually, Derek encouraged me,” Nadia said. She ducked her head and made circles in the condensation on the table. “When he spoke to me earlier today, it was because he smelled Davis on me. We were, ah, occupied in one of the bedrooms when he summoned us. I thought for sure he’d transfer Davis. We all know an Omega would never be removed from the pack.”

  “But I thought Davis was in love with someone. That’s why he doesn’t date,” Simone interrupted, voicing the question on Sylvia’s mind. Everyone knew he was hot for a mystery woman, and no amount of pestering loosened his lips.

  Nadia’s happiness dimmed. “We didn’t discuss that. I want to be with him, so I figure I’ll take the good with the bad.”

  “And is it good? With Davis in bed, I mean?” Simone teased, trying to break up the somber mood. When Emma punched her arm, she exclaimed, “What?! It’s not just me who’s curious. Don’t tell me you haven’t fantasized about him before.”

  Heather sighed. “Him and the rest of the Deltas. I wonder what it’d be like to lick Zmitro’s chest. Yummy!”

  “Perverts,” Emma said, shaking her head. “And obviously Isaac’s the most lickable.”

  “What?” screeched Heather. “You can’t stand him! You two are always fighting.”

  “Doesn’t mean I’m blind to his looks. Although I have to admit, I wouldn’t mind giving the twins a try. Rawrrr. I bet Rafi and Kurt are wild in bed.” Emma curled her fingers into claws and swiped at the air.

  “You girls are nuts,” Sylvia chided them. “Obviously, Tariq with those gorgeous eyes is the one to jump. And the way he moves, tell me you haven’t thought about that lethal prowl in your bed.”

  Julia laughed. “Jackson warned me you were crazy.”

  Emma arched an eyebrow at Julia. “Which reminds me, that man of yours is pretty damn hot. How’s he in bed? Does he cast any spells to make it kinky?”

  “Spells in the bedroom? Oh my, do tell!” Heather leaned forward, her chin resting on her propped up hands. “I think I need a mage in my bed.”

  Julia had taken a swig and almost choked on her drink.

  “I thought Dawn was bad! She asked me if Jackson learned any tricks from an incubus. And before you ask, no he didn’t. We also don’t use spells.” A speculative look entered her eyes. “Although, the idea has merit.”

  “Naughty girl!” Sylvia laughed.

  The mage seemed like a good match for Jackson, and after the year he’d had, he deserved happiness. Even better, Julia had already proven her loyalty to him, sticking by him after he’d kidnapped her to help prove his innocence. For that alone, Sylvia was ready to love the other woman.

  The waitress swung by and dropped off their drinks. Sylvia smiled absently at her in thanks as she paid for her cooler. After the Fae walked away, the conversation picked up again.

  “I wouldn’t mind giving Derek a try. Now that’s a mountain I wanna climb,” Simone dreamily added. “All those muscles and such fierceness. I bet he’d dominate in bed.”

  A low, warning growl cut through the laughter, unmistakable to the werewolves. Sylvia realized with dismay the sound came from her. Damn it, one kiss and nights spent talking to her and she thought he belonged to her. She clamped one hand on her throat and the other over her mouth, her eyes wide with horror.

  “I’m so sorry.” Her whisper drifted around her fingers.

  She had no claim on Derek, and to warn off a woman, especially another dominant, was a huge no-no unless she meant it. She might as well have slapped a glove across Simone’s face and declared, “I challenge you to a duel!”

  Wars had been started for less.

  “Oh honey, I meant no harm.” Simone reached over the tiny table and stroked Sylvia’s forearm. “I was just kidding. We’re good, right?”

  A pall hung over the group. Sylvia hung her head, upset she’d ruined the lighthearted mood. For years she had controlled her reactions to Derek and any mention of him with anoth
er woman. Why now? Nothing had changed between them. The kiss hadn’t pleased him. He’d walked away from her, disappointed and upset. The nightly talks were simply an Alpha helping his Beta recover.

  “It’s my fault. I had no right to do that.” Sylvia dropped her hands and gave Simone’s a tender squeeze. “My mind’s a little messed up. I’m feeling overly protective of things I shouldn’t. I kept thinking Derek would save me, that he’d get me out of there, that he wouldn’t let me rot in that hellhole.”

  Nadia wrapped her arms around Sylvia, and she forced herself to accept the comforting touch. “None of us would let you stay there. We searched night and day. Don’t ever doubt our love for you.”

  “And besides, who can blame you for lusting after Derek. He’s a hottie,” Heather teased. “As long as you leave Zmitro to me.”

  With her exaggerated wink, the tension leeched from the group. Stress drained from her with their acceptance, although embarrassment still lingered. How many more mini-upsets would she endure? Would she become feral, a rogue to be hunted down?

  No. No, that wouldn’t happen. She rejected that thought and the weakness it implied. She was strong, and so was her pack. While she might falter, she wouldn’t stay down for long.

  Popping the top off her drink, she took a cautious sniff. No poisons and no drugs. The smell of their drugs had become intimately familiar to her.

  A bittersweet smile curled her lips before she took a swig of her cooler. The tangy grapefruit flavour mingled with the sharpness of the vodka, and she almost groaned in pleasure. This, this she’d missed – drinks with a taste other than sour chemicals. They’d only allowed her water, and that certainly hadn’t masked their damn drugs.

  “So ladies, I think it’s time to get a little rowdy.” Heather grinned fiercely, indicating she wanted to start a bar fight. Any other day and Sylvia would’ve been right there with her. Now however, she worried she’d either freeze or snap.

  “Go ahead. I’ll watch from the sidelines.” She waved to Heather and Simone, the two most likely to be in the thick of trouble.

  While vastly different in looks, they were very similar in temperaments. Energetic, fun-loving and needing a good brawl to let off steam. Nadia always bowed out, too kindhearted to attack unless someone threatened her pack. Emma, well, it depended on whether or not she and Isaac had fought that day. If so, Sylvia pitied whoever was on the receiving end. Many underestimated her due to her size and didn’t realize how vicious she could be.

  As Emma bounced to her feet, nearly vibrating with energy, Sylvia concluded she’d had one hell of a fight today with Isaac. The anticipation of violence lit up her face, the purity and sweetness belied by the ferocious grin.

  “I’ll sit this out, too.” Julia said. “I told Jackson I wouldn’t have too much fun without him. Poor guy’s currently sitting at home, bored since he got the night off. As you know, the Coterie won’t let him do much. I’m happy they let him help you out, Sylvia. He was going stir crazy.”

  Sylvia winced, knowing how difficult the enforced inactivity was on him. Jackson didn’t handle the sidelines with grace and ease, hence why he’d continued investigating while a fugitive.

  Simone stood and stretched. Her camisole rode up, exposing her flat stomach and a smattering of golden freckles spread across her alabaster skin. An unfortunate incubus demon a few tables over ogled her before making his way to their table, a glazed look in his eye. As he mindlessly reached out to touch Simone and potentially charm her, Heather pushed her way between the two.

  “You think you can touch my girl without my permission?” She jabbed her forefinger into his chest, forcing him back a step. He blinked in confusion at her. “She’s my property, and I demand reparations.”

  Her voice rang over the music, and heads swung their way. Sylvia could see the mutterings and eagerness for blood take hold of the crowd. The music cut off abruptly, and a deep voice rumbled through the bar.

  “You know the rules. No hitting a human. No destructive spells. Do not attack the bystanders. And no deaths. Anyone who violates these rules will visit the Queen.”

  A shudder went through the crowd. No one knew if it was the Light or Dark Fae Queen, and quite frankly, it didn’t matter. Everyone feared them equally. Sylvia did her damnedest to avoid pissing them off. On occasion she saw them in an official capacity but stayed across the room from them, safely hidden behind Derek.

  Only the other Coterie leaders showed no fear of them. And, strangely enough, Markus.

  “You heard him. It’s time to fight.” Heather flashed her long canines before she slammed her fist into the incubus’ jaw.

  His head snapped back, although it didn’t stop him from unleashing a punishing kick to Heather’s knee. Emma grappled with a nearby vampire while Simone took on a Fae. None of them would attack any of the other werewolves in the bar, as they were all part of Derek’s pack.

  The handful of humans present scrambled for the chairs along the wall, the solitary “safe zone” in the bar. Everywhere else, a complete free-for-all. And free-for-all it was as werewolves, vampires, demons, Fae and mages attacked one another.

  Sylvia checked on Julia, wondering if she’d ever experienced a bar fight before. There was just something so innocent and wholesome about her. An odd trait for a Mage Enforcer. Sure enough, her eyes were wide, although the rest of her expression was stoic. Her head swiveled, trying to follow the action, but it was an impossible endeavor. There were simply too many fights and participants to keep track of.

  Nadia sat on the other side of Sylvia, effectively sandwiching her between the two women. Any other time and the implication would’ve angered her. A helpless, beaten-down werewolf unable to protect herself. But that’s what she was, wasn’t she?

  A broken Enforcer, a liability to both herself and her pack.

  Leaning her head back against the wall, her lids hooded, she kept tabs on Heather, Simone and Emma. While it didn’t appear they were helping each other, whenever one was about to have an extra, that extra suddenly found himself on the ground. There was a beauty to their movements, as graceful in battles as they were in dancing. A lump choked her as she remembered previous fights she’d taken part in, relishing every moment.

  Now she was too frightened to bother. Would she freeze, letting someone take her down, or would she loose it? If she lost it, would she hurt her friends? A wild beast clawed at her insides, crazed and feral, demanding to be free, and she was afraid. Maybe she was beyond repair, a lame wolf that should be put down.

  Crashes, swearing and bodies slamming into the floor made for a perfect soundtrack to her chaotic thoughts. The smell of sweat and blood teased her nose, pulling her back into that hellhole. How many times had she woken to that very smell? Her stomach churned, and bile rose in her throat.

  They’d be coming for her again. Rests between sessions were short and erratic. Sometimes they wouldn’t even let her heal before drugging her for more experiments. They were nearby, they had to be. Where were they?

  Her eyes darted around the room as her nails dug into the laminated table, ruining its veneer. Short, shallow breaths escaped from her lips, and dizziness assaulted her as she hyperventilated. Was her drink drugged? Maybe the air?

  Oh shit, she had to get out of here.

  Penned in, an easy target for them.

  With one entrance/exit, she’d fall into any trap they’d laid for her.

  A loud, earsplitting whistle rammed through the crowd, causing several to cover their ears. Sylvia flinched from the noise, positive it’d burst her eardrum. She glared accusingly at Nadia, the one who’d whistled.

  “What the hell?!” she demanded but received no answer.

  Nadia wasn’t even paying any attention to her. Instead, she was waving Heather, Simone and Emma over to their table.

  Emma gave a particularly vicious head butt to her opponent, and he dropped to the ground, dazed. Heather slammed her foot into the kneecap of hers before skipping away with Emma. Simone sim
ply gave hers a resounding kiss, stunning the other woman into immobility.

  “What’s up?” Emma asked as they reached the table.

  “Ooh,” Simone said, staring at Sylvia, seeing more than she wanted the Delta to see. “Sweetie, let’s get you home. There’s no sense in having too much fun your first night out.”

  Gently, as if she was a fragile ornament, they guided her towards the door. Once, someone was stupid enough to approach them, thinking they made an easy target as they retreated.

  Julia fielded that one, slamming him with a magical arrow. A fierce growl erupted from the Deltas, warning off any newcomers. The handful of submissive wolves in the club cleared a path for them.

  While grateful her pack had her back, humiliation burned through her. So many witnesses to her weakness. An easy target now, a liability to be destroyed. As a Beta, she was in an enviable position, especially since it was to a Top Alpha.

  While there were a few hundred Alphas in Canada, there were only five Top Alphas. It was a cutthroat competition, and any one of the werewolves in a lower pack could set their sights on her spot in the hierarchy. Even being wounded, mentally or physically, didn’t excuse her from the rights of a challenge. In fact, it gave the challenger more reason to take her out.

  If word got out to the lower packs…

  Perhaps they would misread the situation. Wouldn’t realize how destroyed and frail the abduction had left her.

  Squeezing Nadia’s hand, she took solace in her friends’ presence. They were all happy with their place in the pack and wouldn’t attack while she was weak. No, instead they would protect her with their lives.

  She swallowed hard to get rid of the sudden lump in her throat.

  Chapter Twenty

  Some horrible reality show was on TV, and it barely succeeded in keeping Sylvia’s attention. She was drowning, and her packmates were the cause. They wanted to comfort her through touch, had piled on the couch with her or on the floor at her feet, keeping in constant contact.

  She wanted to push them away. Didn’t they see how much she hated their touch? They were trapping her, making it hard to move, hard to breath.


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